I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 621: Greedy woman

In the summer of 1994, the summer movie was brought to the forefront by the two films of "Save the Ryan Ryan" and "The Real Lie". In the third week of June, Paramount Pictures' "Star Trek 7" was released. The sci-fi film, which costs only $35 million, is adapted from the classic sci-fi drama, but does not seem to meet the visual needs of the audience. It only got a $100,000 box office in the first three days of the first weekend, ranking first in the "true lies" and Between the third "Save the Ryan", there was no sign of the ability to compete with the two big films. The "Mummy", which entered the fourth week of the show, has reached a total of $160 million in box office, but the box office potential is also basically consumed. Endlessly, the threat of "true lies" and "saving the soldiers Ryan" was lost.

Moreover, the "Lion King" on June 27 will have little chance of impacting two live-action movies. After all, the audience of live-action movies and cartoons is very different, not to mention "true lies" and "save big soldiers." Both films are also r-rated films, and the possibility of mutual influence is even lower.

Eric also worried that Warner’s $63 million Western film “Law Enforcement” would become a barrier to the “real lie” and “Save the Ryan Ryan” harvest box office, but compared to the “Lion King” small-scale preview. The good reputation displayed, although the "Law of Law Enforcement" also held a preview, but the entire film critic community seems silent, in this situation, as long as some people with a little common sense know what happened, "law enforcement will The word-of-mouth is definitely not ideal, but the film critics did not disclose the news before the mass release under Warner’s public relations. Eric also identified some speculation that he had been hesitant. "The Law Enforcement" should not be a new film due to the butterfly effect. Instead, it should be in the air in the original time and space. In this case, Eric did not have any concerns. After the fireworks were released at the box office of the second week of the Real Lies, the fireflies held a celebration party at the Sunset Tower Hotel in Beverly Hills.

Because the interview work of the Victoria Angel did not end until 6 pm, Eric rushed directly from the Prea Vista to the Sunset Tower Hotel.

"Real Lies" is still in the release, so this celebration feast is quite high-profile, not only paving the red carpet, but also invited a large number of reporters. In order to continue to build momentum for the film's box office.

Eric had already been a little late, and there was a traffic jam on the road. It was already 7:1 at the Sunset Tower Hotel. The media reporters who accepted the invitation thought that there would be no more stars. I had already planned to leave. When I saw the appearance of Eric, all of my brains came up. Fortunately, these invited reporters are very disciplined, coupled with the scruples of Eric's current identity, did not ask any sensitive questions.

Eric patiently accepted the interview and walked into the hotel. Some of the fireflies’ executives and members of the “true lies” crew had already greeted them.

I greeted everyone with one by one. Eric came to Cameron and just wanted to sing a few words about "Saving Private Ryan." When I saw Linda Hamilton around Cameron, I didn't touch this topic. I just greeted me with a warm enthusiasm. Everyone went to the banquet hall together.

After a busy day of work, Eric did not have much effort to entertain others, and with some active guests, a few words, Eric came to the Cameron couple, to Linda Hamilton: "Lin Can you lend Jim to me? We have something to talk about?"

"Of course, no problem," Linda Hamilton raised a toast at Eric and walked quickly to other places.

Eric can see that Cameron and Linda Hamilton have not had the heat of the original. In memory, the two have been delayed until 1997, but the marriage has only lasted for one and a half years. Dissipated, but Eric did not know whether Cameron could meet Su Shi. Amis, the woman who best fits his character.

Cameron followed Eric's gaze and watched the back of Linda Hamilton's departure, inexplicably feeling a sentence: "Woman!"

Eric heard that Cameron’s feelings were definitely not just directed at Linda Hamilton, laughing: “You won’t really be hit, right?”

"Of course not," Cameron immediately denied, but hesitated and said: "I went to see the movie, Catherine really did."

"Well, don't say her," Eric took Cameron's shoulder: "Since this time, I won't win it next time, so when are you going to start preparing for the Titanic?" ”

Cameron thought for a moment and said: "I and Linda plan to go to Hawaii for a holiday next month, and we can start preparations at the end of the year. However, Eric, I think, 70 million is definitely not enough, so this time we are not as good as Increase the cost of production to 100 million US dollars, so I can better arrange the funds?"

Eric took his chin and pretended to hesitate for a while before he was 'difficult to say': "I can promise you this. Anyway, you are already used to burning so much money every time you make a movie, but only $100 million. You must not overspend this time. You should know that the Firefly Group is not alone. If you overspend, those shareholders will definitely jump out and gesticulate."

Cameron's private calculation cost is 150 million US dollars, but Hollywood has not had the cost of a movie so high, he feels that he proposed, Eric will definitely refuse on the spot, and may even cut the project, Kamei Long has recently produced more and more ideas about the production of Titanic, and the project has been cut down, which he absolutely does not want to see. Therefore, Cameron’s mind is that the cost of Eric will first be mentioned to 100 million U.S. dollars, and the latter will not be able to take half of the money. In addition to continuing to add, there is still a way to do it. The project is not going to end.

Therefore, Eric said that Cameron was very quick to 'accept' and down, and convinced his chest to pledge: "Absolutely no problem, Eric, this time I promise never overspend, otherwise I I don’t want to pay for a penny."

Two unscrupulous guys hold their own small calculations. The project’s specific plan was soon discussed in a serious manner. And also pulled Cameron's producer partner Jon Landau together.

Eric and Cameron discussed this matter. No one has been bothering to bother, but after discussing the topic of Titanic, they just separated, and Eric saw a pair of men and women coming towards him.

Eric looked at the lips with a beautiful woman with great interest, knowing that this is definitely not a coincidence, but he quickly regained his eyes. The middle-aged man with a big beard facing the woman ushered in. Compared with a woman, Eric pays more attention to this fat man who is similar to Harvey Weinstein, Joe Silvo.

Although in Hollywood, the reputation of producers such as Jerry Bruckheimer and Jon Landau is even louder, but in terms of status, at least until the new century, no one in the circle of producers can surpass Joe Silvo. The Silvo production company in his hands has participated in the "Fatal Weapons" series, "Die Hard" series, "The Matrix" series, "Swordfish Action", "V-Vendetta" and many other well-known actions. The development of big movies, and. In the mid-eighties, Joe Silvo was once one of the important candidates for Disney eo. Although he did not win Michael Eisner in the end, it is enough to prove the super strength of this person in Hollywood.

"Joe, good evening, long time no see," Eric took the initiative to meet, and reached out to Joe Silvo, warmly greeted.

Joe Silvo shook hands with Eric, haha ​​and said with a smile: "Good evening, Eric, congratulations to your fireflies this year with two more box office bombs."

Eric released the other hand and took a glass of champagne from the waiter and asked, "What are you doing recently?"

Joe Silvo suddenly remembered, pointing to the beautiful girl next to her, said: "My production company is currently doing a gun battle, this is my heroine, Cindy Crawford Miss."

Eric raised his toast at Cindy Crawford and smiled. "Congratulations, Miss Crawford, Joe's film will definitely make you famous."

"Thank you, Mr. Williams," said Cindy Crawford, who had already vacated the right hand of the goblet. Seeing that Eric did not shake hands with himself, he had to change the cup back without a trace. She has always been the focus of everyone's attention, she thought Eric, the legendary playboy, would certainly not hesitate to rush, but Eric, including Joe Sylva, had some cold reaction to her for the first time. I tried to be unwilling to frustrate.

Then, Eric did not hesitate to say something that made her more frustrated: "Miss Crow, can you talk to Joe alone?"

Cindy Crawford suppressed the anger in her heart and still kept a charming smile. "Okay, no problem."

When Cindy Crawford left, Joe Silvo joked: "Eric, there is no need to rebel with a woman who is not worth mentioning. You can't find enough beautiful beauty in the catwalk. I heard that the Firefly Studios gathered some of the world's top models today, enough to make you look good."

Eric’s spreader doesn’t mind Joe Sylva’s teasing and smiles: “I’m a young man, it’s true to have some temper. And this woman has already got a big movie. The heroine, who is still unwilling to let go of the secret spokesperson of Wei Mi, seems to be somewhat greedy. I don't like women who are too greedy."

Joe Silvo smiled unrecognically. There are too many people in Hollywood who want Eric to be a young and energetic young man, but no one would naively think that this would be true. After thinking about it, Joe Sylva looked with some embarrassment and said: "Eric, if you want to talk about the film I am making, if you can convince me, I can kick the little girl right away. ""

Even if Joe Silvo doesn't say anything, Eric knows which movie Cindy Crawford is about to play.

If it is not a film of other guest appearances, the movie called "Adversarial Game" is the only movie starring Cindy Crawford, and of course the last one. Because "Adversarial Game" tells a very confusing and out-of-date story, a female lawyer inadvertently discovered the KGB spy ship. In order to eliminate the evidence, the Soviet KGB agent launched a series of assassinations against female lawyers. The department seems to disappear without a trace, completely allowing female lawyers and a police detective who was accidentally involved to be chased by a group of KGB agents in the United States on their own land, like a housewife, and almost died several times. If it was before the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the film of this theme might still cause some repercussions, but now it is 1994. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Soviet power was falling apart, Russia was in economic winter, and the people were not eating their food. Relatively, the American nationals The self-confidence is also unprecedentedly high. In this case, seeing such a film that completely contradicts the 'main theme' and even the plot is somewhat absurd, the movie can be imagined.

Joe Silvo saw that Eric had no objection, so he told Eric about the story of "Adversarial Game". Of course he wanted to get some advice from Eric, but after he finished, Ai Rick just shrugged, without any comment, but instead of Joe Silvo: "Joe, it’s better to come to the fireflies after making this movie. I will give you the same treatment at Warner, and I will make it soon. The movie version of my "Matrix", this project can also be handed over to you."

Eric’s words are completely sincere. Joe Silver is best at making big-cost action movies like “Die Hard” and “Lead Weapons”, which have been caught by fireflies and good at Gerry Bruchheimer of the special effects movie just complements each other. As the power of the fireflies continues to expand, Eric will not be able to maintain a close personal relationship with his projects. It is inevitable to have more outstanding producers.

Joe Silvo heard Eric’s words but it was a glimpse. “Eric, aren’t you optimistic about this film?”

Eric asked: "How far have you been making that side?"

Joe Silvo said: "It has already started shooting. If it goes well, it will be released next summer."

If the other party’s project is still in the preliminary stage of preparation and has not invested too much money, Eric will tell the other party’s sincerity in order to express the sincerity of the joints and advise him to decisively cut the project, but since The film has already started shooting, and a lot of money has already been spent. So many things can't be reversed. Eric can only spread his hand to Joe Silvo and say: "If you believe me, make money as much as possible to let Warner out. In addition, if you want to join the fireflies, I am always welcome, "The Matrix" will start in the second half of next year. Before that, as long as you come over, the project is always yours."

"Adverse Game" is definitely a big production with more than 50 million US dollars. This project is awkward. The relationship between Joe Silvo and Warner will definitely be cracked. It will also be a good opportunity for fireflies to dig their feet. (To be continued.)

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