I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 409: Result

The grand party also had a moment of finale. At midnight, the guests left, and the party’s work was very efficient. It took only an hour to restore the messy party to the scene.

As the manor of the manor and the staff of the party company gradually withdrew from the villa, the bright and free city of the city gradually dimmed, and the paparazzi drifting in the distant sea took a whole night on the terrace of the mansion. Satisfied to drive the speedboat to leave silently.

After changing the party's evening gown, Drew got into the bathroom and took a shower. He scented himself and put on a sky blue t-shirt from Eric. He walked into the bedroom with bare white legs.

"Eric, my birthday present?" Xiao Nizi jumped into the big bed, and the cat looked like Eric to ask with a spoiled look.

Eric put his **** into the small paw of his magazine and said, "Isn't there a room in the storage room downstairs? You can't finish it tomorrow."

"I am not rare, I am asking you for a birthday present for me?"

"This, I went to Rodeo Drive for a lap, the things there are too expensive, not willing to buy..." Seeing that Xiao Nizi was very 'cooperating' to cry and ruin the baby face, Eric then said: "So, I did it myself."

After Eric finished, he took out a small, beautifully packaged box from under the pillow and handed it to Drew.

Xiao Nizi can't wait to take the box apart and take things out. There is a small sketch in the solid wood picture frame slightly smaller than the 32-book book. The baby face girl wearing a navel t-shirt and small hot pants. , standing on a wide street. The corner of the mouth smiled and looked at the people passing by. Other than that. The girl's back with a pair of wings, painted a touch of gray.

The lines in the picture are very slender. Although the whole picture has only one ordinary photo size, even if the girl's fingers or the feathers of the wings look vivid, it obviously takes a lot of thought.

Drew looked at the picture frame in his hand and smiled with a small mouth, obviously very satisfied, but still pointed to the pair of wings of the girl in the picture: "Eric. Why is it painted gray?"

"Because the gray symbol is lost," Eric touched the soft blond hair of the girl in her arms, recalling the many memories of Drew before the rebirth, and the bit by bit after the encounter between the two men, with a smile on her lips, slowly saying: "The lost angels of the gray wings, they do not bear the mission and **** like the holy angels, and they are different from the evil and sinking of fallen angels. They live only for their own happiness, not being inspired, not loving the world." They were willful and indifferent, and they were unrestrained. So they said that they were too selfish and exiled them in the world. I just picked one up and was entangled and couldn’t leave, and she painted her to remind herself not to commit the same again. mistake."

Drew listened quietly in Eric's arms, and he didn't know when the flash of light flashed. After Eric said, she left the frame in her hand and flung softly on Eric. Her arms wrapped around Eric's neck and rosy lips came together. Eric did not push Xiao Nizi away as usual, and grabbed Drew's soft waist and kissed him.

The next day was just Saturday, Xiao Nizi’s initiative to let the two people toss until 4 or 5 in the morning to sleep, Eric got up at 10 o'clock in the morning, Drew was in the bed and climbed in the afternoon to climb stand up.

For the rest of February, Eric spent the intense preparations for Tornado. After several rounds of audition, all the main characters of the film were confirmed. By the beginning of March, the pre-screen script was disassembled and the schedule was made. The budgeting and the work of hiring actors and staff have been completed.

The digital field is located in a working room at the Venice Beach headquarters, and Eric and many technicians wait patiently in front of a small computer.

As a special effect artist sitting in front of the computer skillfully manipulates the machine in front of him, a moment later, a play window appears on the computer screen, and the effector operates the mouse and presses the play button.

In the silent picture, it is a wooden house standing alone in the wilderness, but all the houses are shown as a gray background. This house is really strange.

However, everyone present knows that this house is completely cg-made. After the complicated material rendering, it looks really difficult to distinguish, so no one is fussing. But everyone is also excited about their design success, even if it is a few months ago, they are still not sure whether pure cg special effects can reach the level of true and false, but no one has doubts about it now.

One second after the still camera of the house appeared, a gray tornado appeared on the left side of the picture and rolled up to the house. As the tentacles of the tornado touched the house, the wooden house began to shake and gradually broke, although the picture was still silent, but the onlookers People seem to hear the roar of the tornado in the ear and the snoring of the house when it is dismantled by the wind. After a few seconds, the house was devastated by a tornado and became a ruin with only the foundation left.

In the short 8 seconds, the lens was played, and everyone in the studio spontaneously swelled.

Cameron was originally engaged in the post-production work of Terminator 2 in the digital field. I heard that there are good things to see, and Eric came to the studio, Cameron curiously came together, I did not expect to see it. In front of the amazing scene, as a director who is passionate about technology, Cameron can understand the technical content contained in this short 8-second lens than anyone else.

At the end of the picture, Cameron patted Eric’s shoulder: “It’s unbelievable. I don’t think these are all made by computer effects. If I don’t know it beforehand, I will definitely think that the house is real. The picture of the house being destroyed by a tornado is even more shocking."

Stan Winston on the other side sighed: "It's too expensive. The lens in 8 seconds cost $3 million, enough to make a good movie, and it's a pity that this shot can't be used. In the movie."

Eric watched the effects artist play the camera again, and he was relieved.

When making this material, Eric made the lens to the specialist according to the highest level of specifications. Although the picture is not complete, there is no other scene around the house, but the short 8 second lens is just post rendering. On the one hand, the rendering farm, which has just invested $10 million in the digital domain, has been working at full capacity for 16 hours. Rendering the farm's huge processor cluster burned more than $100,000 in power consumption.

However, at this time, Eric did not feel that it was a pity for the lens to invest $3 million in the 8 seconds. He was as excited as the special effects artists around him. The results of this shot at least prove that all his financial and energy investment in the past year is worthwhile.

"Well, Stan, these inputs are a must. If you can't accurately test the feasibility of the tornado cg lens, the movie will not be necessary for production. Let's go to your office and talk." Astronomy, novels are better updated faster!


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