I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 461: habit

Nicole listened quietly to Eric's conversation with Wu Baige, although Wu Baige said most of the time, but from Eric, he said from time to time, 'This can't be done...', 'I think maybe it can be like that. ...... 'The words like, Nicole still quickly understood that the rhythm of the two people's dialogue is still controlled by Eric, which makes her completely relieved.

Although Nicole only went to Hollywood for two or three years, with the rise of fame and status, Nicole has already regarded herself as a part of Hollywood. Therefore, like many others, she is deeply rooted in Hollywood. The outsiders have instinctive distrust. If the project has nothing to do with Eric, and the producer insists on using a Hong Kong director, she has already voluntarily withdrawn from the crew.

Time passed by, and when the sky was getting darker, Eric, who was satisfied, said: "Mr. Wu, come here today, I am very glad that we have coincided with many shooting ideas. I believe that Our cooperation will be very enjoyable."

Wu Baige also smiled and stood up: "I hope so too."

Although many of his own shooting ideas have been rejected by Eric, the situation is much better than he thought. At least, Eric personally promised that as long as the two sides agree on the shooting concept before the film starts, then In the process of shooting, he will get enough power, which is what Wu Baige wants most.

After all, in Hollywood, most of the time, the director is just a higher level than the rest of the crew. Especially for those who make big movies, the director will not only be constrained by the producers, but even the big-name actors. Eric gave him such a promise, Wu Baige has no doubt that his power in the crew will be watered in the future. After all, the young man opposite is one of the most powerful people in Hollywood, although he is not old.

A group of people walked out of the meeting room side by side, and through the corridor, several people, including Nicole, fell behind. Eric said to Wu Baige, who is next to him: "Mr. Wu, I must have fully understood Hollywood before you come."

Wu Baige nodded and didn't know that Eric would suddenly mention this.

Eric went on to say: "I know that there are many outstanding filmmakers in Hong Kong. However, Hollywood is very exclusive, and the rejection of colored people will be more obvious. You will definitely encounter these in the future."

Wu Baige is not subject to various kinds of implicit discrimination as the colored people of the United States, and certainly does not understand the deeper meaning of Eric. He just said: "Do not worry, Mr. Williams, if this happens, I will focus on the overall situation."

"No, let's have no use," Eric shook his head and said: "If you want to get recognition from Hollywood, the only way is to bring enough benefits to the filmmakers. As long as you can make money for the film company. Whether you are a yellow or a black person, they will treat you as a guest."

"I will try my best," Wu Baige said, but with some unconfidence in his tone, any movie is an investment gamble. Who can definitely win?

"I have seen many of your movies, "Heroes of the True Colors", "The Bloody Heroes", "The Gallbladder" and last year's "The Four Seas", which is why you will receive this film, but I just got The reason why you will deny your many shooting ideas is because those things may suit Hong Kong movies on the other side of the ocean. But in Hollywood, it doesn't work. So, although we have reached an agreement, I will give you enough power. But I also hope that you can maintain your own shooting style, and more in line with the rules of Hollywood, you also know my identity, the success or failure of a movie I have to bear, but you can not afford it."

Wu Baige of course heard that Eric said this was a good intention, although he did not know that the two sides met for the first time. The good intentions of this young Hollywood tycoon came from, but this does not stop Wu Baige's gratitude: "Mr. Williams, rest assured, I will never let down your trust."

Eric smiled and said nothing. As a former gunman, he made these reminders to Wu Baige, but now the position of the two sides has been different, if Wu Baige really puts Smith. The couple is messed up, then he can only return to Hong Kong. However, because of the rush of time in this world, Wu Baige did not say ‘words of rhetoric’ such as “no longer returning to Hong Kong to make movies”, even if there is no psychological burden to go back.

After the director is in place, the next step is the choice of the actor. In the "Smiths", the male and female characters account for 80% of the total length of the film. Therefore, in addition to being handsome, the actor needs to have Enough performance and gas field.

Because it is a script written by Eric himself and also a producer, therefore, as long as there are qualified and qualified first-line male stars in Hollywood, they basically express their intentions, and even many second- and third-line male stars who have a wide range of roads pass through A variety of relationships are linked to Eric himself.

"Eric, I think Mel Gibson is good. He is the hero of the "Fatal Weapons 3", which is the main character of Warner in the summer. It will definitely promote the box office of "Smiths"," at the discussion session on the leading actor, Peter Cooper said so.

The age of the actor of "Smiths" is limited to between 30 and 40. The life of Hollywood stars is very long. The male stars at this stage are often the most masculine stage. Eric listens. In the words of Peter Cooper, he looked down at the information in front of him. So far, the candidate actor that has been screened by the crew includes Mel Gibson, Bruce Willis, Limnson, Kevin Costner, etc., even West The agent of Ernst Stallone was handed over to the audition application.

After the fierce defeat of "Rocky 5" at the box office, Stallone has been in the low tide of his career for the past two years. Although the agent of the other party directly called Eric, the conditions offered were very sincere, but Eric was still very fast. Refused, Stallone is not an action star, but that face is a disaster for a slightly comedy-style action movie.

"No, Peter, Mel Gibson can't. He gives people too much wild feelings. The actor I want, the best **** with a gentlemanly manner, Mel Gibson can not get along with the gentleman," Ereli Ke shook his head and said. Although Mel Gibson was notorious for being hacked in anti-Semitic remarks, it has nothing to do with Eric. In Hollywood, it is difficult for people with moral integrity to survive. He just thought that Mel Gibson was not suitable.

"What about Bruce Willis?" Peter Cooper also uttered a heavyweight male star, with a number of action films at the peak of his career, Bruce Willis.

Eric looked up helplessly and said: "Peter, we need a suitable actor, not just their box office appeal. You let Bruce Willis replace Schwarzenegger as the Terminator, or Let Mel Gibson go to "Die Hard", do you think the two movies will still succeed?"

Peter Cooper waved his hand: "Well, Eric, then you have to have a choice. We have been discussing it for a week. Can't it be consumed like this?"

Eric packed up the information in front of him and stood up and said: "Come here today. I will go back and think about it. I will arrange an audition for these two days. If not, expand the scope of the audition."


Back at the Pointe Manor, Eric just got off the bus and saw a red Ferrari running through the manor's ramp and passing a small wind over Eric.

After Ferrari stopped, the tall girl in tight black leather did not immediately get off the bus, kneeling on the steering wheel, taking off the frog mirror on her face and showing a charming smile to Eric: "Hey, dear, I can't recognize me. coming?"

Eric smiled and shook his head. Looking at Ferrari's smile with a hint of wild Famik Jensen, Eric felt a glimmer of thought in his mind, but could not catch it.

Famik Jensen didn't know what Eric thought, pushing the car and getting off the car. Come over and hold Eric’s arm and say, “Go, what are you doing here?”

"Don't, I seem... let me think."

Famik Jensen stopped and looked at Eric in confusion, waiting patiently.

"Forget it, let's go." A moment later, Eric gave up the struggle and took Famick Jensen toward the villa: "How come today, it is Oscar right away, don't you need to attend a public relations party?"

"I have no nominations, what is the use of the party," Famik Jensen said with some helplessness, "The End of the Road" won a number of Oscar nominations, but the original time double heroines were nominated Appeared, Famik Jensen originally wanted to win a female hostess's nomination for the popularity, but tg only reported a best actress for Susan Sarandon, and said she was just a newcomer, even if it was reported I don’t necessarily get a nomination, it will also waste tg’s public relations resources. Famik Jensen certainly knows that Elizabeth’s women are playing with careful thoughts. It is estimated that if Eric did not speak for herself, she would not get the last road. The role in Wild Flower, but Famik Jensen is too lazy to tell Eric about these things.

However, seeing the sullen appearance of Famik Jensen, Eric has roughly guessed the ins and outs of the matter: "Your performance in "The End of the Road" is still very good, I will talk about a few of them later. How can this be done?"

"Cut, you are willing, that's three," Famik Jensen said innocently.

Eric grabbed Famik Jensen's waist and said seriously: "In my heart, you are all unique. No one is light or heavy."

"You are really a big talk, hehe..." Famik Johnson just wanted to continue to speak, and Eric kissed his red lips.

Kissing for a moment, I felt Eric slowly slide down from his waist, and Famik Jensen quickly pushed Eric: "No, this is outside."

"Then we go back to the villa. In the evening, I personally cook for you to eat, how about?"

"It seems... I don't expect it at all," Famik Jensen laughed. Eric's cooking was just like that. And the habits of past lives made Eric's things not in line with his side. The appetite of a woman.

Eric reveals the ‘discontent’ look: “Hey, it’s too uncomfortable. I’ve been busy all day, come back and give you something to eat. You have to boast at least two sentences?”

"Forget it, let me cook dinner," Famik Jensen said.

"Then we are together."

The two talked and walked into the villa, had dinner, Eric got into the study, and Famik Jensen followed.

"I haven't seen you in this wall for a long time," Famick Jensen walked back along the wall covered with drafts. From time to time, he would reach out and take a manuscript and carefully look at it carefully. go back.

Eric whispered, sitting at the desk and looking at the audition list of the actor who brought it back, holding a pencil in his hand and taking notes occasionally.

For many movies in Hollywood, the longest time is often the script. Many movie scripts have to be revised many times. However, the "Smiths" has directly crossed this most difficult hurdle, plus The two major film companies have a green light, and the film preparation can be called a speed. Now, as long as the actor can be selected, the crew can enter the early stage of the run-in.

Famick Jensen swayed in the study and finally came to Eric's desk, reaching out to the table and leaping onto the large desk, taking a pencil and a paper knife from the pen in front of Eric. Pull the ashtray over and carefully cut the pencil.

"Hey, why do you always use pencils?" Famik Jensen cut a pencil and asked in his hand, curiously.

Eric smelled the faint body fragrance of the girl around him and said casually: "Habit, this can make me look different, and occasionally I can take it to pick up a girl, look, and hook up one."

Famick Jensen took a moment and quickly understood it. He smiled and raised his long legs and picked it up on Eric: "You can't be serious."

"Positive, that is habit, nothing else," Eric smiled and put a piece of information aside, turned to the leather chair and looked at the girl: "Okay, look at what you have been trying to say, say it. What the **** is it?"

Famik Jensen tweaked, and he was embarrassed to say: "Have you started a movie recently?"

"Brad Pitt?" Eric asked with a smile.

"Well, you guessed it. He invited me to dinner yesterday," Famik Jensen said, noting Eric's face and quickly explaining: "It's with his agent, you put that time. He was frightened, he didn't dare to get along with me alone."

Of course, Eric did not think of the original actor of the "Smiths", but even if he did not agree with the previous agreement, Fox, who owns half of the copyright of the "X-Files", will resolutely oppose it. After all, if Brad Pitt relies on this movie. Fire, how about the "x file"? (To be continued.)


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