I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 485: mascot

Southampton does not only refer to a football club in the UK, but also the name of a famous small town in the north of Long Island, New York. Compared to the Upper East Side of Manhattan, the reputation of Southampton does not seem too conspicuous. However, some people have done a statistic. This town is close to the Atlantic Ocean. The average value of residents is more than one million dollars. In Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, the male protagonist Gatsby The prototype of a luxury mansion is near this town.

In the early morning, the town was connected to a mansion in a white sand beach. Joanna stood in front of the bathroom sink and stared blankly at the small red lines in her hand, and she was at a loss.

I don't know how long I have been in a daze. The knocking sound of the door rang a few times. The voice of Virginia's surprise came in: "Joan, Joan, come out, I am pregnant!"

Joanna flusteredly threw the pregnancy test stick into the trash can, sorted out some messy hair in the mirror, and walked out of the bathroom to open the door.

At the door, Virginia was wearing pajamas, her hair was a little messy, but her face was radiant. She held a white pregnancy test stick and said excitedly: "Two, finally two, you see."

Joanna took a look and took a look at it. For a moment, she didn't know what to do. She had to play the spirit: "Congratulations, Victory, but when are you going to tell Eric?"

Upon hearing this question, Virginia was suddenly a little embarrassed. Although she had planned very well, but it was on the verge, Virginia was still worried about Eric's reaction.

"I. Or, that... Joan, would you first test the reaction of Eric for me?" Virginia blinked. Somewhat said.

Joanna immediately refused: "I don't do this kind of thing, otherwise Eric will think that I am pregnant."

Virginia seems to have been inspired: "Yes, that's it, Joan, you call Eric now, and you say you are pregnant, see how he reacts. If he... angry, you tell me directly He is a prank. Oh, I am a genius, just do it."

Vegniya said, Joanna will go downstairs to make a call. Joanna, who was pulled down the stairs, was shocked. The key is that I am pregnant too.

"I will dial the number for you, remember, you should never say it," Virginia said, picking up the phone and dialing. Joanna immediately held down Virginia's little hand: "Vigie, now Should the Hawaiian side be a little early in the morning?"

"I forgot this. He must have just fallen asleep. At this time, when he is woken up, his temper is definitely worse." Virginian put down her mic and licked her finger and said: "That is 12 o'clock at noon. He is used to getting up at six o'clock."

Joanna was temporarily relieved. Resolutely shook his head: "And, Vicky, I will definitely not help you with this 'prank', to test your own temptation."

Vignia immediately showed a pitiful look: "Joe, how can you do this, we are good sisters. Even if you are busy, you will not help me."

"Not like this," Joanna had some helplessness: "I mean. You still have to tell Eric in the morning and evening, I think, I think... maybe the longer you are, the more angry he is, so you might as well tell him directly. ""

"But if he doesn't want this kid?" Virginia asked with concern.

When Joanna heard this, her heart tightened slightly, and she subconsciously tried to touch her own belly, but quickly suppressed the impulse and said: "If he doesn't want it, then we will give birth to the child ourselves. We We are not able to afford it."

Virginia thought for a moment, slowly picking up Joanna's side and holding her waist, as if seeking comfort: "Then we can be sure, let's bring it together."

Joanna pacified Viking and appeased: "You don't want to be so pessimistic, maybe he likes it."

"He likes to blame, I haven't told you about it long ago. His big boy of this age is the moment that hates children the most."

"But you always have to face it, isn't it, you are thinking about it, I will help you with breakfast," Joanna patted Virginia's back again, got up from the sofa and went to the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator door to block the figure, Joanna sneaked a stunned Virginia in the living room, and she was a little embarrassed. Before she learned about Eric’s reaction, she did not intend to tell the news that she was pregnant too. Ginya, she is more afraid of Eric. She will be afraid of Erik. She will reject the child in her stomach. In just a few minutes, Joanna has made up her mind. If Eric reacts too much, she will leave temporarily. In the United States, secretly find a place to give birth to a child.

Half an hour later, the breakfast was served to the table. Virginia seemed to adjust her mood. Sitting at the table: "I just called to book a private doctor. I will go check it in the morning, oh, no matter what the **** is. Reaction, anyway, I have to give birth to this little thing in my stomach."

Joanna gave Virginia a breakfast, trying to make her tone seem to be nothing: "When are you going to tell him?"

"At least wait for him to finish "Jurassic Park" and find time to tell him."

Joanna also knew that this was a suitable time. She ate a few bites of bread silently, and Joanna remembered another very important question: "Vivi, what about your work?"

Virginia had a faint doubt. She didn't understand why Joanna suddenly asked this question, but she said, "I have already arranged it. You know the last action movie of Fox. I will arrange it. At the end of the year, I didn't have a lot of dramas and I didn't need to participate in publicity. Recently, Kapoor is helping me to talk about a drama contract. It is expected to start shooting next month. It takes about two months. Only pay attention to it, no one will find me. Pregnancy, the pay for the two movies plus some of the money I had previously smashed, enough for me to use for a long time, I can take a rest for a year or two after taking the film."

Joanna listened to Virginia's well-organized plan, and she was enviously envious.

Because of the different growing environments, Virginia has been learning to stand alone since the age of twelve. Regardless of the external environment, Virginia can make its life seem to be in perfect order, while Joanna’s own life track is It seems very messy and completely unplanned. Take it now, "Tornado" does not bring her too much income. If there is no child, she can rely on the reputation brought by "Tornado" to accumulate a sum of money in the next few years, but now, once the child Birth, and even the exposure of this news, will definitely have a big impact on her public image. If Eric rejects this child again...

The heart of the future made Joanna more and more worried. After breakfast, taking advantage of the gap between Virginia and Joanna, Joanna picked up the phone in the living room and hurriedly dialed the number of her agent: "Hey, Charlie. Didn't you say that there was a film for me around the world last time... Yes, I want to go next, but I have several conditions..."


"...Joe, do you think that I am the kind of eye-catching person? As long as you think the script is suitable, I will definitely not object, but since it is a global project, Eisner can't be too stingy, how much they gave you? Pay... um, this number is still generous, when is the movie turned on... At the end of the month, what do you do so urgently... Oh, then okay... OK, I hang up, goodbye," End the call, Eric smiled Shrugging and picking up the desk and walking out of the room.

The time is already in mid-August, the sixth week of the "Jurassic Park", although a tropical storm at the beginning of the month delayed the shooting of the crew for a few days, but the impact is still within the control, if all goes well, Irene Ke can even close the mirror before September 10 and rush to Paris to attend the opening ceremony of the European Disneyland.

Eric thought about these things, just walked to the hotel lobby, a thick middle-aged voice screamed enthusiastically: "Hey, Eric, good morning."

"Early, Donald, I was in a meeting last night and I was not able to pick you up in person. I am sorry," Eric and Donald Trump hugged, and then looked at the middle-aged people and looked awkward. The girl, perhaps entering the developmental period, did not see it for a year. The eleven-year-old Ivanka Trump was a bit high, from a small loli to a slim and charming girl.

"Hey, Ini, still recognize me?"

The girl who heard this sentence clearly showed an expression that wanted to turn her eyes, but she said politely like a little lady: "Hello, Eric."

The three people walked into the restaurant together, ordered breakfast, and talked to each other for a while. Ivanka, who had been silent for a while, spoke for the first time: "Eric, can I appear in the camera without holding the puppet this time?"

"Ah, but I'm... I'm ready."

Ivanka finally failed to hold back his eyes: "Eric, you are one of the most powerful directors in Hollywood, can you not do this naive thing, I am not the mascot in your movie."

"Ini, first of all, I have to thank you for your compliments, but this is not naive. After the "Ghosts" and "Tornados", the audience just noticed you, if at this time you suddenly change the style to give up the 'small puppet' The girl's image has no such gimmick effect."

"The little girl holding the puppet, this is really boring, my God, I will promise to do this boring thing for a hundred dollars. Eric, will I give you that one hundred dollars?"

Eric looked like a 'right color': "Ini, now it’s not just a hundred dollars. The airfare and accommodation fees for you and your father to and from Hawaii can be provided by the crew."

Ivanka looks to his father.

Donald Trump’s face ‘heavy’ nodded. “We both spend at least five thousand dollars each, you don’t play...”

In the face of the unscrupulous father who colluded with Eric, Ivanka was immediately defeated. The girl even had some doubts about her life. Was she really born in the home of a billionaire?

When I was a child, Ivanka eventually held a large dinosaur puppet, which appeared in the joint scene when programmer Dennis and people traded dinosaur embryos. (To be continued)

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