I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 686: Nothing is gone

Eric didn't expect the firefly management to do things so smoothly, just mentioned in the morning meeting, and shot to the ve record in the afternoon. However, he was not too surprised. The vehic record was brilliant around 2000. At the moment, the teen-pop has not yet risen. The market value of the ve is only less than 10 million US dollars. Compared with the entire Firefly Group, it is not worth mentioning. .

Hearing Howard Stringer will take the ve record out as a bargaining chip, Eric just smiled and said: "Howard, Kasenberg does intend to buy some good record companies to expand the firefly record. Strength, since you say so, it must be true. However, unless Firefly intends to acquire the entire Sony record, I will not intervene in these small things. If you have any doubts, you can call Kasenberg. They are."

Howard Stringer couldn't possibly know that this was what Eric personally told him. He heard him say so, and his heart was a little shaken.

After receiving the news from the ve, the Howard Stringer hurried to find the inconspicuous subsidiary information, and found that the ve record has been focused on black hip-hop music, except that there used to be Opportunity to sign Will Smith but regret to miss this industry gossip, these years, ve ve records have never cultivated any heavyweight black singer, perhaps long-term incapable on hip-hop, ve ve records The management team is currently trying to transform.

The company has been researched several times, and Howard Stringer has not found a place to attract fireflies. Although he didn't find the key at the moment, Howard Stringer didn't think things would be as simple as Eric said. Looking at Eric, who was sitting in the opposite direction, Howard Stringer finally decided to showdown. , said: "Eric. Do you see this? The flower contract and the distribution contract of Colombia remain unchanged, in return. I can be the master and sell the ve records to the fireflies."

Compared to a sub-record company with a mediocre performance. If you lose "Museum of the Museum" and "Forrest Gump", it is impossible for Colombia to find two more films that can fill the summer file. The lining of Colombia has been so bad that if the performance on the surface can't be maintained, Sony's pressure on investors in the film business will undoubtedly be even greater.

However, Eric still shook his head in an understatement: "Howard, I said, buy the little things you said about the ve record. I don't care at all, you don't want to think about it. What kind of chip to talk about, I am still just saying that this thing was first picked up by Colombia. Since you are not willing to cooperate well, then everyone will go their own way."

The appearance of Eric's oil and salt did not make Howard Stringer feel a bit of anger, saying: "Eric, the contract between Columbia and Flower Pictures has not been lifted, if the flower studio wants to force the release In the case of a contract, Colombia does not rule out the opportunity to use litigation to protect its own interests."

Eric’s body suddenly leaned forward. With a dangerous atmosphere in his eyes, he said: "Howard, listen to me. Don't do this, otherwise you will find that Colombia will face more trouble than the flower industry."

Howard Stringer said in a tit-for-tat relationship: "Eric, Colombia has enough trouble. If we have no choice, we don't mind any more trouble."

“And then?” Eric then followed Howard Stringer’s words and continued without waiting for the other party’s opening. “Then, you will find that Colombia’s business will be even worse. You are a media-born person, and I’m hired. You want to let you revitalize Sony's entertainment industry in the US. If you can't do this, you don't have much value for Sony. When the business in Colombia gets worse, Sony will have to do it again. Find a scapegoat, this person can only be you. Now, you have another option, tolerate this, Colombia will only lose a summer file, but the situation will not continue to deteriorate, the responsibility for losing the summer file is also ultimately It will only be attributed to the top of Sony at the level of the well. So, Howard, what are you going to do?"

Howard Stringer leaned back on the back of the chair and his eyes flashed continuously. After a while, he didn't say anything.

Eric also ignored the other party and felt the sunset that had fallen on his body. He reached out and asked the waiter who was not far away to come to the menu. He whispered a few words with Elizabeth and ordered dinner before handing over the menu. Waitress, to Howard Stringer: "So, Howard, are you planning to leave dinner together?"

Howard Stringer seemed to be suddenly awakened, shook his head slightly, did not say anything, and got up and left.

Eric just nodded and didn't mean to get up. Instead, Elizabeth looked at Howard Stringer and said, "Eric, are you not afraid to push him?"

"Since he can climb to the position of Sony's US branch eo, it is unlikely to make anything hot. But he will definitely find that the location of Sony's US branch eo is not as good as he imagined. It’s definitely a low mood for a while.”

Although Peter Cooper was kicked out of Colombia, because of the "Black Man" and other projects, Colombia will certainly continue to survive the shadow of fireflies for several years. Unless Howard Stringer breaks his wrist from now on, he abandons his dependence on fireflies and develops his own film business. But the reality is that from the memory of Howard Stringer's performance in the post-Columbia film company of Sony's US branch, he obviously does not have this talent, and there is not even a good manager inside Colombia.

In the following days, Colombia finally accepted the reality of the release of the contract with Flower Pictures. Between the insistence on Sony's interests and the protection of his own job, Howard Stringer clearly chose the latter.

However, the firefly also encountered trouble in the process of acquiring the vehicle ve record, Sony Records simply refused the Firefly acquisition offer.

However, Eric’s fancy is not the singer’s singer or the music copyright he owns, but the generation’s management team in the era of the teen-pop era.

The acquisition of the ve record was fruitless, and the fireflies waved the ‘gib’ to the entire ve management team. And promised to sing the high level of the president of eo Barry Weiss Firefly Records, although Sony Records realized this incident, it also increased the importance attached to the ve record. But between the president of Firefly Records and the subsidiary of Sony Records, Barry Weiss has no hesitation. Soon led the entire ve management team out of the Sony record to join the firefly.

Los Angeles International Airport.

The bumps when the plane landed caused Owen Jacob to wake up from his dreams. After more than twenty hours of flight, he was exhausted.

After more than three years of operation, and even sold a large part of the technology rights, Qualcomm won the support of the Korean capital on the dma, but because of the strong rise of gsm and the widespread popularity in the Asian region, the Korean side has also begun. Some were shaken, and Owen Jacobs had to rush to South Korea to deal with the crisis.

Think of the current situation of Qualcomm in North America. Owen Jacobs is also somewhat confused. At-t, the largest telecom operator in the United States, has already identified the gsm system as a mobile communication standard, directly causing a group of smaller telecom operators to follow the footsteps of at-t, and now Qualcomm is almost Already on the verge of survival, if you can't get to the supporters of dma in the US as soon as possible, Qualcomm will inevitably go bankrupt even if it has more advanced technology.

At the moment, meeting with the young man has become an important opportunity for Qualcomm.

With the assistant out of the airport, standing in the bright eyes of Los Angeles. Owen Jacobs's mood was slightly relaxed. After looking around in the crowd, he quickly saw Aaron Salmasi, one of Qualcomm's partners, greet him.

The two embraced. Alan Salmasi took Owen Jacobs on a black car and told Owen Jacobs to drive, Alan Salmasi sat with Owen Jacob. Back row.

Just sitting in the car, Owen Jacobs couldn't wait to ask: "Allen, have you contacted Eric Williams?"

"Of course," Allen Salmaci nodded. "At noon tomorrow, at the Sharp Point Manor in Malibu, Eric Williams invited us to have lunch."

Owen Jacobs is anxious: "Tomorrow at noon. It’s only ten o'clock in the morning, why don't you be here today?"

Aaron Salmasi patted the shoulders of the old man: "Hey. Owen, relax. You have been flying for more than twenty hours, always take a break, you won't want to see this state." Eric Williams, and we have to discuss the plan again. This is probably our last chance. Once we miss it, our hard work in ten years is likely to be lost."

When I heard my friend say this, Owen Jacobs calmed down and nodded.

All the way to a hotel in Santa Monica, Alan Salmasi had Owen Jacob and his assistant arranged the hotel room, simply washing it, Owen Jacobs came to A The room of Lun Salmasi.

Alan Salmasi asked Owen Jacob to sit down on the couch and turn to make coffee.

Owen Jacobs just sat down and was drawn to the "Fortune" magazine on the coffee table, because the cover of the magazine was a photo taken by Eric in the film studio. Picking up the magazine, Owen Jacobs found a bookmark in the magazine and curiously opened the page, but it was an article about the Firefly Group.

Owen Jacobs took a few glances and was quickly attracted to the content.

Alan Salmasi came over and noticed the attention of Owen Jacobs, carefully placed the filled coffee next to him, and quietly sat down on the other side of the sofa.

At the beginning of the new year, countless media are reviewing the past and looking to the future.

For the financial media, every new year comes, they are the intensive moments of statistical rankings of the economic data of the previous year. The Firefly Group, which frequently staged various major moves last year, is undoubtedly the focus of the US financial media. Although Firefly has not released its fourth-quarter earnings and full-year earnings, but with the data disclosure in the first three quarters, Fortune magazine expects the Firefly Group's 1994 annual revenue is likely to reach 18 billion US dollars, the annual operating net profit will also At around $1.5 billion, Firefly also had two major non-operating incomes last year. Stripped $1.5 billion in paper-based assets and $2.5 billion in the Disney animation division. With this powerful profitability, Firefly has already set aside the second-ranked Time Warner Group in Hollywood, becoming a veritable media giant.

Wait patiently for Owen Jacob to read the article. Alan Salmasi said: "Is it very surprised?"

Owen Jacobs nodded, saying: "More than $10 billion in cash reserves. $2.5 billion in discretionary cash flow, it's hard to imagine that Hollywood can also produce a company with such a strong profitability, Eric Williams Is it 25 years old this year?"

"Yeah, but this young man is just about creating a miracle in this world. Like Victoria’s secret annual show, which was sizzled by the media at the end of last year, Eric Williams is running the secret of Victoria. The brand spent half a year in the luxury of Xiu Xiu spent 20 million US dollars. Many people thought that the 20 million US dollars of spending can only be earned in the value of Wei Mi brand and product sales profits, but Wei Mi After the release of the videotape, the sales suddenly broke out. The $29.9 videotape of each box is expected to sell 20 million boxes. This alone will bring Eric Williams $300 million in revenue. Subsequently, Eric · Williams returned the copyright of the Vimy big show to the company, and got more than 200 million shares," Alan Salmaci said with some emotions. He obviously did a lot of preparation work. A lot of information about Eric.

Owen Jacobs is also a bit embarrassed. However, he is already 62 years old this year, and he has been through the world. Although it feels shocked, my heart will not be too aggressive.

The two men had a cup of coffee and talked about business.

Allen Salmaci handed the prepared materials to Owen Jacobs and said, "This is a detailed plan. Let's take a look."

Owen Jacobs flipped through the information in his hands, and recently held a spectrum license auction for the old telecommunications companies. For the old telecommunications companies that have obtained the a and b licenses, Qualcomm’s influence is very weak. It is impossible to control which mobile communication technology these old telecommunications companies use. Therefore, Qualcomm has focused its attention on the segment license from the very beginning.

Compared to the a and b licenses, they are simply supplied to a limited number of companies. With the auction of segment licenses of countless bidders, competition will undoubtedly be very exciting. In the future, small and medium-sized telecommunications companies that have paid a high price to obtain spectrum licenses will definitely pursue more affordable mobile communication technologies. Compared with gsm technology, dma has great advantages in network construction cost and spectrum utilization efficiency.

The worst plan for Qualcomm at the outset was that once dma technology was abandoned by all established telecom operators, Qualcomm worked hard to get business opportunities from segment licensees.

However, after Eric expressed his interest in Qualcomm, one of Qualcomm's partners, Alan Salmaci, quickly came up with a very bold idea. They plan to get enough financial support from Eric, and then all the licenses will be eaten in one go, and then these spectrum licenses will be 'wholesale' to small and medium-sized telecom operators at a relatively low price by means of bundled dma technology. Even if dma technology is defeated by mainstream telecom operators, dma technology can still occupy one-third of the mobile communication market with the promotion within the segment license.

Alan Salmasi said: "I have already registered a company called ave. As long as I can get funds from Eric Williams, I will let go of Qualcomm's business and concentrate on ave. Prepare to grab all the licenses."

Owen Jacobs put down his plan, and although Alan Salmaci was full of expectations, he knew that the old man, like himself, had no ambition in this matter.

Because of the private tacit understanding, the competition for the a and b licenses is not stimulating, but the market price of a total of 3.75 billion US dollars is still auctioned. If you want to eat all spectrum licenses during the segment license auction with a large number of competitors, you need to prepare at least twice the premium relative to the a and b licenses. This figure is conservatively estimated to require $4 billion.

After hesitating for a moment, Owen Jacob asked: "Allen, how much do you think Eric Williams might provide us with $4 billion in support? Don't forget, now the entire Qualcomm, even 400 million The dollar is not worth it."

Supporting a company with a market capitalization of less than $400 million to execute a huge $4 billion plan, for the majority of people, is something that only a madman can do.

Although a set of reconsidered wording has been prepared, in fact, neither Irving Jacob nor Alan Salmasi has any conviction in his heart, and it is somewhat unreasonable to force such a copy. The actual plan is also entirely because Qualcomm has no way to go now.

"Since Eric Williams took the initiative to contact us, we will definitely get some support from him this time. Perhaps Eric Williams can help us lobby a major telecom operator to accept dma technology. As for this plan, "Alan Salmasi comforted Owen Jacobs and comforted himself. Then he looked at the proposed plan and his face was a bit bitter. Smile: "As for this, if you try it, there may be a 1% chance of success, but if you don't try it, there will be nothing." (To be continued.)

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