I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 403: I regret

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When Alice heard Charlotte's words, she immediately turned and looked back. Eric's black car was already hidden in the late night traffic.

Alice turned around and turned to Charlotte. "You just didn't tell me, then I can sign him a sign."

"He doesn't want to admit it, but what is the use?" Charlotte shrugged and said with a little regret: "Oh, it's a pity. If you can... tonight, we definitely don't have to squeeze in the street." In the small apartment on the side, maybe I can go to Hollywood."

Alice’s face is red: “No wonder you just said that.”

Charlotte smiled awkwardly on Alice: "You are not looking forward to it. In fact, I still judge from the woman around him that he is Eric. You just heard no, he called the woman. Catherine, I am sure that she is Catherine Bigelow. Before she went to nbc's "Tonight Show" to promote "Thriller", remember, you just returned from Colorado that day, we arrived late, just to see The show that day."

"I remembered, but Catherine Bigelow looks so young, isn't that she is in her thirties?"

"Thirty-nine-year-old," Charlotte said, admiring his face with admiration. "If I am so beautiful at this age, I will wake up dreaming."


When Erik and Catherine returned to the hotel car, the woman did not say a word for a long time, and Eric finally couldn’t help but ask: "What do you think?"

Catherine looked at Eric and did not hide her thoughts. She said: "I am thinking about being far away from you. You are too dangerous. If you get along less than an hour, you will be willing to join the two girls. You go to the trampoline."

Eric said: "Maybe they recognize me, you know, I am very rich, which is a good opportunity for ordinary girls who are at the bottom of the metropolis."

"The short-haired girl recognized you, the girl in Zamao did not. But she did not hint at the short-haired girl," Catherine easily broke the key: "Of course, it doesn't matter to me, the important thing is..." I lifted my wrist and looked at my watch: "It’s already 10:00, and when there is no work, I will rest at ten o'clock. This is the rule I set for myself. And before that, I have never Didn't go to the overnight store. No... I wore a white scarf, Becky sneaked at my scarf before dinner and asked what happened. I don't know how to explain it."

Eric couldn't help but touch his nose and said, "It sounds like a serious look."

“Of course it’s very serious. The inertia of human instincts is very powerful. It takes years to build a rigorous lifestyle, but destroying it may only take a week of indulgence.”

"I didn't take you to indulge?"

Catherine looked at Eric in a complicated way, remembering the age gap between the two people and saying: "It is an indulgence with you."

Eric distinguished: "But today, did you invite me?"

"I regret."

I don't know why. Listening to Catherine, Eric suddenly remembered the 20-dollar of a certain Lori. It seems that no matter how old a woman is, it is a gift that is unreasonable, but occasionally a little temper is a woman's cuteness.

Katherine didn't know what Eric thought about it. After saying this, she turned her face and looked out the window.

Until the Soho Hotel, neither of them spoke until they walked into the elevator together. On the floor where Catherine lived, the woman took a few steps, but did not leave the elevator immediately. She turned and blocked the elevator door to Eric. "Sorry, Eric, I just reacted a bit too much. I shouldn't say that."

Eric exaggeratedly grabbed his chest: "Scared me, I thought you would never take care of me again. As a comfort, should there be a hug before Goodnight?"

A little apology that Catherine had just risen with the expression of Eric.

This little color embryo!

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. The woman glanced at Eric and turned away and left the elevator without returning.

Early in the morning, Catherine came to the restaurant on time. Eric is already sitting there.

The woman’s footsteps had just hesitated, but Eric looked up and smiled: “Isn’t it really going to draw a line with me?”

Catherine also felt that she was too sensitive and sat down to Eric.

After having breakfast together, Eric asked the waiter to clean up the table and said to Catherine: "I am going back to Los Angeles today. When are you going to go back?"

Catherine felt relieved and asked easily: "I plan to stay for another month and go back at the end of February. Is your business done?"

"The war in the Middle East has begun to sweep, and all the dust settles. I don't have to stay here again. And my next movie needs to start preparation."

"Is the "Tornado" you mentioned?"

Eric smiled and said: "Yes, I am starting to prepare now. I will make it this year and release it next summer."

"One year, the cycle is long."

Eric explained: "In the future, special effects movies have become the mainstream of Hollywood. You will find that this cycle is not long. In fact, this is also a disguised monopoly. As the investment in movies grows, the production cycle becomes more and more Long, those independent production companies with very low risk tolerance will be largely eliminated in large numbers. Only one of Hollywood's major studios can support this kind of film project."

Catherine said: "I am not interested in telling me what to do."

Eric just wants to tell the opposite woman a fact that all the works of Catherine in the memory are movies, and it also causes her to spend a lot of time on the financing process for each production.

"Well, say something right," Eric will put in a thick paper bag at his hand and hand it to Catherine: "This is the script for "Save the Ryan", I followed the film "The Surprise" At the time of our discussion, we made some changes. In our spare time, we took some time to take some shots, a total of 76 pairs, which you can use as a reference."

Catherine heard Eric draw 76 sub-shots and couldn’t help but open it. She saw the draft of Eric’s flower in the study room at Sharp Point Manor, but opened it and looked at it. The style of the painting is very different from the style I have seen at that time. It is very scribbled, but it can easily distinguish the relevant scenes.

“The painting is so ugly,” the woman said with a smile.

Eric said: "If there is enough time, I can paint as sophisticated as an industrial design."

Catherine looked at the drawing in her hand and said, "But, I don't seem to have agreed to take the film?"

"Think about it while looking at it," Eric said. "But you can imagine that if you can shoot even the war epic that the female director rarely touches, win enough praise and box office, then you will In Hollywood, there will never be any difference in gender, isn’t it?”

Katherine heard Eric’s words, the action paused, obviously very moving, thinking for a moment, the woman quickly made up her mind: “Well, I took the film, but you can’t intervene too much, I I don't want to shoot it out, others will attribute it to you."

Eric smiled: "Of course no problem, I can give you another producer."

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