I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 601: How can there be so much?

After the introduction, the invited guests, in addition to relatives and friends, there are some familiar neighborhoods for women during their stay in Long Island.

The birthday party for the little ones was arranged at five o'clock in the afternoon. Instead of inviting a special party company, it was in the form of a buffet. It was a simple greeting for a while, and Joanna took the women to prepare dinner.

As one of New York's most well-known wealthy districts, East Hampton and Southampton have gathered a large number of wealthy, politicians and celebrities. Although there are many middle-class residents, they can purchase the same size near Eric's fancy estate. Real estate is not an ordinary generation. When the women leave, Eric and a group of big men exchange business cards, and see the title of a certain company president or a certain foundation manager on a business card. accident.

After all, many people only met for the first time. After simply congratulating Eric on the acquisition of abc, everyone did not take the initiative to mention this matter, but instead shifted the topic to the topic of economic governance that Westerners are more interested in. Unscrupulously ridicule the president, slamming a tax policy or talking about prospects for an industry.

In fact, most of the time, the so-called contacts are formed like this. Everyone drinks and chats together, and they are familiar with each other. In the future, they will come up with a contact method to find each other. This is a kind of resource. Although everyone in the room is older than himself, Eric is able to handle this group of people with his two generations of experience. In many cases, he can also take the initiative in some topics. Gradually, the people present. I also ignored the fact that Eric was less than twenty-five years old at this time.

As everyone's attention turned to Eric's focus, the topic was unconsciously transferred to the film.

I heard that the senior manager from Merrill Lynch, named Pierre Clark, has been worried about the growing size of film investment in recent years. Eric said: "From the golden age of Hollywood to "floating" to five In the 1960s, "Ben Xu" and "Cleopatra", in the early 1980s, "The Gate of Heaven", Hollywood never cut off the production of so-called 'blockbuster' movies, including the film company. Big troubled production films, such as Cleopatra and Heaven's Gate, if before the 1990s, film companies are increasingly inclined to make blockbuster films really a worrying thing. But today's entertainment industry is very different even if compared with a decade ago. Globalization will become an inevitable trend. The proportion of Hollywood movies' overseas income to total revenue is increasing. This means that the film company wants to change. In order to continue to maintain its dominant position, it is necessary to produce films that are less restricted by regional culture, and cg special effects films and big-produced action films are among the most secure categories. I am sure that the blockbuster film that will cost about $100 million in the next decade will become the mainstream of several major Hollywood studios. The vast overseas market and the growing number of derivative channels are also Can ensure that these films are profitable enough."

When everyone was thinking about it, another middle-aged man with a short stature asked: "Eric, why not a comedy and a horror film? These films also have no cultural restrictions. You originally I have watched the production of "Little Ghosts", "Wind Beauty" and "Small Isles". These films are of excellent quality and low cost, and the return on investment is more than ten times more."

Eric remembers the middle-aged man named Kenneth Norton. The business card says the president of a company that doesn't know what type of company. He smiled and shook his head and said, "Mr. Norton. You only see the success of these films." But what you can't see is that at least hundreds of hundreds of comedy films or horror films that are fortunate enough to be on the cinema channel every year in Hollywood eventually end up in bleak, and even the cost can't be recovered, let alone sell to the global market. The Bombshell film is different. At least before the global market demand for this type of film is saturated, these films are still very popular among the audience because of the big star scene, even if they are lost in China. Take the last year’s "The Bear Mountain" In fact, because of the impact of Jurassic Park, the production cost is as high as the bubble starts to rise and the Nasdaq index breaks out. Eric can just use the next few years to gradually cash out, wait two years later. The Internet bubble burst. It is also possible to buy back the digital domain and the stakes of Firefly Software at a low price.

Now speaking out of their own plans in front of these people, it is also a kind of pre-heating, although the number of people sitting is not too much, but Eric believes. In less than a few days, these messages will spread throughout Wall Street.

Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley are among the well-known investment banks on Wall Street. They also participated in the bidding for firefly bond issuance last month. However, Morgan Stanley finally obtained the underwriting rights through its good cooperation with Firefly.

Pierre Clark realized that if he could match the bridge, the company would get the stock distribution rights of even one of the two companies. Then he can at least get a position as a vice president of Midland Securities. However, he just wanted to continue to talk about it. He looked at everyone around him and realized that this occasion was not appropriate, but he thought that Eric would definitely be in the recent period. Continue to stay in New York, so I decided to live in East Hampton with my family during this time, so I can get more exposure to Eric. Maybe I can negotiate this in advance, after all. The conditions that Morgan Stanley can give, the United States Securities will certainly also get.

Everyone chatted casually, time passed by, and a group of guests came one after another. Near the party time, the scent of the barbecue gradually floated in the manor, and some children brought the children to run around the manor. go with.

The little figure took a bunch of roast chicken wings from Elizabeth, and Elizabeth snorted and whispered a few words, and the little guy ran towards Eric.

"Dad, Dad..."

Emma's tender and crisp shouts made a group of big men squat. Then they looked at the little guys in unison, and they all knew that Eric had two children, but he didn’t know what happened to the little girl.

Eric has not had time to explain, Emma has already rushed to Eric. Grabbing the arm of the sofa and lifting the chicken wings in the other hand up to Eric: "Dad, give you, chicken wings."

Eric touched Emma's little head and smiled: "Emma is really embarrassed, but Dad can't eat now, you can eat it yourself."

"Emma. Don't be hungry, you eat," Emma tried to hand the chicken wings to Eric. Eric looked at the little guy who didn't stop aiming. He just picked it up, the little guy. Did not hold steady, the string of greasy chicken wings fell directly on Eric trousers.

"Yeah, it's gone," Emma didn't realize the consequences of Eric's trousers stained with oil, and grabbed the arm of the sofa and tried to grab it.

Eric worried that the chicken wings would slip onto the sofa and dyed a layer of oil. He quickly picked up the chicken wings and got up and said sorry to everyone. He took the little guy's hand and got up and left.

Giving Emma to Joanna to look after, Eric walked toward the villa, intending to change a pair of trousers, and Elizabeth saw Eric's movements and slammed into it.

Eric walked into the bedroom and found a new pair of trousers from the closet. Turning his head to Elizabeth, leaning against the door, said: "You don't want to celebrate the birthday for the little one?"

Elizabeth watched Eric take off his trousers directly, and in front of his own clothes, his face turned red and said: "It’s just in New York, I came over, I didn’t expect to meet Druna Ni,, hey, I knew I wouldn’t come soon."

"Then you don't talk to her, it's not good," Eric said with a smile.

Elizabeth’s childhood education was a lady’s education in a private school. Even the swear words didn’t say much. When I was fighting with Drew, I felt like a little rookie who had just stepped out of the novice village. The gods wear a large pair of confrontation, this is simply looking for abuse, the most important thing is that being abused and crying often has to take it out, it is too unreasonable.

Elizabeth felt the ridicule in Eric's tone, but only gave him a blank look.

Eric threw the changed trousers into the bathroom, then walked out and said, "Well, what do you say? If I don't say, I am going out?"

"This was the last time I wanted to ask you about Oscar," Elizabeth said, slightly tweaking, but still said: "You have not said before, you will not run paper media?"

"Oh, this thing," Eric suddenly understood and smiled and asked: "Is your old man interested in taking a few newspapers in my hand?"

Elizabeth shrugged and said, "Yeah, I just inquired about it anyway. If you didn't mean to do it, I didn't mention it."

Eric Carat sat down on the chair next to the bedroom dressing table and pointed to the big bed next to it. “In fact, at the reception of the press conference at noon, I asked Warren Buffett’s Berkshire company. Not interested in taking over the newspapers."

Elizabeth went to the bed and sat down and asked, "So, do you really want to sell those newspapers?"

"Overall, I am still a person who must speak out," Eric laughed.

Elizabeth did not think of Eric’s example of anti-Ir, and did not subconsciously refute, “Would you talk to Buffett?”

“No,” Eric shook his head and said: “However, if you want to hear the truth, I don’t recommend News Corp. to take these newspapers.”

“Why, is your online media going to replace traditional media?”

"Almost, maybe you still don't know. The cumulative number of visitors to the Yahoo portal has reached 20,000. Now the average number of visitors per day is over 50,000. I am busy with this and I plan to increase Yahoo again. The investment in the information section," Eric said, jokingly said: "Would you like to help, from the News Group to recommend me a suitable editor-in-chief?"

Elizabeth was a little surprised by the data given by Eric. Newsgroups, Australia, the United Kingdom and North America, all the newspaper users add up, there are no five million. If Yahoo’s daily visitors are really as many as 50,000, it may actually appear. The situation Eric said: "How can there be so much?" (To be continued.)

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