I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 452: Very simple

In the exciting background music, the chasers began to encounter a series of bad weather conditions, lightning, heavy rain, hail appeared one after another, from time to time mixed with the shadow of several tornadoes.

"Nothing special," Virginia said in a sharp corner.

The next moment, the picture cut into a tarmac road that was under heavy rain. In the distance, a violent tornado pulled up a series of electric poles on the roadside, sparks and the exclamation of the protagonist. A home speedboat whistled by a tornado As the camera came, the close-up of the speedboat became bigger and bigger, and finally the black side of the trailer was directly propped up. At that moment, everyone who saw the shot produced a speedboat that would fly out of the screen and smash it toward himself. illusion.

"Wow," Virginia and Joanna both screamed and leaned back, even if Eric, who was already prepared, couldn't help but make such a backlash.

At the same time, countless families in North America who are watching Super Bowl live broadcasts amazed or admired voices in the backward movement.

But the audience who saw this scene didn’t even have time to think about what was going on. The next tornado lens carrying the numerous pieces of 'rushing out' of the TV screen has caught their eyeballs firmly behind the trailer. Forty seconds, the visual bombing brought by the compact but not overwhelming thriller has completely attracted everyone, when the trailer hit the title of "Tornado" and the eye-catching release on June 5th. A large number of 'stunned' audience psychology has produced a strong intention to watch.

The film name and the lens of the release period were fixed for two seconds. When everyone thought that the trailer had ended, the TV screen was suddenly dark. The screen flickers. A farm tractor pulled out by a tornado rolled over and ran out of the screen.


The crashing glass burst into the air. The TV sets of thousands of households have been thrown out of countless shocking ‘cracks’.

In the end, this lens was completely elaborated by the top special effects artists in the digital field. Although it was impossible to know the truth, any audience who saw this picture had almost the first reaction in their minds. The TV set of the home was 'mashed'.

"How did this lens come out?" "I know, if I can play it again, it will be fine." "Scared me, I thought the TV was really smashed." "It’s too fucking." It’s cool. I must go to see this movie for the first time.” “The handsome is bursting, but it will take four months to be released. God, this will be a long wait.” “I don’t know when to hold the point. Ying, maybe we can get a few tickets to get a sneak peek."

The trailer was just finished, and there were all kinds of arguments in the countless living room. Even many people lost interest in the next Super Bowl game, and under the influence of this ingenious trailer, the next The trailers of several movies have been swept to a level of boring.

"Eric, how did these come about?" After the trailer was finished, Virginia, who was leaning against Eric, asked the question for many people for the first time.

"The screen ratio of the TV is 4:3. However, the standard screen ratio of the movie theater is 16:9. When playing the trailer in the TV, in order to maintain the proportion of the movie lens, two black edges are added on the top and bottom of the screen. Otherwise, The content of the picture will be distorted. Just the trailer is to use two black edges reasonably, and the modification of the computer cg allows the yacht and the tractor to cross the black edge limit, and enlarge the depth of field of different objects in the picture. An illusion of flying out of the screen."

Vignia nodded. "It sounds very simple. I thought it was amazing."

"A lot of things are very simple. The plane is just flying up by the air lift during the acceleration process. Did you make it out?" Eric reached out and squeezed Vegniya's delicate face. Although the principle of the trailer just can be seen by a lot of professionals at a glance, at present, in addition to the digital field, other special effects companies want to produce the same effect in the short term is basically impossible. After all, the entire Hollywood, in the model effects In the case of mainstream film and television effects, no special effects company will receive hundreds of millions of dollars to develop computer special effects technology.

In the Universal Studios office building, the Super Bowl finals have long been forgotten by everyone, and the trailer for Tornado has been played for the fifth time on the projection screen of the conference room.

"Kane, can your special effects department make a similar shot?" After another play, Michael Eisner turned to ask the person in charge of the special effects part of the global subordinate.

Kane Pitman hesitated for a moment, then he was not willing to shake his head: "Mr. Eisner, we can do the stunt part of the lens, but the picture of the tornado, although barely able to do it, definitely can't do it. The level of realism in this trailer."

Michael Eisner looked unchanged and gently asked: "Where is the specific difficulty, simply say it."

Kane Pitman smiled and said: "Mr. Eisner, the computer effects are not complicated. Many of the principles were put forward by relevant scientists as early as a few decades ago. The key is all kinds of hardware and software and R&D investment. For example, the most important job of computer cg special effects is the material rendering after the model is completed. This is related to the degree of simulation of the picture. I have a friend who is just in the digital field. He told me that the digital field is now used for processing. Later rendering farm computing capabilities have even been able to rank among the top 50 supercomputers in the world. This alone is not something that only a few graphics workstations can match."

"If I give you enough money to update the hardware facilities you need, and you can dig up some people from the digital field, how long do you think you can catch up with the technical level of the digital domain?"

“It’s hard,” Kane Pitman didn’t hesitate any more: “Mr. Eisner, the shot of the field barn that was destroyed in the trailer, according to my experience, is not a live shot, but a full use of cg. The picture, which involves complex dynamic operations, and requires specialized software tools for processing. It seems that the digital field has developed a full set of mature tool software. If we do it from scratch, it takes one to two years. And it is unlikely that they will catch up with the digital domain. After all, they are also constantly developing new technologies."

Michael Eisner's brow wrinkled slightly. Starting with the stunning liquid metal robot of Terminator 2 last year, Michael Eisner was keenly aware that future special effects movies would become the mainstream of Hollywood movies. Movies such as "Tornado", "Jurassic Park" and "Heaven and Earth", which are being produced by fireflies or are about to be produced, indicate this trend. Therefore, Michael Eisner will preview the tornado this evening. The film is so important.

But now it seems that even if you understand the crux of the matter, it seems to be powerless because they have fallen far behind the digital field in time.

Although the digital field does not reject special effects projects of other film companies, everyone knows that as a special effects company in the hands of fireflies, in any case, the digital field will rank the firefly movie project as the highest priority. Only the free human and material resources will be used in other companies' films, and. The digital realm is likely to become an important tool for fireflies to pull or suppress other film companies.

Michael Eisner's condensed face made everyone in the conference room cautious, and the silent atmosphere lasted for almost a minute. Kane Pitman, who was just asked, whispered softly: "Mr. Eisner?"


Kane Pitman also knows about the entanglement between Michael Eisner and Eric. After hearing his response, he said: "In fact, the technical level of industrial light and magic in cg special effects is not as good as the digital field, but he has Strong technical accumulation, I think, it is also the only special effects company in Hollywood that can compete with the digital field."

Michael Eisner made a slight sigh, and thought quickly, he had no friendship with George Lucas, but George Lucas and Spielberg are good friends, and now, Spiel Berg is still owed to seven films around the world. If you can pull this pair of players around the world, it will definitely strengthen his position in the world.

Although Spielberg had an unpleasant experience with him when he was working with Disney in the past, Michael Eisner had made up his mind to ease the conflict with Spielberg before he took office. This article was even equally valued. Pilberg's Panasonic wrote into an affiliate contract.

To be reconciled with one person, it is often impossible to do anything. The most important thing is to vote for it.

In the conference room, after Michael Eisner made a psychological thought, an executive quickly thought of one thing.

Prior to Michael Eisner's tenure, Spielberg had already begun to contact the world for the adaptation of a biography called Schindler's Ark.

Sindler’s "Ark of Schindler", which saved a large number of Jews in the concentration camp during World War II, was bought by Universal in the early 1980s, and Hilschingberg always hoped that Spielberg would Personally directed, but because of all sorts of concerns, Spielberg delayed the plan to the present.

But Warner Ceo Steve Ross, who has recently had a close relationship with Spielberg, is getting more and more serious, and he may be overwhelmed at any time. Spielberg always thinks that Steve Ross is very consistent with the image of Schindler in his heart. The "Ark of Schindler" was filmed and presented to the elder.

After the crowds pieced together the cause and effect of the matter, Michael Eisner quickly decided to reconcile with Spielberg through this matter, and then contacted George Lucas through Spielberg.

"Paul, organize the information about the book "The Ark of Schindler" as soon as possible, I will see it tomorrow morning, and inquire about which of Mr. Spielberg's favorite restaurants, tomorrow. Book one of the best seats at night."

Watching the assistant record his instructions in the memo, Michael Eisner squinted at the temple and stood up and said to everyone: "Well, come here today, everyone can go back to rest."


"I have long thought that it is not a good idea to put "The Secret of the Dark" on June 12, there is a "tornado" in front, followed by "Batman", "a luxury villa in Beverly Hills, Colombia After the president of the "Tornado" trailer, the strong president of Peters said something.

Compared to Michael Eisner’s detailed discussion of the “Tornado” trailer at the Global Headquarters, Peter Cooper and Strong Peters in the villa are simply laymen. The two run the film entirely because of the feeling that it’s not Hu For the time being, when Spielberg made "Purple", Peter Cooper was a producer, but Spielberg, who was extremely disgusted with Peter Cooper's amateur commander, specifically wrote a note in the relevant contract, prohibiting Peter Cooper. Step into the "Purple" film field.

Compared with Peter Cooper, who has a college degree, Strong Peters is even more unbearable. This person used to be a Hollywood star hair stylist. His character is rude and grumpy, and he doesn't know a few words. Two people can climb to the helm of one of the seven, and have to say that it is one of Hollywood's ‘miracles’ in recent years.

Peter Cooper swayed the red wine in his hand and said: "The schedule has been announced, and the adjustment period is definitely late."

"The investment in this film has been added to the 86 million by Tom Cruise, plus Xuanfa, at least 1.5 billion in North America, 300 million in the world to ensure that all costs are recovered, we must think of ways, can not continue this way."

"What can we think of, we can't always ask for fireflies or Warner to turn the "Tornado" and "Batman" schedules?"

Strong Peters tried to think for a while and suddenly took a thigh and said: "Hey, have you heard that Woody Allen’s scandal has not happened recently?"

Peter Cooper said: "Of course, so lively, how could I have never heard of it."

"How do you say that we have given Eric Williams such a trick?"

Peter Cooper’s hand shaking the red wine paused and quickly shook his head: “No, for the current Eric Williams, this trick is not very useful, he is now the owner of the firefly, even if not If you make a movie, you can safely be your own billionaire, but if he knows what we are doing, hey, you think about Michael Eisner's end." (To be continued, please search for Astronomical, The novel is better updated faster!


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