I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 641: pawn

"Eric, of course, I know that the star's pay is a bit high, but I recently heard that Firefly Films has just created James Cameron's new film "Titanic", which has a production budget of $150 million. Ah, since the fireflies can make a $150 million budget for such a very high-risk disaster film, why are you not willing to make some concessions to the sequel to "Black Man"? You know, even if we are now satisfied with the main creation. Our request, the final production budget will not exceed 150 million US dollars?"

Eric looked at Peter Cooper and said: "Peter, don't mention "Black Man" first, do you know why I am willing to let James overtake the film again and again?"

Peter Cooper shrugged. N∈n∈,

Eric did not expect Peter Cooper to answer, he said: "Because I am very sure that every penny spent by James is to make the quality of the film as good as possible, instead of spending a lot of dollars. Invite those stars who are paying high fees."

Peter Cooper tried to retort: ​​"But we invite stars, isn't it also to make the film more box office appeal?"

"Of course, I don't deny this," Eric said. "But many times, this is not worth it, just like the recent "Beverly Detective 3" and "Enforcement", Paramount and Warner spent a lot of budget on the protagonist's pay, Eddie Murphy and Kevin Costner not only got a fixed pay of more than 15 million US dollars at the same time, but also enjoyed a high profit sharing agreement, but the result, You must have seen it."

Peter Cooper said: "Eric, this is just an accident, and Miss Kidman's pay from the Mummy is even more horrible."

"Nicco completely gave up the fixed pay, and got the corresponding profit sharing agreement. If the "mummy" box office fails, Nicole can't get a penny." Eric said: "And James, every time. When the film production is overspending, he will take the initiative to ask for a loss of his own director's pay, and reduce the budget burden for the film company. But those stars. They not only have to get tens of millions of dollars in high pay, but also require more profit sharing, but After enjoying so many benefits, they will not take any risks for the film company. Like the two films I just mentioned, they all brought huge losses to the film company, but the two stars won a More than a million dollars in the money. Other film companies in order to win over the stars to open any sky-high pay, I can not control, but in the fireflies, and the movie company associated with fireflies. They must not think so good things in the future."

Peter Cooper saw that Eric refused to make concessions on the payouts and said: "In this case, Eric, about the copyright distribution agreement, I think it is necessary for Firefly and Colombia to renegotiate. The copyright of Black Man was originally attributed to Colombia. It was automatically assigned to fireflies five years after the sequel development was blocked. This agreement is too unfair to Colombia."

At the beginning of the agreement, Eric was completely based on the automatic renewal of the five-year sequel of the Marvel comics role. After hearing Peter Cooper's entanglement, he finally said the purpose of his trip. Eric simply waved and let others walk away. He leaned on the workbench and smiled at Peter Cooper. He said, "Peter, everyone knows it. From the beginning, this is an unfair agreement. The Japanese must also I know. Moreover, the thing that everyone does in private is even more unfair, but since the Japanese want to enter Hollywood, they should have the awareness of paying tuition."

"But, Eric..."

Eric waved his hand. Interrupted Peter Cooper's words, his face still smiled and said: "I know that you were driven out of the office by Kasenberg, you must feel relative to Jeffrey Kasenberg. I The temper is better, at least I won't drive you out of the office like Jeffery, but my good temper doesn't mean to talk well. There is no room for negotiation. As for your reasons, it is not true. The copyright of "The Game of the Brave" released at the end of the year. Colombia has been bought for many years, but there is no action, similar film and television copyrights have a lot of film companies. If there are no fireflies, maybe these two films I can't wait for the day of the shoot. In the end, it is the fireflies that give them enough commercial value. Compared to Sony, everyone should be their own, the Japanese can't understand some things, but we all know that you have been in these years. How much has been taken from Colombia, so it’s just right, I think what you should do next time is to wipe out some traces and don’t give it to Japan. Leaving opportunities for finding fault. "

Peter Cooper heard Eric’s straightforward words, and his face was a little red, but he couldn’t think of any rebuttal.

Noting the change in Peter Cooper's look, Eric did not want to be as embarrassed as Kasenberg's helm at the helm of Colombia. After all, the firefly was able to successfully sign the 'unequal treaties' with Colombia, Peter Cooper. Still made a lot of contributions.

Considering it, Eric said: "Well, I will let the fireflies make some negotiating actions, and I will publicly support you in the media, so at least until next year, Sony will not risk everyone. The two risks are kicking you out. I think you will definitely not stay in Colombia next year?"

Peter Cooper immediately nodded. In fact, what he wanted was such a guarantee. As for the interests of the Japanese, his heart was really not at all concerned. Since I got the promise from Eric here, Peter Cooper is no longer entangled in the recent things, saying: "Eric, tonight, the "Black Man" celebration party will be attended by many people, it is better to come. ?"

Eric shook his head. "I have a very important thing at night, this time."

Peter Cooper left the Firefly Studio with satisfaction, but Eric was still thinking about Black Man.

In the original time and space, compared to other popular Hollywood movies, the "Black Man" series is the most fatal, and the trilogy has been created for 15 years. And both the word of mouth and the box office are not as good as one, but the production budget has multiplied, and, similar to the "Mission Impossible" series, most of the profits of the "Black Man" series have been created by Will Smith. Guar up, relatively speaking, Sony Pictures can only be regarded as earning a hard money.

The reason for this is that the Sony movie business is in a downturn. Among the major movie companies, Sony's performance has been in the bottom for most of the years, which has also caused its weak position in front of the first-line superstar. Paramount can also make a game with Atango after the box office defeat of "Mission Impossible 3", but in order to maintain decent operation, Sony Pictures has no such enthusiasm, and can only use high-paying strategies to attract stars and time again. project. In the original time and space, Hollywood’s first $20 million pay was made by Sony Columbia for Kim Kerry.

Compared with Sony Columbia, fireflies have no such concerns at all. If "Black Man" can't talk about it, Eric prefers to hang this project for a long time. After all, he has a lot of projects with higher profit margins waiting to be developed. There is no need to be as loyal as Sony.

Thinking of this, Eric couldn't help but look forward to the next Marvel battle. As long as the current superhero copyright is still not in the arrogance, even if there is no other, the firefly can be in the next 20 years. Even longer to maintain a strong position in Hollywood.


"Black Man" is the last film in the summer of 1994 that is related to the Firefly Group. After the film was released, the summer file has passed most of the time. In other major movie companies, there will be several summer movie endings. In the film, the fireflies have begun to count the harvest of this hot summer file.

In July, the financial department of Firefly took out the preliminary financial report for the first half of 1994. Although the first half of the year experienced a brief chaos caused by the abc merger, the fireflies group that acquired the abc after the first half of the year still reached 73. Billion US dollars, but due to compensation expenses incurred by department restructuring, layoffs, etc., the Group's net interest rate decreased slightly, only 9%, the group's first six months to achieve a total net profit of 657 million US dollars. This figure is not beyond the expectations of the group, and even higher than the data of most Wall Street analysts.

At the same time, after the exciting bidding and negotiation, the famous North American Condé Nast Group finally decided to buy the paper media assets stripped out by fireflies for US$1.52 billion.

Stimulated by a series of good news, such as the summer box office, the 8 billion US dollar bonds issued by Firefly for the acquisition of abc were sold on July 20.

Subsequently, people inside and outside the fireflies who were arguing with their own abacus were uneasy.

First of all, with the excellent box office of "The Lion King" with a total of $215 million in five weeks, the head of Disney Animation Department, Peter Schneider and Roy Disney, who have been waiting for the opportunity to start, jumped out first and confidently. For the 'squeezed long-time' Disney animation department staff to fight for their own interests.

The layout of Marvel Entertainment is still in the final stage, and Ron Perelman is still hidden in the dark. In order to express his "emphasis" on the Disney animation department, Eric also personally came forward with it. Peter Schneider and Roy Disney talked about the conditions.

Eric deliberately did not mention the tangled posture of the Disney hand-drawn animation department but obviously did not want to compromise quickly, and successfully conveyed some wrong signals to some people. (To be continued.)

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