I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 684: difference

Notoriously, Ryan Ryan and Bravehearted not only coincided very well with the same Golden Globe nomination, but the similarities between the two films are also abound, as are epic films, equally profound themes, equally outstanding. The scenes of the war, and even the soundtrack of the film are the top two musicians in Hollywood, John Williams and James Horner. Therefore, the popularity of the two films in the lucky season is almost equal. Recently in the media, The supporters of the two films "Save the Ryan" and "Brave Heart" are also very arrogant.

If Firefly and Fox are just very simple competitors, then this year's lottery season, both on the surface and in private, will compete for the most important movie awards, and this situation will undoubtedly lead to both sides. Unnecessary spending on public relations budgets, and even the final awards are not the best for each.

However, because of the relationship between Eric and Elizabeth, the two sides have formed a certain tacit understanding long ago.

"Eric, from the current situation, the best film and the best director are separated, which is the most beneficial for us," Harvey Weinstein seriously analyzed: " The release of "Rescue Ryan Ryan" has come to an end in the world, and North America also released a videotape of the movie two months ago, so I think the best film for this film should be the best director. Although this film Masculinity is full, but Catherine is a woman. In the history of Oscar for more than 60 years, although there have been several female directors who have been nominated, but no woman has ever won the best director, so if you save the big soldier En has won the best director award, and the sensation is no less than a best film. After all, Oscar already has 66 best films, but the best female director’s film has not even one, even the future. For decades, the best female directors will only be Catherine. As long as "Save the Ryan" receives the best director award, this film will last for many years to come. Influence."

Eric nodded, and Harvey Weinstein did not mention any words related to film revenue. But in fact, his remarks are entirely about analyzing the pros and cons of the award from a business perspective.

Once Catherine became the first woman to receive the best director of the Oscar, "Save the Ryan" will have a very special status in the history of the film, which means that before the emergence of the second Oscar women's best director, "Save the Great Ryan" "It will be unique, whenever someone thinks of Oscar's best director. It is often noticed that the only woman among them will follow the film, which means that "Save the Ryan" will bring fireflies to the surrounding channels such as video tapes and DVDs for many years to come. Come far beyond the profits of other best director films.

Noting the look that Eric agreed with, Harvey Weinstein continued: "Brave Heart is still in the stage of release, so the best film title is more important to us. If we both conduct public relations, With the strength of the two films, the final result will be difficult to predict, even, I personally feel. The end result is likely to be the opposite of what we expected. Because "Save the Great Ryan" is an American main theme war In contrast to the Brave Heart, which tells the history of Britain, the chances of getting the best film in Save the Great Ryan are undoubtedly bigger. On the best director, there are not many women in the directors’ association. They are all old men with a male patriarchal tendency. In this respect, Mel Gibson’s winning face is much bigger than that of Catherine. If we want to let the results move in the direction we want, after the Oscar nomination, our public relations strategy must be Get some tacit agreement in advance."

Although the "Brave Heart" released at the end of the year is quite different from the "Save the Ryan", which has been in the North American for a long time, it can easily cause the greatest media influence during the award season. However, if you carefully analyze the Oscar potential of the two films, "Saving Private Ryan" has two major advantages: the American main theme and the extreme righteousness. If the two sides are doing the same in the next Oscar public relations, the result is really unpredictable.

Harvey finished. Eric nodded and said: "This way, Harvey, I will call Kasenberg at night, let the person in charge of the Firefly Awards public relations contact you tomorrow, you communicate in private."

Harvey Weinstein appeared here and wanted to hear the promise of this cooperation from Eric. After all, it’s the best win-win situation for everyone to happily divide the ‘cake’. Otherwise, either the end result is exactly the opposite of what Weinstein just said and the expectations of both parties, or the party is completely defeated. This is certainly not what the two companies that are very good relations want to see.

To determine the most important issue, Xavi Weinstein also easily talked about some details: "Eric, Ms. Bigelow is also the main producer of "Save the Ryan", but I heard her Recently, it seems that I have not participated in many public relations activities of the Golden Globe Award. The Golden Globe Award does not matter. However, if the "Save the Private Ryan" wants to get the best director of Oscar, she should show more face, even if it is private. To attend too many public relations parties, I think she should also accept several interviews from public media."

The most important steps in the public relations of the awards include the media's public relations and private public relations to the judges. The ultimate goal is actually to vote from the awards judges through various influences.

Weinstein’s suggestion is of course very pertinent. Although Eric agreed very much, he smiled and said: “Harvey, you may not know, Catherine has some... Well, it’s idealism, she’s not I really like this kind of activity, and I can't force it."

Harvey Weinstein stunned. If it works properly, the "Rescue Ryan Ryan" videotape and TV broadcast license can continue to bring hundreds of millions of dollars in net income to fireflies. How can a firefly be such a big business? The director’s point of idealism has left her perfunctory.

However, Harvey soon remembered some rumors in private, and Catherine’s beautiful face with no trace of any time appeared in her mind. She smiled heartily and did not intend to mention it again.

Elizabeth, who had been listening to the two silently, suddenly burst into a sour voice: "I am still idealistic in my forties, and I am a little girl."

Eric’s coffee almost came out, and he quickly placed the coffee cup carefully on the table. He looked up and glanced at Elizabeth, who suddenly ate vinegar, but he was unceremoniously picked back.

Harvey Weinstein was keenly aware that the atmosphere began to look a bit disorganized, and he began to leave with a good smile. From Eric here to get a definite promise, the follow-up awards public relations details do not need Eric to personally worry, Harvey will go to the relevant person in charge of fireflies.

Get up and leave Harvey to leave, Eric and Elizabeth sat down again.

There are only two people left alone, and Elizabeth realizes that her little temper is somewhat out of date, but she is not willing to take the initiative to soften her eyes. She does not dare to look at Eric, fluttering and looking at the distance, seemingly on several hillsides. The number of luxury homes.

Eric waved the waiter to give the two a pot of coffee, and looked at Elizabeth with the eyes.

So quiet for a moment, Elizabeth suddenly became a little angry, staring at Eric: "Julia is right, you bastard, do not know to move us."

Eric feels a bit inexplicable: "His Royal Highness, where am I doing something wrong?"

"You just should take the initiative to open the door, and even want me to break the silence."

Eric is a little crying and laughing: "I still just thinking about life, I didn't bother you, you are not a little girl, why are you entangled?"

"Because some people are in their forties and can be little girls, I can't."

Eric can only surrender: "Well, you continue to keep the little girl mentality, so maybe you will be as beautiful as she is when you are as big as Catherine."

"Yeah," Elizabeth suddenly said a little smug: "When I am forty, hey, you imagine what she would look like."

Eric can now imagine it, because he has seen it at all. After more than ten years, Catherine is no different from now.

This woman must be able to live as a goblin in her life, and she will not be able to walk in this world.

Elizabeth noticed Eriksson’s expression with a smile, pretending to tremble with a cold, and said, “You’re really imagining, you can still laugh, it’s too much, no wonder someone said that you have that complex. ""

Eric did not intend to discuss Catherine with Elizabeth again, taking the initiative to open the topic, saying: "I saw Mel Gibson get the Golden Globe Award for the best actor nomination, and his performance level won the Golden Globe nomination. Some are reluctant, aren't you going to give him an Oscar nomination?"

Eric has just not talked with Harvey about the Golden Globe Awards public relations issue, mainly because the Golden Globe Awards are irrelevant for the rescue of Ryan Ryan. The influence of the Golden Globe Award is often only issued in it. Before and after, it will be quickly covered by Oscar's influence. For the release of the film, the media attention of the Golden Globe may play a role in promoting the box office, but this kind of promotion is not so great for the film that has entered the later stage of operation.

For "Saving Private Ryan", the most important thing is Oscar. After all, in the future, when there is news of "Saving Private Ryan" in any media, it is often mentioned that this is the Oscar title of the film, "Save the Great Ryan" When selling overseas videotapes or TV rights, buyers often only pay for Oscars. Most of the time, even if it is only an Oscar nomination, the gold content is much higher than the Golden Globe Award. This difference is more obvious in the actor awards. Like the little plums who have been searching for Oscar for many years in the original time and space, many people I didn’t even know that the little plums had already won the Golden Globe Awards ten years before they got the Oscar winners.

Elizabeth heard Eric's transfer of the topic, and she was cleverly not entangled. "Speaking of this, Mel Gibson had a quarrel with Harvey because of this nomination." (To be continued.)

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