I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 636: He must live in the plane

Selena remembered the small details of the previous three people who joined the 'Knox Network Company' and said: "You have not said that you can turn Knox's data processing center into a supercomputer through remote control? ”

Jill flashed a little self-confidence and said: "There is a theoretical way, but I have not done this, and Knox Networks' data center is not big enough. I need the world's largest data processing center. Please search for the most complete. !

Selena glanced at the phone in the control room and said, "You try your best. I tell John to let him release the news."

Gill nodded and stared for a moment on the ‘Yahoo browser’ icon on the computer screen, taking a deep breath and opening a program interface.

Later, the genius girl who did not show much eye-catching in the whole movie relative to the other two girls finally showed her strong side.

The ten fingers that turned into residual images fluttered wildly on the keyboard, and the screen interface appeared as a stream of program code.

In order to show the visual impact of this episode as much as possible, Eric did not use the different lenses to shift the operator's action on the keyboard with the computer screen lens, but used a close-up lens to check Charlie. The entire operation process and the computer screen are all taken.

Eric believes that this lens is enough to make all the young men and women in the world who have geek plots look fascinated. After all, they can always hear the genius of computer genius, but most of them only exist in the legend. How many more can you really see such a strong man?

In order to prepare this short-minute shot, Charlize practiced the hand speed for half a year. Moreover, during the shooting process, in order to pursue more shocking and perfect effects, it was also shot for a week.

Obviously, the effect is straightforward.

After the scene on the screen, Eric in the auditorium clearly heard the exclamation of many people. A young man sitting not far from him shouted: "It's so cool."

The countdown on the screen lapses in minutes and minutes, a few minutes later. Jill, who had a fine sweat on his forehead, finally pressed the confirmation button with relief.

The sci-fi data transmission lens flashed over the square. The square metal frame building next to the lake appeared in front of the audience. The square building with water-cooled pipes clearly marked the 'yahoo' sign. The lens did not show the slightest. Stopped and cut into the Yahoo! data center, through a dense cluster of server lights flashing blue lights, parked in the control room of the data center.

The white engineer who was listening to music inadvertently squinted at the data center's temperature control screen and saw that the rapid rise had touched the red line's temperature profile. Suddenly got up and panicked and ran out of the control room.

Subsequently. The engineer standing in the server hall stood stunned in the same place, and even the earphones in his hands fell to the ground without any sense. In the panoramic lens that gradually pulled away, because millions of CPU cores began to run at full capacity. All the water-cooled and air-cooled equipment in the entire data center has been automatically activated, accompanied by sharp high-temperature alarms, emitting a terror roar like the end of the day.

In the distant desert base of Nevada, Jill blinked and only had a countdown of 1 minute and 22 seconds, and muttered in his mouth: "Hurry up. Hurry up, hurry up!"

Finally, in the last 30 seconds of the countdown, a 32-bit password finally appeared in the exhaustive interface of the fast flowing data stream.

Gil did not hesitate, quickly opened the virus control program, entered the long password in one go, and then decisively pressed the termination button.


Eric could almost hear the sound of everyone in the auditorium. The corner of the mouth brought a smug smile, and there was no one around the two angels. How could the hero who saved the world hear the ‘cheer’ of victory?

Sure enough, things are still not over.

However, after the virus self-start procedure was terminated, Selena and Jill just showed a relaxed expression, and the indifferent stereotyped electronic synthesis female voice immediately sounded: "Warning. The base self-destruction program started, 59, 58, 57..."

The two girls looked at each other and didn't even have a chance to swear a swearing word. They rushed out of the corridor.

"30, 29.18..."

When arriving at the open space outside the base building, the surrounding female voices are still ringing.

If the base is self-destructing, half a minute is not enough for two people to safely escape the strong shock wave of the explosion.

Still not showing a desperate look, a black Buick forest rushed to the front of the two women, with scars on her face and some messy Lucy, shouting: "Get on the bus."


The black Buick forest has just rushed out of the base less than 20 meters. The horrible explosion sounded and a giant fire cloud formed behind the Buick forest. The strong shock wave of the explosion still enveloped the Buick forest, all the window glass. The three girls who were shattered, but were squashed in advance and protected by the car body, were finally shocked.

After the explosion, the Buick forest, which lost all the window glass, screamed a few times, started again, bumped a few times, the speed became more and more stable, and finally drove a desert road that could not be seen at first.

Lucy's voice of Meng Meng Meng Meng sounded again in a timely manner: "My dad said that there will be a blessing in the end, and he has gone to jail to enjoy a lifetime vacation. I heard that he is still the boss. Very moist. We have done such a big thing, is it also a vacation? Of course, definitely not a Los Angeles prison."

Selena still looks blank, but she doesn't ignore Lucini's broken thoughts as she used to, but succinctly spits out a word: "boring."

Some of Jill, who leaned back in the back seat, said: "No interest, I just want to find a place to sleep well."

Lucini was dissatisfied immediately: "Hey, after going through so many things, I thought we were friends."

Selena turned her head and looked out the window.

Jill's thin mouth slightly tilted: "I don't make friends with a thief who can only steal Buick."

"Don't you think Buick's 'Three Shields' logo is cool, and I occasionally steal Chevrolet."

This time the other two women simply did not answer.

Once again, Lucy, who has been degraded to the point of being ignored, is not reluctant: "I still talk about vacations, how about Hawaii?"






"You don't want to go to the Caribbean?"

The impatient voice sounded again at the same time: "Shut up!"

On the desert road, the Buick's shade, which is gradually drifting away, jerked up and seemed to express dissatisfaction with a broken piece.

The music gradually sounded and the picture quickly settled on the empty desert road.

After the subtitles slowly rose, there was a whispering whisper in the auditorium, just because it was a special premiere that didn’t get up immediately. However, there are also many instinctive and keen viewers who continue to watch the screen quietly.

Sure enough, when the last line of subtitles appears. The picture hasn't changed yet, and Lucy's full-feeling smashing has already sounded.

"What I want is a holiday, a real vacation, Hawaii's sunshine, beach, handsome guy, oh, and coconut. I like coconut juice most. But what a **** place, oh. You don't think we should change it. More generous boss, at least he can generously let us see the true face..."

The picture lit up, three white figures wrapped in furry mountaineering costumes appeared on a snowy mountain, and finally climbed to the top of the mountain cliff. The three girls were immediately attracted by the scene of a military-like building across the cliff. Look, faint can still hear the rapid gunshots.

Lucini stopped complaining and stayed for a moment and said, "It’s so lively, but unfortunately I can’t say hello in the past."

Just talking. On the opposite base runway, a propeller plane rushed out of the cliff and fell straight to the bottom of the valley. Another black figure that had been riding on the motorcycle also fell.

Selena suddenly said coldly: "Peer."

Lucini looked down at her head, because she didn't dare to get too close to the snow-covered cliff, so she didn't notice the shadow of the propeller plane and the cliff-climber: "Poor guy, but my dad said A theory. If a person who falls into a cliff can survive, he will definitely find a treasure at the bottom of the valley. Do we want to go down and see if he is dead? If it is not dead, Selena will kill him, we can go find it. It belongs to his treasure."

Standing on the far left, Jill stared at some lazy scorpion, staring at the opposite side and seemed to be calculating something. After listening to Lucy, I said, "I bet he should die in a propeller plane."

The voice just fell, and the loud noise of the cockroach quickly rose from the far and near, the falling snow flakes. The falling propeller plane miraculously pulled out the cliff again and rushed to the sky.

Lucyy widened her eyes. As the other two girls looked up together, said: "I also dare to gamble, he should live in a propeller plane."

The picture was black, the film was completely finished, and the lights in the auditorium lit up.

Many viewers were still immersed in the suspense caused by Lucini's last sentence. After a few seconds in the auditorium, the applause was heard, but then the applause quickly became a piece of one after another.

"Awesome movie," Buffett, sitting next to Eric, nodded and said to Eric: "There are just a lot of places that don't understand. It seems that I am really old."

"I have any doubts that I am very willing to answer for you," Eric said with a smile. "But then let's talk about today's theme."

Buffy nodded. Obviously, what Eric was about to talk about was more interesting than the plot in the movie.

Did not participate in the final ceremony, Eric and Buffett, Chris, Kasenberg, Michael Lynn and female assistants left the theater silently, gathered in a high-end cafe, Ai Rick no longer concealed at this time, and directly revealed his purpose.

After listening to Buffett, he frowned. "Do you want Marvel Entertainment in the hands of Ronald Perelman?"

Eric nodded: "I know that Marvel is now a mess, but even then, if the firefly takes the initiative to buy it, it will not only be opened by Ronald Perelman, but may also cause competition for other film companies. ""

Tom Murphy also asked: "Eric, is it for the copyright of those comic characters?"

Eric nodded: "Yes, this time Ronald Perelman's move gave me a good tip, but if it is done by the Firefly family alone, the goal is too obvious, it will still cause Marvel. The vigilance. Everyone has their own company in their hands, so I hope to get your help and get the Marvel Entertainment together."

Although in Warren Buffett's concept, the money that has been losing money for years and is heavily in debt is almost worthless, he patiently asked: "Eric, let me talk about your plan."

"Of course," Eric nodded and said several people to the plan that was carefully considered.

The total value of the entire Marvel Entertainment is less than 500 million US dollars at this time, but Eric has finished his plan and said that some of Marvel’s characters have the box office potential of Warner at this time, everyone said Will work with Eric's subsequent plans as much as possible.


"In an ingenious popcorn movie, the three heroines completely escaped the fixed vase image of women in Hollywood movies with their outstanding acting skills, and presented the audience with a visual feast of surname and strength."

The next day, a famous film critic of the Los Angeles Times gave such a high evaluation of "Jianjiao Wa", and rarely played five stars for the film. The reason given by the famous film critic who rarely scored a perfect score is that "Charlie's Angel" is the first very successful all-woman action movie in Hollywood history.

At the same time, at the same time, the plots, foreshadowing and eggs in "Jianjiao Wa" have become the focus of media discussion.

The media have made a variety of reasons why the heroine Selena will appear in the underground boxing ring, the meaning of the conversation between Selena and John, the father often mentioned in Lucy’s mouth, and her hobby of stealing a Buick. Guess, and hope that the production company can expose these small details in the sequel.

Of course, there are praises, discussions, and certainly doubts.

On the day of the release of "The Charlie", as the ceo of Oracle, Larry Ellison, who has the madman title, jumped out and publicly "accused" the super 'error' in Eric's movie, Larry Ellison. It indicates that the world's largest data processing center should be Oracle's data center in Washington State. But Larry Ellison’s remarks have just been exported, and Oracle’s old rival Microsoft immediately dissatisfied. Microsoft’s spokesperson immediately said that Microsoft’s data center is the largest. Subsequently, companies such as ib also jumped out, and they were so busy.

Several big high-tech companies are arguing about who is the biggest child in the data center. In the next few days, Hollywood’s well-known "Hollywood Reporter" quickly attracted a very eye-catching article called "Charlie's True Identity." There was another discussion. (To be continued.)


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