I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 381: October

Eric and Chris spent a few hours agreeing on a detailed plan for absorbing Disney stocks from the secondary market. Chris collected the memo handwritten, seeing Eric’s intention to leave, and suddenly remembered another Things, stopped him: "Eric, there are still things I almost forgot to say."

When Eric sat down again, Chris said: "In August, the Cisco board of directors passed a resolution to dismiss the founder Gray's all positions at Cisco. The two have now left the company."

Chris said, got up and found a folder from the filing cabinet and handed it to Eric. Eric turned it over and saw it as a resolution file of the Cisco board of directors in mid-August. After reading it, Ai. Rick looked up and asked, "What is going on?"

"The Greys feel that the current Cisco management is too much in pursuit of interests, which is not in line with their original intention to create Cisco. It has been a few times. I just met once in the Cisco mid-year meeting in June. The couple pointed at the nose of the company ceo Morgan Ritchie, and the meeting was postponed for three hours. In August, the unbearable management of the company threatened the board with a collective resignation, and finally through the proposal to hire the Gray couple in all positions in Cisco."

I told the whole story briefly, Chris said with a touch of contempt: "In fact, they are not related to the company's business strategy. The couple are just losing control of Cisco." Yu Huai."

"I know this, unless it threatens our interests, otherwise we try not to intervene in Cisco management."

Chris nodded. "I understand. But what I am going to say is the next thing. After the Greys left Cisco, they revealed the news of selling stocks. I think you may be interested. We just have enough funds now. ""

Eric recalled the equity division of Cisco. Exciting look, after the listing of Cisco, the creation of the Grey couple in the hands of Cisco 27.6% of the shares, is still Cisco's largest shareholder, and the initial investment in Cisco's Sequoia Capital has 23.5% of the shares, ranked second . The third place is the Firefly Investment Company, which holds 23% of the shares, and the remaining 30% of the shares are scattered among institutional investors and company management.

Although it is a listed company, because the market is not optimistic about the development prospects of Cisco when the market is listed, most of the shares sold by Cisco are only subscribed by the investment institutions. The shares that flow into the secondary market are very rare. It is simply not feasible to absorb the plan to increase the shareholding in the circulation market. The investors who have already obtained the shares will not be easily dismissed because of the good performance of Cisco after the listing. The sale of the shares in the hands of the Greys is certainly the only opportunity to increase their holdings of Cisco stocks on a large scale.

If you can take all the shares in the hands of the Greys, the firefly investment is almost equal to the absolute holding of Cisco. This is what Eric dreams of.

“How much do they offer?” Eric asked directly about this most critical issue, with a willingness in the tone.

Chris can also understand what Eric is thinking, as the manager of the firefly investment. He knew more about Cisco's situation than Eric. He shook his head and smiled: "Eric, you may be disappointed. The Greys did not want to sell all the shares in their hands. They are only willing to take two-thirds of the shares. It's about 18%. The price is $250 million, which is 30% higher than the market price. So most of the interested investors are now negotiating with the Grays, and I guess the final transaction price will not exceed 200 million."

"Contact the Gray couple as soon as possible. We must win this share. Anyway, we have enough funds now. It doesn't matter if you have a price." Eric thought for a moment and said: "This way, you tell the Grey couple if they are willing If we sell all the shares in our hands, we will buy them at a premium of 30%."

"I will convey it, but it is unlikely. If the couple do not need funds to start a business again, it is estimated that 18% of the shares will not be sold."

"Trying there will always be no loss," Eric nodded.


In the past few days when Eric came to New York again, the international crude oil price reached an unprecedented high of 41 US dollars per barrel. Almost the same few days, the Western countries and the Middle East several major oil exporting countries began to introduce various effective stable crude oil prices. The first step is that Saudi Arabia has announced that it will increase domestic crude oil production capacity to 100% to supply market demand. North American and European countries have also begun to use their crude oil reserves to stabilize the market. Together with the United States-led joint * all deployed in the Persian Gulf, The total strength exceeded 600,000 people. On the weaponry, it formed a comprehensive suppression of Iraq. Under the influence of various bad news, crude oil prices began to fall slowly.

Even Eric himself did not think that his chances of another trip to New York were so coincidental that he just caught up with the fall after the crude oil price reached its peak. Therefore, after returning to Los Angeles again, various temptations swarmed again, without exception, spying on the proceeds of his oil crisis.

In the course of Eric’s operation of crude oil futures, the principal of up to 500 million U.S. dollars was temporarily borrowed from the seven major film companies, and the Seventh Congress finally found nothing but borrowing and an optional interest. So some people want to know how much money they have earned from their own funds. It seems that as long as they know the result, they will be comforted when they lose.

It is of course impossible for Eric to disclose specific information to stimulate those people. He can't do such inhumane things. In this temptation, Eric often circumvents the topic in a few words. So some people had to turn their attention to the movement of Eric's company, hoping to get some information from it.

But as time went by, except for the plans of the firefly insects about the production site of the Prea Vista, only Firefly Investment announced that it would acquire an 18% stake in the hands of Cisco founder Gray, for $210 million. In addition, Eric does not seem to have much action. Although Eric claimed to invest $1 billion in negotiations with the Prea Vista community officials, it is obvious to the discerning eye that the shooting base of Prea Vista cannot be spent so much, not to mention the money. The project has a period of several years, with the first investment of up to 100 million.

This kind of calm and small slap in the face made many people feel a little more peace of mind, self-comfortably guessed that Eric probably did not make much money.

With the gradual passing of October, Hollywood is about to usher in the New Year’s card at the end of the year. The big film company has already started the hot publicity of the main movie at the end of the year. The top seven film company executives are a little gratified with a little bit of surprise. It was discovered that this New Year's file, Eric, did not have any personally directed film release except for a producer's "Surprising Point."

At the end of the year, there were only two films released by Firefly. In addition to "The Shocking Point", there was another film by Robert Shea, "Ghost Detective", which was amazed by the imitation of "Ghost Hunting". The comedy style is a movie that Eric has never heard of. It is estimated that the butterfly effect is different. The investment in the film has reached 40 million. According to the agreement between Robert Shea and Eric, the firefly Accounted for a quarter of the investment.

The Firefly's "Little Ghosts" series, which has been the mainstay for two consecutive years, has not produced a sequel this year.

Mainly because Stewart’s caa brokerage company raised a $15 million sky-high payout, almost twice as much as last year, and the Langkel couple seemed to be 'opening up' this time, no longer willing to interfere, and handed over the remuneration negotiations. Caa.

If you accept the salary paid by caa, plus the price increase of other stars in the movie, the cost of forcing the sequel will only reach 25 million, the total cost of the sequel will exceed 50 million, plus the later marketing budget, the film needs In order to recover the cost of the 140 million box office, according to the downward trend of the box office of the first two films, the possibility of making a loss in this sequel is very high. Eric has not considered too much, and temporarily cut off the production plan of the sequel.

On the day when the fireflies will suspend the "Little Ghosts" series, Stewart's agent immediately called to make concessions, but Eric, who was busy with futures trading, did not mean to talk to Caa again, and refused directly. other side. Fireflies don't rely heavily on a movie series like some movie companies, so they don't need to be too accommodating to the film's main creation. Some people, since they don't know how to lion open their mouths, have to smash their teeth and swallow them. consciousness.

"The Shocking Point" was sealed in mid-October and is expected to take a month to complete the post-production, but these days, Eric did not go to Catherine Bigelow because of Cameron and Linda Hamilton. The extramarital affair was caught by the paparazzi, accompanied by photos on the newspaper.

On the day of the news disclosure, Catherine rushed to the scene of "Terminator 2" in New Mexico. After Cameron personally admitted to the derailment, the woman simply divorced Cameron and did not drag the water. But Cameron is not the unmarried director after all. As a married man and the heroine, there is an extramarital affair. It is likely that it will affect the box office of Terminator 2. Therefore, after the two parties agree to the release of Terminator 2, Announce the news of the divorce.

Although this incident temporarily caught the media, but there are many informed people, Eric, as an investor in two films, certainly cannot know. As a very independent woman, Catherine Bigelow was only 35 years old because she admired Cameron's talent and married each other. I didn't expect this marriage to last less than three years, and the husband went out of the way and placed it on any woman. Estimates are hard to accept.

Although Catherine was still calm and meticulous when she was working, it did not seem to be affected by the breakdown of marriage. However, when Eric appeared, the woman’s gaze would occasionally become faint, and the man should be oiled with a kind of heart under the sun. The fried eyes looked at him. This feeling made Eric's back cool. He didn't want to slap the bad things that Cameron screamed, so he simply let go of the "surprise point". (To be continued)

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