I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 413: Or

A Chevrolet stopped at the parking lot of the Firefly headquarters. Jim Carrey got off the car from the co-pilot, once again looked at the window and looked at her dress, and quickly made a few facial expressions to make herself look more spiritual. . The opposite agent, Carl Meeksen, also came down, and the two talents walked toward the office building not far away.

After notifying the reception at the front desk, the two entered the elevator together.

Standing side by side in the ascending elevator, Jin Kairui held his hands in front of him and padded his feet. The agent next to his eyes said, "It is... unbelievable."

Carl Meeksen is also looking forward to the look: "Yeah, that's Eric Williams, I just thought it was a scam."

Arriving at the top floor, the elevator doors opened, and Kim Kerry and Carl Meeksen saw a man who looked like a 30-year-old standing outside the elevator.

"Hello, Mr. Kerry, Mr. Mexon, I am Williams' assistant, Alan Fissman."

Seeing the other hand reaching out to himself, Jin Kairui quickly stepped forward: "Hello, I am Jin Kairui."

"Of course," Allen felt the cramp of Jim Carrey and smiled. "I have seen your performance material, Mr. Kerry."

After shaking hands with Carl Meeksen, Allen said: "Please come with me, Mr. Williams is in the meeting, it will take a while, just you can take a look at the contract."

Upon hearing the words of the contract, both Kim Kerry and Carl Meeksen showed some excitement. When they came to a reception room, Allen handed the printed contract to two people. Road: "You can look at it first. I still have some things. When Mr. Williams is busy, I will call you."

After leaving Allen, Kim Carrey and Carl Meeksen quickly opened the contract folder.

After reading a few pages in a hurry, Carl Meekson looked up and said with anxiety: "Gold, this is an option contract."

Jim Carrey just nodded her head and still read the contract in her hand. It was noticed that Kim Carrey did not react much, and Carl Mickelson continued to read it.

After Carl Mexon finished reading, he didn't know what to say.

The contracts in hand are harsh and not harsh. The harsh point is that this contract requires that Kim Carrey can only film for a film company within the next five years. This condition is very similar to the contract of the big studio star of the decade. But the difference is that the contract does not stipulate that Kim Carrey wants to be like a big studio. The famous actor can only take his salary. He can negotiate with the film company according to the box office data of his own movie. And within five years, Kim Kerry wants to default and pays up to $100 million in liquidated damages.

One hundred million dollars!

Carl Meekson looked at the guy beside him. He never thought that the agent he represented was worth $100 million.

Kim Kerry will finish the contract. Looking up at the agent, I asked, "Karl. Isn't that about working with Fireflies? Why does the contract show that I have to sign a contract with Tg Film?"

Although Carmexen is only a small broker who is not very eye-catching at the bottom of William Morris Brokerage, he is much more informed than the news of Jim Carrey, and cautiously glances at the closed door of the guest room, Kalme. Kesen whispered: "The founders of tg film company, Elizabeth Murdoch, Drew Barrymore and Julia Roberts are inextricably linked to Eric Williams, and even rumors that they are It is Williams's woman. Recently, Oscar's hot thriller "The Silent Lamb" was made by these three women with the support of Williams, so it is not much different from signing with tg and signing with Firefly."

Kim Kerry admired Eric’s Yan Fu and said: “What about the contract, what do you think?”

Carl Meekson can see that Kerry Carey has already moved, and the actor who is barely able to squeeze into the ranks of three-line artists like Ginquery can work with Hollywood's hottest Eric Williams, which is fundamental for many of the same level of actors. It’s a good thing that dreams don’t dare to think.

"Gold, almost all of the terms of this contract are for your personal restrictions, and even up to $100 million in liquidated damages, and there are no terms for how many films are arranged for you within five years. Once you Conflict with tg, they can even refrigerate you because of the huge liquidated damages."

Kim Kerry said: "How can I conflict with tg?"

"The actors who appear in the Williams film will have a huge increase in value. If you finish a movie, your pay will rise to 5 million US dollars, but tg will only give you a million pay, you said you will not with them. Conflict?"

Jin Kairui smiled and said: "Karl, I only took a $50,000 payment in the horror film six years ago. I starred in a TV series last year, and even only $2,000 per episode. Even if you say it, it doesn't seem to be one. A bad thing, if I miss this opportunity, I don’t know if I have a chance to get a $1 million pay in my life."

Kalmykson shook his head gently. He knew Kim’s character very well, because he had experienced a long time of hardship in his junior life, and Kim Kerry had a great view of money. Now, even though he has a little loss, he has nothing to look at. If he really rises to $5 million, he can only get $1 million in pay. He feels that Jin Kairui, who has suffered a big loss, is not blamed for falling out of the movie company.

But in my heart, Kalmykson did not say it. No one would like others to say that they are greedy. Once he reached a partnership with Eric Williams, Jim Carrey's payouts are likely to become his main income.

"Gold, you have to think about it, although I would like to help you fight with Eric Williams, but you should understand that in our capacity, there is no room for bargaining with him, we don't even know. What movie are you about to work with Eric Williams?"

While the two were discussing in the reception room, in the office not far away, Eric was discussing with the Catherine Bigelow who came back from New York about "Saving Private Ryan."

During the period of World War II information in New York. Catherine has a strong interest in this history. Even in a large number of World War II historical materials, I found the prototype character of "Save the Great Ryan." This made Eric a little surprised because he didn’t know the story and the prototype.

Eric intends to let "Rescue Ryan Ryan" be released on the 50th anniversary of the Normandy landing in 1994. Catherine plans to conduct detailed data and field surveys in one year, starting preparations next year and officially shooting in the summer of 1993. This is similar to Catherine's work rhythm in Eric's memory, which is a movie about three years.

Moreover, the war epic movie "Save the Great Ryan" is not a long time in three years. The complicated preliminary preparations were not completed in a few months, reappearing the Normandy landing scene, building the ruins of the end of the movie, and the countless World War II military props in the movie required a lot of time to prepare. What's more, all of this work, Catherine is going to be done by one person.

Discussing some specific production details, Catherine holding a pen in her hand raised her head from a pile of materials and said to Eric: "About Captain Miller, I intend..."

"Tom Hanks, I have already contacted Tom. He said he would make a release for the film."

Catherine paused and asked, "Tom Hanks. The awkward single dad in Seattle Night Sleep?"

"Yeah, I don't think you have seen this movie. How do you feel?"

"It feels like a woman shot," Catherine said bluntly, immediately realizing that she was also a woman, and said: "I mean... well, this movie is very delicate, not like you young. a script that people can write."

Eric's surface is quiet, but his heart is amazed at the woman's keen instinct. The original version of "The Night of Seattle" is the work of the female director Nora Avery. However, Eric's face is still quite thick. He squatted on the desk and approached some of the opposite women. He said, "You know, I am a genius and cannot be measured by common sense."

Catherine leaned back and gave Eric a white eye and said, "But you promised, you won't intervene in this movie. And Tom Hanks is a comedian."

"Tom's play is very broad. He just plays more comedies. You can take time to invite him to an audition. I promise that Tom's performance will surprise you. If you are not satisfied with Tom's performance after audition, you can still find yourself. The person you want," Eric said, showing a sly smile: "But I want to use your professionalism, certainly not to be angry with me, deliberately deny Tom, right?"

"Well, I will contact Mr. Hanks."

Catherine said, standing up, packing up the materials in front of her into a satchel, and looking at Elizabeth, who had been sitting in the corner and looking down at the magazine, she only greeted Elizabeth when she came, and Catherine felt keenly. Elizabeth was hostile to herself, which made her feel a little funny. How could she grab this little **** with her: "You must have other things next, then I will leave first."

Eric also stood up: "I will send you out."

After sending Catherine, Eric returned to the office, and Elizabeth had already occupied his executive chair and looked at him with his chin: "I don't think you like this woman?"

Eric smashed Elizabeth and threw it aside. He sat down and said, "What kind of woman?"

Elizabeth reached out and stroked Eric's head and said: "She only wears high heels, it is higher than you."

Eric has grown to 185 centimeters in the past two years and smiled: "As long as she does not wear high heels, it is not lower than me. Besides, women will always be lower than men in bed."

Elizabeth's face sighed red, remembering the absurdity of last night, and had to shift the subject: "Do you think that Kim Carrey will accept the contract?"

"As long as his mind is normal, he will definitely accept it."

Elizabeth found out the contract drafted by Eric, sat down in the original position of Catherine and said, "But I feel that the contract is very strange. The terms you made are for the purpose of suppressing his pay in the future, so why? Not simply signing a contract with several films at a low price, this is not a more convenient thing. He is just a nameless **** and will definitely accept it."

"That will only make you more stiff. If he pays a million yuan, we will only give him $100,000 in the contract. Do you think he will honestly give you a movie?"

"Why not, anyway, there are contracts, and it’s a big deal."

"Even if he compromises and shoots movies with low prices, you can't prevent him from being passively absent, deliberately messing up the movie, and once the contract is known, the two sides will also commit evil, and there is no possibility of cooperation. ""

Elizabeth shook her contract: "But I think your contract is also likely to screw up the relationship between the two sides?"

"We will pay his pay according to his worth. The $100 million liquidated damages only limit him from deliberately opening out too ridiculous prices. I have investigated this person. If there is no constraint, he will definitely open the lion. Moreover, after five years of cooperation, I feel that there is no need to cooperate again. At that time, his worth must exceed 10 million US dollars. He may even participate in the film division. If he cooperates, it will in turn mean that the film company will work for him. It is."

"Well, you always make sense," Elizabeth said, although she agreed with Eric's point of view, she was still not convinced on the surface.

Eric just smiled and picked up the microphone on the table to inform Allen and let Jim Carrey and Carl Meeksen come in.

After a while, the office door was knocked, and the two men pushed the door into the office. I saw another woman there. Although I heard about Elizabeth, neither of them saw what the girl looked like. Curiously looked at Elizabeth a few times.

Eric did not make a pretending gesture, gently got up and greeted the two, and introduced Elizabeth, four people sitting on the sofa in the corner of the office.

"So, Mr. Kerry, and Mr. Mechsen, are you thinking about it?"

The two looked at each other. Although they knew that there was little hope, Carl Meeksen still had the courage to say: "Mr. Williams, is this contract too harsh?"

"Harsh, what do you mean?"

Carl Meeksen said: "For example, the five-year limit, there is a $100 million liquidated damages."

"As long as you don't plan to default, these don't seem to be a big deal, don't you?" Eric converges and looks at the two people opposite. The corner of his mouth becomes like a smile: "Don't you say that the contract has not been signed yet, you already have Considering the breach of contract?" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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