I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 663: Wrong words?

After the conference room door was knocked, the female staff member who was still in the walk was still the female staff. After the lesson, the female staff did not say too much nonsense, and smiled and handed the result directly to Kasenberg, whispering: "Mr. Kasenberg, this is half an hour of data. Hey,"

Although the character is impatient, this does not mean that Kasenberg is impersonal. When he noticed the smiling expression of the female staff, Kasenberg immediately realized what he was doing. He nodded slightly to the female staff, and Kasenberger watched at half o'clock. Look at the data form.

The first place is still the "Archives", but the viewing data has slipped from 22.1 million at the time of the broadcast to 21.2 million, with a drop of 900,000. The second-ranked "Song Fei Zheng Chuan" ratings data rebounded from the 1990s when it was broadcasted to 20.6 million, an increase of 700,000.

Then, the third-ranked "survivor" made Kasenberg's sharp eyes suddenly bright, 19.1 million, compared with the 700,000 increase in "Song Fei Zheng Zhuan", "Survivor" in half an hour The number of viewers has soared by 1.3 million.

Tom Murphy and Robert Eiger, who are surrounded by Kasenberg, have a smile.

"The number of viewers has actually increased by 1.3 million," Robert Eiger said with a bit of excitement: "The Song Fei Zheng Zhuan" only broadcasts an episode, and nb is a brand new sitcom "Perfect Town", which relies on The new drama "Song Fei Zheng Chuan" is definitely not able to compete with "Summers", and "Archives" has slipped again. In this case, perhaps "Survivor" has the potential to impact 20 million."

The viewing data form quickly circulated in the conference room, just when the data was broadcast. Few people dare to speak. after all. Everyone in the room thinks about the ratings of "Who will be a millionaire" a few years ago. Even if everyone knows how to compare with "Who will be a millionaire", you can only talk about it. It’s not bad to get 17.8 million ratings on the air. But no one can guarantee where the next viewing curve will go.

But now, with the release of the viewing data at half o'clock, the atmosphere in the conference room has suddenly warmed up, and a group of executives have expressed their views.

Robert Eiger’s voice just fell, another executive said: “Yes, the first broadcast of the highest audience of 20 million, although not comparable to the “Millionaire” a few years ago, but this is definitely a reality show in recent years. The highest record in the show."

"There is another person: After the end of the "Archives". "The Survivor" has another episode, maybe this data can be higher or not."

"If the ratings can reach 20 million, such a gimmick must be used well, and the propaganda department should come up with a marketing plan."

"Maybe the new drama next week, we can use "Survivor" as a guide."

In some chaotic discussions, Alan, with a smile on his face, held his fist and touched the fists of the directors and screenwriters of Survivor. The ratings were raised, indicating that Survivors basically It has been successful, and all the worries in the hearts of the founders have all disappeared.

Kasenberg, Tom Murphy and Robert Eiger also came enthusiastically and expressed their congratulations to them.

In the excitement of everyone. The next half hour was unusually short, in the color TV screen of the conference room. The first episode of Survivor has ended unconsciously. After a short advertisement, the title of the second episode begins to play. After about ten minutes of statistical data, the room door was pushed away again, and the eyes of the people who had just whispered were focused on the female staff who walked in.

Suddenly, I was watched by more than a dozen eyes. The female staff’s face was slightly red, but she still raised the latest viewing form in her hands. She also excitedly reported the latest viewing data: “The Surprise’s whole point. The ratings were 20.6 million, which exceeded the number of viewers of the "Files" of 100,000, ranking first."


Although several groups were present, there was still a cheer in the conference room.

Whispered a few words with Tom Murphy and Robert Eiger. Kasenberg came over to Allen and others: "Allen, Mark, Charlie, maybe you can start preparing for the next season."

Allen nodded, and the first-time ratings of the show began to be noticeably red, and the number of viewers exceeded 20 million. The new season is almost a matter of course.

The writer of Survivor, standing next to Allen, was also excited about the show's founder, Charlie Parsons, but couldn't help but think of Eric.

If it wasn't for Eric to personally select Survivor in a bunch of project ideas, Charlie Parsons didn't know if Survivor could land on the screen, let alone today's success. Thinking of this, Charlie Parsons couldn't help but say: "Mr. Kasenberg, I heard that Mr. Williams is currently in New York. Maybe we should share this good news with him."

When I heard the words of Charlie Parsons, Kasenberg, Tom Murphy, Robert Eiger and even Allen had a strange expression.

Charlie Parsons looked at several people in confusion and repeated pondering several times, and did not find that he had just said something wrong.

Of course, Kasenberg and others are very clear about where Eric is currently, but think of the positive attitude that Eric has always shown since he selected the project "Survivor." Several people at Kasenberg have realized that compared to the TV station, the first broadcast of a new program has reached 20 million, which is indeed a good news worthy of publicity. But for Eric, perhaps this is It is expected, otherwise, Eric will not always maintain a strong support for this program from beginning to end.

Noting the doubts of Charlie Parsons, Kasenberger used his eyes to communicate with Tom Murphy and Robert Eiger before answering: "Now, maybe... not very convenient to disturb Eric, wait for two episodes After the complete data after the broadcast, I will call him."

Some of Kasenberg's thoughts are that Eric, who has created the miracle of "Millionaire", will not care too much about the premiere of Survivor, so there is no plan to disturb Eric with women in the first place. child.

Charlie Parsons, who is completely ignorant of the situation, is rumored to Eric's various lace rumors, thinking that Eric is now in a gentle township, so the few big cockroaches in front of him just have that weird expression. Although he envied Eric's bliss in his heart, Charlie Parsons quickly made a smile on everyone, and he did not mention it again.

Compared with the first episode of the first episode, the second episode of "Survivor" has produced a game of heavy taste that has been relished by many fans in previous life.

Taking into account the audience's acceptance, the first time the program group selected was not the increasingly extreme beetle larvae, animal embryos, but a living octopus tentacles, which is a very popular food in East Asia. After the introduction of the host, although the octopus tentacles still creeping on the plate made people feel a little worried, but the people in the conference room did not have much disgusting feelings. Instead, they enjoyed the various embarrassment of the players in the show. .

Of course, although I put down all kinds of concerns and started to enjoy this reality show, everyone’s mind did not leave the attention to the ratings data.

When the female staff member came in the second episode and came to announce that the survivor’s ratings reached 22 million, even Tom Murphy, who was always conservative and restrained, couldn’t help but shout at the assistant next to him: “Open the champagne! ”

In the end, the survivor’s highest ratings for the night were fixed at 600,000 people who were surprised by Nielsen’s ratings statistics. After the broadcast, Kasenberger was very self-sufficient and invited all the staff on duty in the ab building to spend the night at the headquarters restaurant.

On the second day, Nielsen released more detailed Tuesday's ratings data. The survivor's premiere was the highest in the audience with a maximum of 750,000 and an average of 21.12 million. It surpassed the second file of the highest 22.1 million and averaged 20.96 million viewers. Got a single-day viewing champion.

Because the main audience of Archives is concentrated in the youth audience, ab originally worried that Survivor’s ratings in the core 18- to 49-year-old audience will be lower than the Archives, and advertisers are most concerned about It is often the viewing data of this part of the population.

But the data is really surprising. The survivors’ ratings for the 18-49 year olds reached 8.7, and the effective watch market share was %, which represents a total of 120 million viewers in North America from 18 to 49 years old. In the crowd, the equivalent of 1.2 billion total audience of 8.7% watched "Summers", accounting for % of the total number of viewers aged 18 to 49 who watched TV programs that night. The corresponding data of "Archives" are only 7.1 and 17% respectively, although this result is still outstanding, but it has been unable to compete with "survivors".

Behind the popular ratings of Survivor is the hot discussion of the show, and in the next few days, almost all Americans will have more or less the words 'survivor'. Of course, the media will not let go of such a hot topic. The New York Times publicly praised Survivor as "a real game that surprisingly assembled a collision between humans and humans, between humans and nature." The Post also praised "Survivor" "completely subverting the reality of the reality show, this is the real 'real person' show."

Along with the dramatic increase in the topic, ab TV quickly announced the renewal of Survivor, and at the same time launched the next season's 'survivors' sea elections. (To be continued.)

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