I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 681: I am coming to say goodbye.

After discussing the release of the two films, the time is approaching noon, the three are planning to go out for lunch together, just out of the conference room, Eric has encountered Tina Fey, who has not seen for a long time.

After the flower industry was separated from the fireflies, Tina Fei changed from the assistant of Drew to the management of the flower film industry. She was responsible for the editing and editing of the flower film script. The work was fixed and Eric was rarely in Xiaonizi. I saw Tina Fei's figure beside me. Although the two sides had several dews of joy, Eric did not mean to leave Tina Felong for a long time, but since it happened, Eric also invited Tina Fey to eat together.

There is a nice restaurant near the Flower Studio office building. Several people sit down together and order lunch. Eric laughs at some cautious Tina Fei: "Tina, is I still writing a script?"

Tina Fein didn't expect to see Eric suddenly, she didn't touch for a long time. She had a lot of affection for Eric. She just felt that this man is getting more and more dazzling and getting more and more from herself. Far away, at this time, I heard that Eric still spoke to himself in the same casual and familiar tone. Tina·Fei’s heart was dissipated and said: “There have been some thoughts, but I’ve been too busy recently. There is not much time to write it down."

Drew suddenly said: "Tina, did you last told me about a concept based on your high school life? Tell Eric to see what he thinks?"

Eric heard the words of Shantou, smiled and looked up, but he thought of the "贱 girl" written by Tina Fei, but he also knows that "贱 girl" is Tina Fei according to a name. Adapted from the novel of Queen Bee and Heel, there is some curious about what kind of high school students will play Tina Fey.

Seeing Eric, Drew and Amy all looking at themselves with great interest, Tina Fee smiled embarrassedly and said: "Actually. I was very tempted when I was in high school. The girl, some crazy, always dressed like a tomboy. However, my heart is really envious of the beautiful girls who can dress themselves up. This idea is roughly a story of a girl's big transformation..."

Tina Fei’s script idea has many similarities with Eric’s “贱 girl”. A somewhat rustic high school girl tries to adapt to the new living environment and makes the favorite boy notice himself. Let yourself change from the ugly duckling to the swan story, which is still inseparable from the friendship, love, trust and other elements of the youth. In fact, this coincidence is not difficult to understand. The style of a scriptwriter's script is definitely related to factors such as personal character and life experience. The original "Time and Space" script changed from a novel, but as a screenwriter. Tina Fein definitely added a lot of 'private goods' inside.

Since there is so much commonality between the two stories, Eric said: "Tina, take the time to write this story down. I will help you to see it, maybe you can shoot it."

Because there is a complete "贱 girl" image in memory, Eric can get the original author information from the subtitles. Just look up the relevant information and make sure that the infringing oolong will not be created. Eric can let the scriptwriter Tina Fey The script was transformed into the script of "The Girl" in the original time and space.

When Tina Fein heard Eric's words, her eyes suddenly lit up, in the identity of Eric. Since she was allowed to write the script, the possibility of making the script into a movie is almost 100%. Sitting next to Amy Pascal, he also smiled and said with a smile: "Eric. Tina is now a flower film man, can't you dig the wall with Dru's face?"

Eric shook his head and smiled. "This is also true. Speaking of it, Tina's script is quite suitable for you to operate. After the "Mission Impossible", the flower film industry will certainly have sufficient cash flow. It is time to increase the scale of production."

Amy Pascal has actually had a lot of jokes in that sentence, and Eric if he looks at a script. Any other company may compete with fireflies, but Flower Pictures certainly won't do it. After all, Eric has given enough quality copyright to the flower studio. therefore. I heard that Eric took the initiative to push Tina Fei's script to the flower studio so quickly, and Amy Pascal was surprised at some time.

Eric watched Amy Pascal's expression changes and explained: "In fact, the firefly is currently planning to gradually streamline the production business. We plan to compress the annual production of 15 films in the next few years. So, we may not have much energy on this side to estimate the development of this youth campus comedy."

This time Amy three people are a little surprised, after the merger with Disney, the number of film production and distribution of fireflies in recent years has been maintained in the scale of 25 to 30, suddenly compressed to 15, almost half of the production. If the big film companies in MGM, Colombia, which are not in a good situation, announce a reduction in production, they will not be surprised, but the Firefly Group has been in the limelight in recent years and suddenly announced a reduction in production, which is surprising.

Amy Pascal spent a few seconds, still inexplicably chasing: "Eric, are you sure you are not kidding?"

"Of course not," Eric nodded and said seriously: "This is the result of careful discussion by the management of the company, because we found that the effect of the large-scale film release every year is not so obvious, but excessive waste of internal resources. Let’s take it last year. At the end of last year, fireflies were introduced by Disney Studios, Disney Animation, Firefly Film, New Line Film, Touchstone Film, Pixar Animation, Black Ant Production Company and through external channels. In some films, the total number of films released was 29, and the total box office for the year was $1.55 billion, accounting for 25.8% of the total US$6 billion box office in 1994..."

As the waiter said, the waiter brought up a few dinners, Eric had to suspend the narrative, and Amy Pascal was amazed at the series of numbers Eric casually reported, unwittingly, the box office market of fireflies. The share has already accounted for a quarter of the total box office in North America. If it continues, the firefly may really want to reproduce the one-of-a-kind situation of the Hollywood Golden Age MGM, which makes her even more confused why the firefly is here. Under a good situation. Suddenly decided to cut production.

After the waiter left, Eric continued: "This market share is superficially high, but in many films. Fireflies have already incurred losses. Fireflies this year's North American local box office revenue is $1.55 billion. But the five box-offices of "Save the Great Ryan", "Real Lies", "Lion King", "Running Bride" and "Change Face" account for 750 million US dollars. Half of the total box office, if the scope is expanded, in addition to these five movies, the sequel to "Ninja Turtle" and the "King of Fighting" and other medium-sized productions have received box office ranging from 50 million to 90 million, fireflies. The total number of films in the top ten box office reached $1.1 billion, accounting for 70% of the total box office share, and the profits of the ten films accounted for more than 85% of the total profit of the film business. The next 19 films brought in $450 million in box office revenue for fireflies. The average box office revenue per movie was only $100,000, and the average production and distribution cost of these 19 films was 27 million. Overseas distribution and video operations, these 19 films can still bring some profit fireflies, but the overall inputs and outputs it is very worthwhile. "

Amy Pascal listened to Eric and said that if he nodded, he said to Eric: "According to your analysis, the firefly compression production plan is absolutely wise, but Eric. If the fireflies do this, they may lose the first share of the box office market in the future. If it is other film companies, I think they will not be willing to take the initiative to give up the title of the market share."

Eric smiled. Dao: "It doesn't make much sense to compete for the first place in the box office revenue. It is also easy to be hated. Fireflies are pursuing the first place in net profit. Fireflies are now a comprehensive media group. We will be in the future. The focus of the film business is to produce more excellent films, while at the same time putting more resources and energy into the development of value-added services around the film, so that each excellent film can maximize the benefits of the entire industry chain."

In fact, Eric made this decision, and also detailed reference to the results of the later Disney development strategy. In the original time and space, the number of productions per year after Disney in the new century is not high compared to other studios. However, because of the boutique strategy, almost a few box office dark horses can be punched out every year. Therefore, although Disney's film production is only a dozen. But with its excellent industry-wide chain operations, Disney's profits have consistently ranked among the top producers.

After a while, Amy Pascal asked again: "But, Eric, don't you think that the risk is also great? If you reduce the size of the film to half, the fireflies may miss some box office dark horses. And once some key projects fail, the annual financial data of the fireflies will be very ugly."

Eric said: "The low-cost high-bay box office dark horses account for less than one percent of Hollywood's annual filmings in the theater. This embarrassing chance is not enough for the fireflies to maintain a high-load distribution strategy. As for the possible losses on large projects, even if the production is not reduced, this risk still exists. But now, the loss of one or two big production films will not have much impact on fireflies, and fireflies are not listed companies. We don't have to rack our brains to prepare beautiful financial reports for investors. We can manage our company with ease and intent."

Amy Pascal nodded in no envy. Tina Fei suddenly said, "Hey, you found out that the box office dark horses in these years seem to be in fireflies."

Tina Fei said that the three women suddenly discovered that the facts turned out to be true. From the very beginning of "Little Ghosts", to the subsequent "Fengyue Beauty", and the peak of "Jurassic Park", last year's summer file "Lion King", said that since Eric's sudden rise, Hollywood all The film that is called the box office dark horse seems to have a brain-like brain gathered in the firefly.

Looking at a few women's curiosity, Eric spread his hand and smiled: "This is my personal talent. If you really want a reason, have you seen "Black Man"?"

"Oh," Tina Fei couldn't help but laugh, and licked Xiao Nizi, who was also unhappy, and reached out to make a tentacles on her head. Asked: "Drew, what color is Eric's blood, is it sky blue?"

The skull looked badly and took the napkin and wiped it. Then mysteriously pressed a small voice: "White, I tasted it. There is something salty."



"Oh... cough..."

Tina Fei squatted for half a second, and her face was instantly covered with a layer of blush, reaching out and squatting down the hoe.

Amy Pascal showed a puzzled expression, but quickly grinned.

Eric was not able to hold back a red wine and sprayed it out. Fortunately, he immediately turned his head around the table, but because of the patience, he was coughed up and down. Looking at Xiao Nizi holding a napkin, the expression weakly came together. Eric was not confused by the expression of Shantou, and knocked on her head unceremoniously: "I will never open this joke again in the future."

"Remember, I will never tell you that you are a Pandora."

"No silly, you know that I am not talking about this."

"Uh huh..."

The waiters quickly came over and rushed to clean up, and several people did not have the interest to continue eating, leaving the restaurant to pay.

Just like the "Twilight City" series of the original time peak, Lions Gate's "Hunger Games" series, for the second and third line film companies, a big explosion series. It is often possible to make it rise. Although it is still a mere production company, it is expected that the global box office will reach 500 million US dollars in "Mission Impossible", which will continue to bring hundreds of millions of dollars in cash flow to the flower studio. In the early days of Flower Film, the three films of "Mission Impossible", "Museum of the Museum" and "Forrest Gump" also need to rely on cooperation with other film companies or external financing. But after the "Mission in the Dish", even if the cash back needs some time, the flower studio has no pressure on the funds.

In this case, expansion is almost imperative. In addition to Tina Fey’s temporary youth campus film concept during lunch, Eric studied with Drew and Amy in the afternoon, some of the recent collections of Flower Film, and the flower studio assisted Ai. The copyrights of those superheroes recovered by Rick have been returned to Marvel Entertainment. The copyrights of "The Lord of the Rings" and "Bourne Shadow" have not yet reached the time of development. Therefore, they want to develop new projects. .

but. A good script is really impossible to meet, and several people sent a bunch of scripts around the script agent for an afternoon study. Neither found enough good enough, nor found Eyrek's memory to be familiar.

Always busy after work. Because I had to go to Burbank to attend the firefly's high-level meeting early in the morning, Eric did not return to Malibu, but planned to go to Xiao Nizi to spend the night in the Beverly Hills mansion.

The twins drove the car on the road, and Xiao Nizi, who was sitting in the back row with Eric, softly squatted on Eric: "Too tired, Eric, picking up the script is so troublesome, it’s not as good as you Write a few to us."

Eric pinched on the skull face on his lap and smiled: "You really are a Pandora star."

Drew turned the baby's face and looked up at Eric. "You used to write so many scripts."

Eric explained: "Now it is different from before, I don't have much time to ponder the script."

After getting along for so long, Xiao Nizi can of course see that Eric has some insincere words, but she has no meaning at all. She believes that Eric deceives herself, and that is definitely the reason to lie to herself.

Eric looked at Xiaolizi, who was shining in the arms of her arms. She smiled and said nothing. What she thought of was Tina Fei’s inadvertent sentence in the afternoon: the box office dark horses in these years were all fireflies. Under its umbrella. This inadvertent rhetoric made Eric warn, because Tina Fei’s words are not accurate. To be exact, the box office dark horses of these years are from Eric’s own hands, whether he personally picks them up. Or write it in person.

The memory of rebirth is Eric’s greatest wealth and his greatest secret. This is a society of weak meat and strong food. Eric will not feel guilty because he took out the script in his memory, but he I don't want to let this happen, let others really regard him as an alien or something. Moreover, now he also has wealth and power, so that he does not have to worry about it, as long as the outstanding films in memory reappear according to the historical track, the fireflies have enough strength to win these projects, and those copyright owners are certainly more inclined to be like fireflies. Strong company cooperation.

The car unwittingly entered the narrow mountain road of Beverly Hills. The slight bumps pulled Eric from the thoughts into reality, and looked at Xiao Nizi, who had already raised his eyes in his arms. Eric smiled and reached out and touched the eyelashes of the skull. The smart scorpion opened immediately.

"I haven't eaten dinner yet, is this sleepy?"

Drew’s little head smashed on Eric. Greasy channel: "I just want to sleep in your arms."

"Oh, yes, I just remembered it. Are you in contact with Kevin Costner about the sequel to "Mission in the Dish"?"

"Well, he wants $20 million in pay and also requires 20% of North American box office splits."

Eric simply calculated, if the sequel can achieve the first grade. Kevin Costner probably took about 60 million from this project. This is really a big lion. In the memory, Tom Cruise took more than 70 million from a "Mission in the Dish", but People are also involved in production and investment.

"And then?" Eric asked again.

Xiao Nizi pinched Eric's clothes and twitched, saying: "What else, then, give him 20%, the publisher takes 15%, we only have 20% left, the local box office Divided into the fastest way to return money to the movie, we are not the big movie company that can slowly recover the funds by long-term operation. How can we give this piece to him, so everyone will be jealous when contacted. He should now be in Hawaii. Take the "Water World of the Future", huh, huh. I just heard it, it seems that the film was not filmed very smoothly, the scenery of the scenery they selected was too big, the set of more than 5 million US dollars, a big wave came over, smashed It’s abolished, and then it has to be rebuilt. Now the budget is much higher.”

The inertia of history is really strong enough, and Eric’s mouth is also full of smiles. Perhaps the biggest budget movie before the Titanic was also born on schedule.

I took a small face that was excited by the girl. Eric said: "Then let go of this thing for the time being, if "Water World of the Future" fails. Plus the "law enforcement" of last summer's summer file, Kevin Costner is on his back. Two films that have caused huge losses for investors, but nothing more than three, when he will definitely take the initiative to contact you."

Xiao Nizi, who leaned on Eric, laughed and snorted a few times, as if he was brewing something bad.

The car quickly entered the Beverly Rollsdale Manor area, and after a while, it stopped outside Drew's mansion. Xiao Nizi just got up and sat down. The twins sitting in the front passengers turned their heads and pointed to the door of the mansion. "Boss, look."

Eric and Xiao Nizi looked together. At this time, the sun had set. In the dim light, the girl in a white trench coat and jeans carrying a bag quietly stood on the open space outside the gate of the mansion. The girl’s body was very It is petite, obviously not long open. When the car stopped and the girl squatted, she carefully walked over.

Eric had some doubts. How could Christina Aguilera appear at the Dru housekeeper, pushing the door and asking for advice to Xiao Nizi, and the girl just shook her head.

Seeing Drew coming down from the car, Christina’s hesitation disappeared, and obviously ran over, noticed that Eric, who had got off the car from the other side of the car, had a little more joy on his face.

Although she saw Eric's footsteps, Christina quickly walked toward Xiao Nizi, excitedly said: "Drew, I thought you would not come back today."

Xiao Nizi warmly held Christina in her arms, although the girl was not high, but Christina looked even more petite, a slap-like relative, the girl just released the girl, smiled: "Long time no see Ah, how come suddenly to me?"

Christina was about to talk and saw Eric coming over and quickly turned around and said hello: "Mr. Williams, hello."

Eric just smiled and nodded. Looking at Drew, Christina also turned her attention to Xiao Nizi. She said a little sadness in her tone: "Drew, I, I am coming to say goodbye." (To be continued.)

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