I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 378: If you messed up, pay for it.

Catherine Bigelow stopped the meal for a while, and the waist that was originally standing was also leaning forward slightly, hands on the table, and the eyes were curious, although I always called Eric as a little guy, but this is only she found Ai After Rick actually hit some of his own ideas, he turned to the young man with a refusal. If it comes to movies, anyone has to admit that Eric’s actions in less than three years have exceeded the achievements of most filmmakers, so Eric said she is shooting. "The horror point," Catherine also took it seriously.

Eric said slowly: "What I saw was lost and struggling. It was a kind of strong despair after some people were struggling to break free from the rules. Because of desperation, this group of talents was unscrupulous and burned wildly. Then went to destruction; because of despair, Angelo Pappas became unsuccessful, like many numb people, occasionally recalling the glory of the past, and then died in a certain operation; because of despair, Johnny Utah has shackled himself on the road to catch up with Bodie, such as walking dead, and eventually he found Bodie, and then went to another lost."

"That's... amazing." Catherine Bigelow narrowed her eyes and said with a little emotion: "I have asked Jim about the feeling of this script more than once, then he just said: Oh, dear. This story is awesome."

"So you see, even the people around you can hardly understand the script and the deeper meaning, let alone the ordinary audience. Their attention is more than the surf and skydiving scenes where the adrenaline is soaring. After reading it, they will think. This is a cool story. As for the dissatisfaction of the stereotyped social system that the film wants to convey, the desire for change cannot be understood by 90% of the audience."

Catherine Bigelow frowned and looked at her thoughts. After a while, she asked: "Why... what?"

“It’s very simple. Because your influence is not enough.”

Catherine glanced at Eric: "I know I can't compare with you, kid, smug?"

“I am serious. If you have enough influence, then people will naturally pay more attention to your work, deepen the deconstruction and analysis of your work, and then the ideas you want to express can be people. Know it. Take Jim’s Terminator. In the eyes of many fans and the media, this sensational work, under the appearance of science fiction, expresses complaints and complaints about the endless development of human weapons by human beings. Worries about nuclear war, a very sad theme, isn't it? But many people know that this is not the case. The inspiration of Terminator is actually a nightmare for Jim in a small hotel in Rome because of a high fever. ""

At the beginning, Catherine couldn’t help but nod. She talked about Terminator. The woman thought that Eric was very interesting. She couldn’t help but laugh out: “I will tell Jim what you are today when I have time.”

Eric said that you must have had few chances, and the predecessor of Terminator 2 is ready. It will start up in early September. After returning from New York, Eric also participated in a meeting of the "Terminator 2", from the scene Cameron and Linda Hamilton eyebrows. The cliché story between the director of the wind and the **** actress has already begun, and it is estimated that the day of the filming of "Terminator 2" is the time when Cameron and Catherine are separated.

Of course, Eric did not tell Catherine in advance of this matter, otherwise it would be a provocation, even if it was wrong on Cameron. It will certainly cause women to resent.

"I think Jim will definitely agree with me," Eric answered with a smile. I turned back to the topic just now: "So if you don't want to be a high-minded filmmaker, you need to maximize your influence. There are many ways to shoot controversial films, make high-bay movies, or direct the lucky films. Wait a minute. But the filming of the controversial subject is very risky, and a little carelessness will be counterproductive and cause public dislike. So I think the latter two methods are more practical."

Catherine Bigelow shook his head and envied with some envy: "These methods are easier for you, you are a little monster."

Eric smiled: "Well, I will praise you when you are. Actually, I just want to say that I have a script here that can bring you enough influence if you finish this part. Movies, I think that if you make any movies in the future, you will get enough attention, just don't know if you dare to do it."

"Dare...no... dare?" Catherine Bigelow retorted the sentence and stared at Eric. "Little guy, are you discriminating against me as a woman?"

Eric said: "At least in my memory, no female director has taken a similar subject."

"Stop, let me guess," Catherine Bigelow came to the mood, thinking about his chin, and tempted to ask: "The female director rarely touches, oh... like the instinct of your screenwriter. Color film?"

"Of course not. Many female directors in Europe are more open than Instinct."

"So, Western?"

"No, hey, I have seen your mv for the "reach". I really like the western cowgirl style inside, it's cool, people..."

"Shut up, don't slap the big sister," Catherine stunned Eric, but her mouth was faintly smiling. Obviously, she was not disgusted with Eric's words: "Let me think again." miss you."

Eric shrugged and said, "Well, give you some tips. What do you think is the most important thing for Americans and even Western society in recent months?"

"Of course the Middle East, you have to fight, I don’t mean to let me shoot a war movie?"

Eric made a snap and ignored the curious eyes he had cast around. He said: "Bingo, and definitely not the kind of war film, it is a war movie of World War II, not limited to investment, you want How much it costs, and time is enough. I plan to release it on June 6, 1994, which is just the 50th anniversary of the Normandy landing. So, do you dare to take it?"

Catherine Bigelow had a short hesitation. If Eric is serious, then this film investment must be several times that of this "surprise point". She is different from Cameron. Compared to Cameron's desperate fanaticism, Catherine Bigelow is more obsessed with movies. She likes to shoot movies and likes to use movies to convey her own opinions. But she also understands that if she takes over this big production, she fails, for a female director. It is likely to mean a long silence and even leave Hollywood forever.

"Eric, let me talk about your script first?" Catherine finally failed to resist the temptation, but she still asked this question first. If Eric’s script doesn’t fit her appetite at all, she can naturally push the offer away.

Eric has a clear view of Catherine's expression. For this script to choose, Eric is still very confident to let Catherine enter, for this he will be the work of Catherine Bigelow and the memory. The Oscar's "The Hurt Locker" and the subsequent "Hunting*" were carefully analyzed.

Many of Catherine Bigelow's personal styles are very strong, whether it is the early "ruthless" or the latest "Hunting*" in Eric's memory. They all have a calm despair. Although the memory of "Hunting*" and the current "Thriller" are different for 20 years, the two protagonists of the two films have the same goal. They all completed their own tasks, one that abandoned the badge of fbi, one that shed tears without joy, even if it was the best director's "The Hurt Locker", William turned around in a circle and stepped again. On the battlefield.

And Eric chose. It is a story about hope, despair and hope. It seems to be two extremes, but often as close as a brother.

"This is a story about eight saves one." Eric said: "On June 6, 1944, after the Normandy landing, three of the four brothers of the Ryan family died at the same time, their mothers on the same day. Three notices of death were received, and the remaining son of the family, James Ryan, also went to the enemy with the airborne troops, and died. In order to give this sad mother a hope, the military high-level dispatched rice. The eight-member team headed by Le Zhongyi went deep into the theater and tried to find James Ryan and took him away from the battlefield..."

Eric's eloquence is not bad, plus the complete film in his mind, so the whole story is coming, Catherine has always maintained a serious listening attitude, with no personal discovery, people in the restaurant have not realized it. A lot less. The deputy director who was responsible for arranging the shooting schedule saw that the two people were very involved in the discussion, so they did not come forward to remind the two that they were almost ready to shoot.

In Eric's view, "Saving Private Ryan" is not a complete American-style melody film, at least not the same as the main melody films he has seen.

The film truly shows the cruelty and fierceness of the Normandy landing scene, portraying a group of ordinary soldiers with distinctive characters. For their mission, a group of eight people are full of doubts and disputes from beginning to end. Someone in the role is dead, maybe they are asking why. .

This kind of film with the torture of war and the portrayal of humanity clearly makes Catherine Bigelow, who is still a young woman in literature, very excited, and she also understands that as a woman, if she can make such a war The sensation caused by epic movies must be universal. As a female director who is widely discriminated against in Hollywood, Catherine Bigelow, who is very strong, is eager to prove that her thoughts are stronger than many people.

Faced with a woman's tempting expression, Eric said as a salesman, "How about, Catherine, do you want to take the script, although you have not made such a big movie, but this is not a problem, because the plan On the 50th anniversary of the landing in Normandy, from now until June 6, 1994, you have been working on this film for nearly four years, four years, enough for you to prepare everything."

Instead of answering immediately, Catherine Bigelow asked: "According to what you said, the investment in this movie is estimated to be more than twice that of "The Shock". Are you not afraid that I will screw up this project?"

I messed up with the meat, Eric thought evilly, but said: "Of course not afraid, I believe in your ability, not to mention me."

"If you're always interfering with filmmaking like many Hollywood producers, I won't pick up the film."

"As long as you recognize the script I wrote, then I will not interfere too much with the production of this film. I just said that when the film production is in trouble, it will be timely to help. But I believe that four years, enough Solve all the problems."

"Then you should write the script first to show it to me," Catherine Bigelow noticed that there were very few people in the restaurant and stood up and said, "It's time to work."

"Then I will write the script as soon as possible," Eric also stood up and the two walked side by side outside the restaurant.

In the following days, Eric often appeared in the "Freaking Point" crew. The script for "Save the Ryan" was successfully completed a week later. Eric took the first draft of the script to Catherine.

After seeing it, the woman is obviously more heart-felt. She also put forward a lot of suggestions. For some small details that are irrelevant, Eric is happy to agree, but when it touches the core connotation of the script, Eric will not make too much. Concession, but argue with Catherine.

So in the filming of the film, the crew members often see what the director and the producer are negotiating, and occasionally they will fall into a dispute. This situation has caused many people to be afraid, and this kind of dispute will affect the film. Shooting, but their fears are obviously superfluous. Until the end of September, the filming progress has come to an end, and Eric and Catherine have not made any sharp contradictions.

In a month's time, in addition to paying attention to the shooting of "The Shock", Eric also paid attention to things in New York almost every day, and also flew to New York two or three times during the period.

Time came to October. After two months of deployment, the number of US troops arriving in the Persian Gulf has reached 500,000. A war is almost inevitable. The international crude oil price broke through 40 dollars in the first few days of October. High position. However, with the increasing military strength of the US military in the Persian Gulf and the various measures to stabilize crude oil prices jointly introduced by the United States and Saudi Arabia, the growth of crude oil prices has also plunged after entering the high level of 40 US dollars.

By convention, most people feel that the next round of soaring crude oil prices should be at the moment of the war.

However, Eric knew that after the outbreak of the war, with the joint * team's devastating offensive, the price of crude oil not only did not rise, but fell. But this should be the next year's event. Now, it is time to count the first round of harvest. (To be continued)

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