I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 449: Tell me what you think.

After waking up yesterday, Jamie Spears felt that some of the words he said during the interview with the paparazzi were somewhat inappropriate, but after seeing the $500 as a white, all concerns were quickly forgotten by him. ◎

Although Britney can get a salary of 8,000 dollars a month in Disney, but after paying for a family of five in Los Angeles, there is not much left. I am used to the life of a big city. Jamie Spears certainly does not want to Returning to the small town of Louisiana, he even considered that his daughter had a lot of contact with Eric. If he could marry this young billionaire, their family might be like Beverly Hills, as the son said. wealthy suburb.

In the morning, after Jamie Spears sent her daughter to the Disney program group, she also bought a few newspapers, but did not find any content about the interview yesterday. This made him feel a little regretful. Maybe after the report came out, his daughter It was on fire, but just after noon, he received a call from Disney.

He was led by a staff member to the door of an office. The staff member knocked on the door and said a few words. After receiving a response, he signaled Jamie Spears to go in.

Jamie Spears pushed the door open nervously and went in and saw a man and two women talking on the office sofa.

The middle-aged man in a gray suit has seen him several times. It is the director of the Mickey Mouse Club program, Billy Clarke. One of the two women dressed in a rose red professional suit, a short hair, and a delicate face. With black-rimmed glasses full of intellectual atmosphere. Another girl was wrapped in a casual light gray sweater. He can only see the side face. Some familiar eyes are not recognized at a glance. But the white face and the delicate little dimple are still certain that this is a pretty little beauty.

Seeing that Jamie Spears came in, Billy Clark and Tina Fey stood up. Drew glared at the man in front of him. He didn't get up, but frowned. She looked at each other's reddish face at a glance. The other party often abuses alcohol, which reminds her of some unbearable experiences of childhood that she is still very ignorant.

"Mr. Spears, this is Miss Tina Fey. This is Miss Barrymore," Billy Clarke introduced a little cold to Jamie Spears.

Jamie Spears has a smile on his face, but his heart has already come from the attitude of the three people, realizing that something is definitely going on: "Mr. Clark, is it a disaster for Bub, you can rest assured, if it is true I will definitely teach her well."

Billy Clark didn't answer, turned to look at Drew, and Drew stood up lazily. Go to the back of Billy Clark's desk and say, "Mr. Clark. It's really troublesome. You should go ahead, let me talk to Mr. Spears."

Billy Clarke certainly wants to be like this, laughing and saying: "Well, Miss Barrymore, my secretary is outside, there is anything I can call her at any time."

"I will," Drew smiled and watched Billy Clark leave, only to see the obviously uneasy Jamie Spears.

"Miss Barrymore, I am very happy to meet you, I... Well, I like your "et" very much," Jamie Spears complimented a little.

Drew has already put away his smile, and he is indifferent to Jamie Spears’s compliment. He refers to the sofa in front of the desk, indicating that Jamie Spears is sitting, so that Tina Fey will A press release was handed to him.

"Mr. Spears, I have a relationship with Eric, you must know, so after reading this manuscript, you should know why I came here?"

Jamie Spears swept through the press release quickly and immediately recognized the content on the manuscript as it was said to the paparazzi when he was drunk yesterday: "Miss Barrymore, this...this may be a misunderstanding. ""

"There is no misunderstanding. This news is a New York Post. A paparazzi named Cole Anderson bought it for $500 from you. I have a recording from yesterday. Do you want to listen?"

"Amount, no, no," Jamie Spears waved his hand quickly: "Miss Barrymore, I am really sorry, I was drunk yesterday, I will say these nonsense words, I can apologize to Mr. Williams. I can also clarify publicly."

Drew smiled disdainfully and said: "You said this, it reminds me of what Eric has said before. If you apologize, what do you want the police to do? Mr. Spears, you know, you are here for 500. The dollar is nonsense, and the trouble may be 500,000 or even 5 million dollars. 5 million dollars. Do you think you are a construction worker, have you earned so much money in this life?"

Drew’s tone was light, and Jamie Spears heard a $5 million figure, but felt a cold sweat behind him.

"I have seen your daughter's photo. It is indeed a very beautiful little girl. I can be selected as "Mickey Mouse Club", which shows that she is also a very good little girl. But you know, there are thousands in the United States. Wan’s girl of the same age has the same talent as your daughter. Britney Spears is able to get this role. In addition to that little strength, it needs enough luck, and luck is the most unreliable. Because of your nonsense, this kind of luck will come to an abrupt end, Disney can find hundreds of girls of the same age to replace Britney in one day, and your family will have to leave Grand Los Angeles and roll back to Louisiana. Go in the small town."

Seeing that Jamie Spears opened his mouth and wanted to talk, Drew stretched out his hand and stopped, and continued to use some ironic words: "Mr. Spears, you know, Britney is just the Mickey Mouse Club. One of the little actors can be replaced at any time, and Mickey Mouse Club is just a TV show that is not too good for Disney Children's Channel. Disney Children's Channel is just a negligible TV department of Disney Company, and it has been with other six major film companies. The juxtaposed Disney company is now only a subsidiary of the Firefly Group. In this huge pyramid, Britney is as insignificant as an ordinary masonry, and Eric is the master of the pyramid. Inviting these little guys to go to the house as a guest is a great opportunity for them. With this connection, they can become a high-profile Hollywood child star at any time. You know Stewart Langkel, who was personally excavated by Eric. What is the annual income last year? I tell you, $30 million. But if you are nonsense This time in the newspaper, it means that you have robbed your daughter of an opportunity to earn $30 million a year for a small profit of $500. 30 million dollars, how decent and rich it will be. Life, now, Mr. Spears, talk about your feelings?" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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