I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 609: Accomplish

After a few chats, the girl named Melanie realized that Eric had estimated that she would not take her own car. Although she had the courage to talk to the boy for the first time, she ended up failing. Melanie politely followed Erie. He said goodbye and drove away.

The red Ford sedan drove past the Charles River and went for a few tens of meters. Melanie turned into a small road and parked the car in the wide parking lot in front of Harvard Business School. Melanie bought it from the rear compartment. The daily necessities, some absent-mindedly walked to an apartment building on the east side of the parking lot. I still thought about the appearance of the guy just now. The feeling of deja vu was once again in my heart. This time, Melanie realized that this is definitely not a psychological one. She felt that she had seen the guy somewhere.

I always came to the apartment on the third floor, put the convenience bag on the coffee table in the living room, and inadvertently saw the "Business Weekly" placed next to it, Melanie was shocked and picked up the "Business Weekly" in front of him. " turned up."

"Business Week" was bought by Melanie's roommate. The little girl from the British aristocratic family often looked at the information of a Hollywood big man in the press. It is said that the two had a short meeting. Therefore, she was also ridiculed by her as a little flower idiot.

After quickly turning a few pages, Melanie quickly found a photo of Eric’s signing at the signing conference of Firebug’s acquisition of ABC. She reached out and blocked the eyes of Eric’s head and looked at it for a moment. Ke put on the look of the casual wear of the guy, and finally threw the magazine back to the coffee table. He leaned back on the sofa and said to himself: "It really is Eric Williams. I don’t want to introduce myself."

I remember that every time she caught the shy roommate who sneaked through the news of Eric Williams, she would take the lace news of the young Hollywood tycoon to fight the other side’s affairs. Melanie inexplicably I feel a little embarrassed. Melanie couldn't help but recall the brief encounter between the two men. Although Eric refused to introduce himself, he was very gentleman to help him open the trunk, and the humor and casualness in his speech proved that he absolutely It is a very attractive man. Maybe if he really got his car at the time. And revealed his identity, knowing what kind of person he is, and she estimates that it is difficult to resist this attraction.

Thinking about it, Melanie said to himself, "If the little flower idiot knows that Eric Williams is coming to Boston, I will be very happy."

Melanie knew that there was no connection between the little flower lover and Eric Williams. Realizing that, she suddenly hesitated, or a little embarrassed, from the heart. She does not want to tell the other party about this. I imagined that in the future I would see a roommate like a foraging mouse sneak peek at his information, but she had a chance encounter with his real person on a certain street. Melanie felt a sense of superiority. And satisfaction.


Eric looked at the road sign beside the road and realized that the soldier factory that Melanie had just said was probably the residential area east of Harvard Business School.

All the way to the campus of Harvard Business School, looking at the school buildings surrounded by green trees, Eric wandered aimlessly for a while, went to a bench on the crossroads of a teaching building, sat down through the sunglasses Looking at the students in twos and threes, they were also looked at by some curious eyes from time to time.

Any mysterious land that has long been admired in my mind is actually once in the air. There is no mystery.

Inexplicably, some of them were very happy. Eric sat for a while and felt a little hungry. He was planning to find something to eat at a restaurant. He heard a pair of men and women talking at the bypass.

"Carolyn, I got the movie ticket for the "Mummy" in the world, and went to see it tonight, starring Nicole Kidman."

"Thank you for your invitation, Howard, but I am sorry. I don't like Nicole Kidman," a woman with an obvious British accent replied politely. Although she refused, she still had some tenderness in her tone. .

Eric heard the name Caroline and the standard British aristocratic tone of the girl. Unexpectedly turned around and looked at the petite figure walking alongside another tall young man from the side of the road, suddenly did not know whether to say hello. When I first felt Caroline’s deep feelings for myself, Eric didn’t want this simple girl like an elf to be hurt, not to let her touch the Hollywood’s impetuous Vanity Fair, so she rushed her back to her. The original life track went up.

I did not expect it to be less than a year away. The two met again here.

Carolyn Wilson felt that the young man with sunglasses sitting on the bench suddenly turned to look at himself, subconsciously looked at the past, and then seemed to have been frozen for a moment, stayed for three or four seconds, until Ai Rick took the initiative to stand up, Carolyn was incredibly licking his beautiful big eyes, although Eric’s image and memory are very different, wearing sunglasses, but Caroline is still at a glance Recognized Eric.

"Eric, you, you, you... how come here?" Caroline’s tone was a little stuttering, and the little body seemed to be stepped forward by some kind of magnetic attraction, but it was sober and somewhat reserved. Stopping, but still bravely staring at Eric with a small face, seems to be afraid to squint Eric will disappear.

Eric had thought that Caroline would not easily recognize himself, and he intended to pretend to be a passer-by. He did not expect that the girl would stay there when she saw her first sight, knowing that she could not escape, she would take the initiative to get up. . Looking at the girl and looking into her own eyes, there was no feeling of faintness. Eric sighed slightly, but actively spread his arms and smiled and said: "I haven't seen it for a long time, don't you hold it?"

Instantly lost again in a powerful magnetic field, Caroline felt herself stumbled and went forward, feeling the powerful arms slamming herself and patted her back, she just had the courage Wanting to hold Eric, Eric has let go of her and asked, "How come you are here?"

Although some lost, Caroline replied: "I am studying here."

“Here, business school?” Eric was a little surprised first, and couldn’t help but laugh out. Although he was in Europe, Eric knew that Caroline had all the qualities he needed to learn. But here is Harvard Business School. Eric can hardly imagine Carolyn, a simple and shy little man, blending in with a group of ambitious guys trying to become business elites.

The girls who saw themselves chasing for a long time but couldn’t hold them with their hands were so easy to send their arms to other men, and the young people who were directly ignored were already depressed. I heard that Eric said that the young man named Howard finally felt that he had found a chance to interject. He said in the previous step: "Mr. Why can't Caroline read business school, are you discrimination?"

Eric hasn't answered yet. Carolyn, who had a slightly red-faced laughter from Eric, immediately retorted Eric: "Howard, how can you say that. Eric is just here. joke."

Since reborn, Eric’s most resentful is that some people are tempted to discriminate against this hat, especially in Hollywood. Because of the scruples of racial discrimination, the black-eyed star group of the glass heart has basically got it. Good people's 'special treatment'. And no matter what the film actually needs. A large number of black actors must appear in all major films, leading viewers in other countries to have the illusion that blacks account for 50% of the total US population, not just 10%.

However, in such a society, many things are doomed to endure. And Eric's usual provocation for this type of provocation is to completely ignore it.

Hearing Caroline to defend himself, Eric’s mouth faint smile, completely ignoring the young man next to him, saying, “I am discriminating against you. I really want to see your situation in the business school class.”

Caroline glanced at him shyly, but his mouth slightly provoked, saying: "Eric, you are still so bad."

Eric almost couldn't help but reach out and squeeze a hand on the delicate face. He said, "If you meet, take me around and I don't know where to go."

Carolyn thought about the situation when the two had been in Europe before, and some little jumped: "Okay."

Eric pointed to a building not far away: "Let's go, take me to the library first."

Eric chose to ignore the young man named Howard, and Caroline’s cultivation from a young age did not allow her to do so. Looking at Eric, he was about to leave. The girl pulled the sleeve of La Eric and gestured to the young man next to him, whispering: "Eric. You can't be so rude."

When I heard Caroline’s words, the young man who was embarrassed by Eric’s disregarded attitude was like a bottle of energy potion in an instant. He felt that this was the time to show his gentleman’s demeanor in front of Caroline. The ground reached out to Eric: "Hello, I am Howard Heinz."

Although the young people tried to make their tone seem humble, but when they confided their surnames. Still unconsciously with obvious arrogance.

Since the other party deliberately added a tone to the pronunciation of 'Heinz', Eric certainly couldn't guess the other's life and controlled the Heinz family members of the Heinz Group, the world's largest food company.

For those who don't like it, Eric has never meant anything to move. Moreover, in this world, there are really few guys who want to find some superiority from themselves, and this is even less likely to be one of them. Since the other party has not recognized himself, Eric certainly does not mind introducing himself, taking off the sunglasses he has been wearing, and Eric has reached out and shook his hand: "Hello, I am Eric Williams. ”


Walking alongside Eric on the boulevard, Caroline recalled the funny appearance of Howard Heinz’s almost falling after he heard Eric’s self-introduction. He finally failed to maintain the lady’s attitude and suddenly smiled. When I saw Eric staring at myself, Caroline said with a red face: "Eric, Howard has always been the most proud person in our class, and this must be hurt by your self-esteem."

Eric picked up some of the falling sunglasses and continued to move forward. He said: "Since he regards family identity as his source of self-esteem, he must of course have a wounded person who is more powerful than his family. ”

Carolyn followed suit with Eric, looking up at Eric with a small face, with a little admiration in his tone, saying: "There are not many people like you."

Eric asked: "Isn't there a lot of wealthy children at Harvard Business School?"

"There are some, but not so much. Just like half of our class is borrowing money to read mba, they are working hard."

Eric then remembered and asked, "What happened to you, shouldn't you be in Cambridge?"

"Rickel said, if I don't do something that I dare not do, I will always live like other aristocratic ladies, so I will come to Harvard to read mba," although she said, Caroline looked. But drifting away, I dare not look at Eric.

Eric certainly knows that this Nizi came to the United States, mostly because of himself. Although he didn't know much about the Wilson family, Eric could still imagine Caroline's chance to get to Harvard, and he certainly had a big dispute with his elders.

Looking at the girl's guilty appearance, Eric didn't want her to be too embarrassed, and actively shifted the topic: "Harvard Business School should be difficult to test. I heard that the admission rate is only 11%, and you should have missed the application opportunity last year. Already?"

"My dad and the dean of the business school are good friends, and our family has always donated money here, and Dad personally came out to clear it."

"Oh..." Eric deliberately showed a stunned look and said: "You are a relationship."

Caroline immediately raised her face and retorted it in a serious way: "No, I passed the entrance test."

“Well, the relationship has passed the entrance test.”

Caroline screamed at Eric: "You... Hey, after I arrived in the US, I found out that you were so bad."

Eric smiled and said: "Where is broken, you say, I am going to change my evil spirits."

Caroline opened Zhang Xiaozui, and for a moment, she seemed to feel that she saw in the newspaper that Eric’s lace news would be very unfair from the mouth, and it’s finally awkward. "When you just deliberately teased Howard, it was very bad."

The two walked into the library together for a while. Eric didn't really like the Harvard library's cool-toned layout. He stayed for a while and left, and went some other places until the evening. I walked into a small restaurant inside the campus.

Eric randomly ordered a beef burger and asked Caroline, who was sitting across from the street: "It’s not that business school students have countless homework to do every day. You have to study fourteen hours a day. How do you seem to be? Very leisurely look?"

“It’s really busy at first,” Caroline nodded. “But our course is almost over. There aren’t many courses next year, and many people are already looking for an internship company.”

Thinking of the upcoming summer file, Eric realized that it was time for students to go to summer vacation in May, and today it is May 18.

Eric has no idea about these things for a long time after leaving school. I heard Caroline’s last words. Eric said to Caroline jokingly: “You must also find a company internship. If you want to be an assistant, my original assistant has just left."

After not saying this through the brain, Eric immediately regretted it. When I saw the girl’s scorpion, Eric really wanted to slap on the spot, rumor, and say nothing. (To be continued.)

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