I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 470: dust

Everyone who has a success often has its stubborn side. Tim Berners-Lee is not only the proponent of the concept of the World Wide Web, but even the inventor of the world’s first web server. If such a person is willing to set up a company, he will The research results have been commercialized and have long since become a billionaire. However, as an idealist, Tim Berners-Lee gave up his wealth at his fingertips, but instead chose to publish his research results to the outside world free of charge. Such a person must be worthy of respect.

Eric chats with Tim Berners-Lee for a whole day. Although he is very happy and appreciates each other very much, Tim Berners-Lee is never willing to give up his free sharing.

It is not impossible for Eric to completely abandon Tim Berners-Lee, set up IE company according to his own ideas and develop a graphical interface browser, but in this case, he loses the opportunity to directly participate in the development of Internet protocol rules. .

Until the evening, the two of them sat quiet, and Chris next to him looked at the sunset on the sea silently. Tim Berners. Lee also picked up the coffee cup again and lifted his legs. Chris looked to the sunset burning outside the glass curtain wall, and he knew that Eric was about to make a final decision.

For a long time, Eric said: "Mr. Li, I can agree to the IE browser for free."

Tim Berners-Lee showed a smile, and Chris accidentally looked at Eric. Among the three projects, Chris always felt that IE was the most promising. If Eric chose this project for free, the loss was not a star or a half, but Chris did not raise an objection on the spot.

Free strategy is almost an inevitable trend in software development. Although Eric is not very familiar with the browser software industry, he also knows that software sales revenue is often only the most inconspicuous part of the income of many Internet companies. The most important thing is users. As long as they accumulate a large enough number of users, they are It is the profit of Internet companies to implement value-added services on the platform.

"However, I still have a few conditions," Eric continued.

Tim Berners-Lee made a gesture to say.

Eric said: "First of all, Mr. Li. I hope that you can serve as a senior technical consultant for IE."

"I can promise you this," Tim Berners. Lee nodded very refreshedly.

Eric continued: "The second condition, when the World Wide Web Consortium develops Internet protocols, needs to be somewhat biased towards the technical standards of the browser. In return, IE can donate a research and development to the World Wide Web Foundation every year. Funds, meanwhile, although it is free to the public, we still have the right to apply for technology patents."

Tim Berners-Lee gave up the patent application for web server and World Wide Web technology, and gave up the opportunity to become a billionaire. However, Eric did not realize the realization of such a good man. His philosophy is I independently funded the development of software. It can be used for free, but mine is still mine, you can use it. But don't think about it for yourself.

Tim Berners. Lee knows that Eric still has no idea of ​​abandoning the monopoly. However, this seems to be the best solution. He is not willing to commercialize his technical achievements, but he cannot meet his own standards. Others do this.

"Eric, as far as I am concerned. I can agree with your second condition, but I still need to discuss this with other members."

"Of course, no problem." Eric nodded. He knew that Tim Berners-Lee had a high prestige in the World Wide Web Consortium. Since he personally agreed to this, it would basically not happen again. accident.

Tim Berners-Lee returned to MIT the next day, and although the riots in Los Angeles continued, the situation has stabilized. After a new week, people are moving back to work, and Eric continues to be busy with the preparations for Jurassic Park.

The most important dinosaur models needed in the movie have been finalized, and cg special effects artists in the digital field have begun to develop dinosaur special effects technology.

As the producer of Jurassic Park, Jerry Bruckheimer has been in contact with the Jurassic Park shooting scene during this time. The main viewing site in Kauai, Hawaii has been confirmed, Jerry. During the riots in Los Angeles, Brookeheimer has been looking for amber mine scenes at the beginning of the film in several island countries in Central America.

Eric has invested in the most important casting work of the film.

Perhaps the memory in my mind is too clear. In the pile of audition actor materials submitted by Eric, Eric did not have a fancy, and finally let people contact Sam Neil.

Sam Neil has entered the film and television industry in the 1970s. Although he has a good acting style, he has never had a big fire. In addition to occasionally playing a supporting role in some mainstream commercial films, other times have been mixed in the circle of small cost alone. in.

Upon receiving the firefly's invitation to Jurassic Park, Sam Neil was delighted to be unusual. He did not see the script at all, and he personally called to answer the matter.

But then there was another trouble. Before receiving the invitation from Jurassic Park, Sam Neil had signed a male sci-fi film "Invisible Wall-Will Man" by Warner. The film is said to be With an investment of 40 million US dollars, Eric did not have any impression, and he thought it would be a street.

Although "Invisible Wall-Will" is barely a big production, the male No. 2 of this movie is not likely to be compared with the Jurassic Park male.

Sam Neal immediately chose to cancel with Warner. It was common for a movie to change roles even during the filming process. However, after knowing the reason for Sam Neil's cancellation, the savvy Warner was reluctant. Warner has always been controversial about the project of "Invisible Wall-Wid Man", so although the film invested up to 40 million US dollars, but the actor Kas is very simple, all actors. Only Dalil Hannah, who has participated in such famous films as Wall Street, Steel Magnolia and The Blade Runner, is a bit famous. The actor Chevy Chase is a child of the same age as Sam Neil. The middle-aged actor is also in the same situation as Sam Neil. It has not been warm.

Warner realized that this was a very good opportunity. After all, Eric’s films often made some lesser-known actors famous. Therefore, Warner directly took the price of the actor’s contract and proposed conditions if Eric wanted To be Sam Neil, it is necessary to perform a production film on the film "Invisible Wall-Walled Man". Eric’s film as a producer has not failed. Warner is obviously trying to take advantage of Eric's personal box office appeal. Not only that, Warner also promoted Sam Neil to the role of the male one.

The actor contracted this kind of thing. If it is not true, then the contract will be terminated, and everyone will get together. After all, a movie investment is tens of millions. No one has time to talk to each other.

However, if it is more serious, it will be a lot of trouble. It is not impossible to have a few years of lawsuits.

It is of course impossible for Eric to name the producer in a movie that he has never heard of. After Warner wants to come to the script, he is even more reluctant. This script is not except for an invisible man’s gimmick. Too many new ideas, the plot is also somewhat scattered.

However, Warner has invested a lot of preliminary work for this project. It took millions of money to cancel the movie project. It is definitely not enough.

After a week of negotiations. The two sides finally barely agreed to reach an agreement. Eric was named producer in another film in Warner, and Sam Neil changed his name to "The Invisible Wall-Walking Man", shooting in "Jurassic Park". After the completion, continue to shoot this movie.

After picking and picking, Eric finally chose a movie that Warner is filming. The actor is just this year with Kevin Costner, who won the best director and best actor with "Dance with the Wolf". The movie's name is "Bodyguard".

Perform the job as a producer. Power is very broad, you can manage everything, you can do nothing, and Hollywood's most famous executive producer, Spielberg, Spielberg averages at least five movies every year to execute producers.

In the case of Warner’s contract with Sam Neil, Eric is also busy with the heroine and other supporting roles. Two young protagonists, Eric in Spielberg’s Captain Hawke "The young protagonist chose a little boy, and the other little girl role was recommended by Jerry Bruckheimer. Eric was very happy to sell to Jerry Bruckheimer."

However, Eric did not tell Jerry that this little girl will become the most unpopular role in Jurassic Park. Eric remembers the original time and space, and Jurassic Park is everywhere in the world. The sale is in full swing, but because of the series of pig teammates in the film by John Hardmond, she became the most offensive role in Jurassic Park, so the producers simply canceled it. The little girl's real doll doll made.

During the audition of the heroine, Nicole, who was nervously filming the "Smiths", took the party. Kingsley personally found Eric and recommended him to an actress who recently signed a contract with Kingsley. After Li and Tom Cruise canceled the contract, they quickly signed a good actor. Originally, Kimsley got the reminder of Nicole and planned to get the position of the hero of "Jurassic Park". They have already been handed to Eric, but Eric has the best candidate in his heart. Sending Jin Sili can only retreat to the next, and the idea is hit by the heroine.

It’s also a coincidence that Eric saw the actress recommended by Kim Sally, and it was very unexpected. The actress was twenty-seven years old and tall, her eyes were small, but she smiled. People feel very comfortable, and most importantly, the actress named Helen Hunt is the heroine of the original Tornado.

From the party, Kim Seri, Eric knew that Helen Hunter’s career in the film circle had not improved, and he had already planned to play a TV series. However, under the persuasion of Sendis, he decided to let go. Bo, he transferred his contract to Pai Jinsi Li, and actively pursued the opportunity of the heroine of Jurassic Park.

Although I understand Nicole's thoughts, Eric is not very concerned. In recent years, Eric has been very clear that Hollywood is actually a circle of people, although the rules of the actors are selected according to the standard audition process. It’s been going on all the time, but more often than not, actors, directors, or producers talk casually, and after a few meals, the character is fixed. So Eric does not object to Nicole running his own small circle.

Moreover, Helen Hunter also won the Oscar for Best Actress in the original time and space, which shows that this woman's acting is definitely no problem. After the audition, Eric is more satisfied, so he signed the contract with the other party very quickly.

In the past day of May, the summer file of 1992 is about to come, and the aftermath of the riots in Los Angeles has gradually dissipated. Although during the riots, some blacks rescued the whites by the media and played a certain role in ethnic conflicts. The buffering effect, but in fact, many things still have not changed, not only that, because the impact of this riot, the discriminatory behavior is more intense, in Los Angeles, there have been many owners dismissed black employees because they feel black Employees are a very unstable factor.

In addition, the Los Angeles County Government also told the public that it would reopen the Rodney King case, and Eric knew that there would only be one result in the case, which was ‘guilty’. Moreover, the riot of the riots, a parole who was jailed and jailed for drunk driving, Rodney King also timely lodged a complaint against the Los Angeles County Government, seeking huge personal compensation, the information published in the media showed that this Mr. Rodney King asked the Los Angeles County Government to compensate him for $54 million at the 'price' of $1 million per stick (in the video of the police brutality, Rodney King had a total of 54 sticks).

After seeing these news, Eric can only sneer, and it is doomed to change nothing. Although the huge compensation of $54 million is impossible for the Los Angeles County Government, the final compensation amount will definitely reach millions. The dollar, and the money will come from taxpayers, but this time, Eric’s taxpayers who want to be devastated by the riots will certainly not make an unfair expression. (To be continued)

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