I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 674: I will tie myself to my desk.

Chapter 674

On the issue of the world, both Panasonic and Seagram have a very pressing trading tendency. In a few months, the two sides have reached an initial agreement, and only need to sort out the last debt information and personnel differences, you can reach the final transaction. ▲∴▲∴,

In the past few months, Michael Eisner has been lobbying West Graham's helm, Edgar Bronfman, to help Michael Kwow out of the world, and he will not hesitate to render Michael Owitz. President of the World, various misconducts during this time.

Michael Ovitz has become accustomed to using aa's account to satisfy his own extravagant personal expenses when he was aa. Aa is a private partnership company, and does not need to pay attention to financial reporting issues like listed companies, Michael Ovitz. As the founder of aa, he also has a very unique position in this brokerage company, so no one dares to question this kind of big-handed behavior. However, after serving as the president of the world, Michael Ovitz did not change the consciousness of a large listed company executive from a private company, but continued to maintain the lifestyle in aa, almost certainly feel the decoration of the luxury office or in order to make friends The expenses of Hollywood celebrities to give expensive gifts should be reimbursed by Global.

This also created the first contradiction between him and Michael Eisner. Michael Eisner disagreed with Michael Owitz, a somewhat arbitrary way of doing things.

At the same time, Michael Owitz's strong desire to control at the time of aa is also in conflict with the strong character of Michael Eisner, which is the root of the contradiction between the two.

In the final analysis, the contradiction between the two still confirms the old saying. A mountain can not accommodate two tigers.

As the helm of Seagram. It is certainly impossible for Edgar Bronfman to be aware of this. After listening to Michael Eisner, it didn’t take long for me to start holding the example of "Little Guy". Michael Owitz did not, Edgar Bronfman also decided before the deal was reached. Michael Owitz is kicked out of the world in advance.

Of course, there is the result of Michael Eisner’s lobbying, but as the head of a large consortium, Edgar Bronfman thinks more about the stability of the company after Seagram’s acquisition of Universal. I don't want to buy a movie company with a lot of conflicts between senior management. Although it is an outsider in Hollywood, Edgar Bronfman is also clear, no matter which line. A company wants to grow and develop, and internal management stability is a must.

Eisner said, Edgar Bronfman said: "Michael, I just want to know, if you want to let Ovitz leave the world, how much does it cost?"

Michael Eisner's face was red, and he coughed twice. If it wasn't the golden parachute agreement that he personally married, it would be easy to kick Michael Owitz out. This is ultimately his mistake, but Michael Eisner is definitely not going to Admit this. What's more, the decision was made at that time, and he was so helpless that he could completely control the whole world in his hands. It is not like the heart surgery, let Panasonic intervene in the management changes of the world.

"According to the agreement signed at the time, if Owitz is required to leave without major decision-making mistakes, Universal needs to compensate him for $50 million in cash and another $50 million in stock options," Michael Eisner said. After looking at Bronfman’s face, he immediately added: “However, if Ovitz takes the initiative to leave, the price that Universal needs to pay is that Sony is currently in contact with Orwitz, hoping that he will serve as Colombia’s eo, he should It is very likely that he will leave on his own initiative. Of course, even if Ovitz is not willing to take the initiative to take advantage of this transaction, he will join Ovitz’s resignation to the contract and let the Japanese bear the cost of his departure."

Edgar Bronfman listened to Michael Eisner and meditated for a moment on the armrests. "In this way, you will sort out the information about Orwitz that I said during this time. I will meet in the afternoon." The information was submitted to Panasonic’s negotiating team as evidence that Ovitz was no longer suitable as the president of the world, and the terms of Ovitz’s departure were officially included in the terms of the negotiations.”

Michael Eisner flashed a touch of joy on his face and nodded: "I am ready."


At the end of 1994, Hollywood once again did not calm down. The internal management of Colombia began to oscillate. Universal Pictures once again faced the change of ownership. The eye-catching flower film industry’s "disappointing popularity" was brought to the forefront by the "Mission Impossible". Another firefly that started to shine.

Michael Ovitz put down his "Hollywood Reporter" and passed all the recent Hollywood events. He was disappointed to find that it didn't have much to do with him.

This made him reluctant to recall a few years ago, when he was still the head of aa, not only turned over between the major movie companies, but also dominated the acquisition of Sony by Sony and Panasonic. Billions of dollars in big deals.

But now, although I am very reluctant to admit it, Michael Owitz still finds that after leaving aa, he seems to suddenly fall from a Hollywood trader into a pawn. Twenty years of operating aa, Michael Ovitz has accumulated hundreds of millions of net worth, but for him who has been at the peak of Hollywood for a long time, losing power is definitely a hundred times more painful than losing money. Michael Ovitz is well aware that the moment he wants to return to the brokerage industry, it is unlikely that he will return to the brokerage industry. After the friendship with Michael Eisner broke down, it didn't make any sense to stay in the world. Michael Ovitz had to start thinking about his next step. Fortunately, the turmoil in Colombia gave him a chance to make a comeback.

Driven into the Culver City Columbia studio, Michael Ovitz just got off the bus, and I’m already greeted with a few followers.

When Sony bought Columbia a few years ago, Michael Ovitz had already dealt with Iwai, and although he felt that there was an unspeakable exhaustion and anxiety in his body. Michael Ovitz still embraced the other party with great enthusiasm.

There are obviously more oriental faces in and out of the administrative building of the Colombian studio. Izui Nobuyuki brought Michael Ovitz into the luxurious office of Peter Cooper. Only Peter Cooper and Peter Peters did not appear.

Sitting down in the office, I simply chilled, and I went out and said with bluntness: "Mr. Ovitz, you must have known that Colombia is in a very bad situation. Sony needs a management that can reverse the current situation. By."

"In Hollywood, any film company will experience ups and downs, Colombia has decades of accumulation. With a large group like Sony behind the back, it is only a matter of time before you want to cheer up," Michael Owitz talks Road: "Of course, the premise of all this is that this film company needs a qualified manager."

Out of the well, I was nodded and said, "So, Mr. Ovitz, since you accepted the invitation today, you are definitely interested in this position of Columbia eo. Can you talk about how you plan to manage this company? ?"

Michael Ovitz thought for a moment. Road: "Excuse me, Mr. Izui. As a film company, there is only one thing to survive. That is to be able to successfully sell dozens of movie projects to Hollywood studios every year during the production of excellent blockbuster movies. I believe in Hollywood. There are not many people who have more experience in film project operations than I have."

Although the three-legged situation of the Hollywood brokerage company has greatly weakened the dominance of the aa family, Michael Ovitz’s achievements in aa are still obvious to all. The reason why Izui’s sake is to see Michael Owitz is also In his performance at aa, listening to Michael Owitz, he went out and nodded, saying: "Mr. Ovitz, in this case, Sony welcomes you to control Colombia, don't know your salary. What are the requirements for treatment and other aspects?"

"My requirements for the annual salary are not high, as long as it is..." Michael Owitz realized that I’m sure I didn’t want to hear Peter Cooper’s name, so I changed my mind: “As long as it’s the same as the previous one. Yes, but I need to get the bonuses and dividends I have after the company's business conditions improve."

Izui Nobuyuki was very satisfied with the conditions of Michael Ovitz and nodded and said: "Of course, as long as the business situation in Colombia can improve, you will definitely get the rewards you deserve. So, is there anything else?"

Michael Ovitz said: "Yes, and most importantly, I don't want to be constrained by external factors in the company's business, so I need to get the absolute autonomy of Colombia."

When you hear the words ‘autonomous management’, the body that is out of the well is obviously a glimpse.

If it weren’t for the autonomy to hand over the two bastards, Peter Cooper and Peter Peters, Colombia would not have fallen to the present. With the deepening of the financial audit in Colombia, Idei has not slept well in recent days. Under the five years of squandering and spoiling of Peter Cooper and John Peters, Colombia’s internal operations and financial situation have smashed to such an alarming level that in order to minimize losses and reduce tax burdens, Sony will have to take a write-down on Colombia’s assets. According to statistics from this time, Sony’s asset reduction may reach $2.1 billion, which will mean that Sony’s annual financial report will be 2.1 billion. The huge loss of the dollar.

2.1 billion dollars!

Since Sony’s establishment half a century ago, there has not been such a large loss.

I have not dared to send this bad news back to Sony headquarters until now. Chairman Akio Morita has just experienced a stroke a few years ago. I am very worried about the sudden loss of this loss. Does Akio Morita have anything to do with it? .

Right now, once again, from the mouth of Michael Ovitz, the term 'autonomous management' is heard. Ichiro Shinji even has a chilling feeling. He even shook his head and said: "Mr. Ovitz, we can discuss other conditions. However, please do not mention it again. You have also seen that Sony has already suffered enough in the autonomy of its own operations. We will certainly not let Colombia be left to a manager."

Michael Ovitz said: "Mr. Izui, you should understand that I am different from Peter Cooper. Really, I don't understand why Sony hired such two incompetent guys. I have enough. Confidence will be good for Colombia, but I need to get enough power and trust. If Sony loses full trust in Colombia’s successor manager because of Peter Cooper, I’m sure Colombia will have a hard time recovering. Hollywood Unlike other industries, Hollywood film companies need a paternalistic management approach, rather than a so-called modern corporate management model. If you look at the management structure of the seven major film companies, you know that I didn't lie. Sony originally opposed Peter. Cooper’s decentralization attitude is not wrong. The biggest mistake is that you have chosen the wrong person.”

There was a hesitant look on the face of the well, and he knew that Michael Ovitz’s point of view was not wrong, but Sony had just been bitten by two ‘snakes’, not afraid of the well rope.

"That's it, it's already dinner time, it's not as good as..." Izui Nobuyuki just invited Michael Ovitz to dinner and continued to talk in detail. An assistant knocked on the open door and talked about the two things being talked about. The man came over.

"President, I think you need to look at this," the assistant said, looking at Michael Owitz in a strange way and handing a fax document to the hand of Iwai.

I’m so curious to open the folder, he knows that the assistant will not break into the meeting for no reason, and the document is definitely an extremely important message.

I hurriedly read a few pages, and I’m going out and asked the assistant who was still waiting: “Where is the file, and the information... is it accurate?”

"This document has been circulated since the negotiations between Panasonic and Seagram today, now..." The assistant glanced at Michael Owitz again, and there seemed to be a little gloating in his eyes: "Now...all Hollywood All are passing."

The well went out and gently tapped his head, waved the assistant out, read the file in his hand, and the brow became tighter and tighter. Then he sighed and handed the document to Michael O., who had already revealed his uneasy look. Witz: "Mr. Ovitz, the cooperation between us will be discussed later, I think you should deal with this now."

Michael Owitz took the documents, but after a few pages, he changed his face and suddenly stood up. He said to the well: "Mr. Izui, sorry, I think I need to leave."

After rushing out of the office, Michael Ovitz got into his car with a slight tremor, and after the driver drove, he opened the document again. The look is also getting angry, and the document in his hand lists a lot of ‘evid’ that he is not suitable for the president of the world.

But in Michael Owitz's opinion, the document is entirely intended to ruin his career in Hollywood.

Just a blame for spending $2 million to renovate the office, Michael Ovitz felt that his cooperation with Sony had become very embarrassing. But Michael Ovitz feels that he is fully capable of enjoying these benefits.

Then, from other record companies, they expanded their global record business, increased their investment in the TV department, and invited first-line superstars to cooperate with the world. These suggestions he made, and all the people who made these materials became his 'good big success'. evidence of.

Although friendship has broken down, Michael Ovitz still did not think that in order to squeeze himself out of the world, Michael Eisner will take such radical measures to deal with him.

I have already planned to leave, why do you want to do this to me.

Why are you doing this!

The more I was in the heart, the more angry I was, and Michael Ovitz picked up the mobile phone next to him and shook and dialed Michael Eisner’s mobile phone.

Just connected, Michael Owitz yelled and said: "Okay, your purpose has been reached, I tell you, Michael, you want to drive me out of the world, I will use a chain, firmly I tied myself to my desk at Universal." (To be continued.)

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