I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 473: Glamorous girl

"The first day of more than 12 million, the start is not bad, but the box office should have risen on Saturday, but it has dropped to 9.5 million. If there is no accident, it will fall today. Unfortunately, such a good series of themes, although the first week The last call for the accumulation, the box office may break 40 million, but the next week's decline is destined to exceed 50%, or even more," in the banquet hall of the Hilton Hotel, Paramount ceo Frank Mancuso half sighed half It is gloating to say.

Warner President Robert Daley looked at the strong Peters, who was holding a charming woman, and smiled and said: "The only two idiots will let go of Tom Cruise's tampering with the project. "The Dark War" The main line of the series should be Tom Hanks's girders, and with the witty supporting role of Joe Pesci, each of them will find a vivid criminal, so that the series can be continued safely, instead of being changed into one. A ridiculous action movie, Tom Cruise is still the most insured to film art."

"He wanted to stand on his own, and Paramount had to cancel the contract with him. Two years ago, the "Thunder" was until now, Paramount barely recovered the cost. Robert, I heard that Eric Williams Will be the executive producer of Warner's "Bodyguard"?"

Robert Daley knows that Frank Mancuso is saying that he is trying to mix his mind, but the cost of the film "Bodyguard" is not too high, plus Eric and just relying on "with Kevin Costner participated in the Oscar with a full victory. There is almost no possibility of loss in this movie, and Warner certainly cannot let Paramount participate.

"Yes, but the cost of this movie will not exceed $30 million. Warner is more than enough to handle it."

Frank Mancuso didn't have much expectations, of course, he wouldn't be disappointed. He turned his head and looked around. "Eric Williams hasn't appeared yet. Now the young people's shelves are really coming. The bigger it is."

Robert Daley did not echo Frank Mancuso's words, but he knew that today is a weekend. Eric is still busy with Jurassic Park.

It’s an energetic young man.

Thinking of some news about Jurassic Park from some sources, Robert Daley is somewhat envious. With the level of special effects that the digital domain has shown in Tornado, Robert Daley realized that Jurassic Park is likely to bring a visual wonder again.

Tonight's "Tornado" celebrates the banquet, as usual. Originally, there would not be so many seven high-level executives appearing on the scene, but everyone also saw the huge potential of the digital domain special effects companies, and they rushed over. This scene is like the "Star Wars" horizontal more than a decade ago. The same is true.

Prior to this, Eric continued to produce high-bay movie, but the other major movie companies were able to make it.

But now the "Tornado" shows the level of special effects technology that is not produced by other special effects departments of other companies. Because Eric has continuously handed over all the special effects films such as Terminator 2, Jurassic Park and Tornado to the digital field. With the accumulation of technology in these films, the digital field has been in computer cg special effects. It is far more than the industrial light magic.

Although the "Tornado" was released. The media's arrival of the computer cg era is only a speculation, but the savvyly sensational Hollywood film company has realized that a new era is coming from the disaster film series in the Firefly Movie Project and the Jurassic Park series. The status of the industrial light magic is destined to be replaced by the digital field.

There was a commotion at the entrance of the banquet hall. Robert Daley didn’t have to look at it and knew that Eric was finally here, but he didn’t rush to the eagerness of the little characters, but he changed his glass of champagne without hesitation. For a while. When Eric satisfies the people around him, he walked with Frank Mancuso.

"Eric. Congratulations, oh, and Miss Pacura," Robert Daley and Frank Mancuso greeted Eric.

"Thank you," Eric and Joanna Pakula, who gently held his arm, smiled and raised the champagne.

The four people toasted to the lips and took a sip. Robert D. first said: "Eric, I heard that you want to make a documentary about the riots in Los Angeles. If you need information from CNN, you can always give me Call."

Eric nodded again and thanked him. He did not reject Robert Daley's kindness, and Eric knew that Robert Daley was not polite with himself, but really wanted to show himself. Because Warner Ceo Steve Ross is dying, the two co-presidents Robert Daley and Terry Semel have become more competitive in order to position Ceo.

And Steve Rose has been sitting in the position of Warner Ceo for years, relying on Hollywood, including Steven Spielberg, Clint Eastwood, and Tim Burton. A well-known filmmaker.

Robert Daley showed himself to himself at this time, and it is estimated that he is going to take the path of Steve Rose.

Now Steve Rose is completely unable to deal with Warner's daily affairs. At this time, if Eric clearly expresses his support for Robert Daley, and then under the matchmaking of Robert Daley, he will reach some films on Warner. In cooperation, Robert Daley will definitely be able to defeat Terry Semel and board the throne of ceo. After all, although Warner and the Firefly have a competitive relationship, Warner's shareholders will not be able to withstand the benefits in any case, even if the firefly's business performance in the movie is so eye-catching.

However, Eric will certainly not agree to assist the other party because of Robert Daley's insignificant kindness. After all, from the overall situation, Warner's civil strife is more powerful, and it is more beneficial to other major movie companies.

Talk to Robert Daley for a while. Eric did not leave Frank Mancuso: "Mr. Mancuso, I heard that both Lei Shidong and Barry Diller are playing the attention of Paramount, are they?"

Although Frank Mancuso is a Ceyano of Paramount. However, power is not even comparable to Robert Daley’s president of Warner. Of course, it’s not because Paramount is not as big as Warner, but because Frank Mancuso has been the majority shareholder and board of Paramount. Chairman Martin Davis was pressed and could not stretch at all.

When he heard this question, Frank Mancuso just shrugged. Some embarrassment and helplessness: "These things are all hosted by Mr. Davis, and I am only responsible for the daily management of Paramount."

Eric is only curious at the moment. It didn't poke Frank Mancuso's painful foot, so he quickly changed the subject.

After all, the cocktail party is not a place to talk about business. On this occasion, if the two sides can really reach some cooperation intentions. I will only agree on other time details. Therefore, Eric talked with Robert Daley and Frank Mancuso a few words, and then Joanna walked to other people, except for her own, the other six Executives are all there.

"Michael, I’m glad you can come over tonight," Eric walked towards Michael Eisner in the eyes of some speculation.

Michael Eisner smiled. He nodded to Joanna and said, "You won't welcome me?"

"How could it be," Eric shook his head with a smile.

The two talked very familiarly for a while. When she left, Joanna whispered: "Eric, the people at the party don't seem to like him very much?"

Eric said: "I don't like it, but I show my attitude. Fireflies are the protagonists tonight. I have some entanglements with Michael Eisner."

I remembered that Michael Eisner had been alone. Eric’s heart is more important to Michael Eisner, and no one has the courage to appear in this destined case. According to him. In the past few months, Michael Eisner has been talking about cooperation with Industrial Light and Magic, and has flown more than ten times in Japan, from Panasonic to get a movie investment of no less than 500 million US dollars for the world, the next two years. As long as Michael Eisner can take the lead when he is in charge of Disney, he will definitely lead the rise of Universal Pictures.

Joanna couldn’t think of it so much. After listening to Eric’s words, she seemed to understand and nodded. She saw Viginia waving to herself not far away. Joanna loosened Eric’s arm: “Dimensions Ji is calling me, I am going to her."

"Well," Eric looked at the little woman who couldn't see the distance. He smiled and asked: "You two will not be on a diet recently. How do I see that you are thinner?"

"We looked for the same dietitian, is it not good to look thin?" Joanna asked with a smile.

Eric raised his hand and tried to touch Joanna’s cheek. However, after realizing the occasion, he still let it go: “Which is a little better, you don’t follow her to learn to eat. If you are too thin, The face will be slightly sunken, giving a feeling that the whole person is always depressed."

"Not so serious?" Joanna touched her cheek without any scruples and quickly said, "Well, I listen to you."

Looking at Joanna's departure, Eric looked around and couldn't find the figure of other women. Unconsciously, the women had been divided into small circles, and they were clearly defined.

"Good evening, Eric," a voice rang in the ear, Eric turned and saw the strong Peters, who smiled to smile at himself, but let Eric follow the surprise. In the **** girl next to Strong Peters, Eric can't help but look at each other's eyes. The **** girl with a slightly deeper skin color notices Eric's eye changes and generously reaches out and asks: "Hello, William. Mr. Si, my name is Catherine Zeta Jones."

"Hello, Miss Catherine, you are so beautiful," Eric gently shook his hand.

Strong. Peters knows Eric's character very well and sees the woman around him interact with Eric. He subconsciously reaches out to the girl's waist and says: "Eric, Peter asked me to show him to you. Sorry, he has something to go to Europe. He can't come today."

Feeling the hand on the waist, Catherine Zeta Jones was slightly stiffer, but the smile on her face remained the same. She took a small step back without a trace and leaned against Strong Peters again.

"Of course it doesn't matter," Eric regained his gaze from Catherine Zeta Jones and dealt with Strong Peters.

Although there is nothing unusual on the surface, Eric has some emotions in his heart. This feeling is not because he has encountered a glamorous girl in memory, but because of the personal experience of the actress Catherine Zeta Jones.

Strong Peters, Steven Spielberg, Michael Douglas, these three names, no matter which one is the power figure of Hollywood, strong Peters, although many people in Hollywood are recognized as straw bags, but Colombian movies The identity of the company's president is definitely the object of many middle and low-level figures in Hollywood; not to mention Steven Spielberg, and Michael Douglas is a performer, although he is only an actor, but for generations. Accumulation, there is also a strong network in Hollywood.

The top three figures in the Hollywood pyramid were inserted in the same life by a girl from an ordinary family in Wales.

Although Catherine Zeta Jones has a lot of beauty that people admire, in Hollywood, beauty is the most indispensable thing. Therefore, Eric admires this woman's means and is also very curious about how this woman is with Hollywood. These three powers are on the relationship.

Strong. Peters looked at Eric's somewhat distracted appearance, but a strange pride in his heart, holding Katherine Zeta Jones's hand involuntarily tightened again, laughing: "Eric, what's wrong with you?" ?"

"Nothing, suddenly thought of something," Eric looked at. Peters's face looked like a smile, and realized that his appearance was definitely seen by the other side, and there were some misunderstandings. However, Eric did not explain the meaning, just found an excuse to smash the past.

"Yes, about the "Smiths", Eric, have you seen them on the film recently? I have been there twice. I don't know how. I always feel that the Hong Kong director's shooting technique is a bit strange."

Eric nodded: "Hong Kong and Hollywood are still very different, but rest assured, I have been paying attention to this movie, and there will be no problem."

"In this case, I am relieved," said Strong Peters, who seemed to be relieved. (To be continued)

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