I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 388: there is a problem

In order to invite Eric to participate in the premiere of "The Fighting Condor", Foxter intended to advance the premiere to the day before "Ghost Detective", but Eric did not intend to attend the premiere of "Ghost Detective". With Fox's sincerity, he couldn't attend the premiere of "The Fighting Condor," and it was enough to let them use their fame to promote it. ¥f

As the "Rocky 5" which was put forward by MGM-Lianmei with a high hope and cost of 60 million, the canvas was the most popular among the three films, but the box office was released in the first weekend, but many people were surprised.

The most optimistic "Rocky 5" is the one with the worst performance. The previous sequel to this series has a net income of 300 million US dollars. Therefore, "Rocky 5" has a full canvas of 2,000.

But three days in the first weekend, "Rocky 5" only got 14.35 million box office, averaging less than 7,000 US dollars. You know, the previous sequel "Rocky 4" can reach $15,000 in the same period.

Not only is the attendance rate extremely low, but the reputation of "Rocky 5" is also extremely poor. The box office statistics agency directly reduced the box office of the movie to 50 million. There is no possibility to recover the cost. The media also predicted this. The film is likely to be the end of the "Rocky" series.

The "Ghost Detective" released by more than 1900 theaters is only a little better than "Rocky 5" and has won more than 15 million box office. However, this thriller comedy that imitates "Ghostbusters" also did not get a good reputation.

In comparison, the most eye-popping is the "Anti-Fighting Condor" released by Fox. This movie, which can almost be said to be "chaotic", has received a low-pitched evaluation from the filmmakers. Even a lot of excited conservative film critics regard this film as a flaw in classic films.

But the accident is. This very novel spoof film situation has been welcomed by a large audience. Three days in the first weekend, the film won 25 million box office in more than 1900 theaters. This figure is just the same as the cost of the film. If the film doesn't have much box office drop, it may even become another box office for Fox this year. A billion-dollar movie.

So far, Fox has only a 110 million box office in the summer file, "Die Hard Long Wei 2", but the production cost of "Die Hard 2" is 70 million US dollars, and the declaration is close to 100 million US dollars. Even if the overseas box office is good, "Die Hard 2" did not make any money.

Although "Anti-Fighting Condor" has 30% of Eric's investment, Fox must still take the big picture, plus the overseas distribution and the follow-up videotape, this spoof movie will easily bring in more than 100 million US dollars of profits.

Therefore, after the box office was released three days in the first weekend, Fox immediately announced the production plan for the sequel.

While Fox was ecstatic, the mood of the Hollywood counterparts was quite complicated. The box office of the original Ghost Detective was not ideal. They thought it would be Eric's first Waterloo. But the results of "The Fighting Condor" followed everyone and surprised everyone.

I investigated it in detail. Some people soon discovered that most of the investment in "Ghost Detective" came from a so-called high-end film company, a good-looking film company. When I heard this name, most people seemed to understand what it was, and then reminiscent of the black ant film company that Eric suddenly set up in the first half of the year. They realized that there was a problem inside the firefly.

However, Eric has not spared time to pay attention to the film in recent days. On the eve of Thanksgiving, the multinational coalition forces issued an ultimatum to the Saddam government after the deployment of more than 600,000 troops in the Middle East. Require Saddam to withdraw from Iraq by January 15, 1991.

However, Saddam immediately gave the United States an extremely tough response, saying that he would 'resist to the end.'

After the news was revealed, the crude oil futures market began a new round of shocks.

The memory of the Gulf War broke out on January 17 after two days of the ultimatum. Eric believes that even if his little butterfly shakes something, this time will not be much worse.

In order not to attract too much attention, this time Eric did not fly to New York, but Chris came to Los Angeles.

Most of the time, most people did not think that Iraq would use force against Kuwait. This time, speculators still prefer to be as protracted as the first two wars in the United States after the outbreak of war. Once this happens, the price of crude oil will once again be Soaring, so after the ultimatum, speculators have begun to build a large number of long positions.

In the face of Eric's and ordinary people's bearish views, Chris did not have much doubt this time, but this time there is also a big difference between before and before August. Before August, crude oil prices have been rising slowly, waiting until Iraq. After the invasion of Kuwait, it suddenly rose to a high of 40 dollars.

But now, in the face of a war that is going on, the crude oil futures market will become more volatile, and it will take two months from now to the outbreak of the war, whether it is the Western countries or the Saddam government. Any sensitive information may cause the price of crude oil to rise or fall, and the use of the original ten times leverage is tantamount to death.

After deliberation, the two unanimously decided to use $2 billion in funds to use the five-fold leverage of the comparative insurance, and the remaining funds were used as reserve funds.

On the one hand, this can minimize the risk. On the other hand, Eric wants to put all the money into it, but the size of the futures market is so big. Five times the leverage of 10 billion dollars is already the limit. . If billions of dollars are fully leveraged, there will be no banks that guarantee tens of billions of dollars.

Chris left in Los Angeles for two days and Eric quickly put his mind on the most important thing. Even when it was Thanksgiving with Druid Xiao Nizi, Eric did not stop the relevant deployment.

Although the federal government's statutory Thanksgiving holiday is only one day, usually companies will have a holiday from Thanksgiving Thursday to Monday next week. Fireflies are no exception, and Thanksgiving in 1990 was on November 22.

Monday, November 26.

Because of the release of several new films on November 22nd and 23rd, the second weekend, "Rocky 5" box office fell by 55%, only received less than 7 million box office, and "Ghost Detective" fell nearly 50% The 40 million movie is likely to lose money, but the "Fighting Condor" is under the attack of several new films. The second week of the weekend, the company still won 16 million box office for three days, and the total box office has reached more than 4,700. Million.

This day happened to be the year-end meeting of the fireflies. When she arrived at the company early in the morning, Robert Shea was keenly aware that the company’s atmosphere was somewhat wrong. He thought that this was a mockery of the box office failure of his "Ghost". Therefore, he also made a temper to a staff member.

At nine o'clock, when everyone arrived, the meeting officially began. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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