I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 444: Meat in the pan

No one would believe that the catastrophe about the ruble was an unpredictable contingency. From the beginning of Gorbachev’s reform of the Soviet economy, this layout has quietly begun.

At the end of the 1980s, the Soviet Union did not have any defense to open up the financial market to the West. Almost immediately, a large number of foreign banks, investment companies and even insurance institutions swarmed into the major cities of the Soviet Union and adopted high-interest loans from the Soviet Union. The people and businesses have absorbed more rubles than the Soviet local banks.

At the same time, the Soviet Union began the privatization reform of state-owned enterprises, and a large number of state-owned enterprises were distributed to Soviet nationals in the form of shares and bonds. Compared with intangible shares and bonds, ordinary people no doubt want to see real money. Therefore, Western investment institutions began to acquire the shares of state-owned enterprises in their hands with rubles absorbed from the Soviets.

When a large number of Soviet state-owned enterprises were in the hands of Westerners, the final blow came.

Beginning in the second half of 1991, North American and European countries began to vigorously sing the Soviet Union's economy. At one time, newspapers and the media were filled with 'the Soviet reform will inevitably go to destruction', 'the Soviet economy is about to collapse', and 'the ruble market value is seriously overestimated', Negative news such as 'the ruble needs re-pricing', it is the saying that the three people become tigers. When everyone says so, even those who are determined will be shaken, so the Soviet economy collapses and the ruble depreciates sharply. The panic spread rapidly across all levels of the Soviet Union.

Selling, running, hoarding, snapping...

Under the control of Western countries, this series of irrational blind followers in the Soviet Union dragged the crumbling ruble into the abyss.

In just a few months, the ratio of the ruble to the US dollar from the highest period of 1 to 2 fell like an avalanche to 112,000 to 1 US dollar. In the history of mankind. Even the most tragic war period. There have been no such phenomenal inflation. The ruble in the hands of the Soviet people almost became a pile of worthless waste paper.

As is known to all, a country’s currency is usually supported by its own gold reserves. In the case of the ruble, the Soviet government began to use its own gold reserves in an attempt to solve the domestic economy’s immediate needs by selling gold directly. At the time, the most serious international gold price crash of the twentieth century also occurred 'in a timely manner'.

After the collapse of the gold price, the Soviet Union wanted to export gold. But no one can find another buyer to take over.

The plunge in the price of gold became the last straw to overthrow the Soviet Union. On December 25, 1991, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev acknowledged the complete failure of economic reforms and successively signed a number of presidential decrees, declaring the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Republics, the world. The only superpower that can compete with the United States is at this moment.

Chris's eloquence is very good. The world-class game description is thrilling. Emily sitting next to him listens and can't help but put down the tableware and looks at her boyfriend with adoration. Connery It is even bigger.

"So to say. The wealth of the entire Soviet Union has been robbed by us?" Chris said, Connelly asked curiously.

Chris shook his head: "Of course it is impossible. This is not a zero-sum game of winning or losing, but an evaporation of wealth. The Soviet Union has accumulated more than half a century of wealth, like a pot of boiling water, the water in the pot. The steamed dry, and the speculators only got some 'dew beads' that condensed on the lid."

Connally imagined the picture that Chris had drawn, and swearing: "That is really wasteful."

Emily, who is next to Chris, also said at the moment: "I think the Soviet Union is disintegrated. At least we don't have to face the threat of a nuclear war."

Eric also nodded: "Yes, the big Iraqi that bombed the entire Arctic circle scared the whole world. If the nuclear war broke out, the Soviet Union only needed to throw a few 'Days' to the east and west coasts. The 10,000-level nuclear bomb, that's all over."

“Eric, what is ‘big Ivan’?” Connelly asked curiously.

All four were born around the 1970s. In addition to Eric, the other three showed a confused look.

Eric is only the news he saw when he accidentally browsed the Internet. He said: "A 58-ton tnt-equivalent nuclear bomb that the Soviet Union threw into the Arctic Circle in 1961, we were not born at the time, you may not know. ”

I saw that all three people had no idea about the 58 million tons of nuclear bombs. Eric thought for a moment and said, "I will understand how terrible it is to 'big Ivan'. When I throw the big Ivan nuclear bomb, I bombed it. The plane flew 250 kilometers away at the subsonic speed before the nuclear bomb explosion, but it was still under the shock wave after the nuclear bomb explosion, and almost the plane was destroyed. The conversion area of ​​this nuclear bomb reached 200,000 square kilometers, almost It is equal to the size of two New York states. On the other hand, the 'Little Boy' of the Hiroshima nuclear explosion in 1945 was only 13,000 tons, but the ultra-high temperature at the moment of the explosion directly saved the bones of 70,000 people. The number of follow-up deaths exceeded 200,000, and the power of 'Da Iwan' was 5,000 times that of the 'little boy'. It was said that the Soviet Union succeeded in developing 100 million tons of tnt equivalent nuclear bombs, but because of the lack of a broad nuclear explosion test. In the field, there was no detonation."

The three of Chris heard Eric’s words, and they all showed a faint look of fear.

Eric lowered his head and gently picked up a piece of sausage and chewed it in his mouth. He said softly: "So, I even think that any guy who makes a nuclear bomb should be directly convicted of crimes against humanity."

Emily smiled and said: "Eric, in fact, Einstein himself also regretted indirectly inventing the nuclear bomb."

"But he is still guilty," Eric said.

Chris also laughed: "Eric, your tone of voice is like an extreme anti-war."

"I was originally, compared to war, I prefer those who are in power to fight each other to resolve disputes. They can do it with bare hands, cold weapons or revolvers, as long as they don't launch war."

The other three people all laughed, and Eric smiled.

Ah. This is a joke.

"This is for you." Have lunch. Two women packed the dishes in the kitchen, and Eric came to the study with Chris and handed an Apple powerbook 140 notebook to Chris.

"It's not easy to use this thing, it's better than handwriting," Chris said, playing around.

Eric said: "I am not letting you use it for office. I just want you to study it. You know, at the beginning of the year, ibm and several other computer hardware and software companies set up sns together. This will be The focus of our next development. The traditional industry in the United States has been divided by various forces. It is basically impossible for fireflies to invest in it, and the high-tech industry related to computers is still a prostitute. Think, in the 1980s, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Larry Ellison all became billionaires. I am sure that the development of computer technology is not limited to this. More opportunities."

Chris finally clumsily opened the laptop in his hand and heard Eric’s words. Chris did not refute, Eric has brought him too many surprises. This made him have some kind of blind confidence in Eric.

"Then I go back and take the time to study. What are your plans?"

Eric remembers that after the Clinton came to power, because the US government's policy support was developing rapidly, he said: "There is not yet, but it is still a little early, at least until next year. However, you can take the time to pay attention to this year's election. Democratic candidate Bill Clinton, who proposed an information highway plan, which is why I just mentioned sns, this network is likely to become the main carrier of the information superhighway. You can look for some relevant information to give to Cisco The management, let them study the relevant technology of sns, will definitely be useful."

In the original time and space, sns is the predecessor of the Internet.

Chris silently wrote down Bill Clinton and the information highway several words, saying: "If there is nothing else, then I will go back to New York. Also, you better find a few deputies for my father, he is after all It’s a little older, and he’s not like the energetic old men of Redstone and Murdoch.”

Eric smiled: "Of course, you don't have to worry about this, but he certainly doesn't want to hear you say that."

Chris shrugged: "No old man would like to hear this, but it is a fact."

Chris and Emily were going to return to New York at four o'clock in the afternoon. Eric chatted with Chris for a while and sent the two to leave the sharp corner manor.

"I have an appointment with Jeffrey Kasenberg. I have to go to Disney's production base to see if you want to go with me?" After sending the two to leave, Eric told Jennifer Connelly.

Connelly shook his head: "I still can't, I just finished the show, I am too lazy to move around, I still rest in the villa, you come back early in the evening."

Although the summer file Fox's "Fighting Condor 2" failed last year, because of the relationship with Eric, Connol, as the heroine, certainly won't be much affected, and soon he received another comedy. It is expected to be released during Easter this year. Of course, this movie Eric did not ask, his own business is still too busy, of course, too lazy to earn that little ‘outside’.

Eric touched Connery's exquisite face and said: "Then you stay at home, Druid Xiao Nizi recently bought two cars, which are very suitable for women to open, want to go shopping You can go to the garage to drive one."

"Well," Connelly heard Eric casually mention Drew's appearance, and there was some snack flavor in his heart, but he did not show it.

Eric certainly found this little detail, but he didn't care too much. He asked for very low demands on his own woman. He didn't fantasize about it at the same time. As long as the women can get along, it is a good thing. .

After Michael Eisner took over Disney, after more than seven years of development, Disney has completely broken through the original profitable mode of animation movies. Now Disney has not only Disney studios that make movies and animations of all ages, but also a family. Audition room film industry. In addition, Disney has its own children's TV program, but the scale is not big, and the performance has not been good.

Compared to the firefly photography base in Prea Vista, Disney's production base is smaller, but the location is still relatively busy in Burbank.

“The story of Aladdin is adapted from a story about the magic lamp that can fulfill people's wishes in the Middle East. However, we have made corresponding localization changes to the characters in the story, which will be more suitable for the taste of American audiences.” Disney Animation In the production center office building, Kasenberger accompanied Eric to watch the production of Aladdin. Eric knew that this was one of Disney's most famous animations in the 1990s.

After reading it, Eric and Kasenberg came to Kasenberg's former office. After the secretary left the coffee for two, Eric asked: "Besides Aladdin, work. Is there any other animation plan in the room?"

"Of course, there are a lot. I used to meet every week. I will ask the supervisors to provide five animation ideas. I have accumulated and I have already determined that there are five or six parts in the project preparation period."

Eric asked: "Do you remember these, tell me?"

Kasenberg feels that Eric’s reaction is a bit strange. He still said: “Or, let me bring the planning book to you and see for yourself. Everyone knows that your vision is good?”

"So much the better."

Soon, the secretary of the studio sent a stack of project planning books.

Eric patiently looked through the department and quickly found the goal he wanted. A story of the African savanna that imitated the prince's revenge was the rudiment of the story of The Lion King.

In the original time and space, "Lion King" is not only the final glory of Disney 2d hand-drawn animation, but also Disney's most successful 2d hand-drawn animated film, the film is only close to $1 billion in box office revenue worldwide.

I quietly took the script of "Lion King" and handed it to Kasenberg: "This, have you discussed it?"

Kasenberger took a look and said: "This story was proposed by Brenda Chapman and imitated "The Prince's Revenge". I also felt a bit old-fashioned at first, but they made some roles. After designing, I agreed, because the design of the characters is very pleasing. But it has not yet started. If you look good, it can be ranked after the completion of Aladdin."

Eric did not show too much urgency. Anyway, it was the meat in the pot. I couldn’t run it early and eat late: "I think this story is good. You should let them take the time to make a detailed planning book for me, if it is good. , to raise this project to the highest priority."

Kasenberg nodded and shouted that his secretary had ordered a few words before he said to Eric: "So, let’s go to the TV production department and they have recently created a new program idea, called Mickey Mouse Club." (To be continued, please search for Astronomical Literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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