I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 656: Aspirations should be a little bigger

In 1994, the members of the American Film and Television Actors Association (sag) had reached more than 120,000. Of these, 99% of the members’ annual income was basically the same as that of the working-class, only 1% of the top of the pyramid. Talents can live a flamboyant and flamboyant life in Hollywood. While enjoying the rich rewards, this group of people also holds a large part of Hollywood's power.

When the seven major film companies publicly compressed the top superstars, this top superstar formed an alliance under the actor association and several major brokerage companies, almost on the day of the announcement of the seven major movie companies, including Harrison Ford. A number of top stars in the Hollywood film, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, and Bruce Willis, immediately cut off all the film projects that are being negotiated with the seven major studios. The spokesperson of the top superstars has not threatened to say that they will refuse to cooperate with the filming work that has already been filmed.

After the news came out, the whole Hollywood was once again in vain.

In recent years, although the g-effects film that relies on fewer superstars has begun to rise, the film that accounts for more than half of Hollywood box office revenues is still inseparable from the participation of these superstars. This part of the superstar’s behavior is almost the same as one. The influence of the actor's absenteeism is comparable.

First affected by the stoppage of the first-line superstar, it is undoubtedly Time Warner, which has been taking the superstar route since the Steve Ross era. Warner has just experienced a bleak summer file, and eo Trismer has been almost wary of the recent period, but with Warner is working with Robert De Niro, Kevin Costner, Arnold Schwarzenegger Trismer is once again attacked by shareholders and competitors when the projects such as the pirate line, the future water world, and the steaming order are being stranded.

Some projects of major film companies such as Universal, Paramount and Fox have also been greatly affected by this incident.

The film company and the stars are very different. The first-line superstars, even if they don’t make movies for a year or two, can still enjoy comfort with their previous income. However, it is impossible for a film company to stop for a year or two for no reason. Without a continuous hot-selling film, the film company will soon face serious problems such as a sharp drop in revenue and a broken capital chain.

When some of the movie company executives turned their attention to the fireflies that provoked the incident, the film companies owned by Firefly were basically unaffected.

At the end of the year, the two films of the Firefly Group have been basically completed. Julia Roberts starred in the running bride, needless to say, although the face has Nicholas Cage, the first-line superstar to participate in the show, but in the case that the film has been completed, even if Cage completely ignores the personal being Eric Old love and fireflies turn their faces. It is also impossible to have a big impact on the release of the film.

Then, next year, the Jurassic Park 2 and the Independent Day movies, which were mainly launched next year, are all special effects movies. Even if it is the Will Smith in the middle of the day, when the contract was signed, it was just a newcomer who just stepped into Hollywood. The 3D animation movie toy story 2 does not need people to play at all. It is also less affected.

Moreover, the fireflies are in the preparatory stage of the Matrix, Titanic and other films, the main is still g special effects, although the fireflies have also been exposed to some first-line superstars, but with the fireflies in the past film of the card, even if there is no superstar to join, fireflies It doesn't seem to worry too much about film quality and box office issues.

At the same time, the other major film company executives envied the fireflies, a production strategy that was not affected by the superstars. At the same time, they could not help but think that they would not be given by Eric Williams. Pit it?

Otherwise, why did you provoke the incident? Everyone has fallen into the heat, but you have nothing?

Conspiracy theories are always very easy to accept. When some people think that this is the big pit that Eric has dug, there is no idea to continue.

Less than a week after the stalemate between the two sides, Warner’s Trismer made a compromise because of pressure from all sides. In a news conference, Warner has always maintained a good relationship with Hollywood stars. Continue to maintain close cooperation between the two sides for mutual benefit.

Although Terry Semel did not directly say that Warner would not compress the star's payouts, no one would be too stupid to understand the meaning of Trisemel's words.

The Superstars also knew the strategy of playing a stick to a sweet date. After Warner first served soft, negotiations on items such as the Pirates of Fire, the Future Water World, and the Steaming Order were immediately restarted. The two sides announced the official signing of several major film projects on the second day of the Trismere statement.

With Warner's compromise, Universal, Paramount and even Fox, Columbia and others have made compromises either explicitly or implicitly. Only the Firefly Group has never made any representations.

Sharp corner manor. Just after taking a shower, Nicole just wrapped in a pale pink silk gown and walked into the bedroom. She walked on the big bed with two thin white legs and lightly barefoot on the cool floor.

"I really don't understand why you don't like to lay carpets in the bedroom, so it's very comfortable to step on it," Nicole said, a few times in the face of Eric, who was reading the papers on the bedside, Nicole said.

Eric said without raising his head: "The carpet costs money."

Nicole rolled her eyes and suddenly laughed again. Dao: "Is still missing something that you didn't succeed in this conspiracy?"

"You think too much, I didn't have any hope, so I can't talk about losing."

Nicole stared at Eric's face for a few seconds, then decided: "I still said that there is no loss, I can see it."

Eric smiled and handed a document he had read to Nicole: "Hey, look."

Nicole took it curiously and saw the dense data on it. She lost her interest and threw it to Eric. "You can tell me what it is, I can't read it."

"This is the internal data statistics of the Yahoo! Portal. It is strongly curious about the detailed operation of Yahoo. If you take this document out, even if you open a $100,000, someone will rush."

Nicole pretended to be surprised and licked her mouth: "Yeah. So powerful."

Eric glanced at the seductive scenery of Nicole's pajamas sliding down his shoulders and smiled. "You are so big, it is not cute to hold a little girl."

Nicole yelled at Eric and pulled up her pajamas and said: "I really don't understand the style. Was it late with the beautiful models for a long time, not interested in me?"

"When I wait, I will definitely pack you up," Eric showed with a bad smile: "But since you ran to talk about my mind today, I am important to satisfy your curiosity, isn't it?"

Nicole's face is reddish. Proactively admitted: "I am not interested in these things, but Hanks they want to know what you think, so please ask me."

"My thoughts are basically on Yahoo! Information. In the final analysis, let the Hollywood stars pay for the rationality, that's it."

Nicole curiously glared at her head: "What kind of pay level do you think is rational?"

Eric thought for a moment and said: "The expenditure of star pay is only 2% of the profit of a film. This is reasonable. I am referring to rationality, not to suppress the actor's pay. I hope that the star can be produced with the film. The factory bears the risks together. Just like at the beginning, I suggest that you join the mummies in the form of paying shares. Although you can get oo more than 10,000 yuan, it is still reasonable, because Global will achieve profit on this project. For $400 million, you only scored 8%. Like the two action movies of Schwarzenegger and Stallone last summer, the two of them got paid for $17 million, although much less than you, The two films were not profitable, but they brought tens of millions of dollars in losses to the producers. This is very unreasonable."

"Your idea seems to be difficult to achieve. The risk of film investment is so great. Before a film was released, no one knew whether it would succeed or fail. The first-line stars are willing to take risks as long as the dividends are not enough, in case the movie is not. If they can make a profit, they will do it."

"So," Eric shrugged. "I didn't expect much from this. I just have to control the firefly's budget."

Nicole didn't understand: "But you have offended all the first-line stars in Hollywood this time. Even Hanks and Cage, who have a close relationship with fireflies, didn't say anything. I definitely have opinions on you. Since You already knew that it was impossible to succeed, why should you do this?"

Eric raised the information he had just handed to Nicole and said: "Because of this incident, Yahoo!’s daily average visits in the past week are close to 1ooo, although it will fall later, but I believe that at the end of the year. After the operation of the Vimy show, Yahoo’s average daily traffic will remain above 1ooo 10,000. Do you know what it means?”

Nicole's eyes widened, her mouth was a little bit smug, and her voice shook her head slightly: "I don't know."

"Let's say, we can simply compare the Yahoo! portal to a newspaper. Some time ago, Firebugs packaged $1.52 billion in newspapers and magazine assets acquired from the ab group. The total sales of these newspapers and magazines were added. Together, it’s not too much. If you can convert it, how much is the value of the Yahoo Portal with 1ooo’s 'subscription'?”

Nicole’s mathematics is obviously not so good, her eyes flashed a few times, and it’s incredible to say: “There are not so many of the seven or seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars?”

The original time and space, just a very simple directory site Yahoo, the market value of the listing has rushed to 500 million US dollars. Today, Yahoo has a series of very popular network products such as Yahoo! Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, Yahoo! Portal and Yahoo! Mail. The traffic is even more out of the original Yahoo Street, plus Yahoo! Technology Alliance and Yahoo! The exhibition plan with a very broad prospects for the exhibition will not be too bad even if the market value of ipo will reach less than 7.6 billion next year.

"Nothing is impossible, you will know it next year."

Nicole still has a small mouth: "Isn't that, you have billions of assets next year."

Eric said: "When the Rockefeller family had the highest assets, it reached one-sixtieth of the US gross national product. I think I should at least have them in the future."

Nicole subconsciously asked: "What is one of the sixtieths?"

Eric recalled and said: "The federal gdp is now 70 million yuan, and one in sixty is 12 billion."

"12oo billion, 12oo billion" Nicole murmured a few words, as if suddenly pulled off, and fell softly toward the bed.

Eric dropped the folder in his hand and scraped it. He opened Nicole’s face and smiled. “It seems to be difficult to breathe. Do I need artificial respiration?”

Nicole reached out and pushed Eric's head away. He said, "I used to earn a lot of money in the mummies for a long time. Now I am told by you that I have no mood."

Eric laughed: "It is not said that women often conquer men by conquering the world. I think your ambition should be much bigger."

Nicole resentfully said: "I never guessed what you were thinking, but I also know that you are not married, and you have two children. I don't know what we can do. When I think about it, I feel that I should be far away from you."

Eric leaned over and kissed Nicole's lips. She reached down and took off the silver necklace between her neck and opened the heart-shaped pendant, which was quietly lying with a rose ring.

Nicole looked softly at Eric to pick up his left hand and put the ring on the ring finger, with a little expectation in the faint, saying: "Are you asking me to marry me?"

Eric shook his head and waited for Nicole to show his disappointment. He said, "No, the proposal should be worn on the middle finger. Wearing it on the ring finger means you are already my wife."

Nicole raised her arm and looked at the ruby ​​on the rose gold ring under the lamp, saying: "No marriage proposal, no wedding, more than that, this ring is not unique. You want to take possession of me." Hey, don't even think about it."

Eric said: "If you are not afraid of being influenced by Karen, I can give you a wedding at any time."

Nicole's nephew lit up, but immediately asked: "What about them?"

"They must have it too."

Nicole immediately wrinkled her little nose with dissatisfaction: "Do you want to get married?"

"The law of the world is only to restrain the people who can be restrained. In my will, I can have many wives."

Nicole's eyes flashed and said: "I think, maybe you can join the Moses, so it seems to be more justified."

Eric took Nicole's face and kissed him. He said: "I just said that in my willpower, I can have many wives. I don't need the affirmation of foreign objects, whether it is federal or not. The law is still the God of heaven. Therefore, I will not add anything like this to the worldly affirmation, that is self-deception." (To be continued.)

Go to the cloud. Come to the pavilion to get the view.]

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