I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 432: Monkey

After Eric handed the script of "Dumb and Agua" to a few women, in addition to some suggestions from the notes, Eric did not ask until all the preparations before the film began.

After the film started, Eric just watched some of the sample footage that Drew brought to the sharp corner manor. After the original director Ferrari brother was replaced by Keanu Reeves, the famous director Stephen Herrick, there was no The film has had a big impact. When Eric saw Stephen Hecker's "The Adventures of Abyss", he decided to choose the other side. The style of "The Adventures of Abyss" is very similar to "Dumb and Agua."

Joining Drew into the studio, the filming of the two protagonists Lloyd and Harry, who played the role of Kim Kerry and Jeff Daniels, found the shots in the suitcase and spent a lot of money on the shots.

It is very interesting to say that the original soundtrack of this lens is very interesting. It uses the classic soundtrack "y-woman" when the actor in the "Fengyue Beauty" takes Julia out shopping and the sparrow turns into a phoenix. In "The Beauty", after Julia experienced a dress, she changed from Cinderella to a princess, and the two protagonists in "Dumb and Agua" were more funny.

Eric and Drew quietly stood outside and looked at the footage being shot in the field. After a moment, Eric heard the voice of the director Stephen Herrick shouting ‘good’.

Drew smiled and said to Eric: "Eric, you are really amazing. The camera that took a lot of shots here has passed."

"This is what the director heard. He will be very sad," Eric said with a smile.

"How can he compare with you? The box office of his previous "Abby of Abyss" is good. But the original producer has not planned to let him direct the sequel, or because I heard that we invited him to direct " Dumb and Agua, he saved the series of sequels."

Eric is not too interested in the Hollywood insider of Xiao Nizi Barabara. After the completion of the shot, an assistant went to Stephen Herik to whisper a few words, and Stephen Herrick looked over here. When I saw Eric, I quickly got up and said hello. The crew was immediately adjourned.

"Mr. Williams, I am very happy to meet you." Stephen Herrick walked with the stars of the film.

Eric and the 30-year-old middle-aged man with glasses shook hands, although Xiao Nizi said it looked disdainful, but that was only because Drew took him for reference. In Hollywood, just in his early thirties, he can personally direct the film. That is definitely a person with great potential and talent.

After talking a few words with Stephen Herrick, Eric greeted the two male protagonists, Kim Kerry and Jeff Daniels, who had starred in many movies before. It is more famous than Kim. Kerry, so Eric can easily bring together the two male actors. In "Dumb and Agua", Kim Kerry's mad performance completely suppressed Jeff Daniels's play, and finally Kim Kerry shines, and Jeff Daniels continues to be ignorant, and will continue to do so.

Originally, Zhongjin. Kerry smashed the front teeth because of an accident. Instead, the role interpretation is more classic. Since the script has been copied in its entirety, Eric has not let go of this classic little detail. At this time, Kim Kerry’s front teeth seemed to be missing, but they were made up.

Stephen Herrick and Eric discussed some of the details of the shooting, and with Eric watched the footage just after, the crew started working again.

Eric did not bother, and continued to work with Drew, standing far from the studio. Watch live performances.

After a while, an assistant director came out from outside the studio. Speaking to Drew a few words, Xiao Nizi nodded, then pulled Eric: "Eric, come with me, show you some good things."

"What?" Eric, though he had some doubts, went out.

When I came outside, Eric saw a double-decker bus on the side of the road. A group of hot and tall girls walked down the bus, all wearing uniform pink t-shirts and white high-rise jeans. Most of them still carry sunglasses. The girls chatted slyly at the heavens, and they were cold-hearted about the crew members who had come forward to meet, like a group of proud canaries.

"This is what you said... good things?" Eric pointed at the group of girls and asked Drew.

He found the words printed on the girls' t-shirts. It is obvious that these girls are models of the famous elite model company, and with a little thought about the script, Eric can guess the meaning of these models.

In my heart, I sighed at the little girl, just a few shots at the end, just find some hot temporary actress in Hollywood and you can do it. These women are not supermodels. Please show these models without much fame, and they will not bring too much publicity effect, but the money will definitely not be spent.

Drew was a little smug, and after seeing Eric’s expression, he immediately understood what he was thinking and explained: “We didn’t have to spend money, when I looked at fashion magazines a week ago. I saw that the model company just had to hold a few catwalks in Los Angeles, and people contacted the person in charge. They heard that this movie is a script you wrote, and I quickly agreed to sponsor, we only need to put the last few The name added to the sentence will be fine. Hey, there is the bus with the logo of the model company printed on it."

Eric was satisfied with the sound, and the group of models came over one after another. The voice of the original chatter was quiet after seeing him and Drew. Model circles are not far from Hollywood, and of course these models are unlikely to know Eric. Because of the media's enthusiasm during this time, Eric's reputation has surpassed any star in Hollywood. What's more, Eric's current aura of billions of dollars makes the eyes of these models quickly become eager.

Eric felt that a dozen pairs of unrecognizable hot eyes were on himself and felt very uncomfortable. These exquisite and beautiful women are supposed to be the men's hunters, but now the situation is that he seems to be the target of these models.

"Hello, Miss Barrymore," After a dozen models approached, it was obvious that the leader of the team came over with a charming smile and greeted Drew.

Drew smiled and shook hands with each other: "Hello, Miss Claudia. Why didn't Mr. McDonald's come over?"

"He has been in a hurry to go to Milan, let me apologize. But when I want to shoot, our sisters will be enough."

"Of course," Drew nodded, just about introducing Eric to the girl named Claudia. Claudia has enthusiastically extended his hand to Eric: "Hello, Mr. Williams, it’s a great honor to meet you, my name is Claudia Schiff."

Eric vaguely remembered the name, it should be a supermodel of the past life, but looking at the eyes of some young girls, it is estimated that the other party is now debut, smiling and holding the other hand: "Hello, Miss Heifer I am also very honored to meet you."

Claudia Schiff smiled, his mouth slightly curled up, with a different kind of sexy. Slightly step forward: "Mr. Williams, call me Claudia."

"Well, Miss Claudia," Eric gently stepped back, and some couldn't stand the provocative glare of the other party.

"I heard that this script was written by Mr. Williams himself. I have been looking forward to it for a few days with my sisters. Right. I have seen many movies of you, "Crazy" and Cruise and Hanks It’s so handsome. Mr. Williams, do you say that Andy is really dead?”

Eric felt that the girl had stepped forward again, and had to take a small step back and said: "This is still a suspense for everyone. You should have heard that Colombia has started the sequel to "The Dark War". By then, Cruise will return."

"Unfortunately, without your personal director, there is nothing to watch in the sequel," Claudia Schiff showed a regrettable look.

"It's definitely not going to be," Eric replied, looking at the little Nizi who had been ridiculed by the onlookers. He looked at the dissatisfied squint and then looked at the models behind Claudia Schiffer. Road: "Well, I see everyone still take a break at the studio. Although it is not too hot now, standing in the sun is definitely easy to be tanned."

The girls had been very dissatisfied with Claudia Schiffer’s ‘occupation’ Eric alone, but they were not afraid of being too abrupt to give Eric a bad impression. Although his eyes were unconcealed, his behavior was somewhat cramped. At this time, I heard Eric took the initiative to open to them, suddenly swarmed up, arrogantly surrounded Eric in the middle, several models still smothered Claudia Schiff together.

Eric was surrounded by a fragrant wind and walked to the studio with a group of women.

Drew looked at the figures of the women, and didn't mind, shrugged his shoulders and followed them up.

After the filming, Eric recruited an assistant director and handed the beautiful vases directly to the other side to talk, which was free, and found a place near the crew of a rest trailer.

"How, if there is any interest," Xiao Nizi waited for the girls to leave, and then came up and squatted down Eric’s leg and asked with a smile.

"What is interesting?"

Drew made a scornful little look and said: "I mean, interested in which one, I will send you a bed tonight."

Eric raised his hand and knocked on the shackles. He hadn’t practiced for a long time. This action was a bit rusty, but Drew’s reaction did not change. He wowed his forehead: “I’m all big girls, don’t knock again. Brain."

"I wonder if you changed your way to pimping?"

"Cut, good intentions are not good," Drew muttered, and looked at a group of women not far away. He said, "It’s just a bunch of beautiful vases. It’s not for playing. Hey, that Crow. How about Deya, she is tall, her chest is big, she is blond, and her lips are especially tasteful, basically in line with your aesthetics."

"How it sounds weird," Eric said with a smile. "I have heard the tone of your voice. Oh, the market, those who sell vegetables always use these words to evaluate the vegetables on their booth. Ah, my family's cabbage, fresh, porcelain, freshly picked..."

Drew smiled a few times, but said: "This is what it is."

"Well, don't mess around," Eric patted his head. "Let's say, look at the eyes they just looked at. I think I am the target of their hunting."

Drew snorted, but his eyes turned and turned, and then turned his eyes to the women, picking and picking and picking, ah, that Claudia Schiff is good, she is.

Eric didn't know what the ghosts were in his mind, and soon stood up and said: "Well, if there is no other thing, I will go first, and I have to go back to the Firefly headquarters."

Shantou thought about things, and put a small palm in his hand and said: "Go and go."

Eric reached out and twisted the face of the doll. He let go of the voice of the girl’s protest, and after seeing the goodbye with the director, he got up and left.

In the afternoon, I discussed some progress in the acquisition of Disney with the acquisition team at Firefly Headquarters. After work, Eric drove to pick up Famik Jensen. The two drove to a restaurant on Hollywood Sunset Boulevard for dinner and then drove together. Return to Malibu Villa.

When driving into the villa, the security guard at the door looked at Eric, remembering the account of Drew before, and finally did not say anything. Anyway, it has nothing to do with himself, offending the little magic star, but to be fired.

Parked the car, Eric Carat took Famik Jensen's hand and walked around the manor for a while before returning to the villa.

"What have you been painting recently?" Going to the small living room of the villa, Famik Jensen picked up the picture clip on the coffee table, looked up and asked casually.

Eric rushed at the coffee for the two and looked back and said, "Just paint."

"Oh, is this a playing card?" Eric Jensen and other Eric sat down next to him and asked for a picture.

Eric’s forehead raised a black line: “How can a red heart be a poker card, and you don’t see any patterns around it?”

"What is this?"

Eric just wanted to speak, squatted, and finally did not hide, telling the truth: "The design of the ring and ring."

Famik Jensen himself was stunned, and some of them looked forward with some inexplicable expectations: "You mean, diamond ring?"

Eric nodded. (To be continued)

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