I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 422: Exploring

In the third week of the Tornado, at the Oklahoma City Airport, a Boeing passenger plane screamed and landed on the runway. In the first class, Virginian Madsen looked at the wetness on the runway outside the plane. Glad, if it rains in Punk City, she can just meet the crew rest day.

At the end of last year, Virginia received a film from Paramount, but the film was chosen in Northern Ireland. For this film, Virginia had been in Northern Ireland for three months before returning to the United States.

Although Virginia is a very independent woman, but she has not seen her little man for three months, she is very sad both physically and physically. Just returned to the United States and called to ask if she could come over to visit. Rick certainly can't refuse.

When she got off the plane, Virginia took her female assistant Shani out of the airport lobby. The two stopped and waited for a while. A young man wearing a white baseball cap quickly ran over.

The two women greeted each other and the young man explained himself: "Miss Madsen, I am Peck Hearns, Mr. Williams asked me to pick you up, come with me."

The young man said, he took the baggage in Shani’s hand very thoughtfully and made a request to clean up.

"Thank you, Mr. Hernes," Virginia said politely, and walked out of the airport with the young.

"Miss Madsen, just call me Peck."

Three people boarded a black Chevrolet commercial car, and Virginia asked: "Pec, is the crew working today?"

Peck Hearns first felt a bit strange, but when she remembered the sky outside, she realized why Virginia was asking this question and replied: "Of course. Miss Madsen, for our movie, the cloudy weather is The film crew dreamed of shooting scenes, the crew started shooting for three weeks, only a total of four days. So as long as it is not too much rain, the crew will definitely work as usual."

Vegniya heard that Peck Hearns said that she was somewhat lost. Today, Tuesday, if the crew does not rest today, it is likely that they will have to wait until the weekend to rest. Because of her work schedule, she can only stay here for three days. On Friday, she will fly to New York to participate in a commercial activity of her own endorsement brand. Because of the contract, this activity cannot be pushed down. With the little man that workaholic temper. On the working day, I definitely won't have much time to accompany myself.

Punk City is about 100 kilometers away from Oklahoma City. Because it was all over the highway, it took only one and a half hours to reach the location.

Although the weather is gloomy, there is no rain at all. The hotel where the crew is stationed is not empty at this time.

After arranging a room for Virginia and her assistant, Peck Hearns asked: "Miss Madsen, are you waiting for the crew to work here, or are you going to the studio now?"

"Go to the studio." Virginian's tone is faint, but it is difficult to conceal that one can't wait.

Peck Hearns certainly won't poke, nodding politely. I looked at Verginia’s dress at this time and said, “So, if we go to the studio now, you’d better change a suit, relax, and at least not wear high heels.”

At this time, Virginia was wearing a small red suit and a skirt. This is her deliberate choice, Eric most likes her professional women's dress. But as soon as he heard Peck Hearns say, Virginia quickly returned to the room. I changed my clothes and when I came out again, it became an ordinary coat and jeans, and I had a pair of flat boots on my feet.

Peck Hearns swallowed his mouth without a trace, and looked at the round thighs wrapped in jeans by Vegginia. He sighed that a beautiful woman would look like a genre, and it would be inevitable to envy Eric's beauty.

Several people got on an off-road vehicle this time, and soon opened Punk City. This time the road conditions are no longer so flat, they are all narrow cement roads, bumping in the fields for half an hour, Virginia. Through the window, you can see a mechanical arm that the crane stretches into the air, and then go forward, you can also hear the roar.

Noting the look of Virginia's doubts, Peck Hearns explained: "This is the sound of the Boeing engine. In order to create a more realistic hurricane effect, the crew deliberately rented it from Boeing."

Vegniya imagined that the ability to send hundreds of tons of passenger planes into the clouds of the aircraft engine may create a horrible wind, some screaming, can not help but sigh that his little man is crazy enough.

The assistant next to her also surprised and asked: "Boeing engine, that kind of thing will not blow people away?"

Peck Hearns seems to be very satisfied with the surprised look of the two women. "Of course, if you are close, you will be blown up, but keep a certain distance and it will be fine."

The off-road vehicle quickly came to the scene, and the staff on the outside saw the work permit presented by Peck Hearns and put the off-road vehicle into it.

Vegniya got off the car with assistant Shani, and the roar of the Boeing engine suddenly became more harsh.

The shooting location was in a muddy canal, surrounded by crew members. A variety of shooting equipment was scattered around the canal. There was a huge crane on the other side of the canal. The end of the crane arm seemed to be connected. On a farm tractor.

Sending the two women here, Peck Hearns also completed his task, said a few words to Virginia, and walked toward a temporary board room not far away.

Everyone in the crew was busy, and Virginia didn't bother to sit in the open space more than ten meters away, but did not find Eric.

After more than ten minutes, the roar of the Boeing engine was quiet for a while, and Virginia was spirited, thinking that the crew would rest for a while, but saw a man who climbed out from under the wooden bridge. Vigny recognized that it was Eric's royal photographer, Nikker Frank, who waved at him.

Nickel saw Virginia, cracking his face covered with mud and showing a white tooth, waving his hand, but running in the opposite direction. Virginia was far away to see Nickel and a staff member loudly. After saying something, I quickly took a camera lens from the logistics. Then it plunged into the ditch again.

After a while, I heard someone shouting a ‘’ with a megaphone, and the roar of the engine rang again.

The assistant of Virginia, Shani, was a bit embarrassed by this voice. She pulled the sleeve of Ravignia and said loudly: "Vigie. If we stand a little farther, it seems like there. It is the place where the actor rests."

Virginia also knows that these scenes may be more than a dozen sets of shots. Maybe it can't be completed in an hour or two. So I nodded and was about to leave. I saw that Nickel got out again. Come over to the two.

"Let's go over there," Nickel came to the side of the two men, pointing to the actor's rest area, raising the voice and saying loudly.

Going a little farther, although it is already a bit noisy. But it no longer affects the speech. Nickel took off his muddy coat and wiped his face with a towel. A white towel quickly turned grey. Nickel wiped his face and directly lost the towel. Into the trash.

Seeing that Nickel cleaned up a bit, Virginia said with a smile: "Nickel, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Nickel reached out and quickly took it back. Seeing Virginia's confused look, he smiled and explained: "Don't shake hands, Miss Madsen. I just got out of the mud, but it's not very clean. I heard that the mud here will make people feel infected, the crew of the crew. I have all been hit with a hepatitis vaccine."

Vignia showed a clear look and asked, "That, Eric. I don't seem to see him."

Nickel pointed to the channel: "He was there to shoot himself."

Vegniya remembered the appearance of Nickel when he got out of it, remembering that Eric might also be soaked in dirty muddy water. Some looked at the side with a distressed look and said, "Are you a photographer?"

Nickel said: "This scene is still our first shot. Eric wants to see the most intuitive effect, so I personally shot it. You may not know, Eric's photography technology is no worse than me. I really don't know how he learned it."

As he spoke, several people saw that the crane over there suddenly started, and a farm tractor flew up and flew up.

"This is a scene where the tractor was hung by a tornado," Nickel said, and took another look: "Oh, I just forgot to tell Eric that you are coming."

"No, no, he is so busy, I have nothing to do anyway, just wait here," Virginia said.

"That's all right," Nickel quickly drank the coffee handed over by the staff and stood up and said: "Then I will go to work first, and I will not be with you for the next shot."

Looking at Nickel's departure, Virginia's assistant, Shani, couldn't help but grin. She was hired by Virginia at the beginning of the year, so she never saw Eric at all, but at this time, through the surroundings. All the things I saw, I suddenly became very interested in Eric. I know that she is now 26 years old, and she is only an assistant. I heard that the young man is only 20 years old and has been able to control such a huge crew. A movie company like a firefly.

"Vigie, that... Mr. Williams, what kind of person is it?"

Virginia was stunned, and Shani, as her own personal assistant, could not hide her from a lot of private affairs, so when she arrived, Virginia took the initiative to reveal some things to Shanni. When Ni asked this question, she didn't know how to answer it for a while. After thinking for a while, she said, "I don't know what to say. In short, he is a very special person. You will know when you see it."

Shanni snorted and wanted to ask something more, but she remembered the advice of a good friend who got the job, and swallowed the quick exit, because the friend told her to be a star assistant. The main thing is to put away your curiosity. Shani’s education is not high. She only dropped out of school in the community school for two years. She finally got this good salary. She didn’t want to lose it because of curiosity.

Because the shooting scene is more noisy, the two people have no chat sex, and have been silently watching the shooting scene not far away.

Looking at the crane, the tractor was lifted for a while, and another truck flew into the air. At the end of the day, the wooden boards on the wooden bridge also flew up, and the fragments of the hurricane created by the scene were flying. Although the tornado still needs to be added later, but seeing this scene, Shani has already felt that this movie will be surprising.

The two people arrived at the filming venue at ten o'clock, and waited for two hours. The morning shooting ended and the noisy environment finally calmed down.

Vignia stood up and walked over to the ditch.

Soon, she saw a man and a woman in the muddy body being helped by the staff to get out of the ditch. The man, Virginia, didn't know, but he was sure that he should be the hero of the Tornado. While the other woman looked like a wolverine, Vicignia noticed the slender scorpion of the woman at a glance. Even though it was dirty, her face was covered with muddy water, but the beautiful scorpions were visible. At first glance, I feel that this is definitely a beautiful woman.

The woman did not notice that Virginia was looking at her, and with the help of the assistant, she quickly walked to a temporary board room nearby, and Virginia estimated that it should be a bathroom.

The figure of the woman has not disappeared, and Virginia heard a familiar voice sounding: "Vigie, you are here."

When Vignia turned his head, he saw Erik, who was covered in a dirty body. At this time, the man was holding a camera wrapped in plastic cloth.

"Eric," Virginia snorted softly, looking at Eric, who was covered in gray-black muddy water. Some of them distressedly went up the first two steps and saw an assistant coming in with a towel in his hand. Virginia was picked up and reached for Eric to wipe.

"Don't, let me come by myself," Eric handed the camera to someone else. He took a towel from Virginia and wiped it on his face to prevent muddy water from getting into his eyes. Then he said, "There is Hepatitis virus, I have to take a shower first, you wait a little longer, it will be very soon."

Virginian nodded. After Eric left, Shani, who had been standing not far away, came over and watched Eric disappear into the back of a bathroom. She spit out her tongue and said, "He It’s Eric Williams.”

Vignia knocked on Shani’s head: "What?"

Shanni shook her head quickly: "No, nothing, just think... think..."

"I think that's the way, nothing special, is it?"

Shani nodded, and Virginia did not explain it. She looked at the handsome assistant who looked good. She said that if you feel his special, you may have been deeply trapped. (To be continued)

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