I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 457: waste time

"Mr. Dahe, this is not something that can be achieved in a few words," Eric said with a glass of champagne in his hand and stood face to face with Sony President Dahe Dianxiong. ¥f

Da Hedian Xiongdao: "Of course, however, Mr. Williams, we are very sincere, I hope you can consider it carefully."

After the signing ceremony, as usual, the celebration was held. Eric finally knew the reason why Sony’s president would come to Los Angeles to attend the reception. Dahe Dianxiong hopes to lobby Eric to let the fireflies join the promotion of Sony’s home video recorders. .

After Sony first developed a home video recorder, Hollywood had a full ten-year lawsuit against Sony because of concerns about piracy. Although Sony finally won the case, the home video recorder market was first occupied by Panasonic, which had superior performance.

Sony's acquisition of Columbia Pictures is to promote its home video recorders with the Colombian film library. However, in the past two years, although Colombia has received sufficient funds from the Japanese, it has not achieved the expected results. Fireflies suddenly cooperated with Colombia, Sony fired the idea of ​​fireflies, fireflies are not comparable in size to Time Warner, which has already diversified, but the development momentum is definitely the first in Hollywood, if you can pull fireflies into In the camp to promote Sony's home video recorder products, even if you can't beat Panasonic, it is enough to make the market share of Panasonic's home video recorders plummet.

However, even if Eric doesn't know much about things, he knows that in a few years, dvd will rise rapidly. And soon replaced the status of the videotape. Although Dahe Dianxiong has just promised some benefits. But those that take a long time to cash out, if Eric promised, I am afraid that the benefits have not been fulfilled, the home video tape has launched a stage of history.

The two talked for a while, and Dahe Dianxiong turned and left. Eric greeted the people around him and went to the corner of the reception hall to find a sofa to sit down. Taking a shot of the champagne in the glass, I plan to take a break.

A few moments later, several of the fireflies’ executives came together and sat down next to Eric. Jeffrey asked curiously: "Eric, what did Dahe Dianxiong talk to you?"

Eric simply said the situation.

"If you can really cooperate, it seems to be good, what do you think?" Jeffrey said after listening.

Eric shrugged: "No idea, tomorrow, people will collect some relevant information to see the decision, but I heard that the dvd disc technology is already in development, if this technology can replace the video tape. We do not seem necessary Add the videotape to the drowning water."

"I have also read some dvd technology information," Kasenberg said at this time: "Compared to videotape. Dvd's piracy costs are cheaper, I think this technology is promoted, for Hollywood, it is not what Good thing."

"The emergence of TV sets and the emergence of home video tapes are not good things for Hollywood, but technological advances are hard to stop. All we can do is follow the progress of technology and change our survival strategy. Otherwise, we can only be Eliminated."

Kasenberger smiled at the bald head and said: "I understand that, don't talk about it, Eric, do you have any ideas about several films that work with Colombia?"

“Not yet,” Eric shook his head. He remembers more classic movies, many of which are series of movies, but Eric does not want to bring out a series of films with obvious development value to cooperate with Colombia. After all, even if it is copyright The relevant terms have been signed, but if the interests involved are too great, it will definitely be unclear in the future: "On your side, I just saw what you have been talking to Peter Cooper?"

"He hopes to come up with a copy of the four big productions released by Fireflies to work with Colombia," Kasenberg said bluntly.

"Which one?" asked Eric.

Kasenberg said: "The Great Heaven and Earth."

The four major production films released by Firefly are "Jurassic Park", "Heaven and Earth", "True Lies" and "Speed ​​of Life and Death". Among them, "Jurassic Park" and "Heaven and Earth" are special effects. Blockbuster. The two films "Real Lies" and "Speed ​​of Life" are more inclined to traditional stunts, and one is a remake, and the other is a road thriller. After seeing the "Tornado" trailer on the Super Bowl, it would not be surprising that Colombia would like to cooperate in the development of "The Big Crash".

"They finally had some self-knowledge and didn't open the Jurassic Park," Eric said. When the fireflies released the news, they revealed that Jurassic Park would be made into a series. It seems that Peter Cooper understands that the fireflies will certainly not take "Jurassic Park" out to cooperate with them, and secondly choose the disaster film of this comet against the earth.

"What do you mean?" Kasenberger also had some expectations in his eyes. He also hopes that Eric will be able to bring out "World and Earth Clash" to develop with Disney and Colombia. This film was written by Eric himself. The outline of the story, coupled with the smashing of the comet against the earth, is unlikely to fail.

Eric thought about it, or shook his head. The fireflies had a detailed development plan for the four films. The speed of life and death will be released at the end of the year. The release date of Jurassic Park and Heaven and Earth has been fixed. In the summer program next year, Cameron’s "true lies" will be produced next year, and in the summer of 1994, there will be another big gimmick, don't forget, Catherine Bigelow The "Save the Great Ryan" will also be produced next year, on June 6, 1994, the day of the 50th anniversary of the Normandy landing.

Now that the "Heaven and Earth Clash" is handed over to Disney and Colombia, a lot of pre-work has been done by the fireflies. For a big movie company, under normal circumstances, although the number of movies released each year is up to 20, but each year The main movie is often only three or four, and once these films are successful, they will even occupy about half of the film company's annual box office, so it is imaginable. How much resources and energy the film company will spend on these movies. And the four movies released by Firefly. They are ranked in the main players in the next three years, and certainly cannot be changed easily.

"I will start the work of Jurassic Park after this Oscar. There is still one month. This is enough time for me to pick a few projects. You can recommend any good plans in your hands. I," Eric said, looking at Michael Lynn: "That. How was your discussion with Peter Cooper?"

Michael Lynn looked down and saw that no one was close to it, and whispered: "If time is too fast, things will be too obvious. I have discussed a plan with Peter Cooper from Oscar. After that, the plan continues until the end of the year, so that not many people will find it."

Eric is not worried about what Peter Cooper will play, and now the initiative is completely in the firefly here, if Peter Cooper does not fulfill the promise. Fireflies have many ways to pay for each other, not to mention. Anyway, it’s not his own thing. Peter Cooper has no reason to go back. Eric is saying that Peter Cooper and Strong Peters have begun to brew to increase their salary. It is estimated that the firefly contract expires three years later. Even if you can't maintain your status, you can leave Colombia with a full charge.

After the matter was over, several people began to talk with a smile and talked about the relaxed topic. Some eye-catching guests noticed the changes in the mood of several people, knowing that they had finished the business, and eagerly got together.

"Let's talk, let me go," Eric looked up by chance, and Nicole, who was wearing a lilac tube top dress, smiled and looked at it, and got up.

"Eric," I saw Eric walking in, and Nicole raised a toast at him. Eric reached out and took the champagne from Nicole aside and pulled Nicole's handkerchief: "We Go dancing."

"Okay," Nicole left Eric Carat and walked to the dance floor.

In the slow music, Eric glared at Nicole's waist and sniffed the girl's light fragrance. He said softly on the dance steps: "Do you know what purple represents?"

"Well?" Nicole looked at Eric's gaze, revealing the look of the inquiry.

"Purple stands for nobleness and mystery. Generally, women don't dare to wear purple dresses because they often don't have enough powerful gas fields to wear them."

Nicole's thin lips licked a smile: "What do you think I wear this dress?"

"His Royal Highness, I want to kiss your back on one knee," Eric said in a half-truth.

Nicole sneaked into the reception hall, with a little gaze in her eyes: "I am looking forward to this kind of scene, or do we go out and try?"

The people around Eric don't pay attention, and the palm of Nicole's waist slid down and patted it gently: "Woman, don't get in."

Nicole glanced at him with a sullen anger, and the tone changed slightly. He whispered and said softly: "Eric, I recently read "Jurassic Park". You think I played Alice Sa. How about Dr. Teller?"

"In the production plan, all the actors in this movie can only get the minimum salary set by the trade union. Would you like it?"

"I am willing," Nicole replied without hesitation.

Eric smiled and said: "When you answer my will, I don't think about anything messy in my heart?"

Nicole's face was reddish: "Nothing."

Eric ridiculed a sentence and said: "The protagonist of Jurassic Park will be those from ancient times. Like the Tornado, this movie is not in addition to making the actors familiar with the audience. It plays too much. With your current coffee position, it is a waste of time to star in this movie."

"You are not saying that you want to prepare two movies for me. What about Tom Cruise and his partners? "Spicy Police Flower" has it, what about the next one?"

"Amount..." Eric stared at the girl’s gaze, and realized that the pit was waiting for herself: "It’s not too late, I think such a big thing, let’s go back and talk about comparison. Ok, for example, on the bed."

Nicole stood up without fear: "Okay."


Feeling the movements of people around me, Nicole almost woke up with Eric at the same time. The skin on the back was close to the man's solid chest, so she couldn't help but shrink her body and instinctively leaned back and felt it. Eric's morning desires are swaying in her hips.

Nicole snorted twice in a prank, only to laugh and turn over and look at Eric: "Early."

"Early," Eric got together and squatted on Nicole's thin lips.

The warmth of the kiss made Nicole warm, and stretched out an arm to hold Eric. When he narrowed his eyes, he would continue to sleep, and then the atmosphere was smashed by the little guy on the lower abdomen.

"I really want to cut it off, it's too annoying," Nicole said, stretching her hand and complaining.

"That's why you didn't find the right way to use it," Eric laughed and put Nicole into his arms. He used his knees to open the girl's legs.

Nicole snorted a few times and spit out a deep breath.

"Sleep, it's still early, you can sleep for another half an hour," Eric's voice sounded.

"Bastard, this... how to sleep," Nicole hammered on Eric's back with a funny smile.

So half an hour of sleep time was changed to morning flight.

Then get up, stand shoulder-to-shoulder in the bathroom, wash his face in front of the mirror, he shaves his beard, she is doing skin care, then changing clothes, running together in the manor, taking a day's newspaper back, Eric Sitting at the long table in the restaurant, reading the newspaper, Nicole made breakfast in the opposite kitchen.

Putting a small piece of bread on the table, Nicole poured milk on the two, noticed Erik's expression, and curiously asked, "What's wrong?"

“Suddenly remembered a story,” Eric said as he looked at the buns that had just been taken out of the oven.

"Oh," Nicole raised an eyebrow and handed the milk over and sat down oppositely. "What story?"

"Two killers, they met by chance in a chaotic city, then fell in love, and then got married."

"Well..." Nicole bit his mouthful of bread and pointed his head. The golden bangs in front of the forehead swayed naughty, suddenly raised his head and asked, "Hey, the two killers you said are a man. Female?"


"Oh, make a joke, you go on."

"But they don't know each other's identity. Although they are the top killers in the industry, they belong to two different killer groups. They live in an inconspicuous neighborhood, live a dull life, and have their own cover. Occupation, the neighbors call them: Smiths." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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