I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 710: Historic moment

Chapter 710

Peter Jackson had the idea of ​​shooting the "The Lord of the Rings" series when he was a child, but it was only when he was nearly forty years old that he was able to dream. ◎,

Through the TV set in the Firefly headquarters restaurant, Eric saw Peter Jackson, who was not a fat man at the moment, wearing a black suit that seemed to be very unfit, with a unkempt hair and a sullen expression.

The best original script award was taken without much suspense by "Brave Heart", and Peter Jackson's picture was immediately cut out, leaving only a lost silhouette.

In fact, even if "Brave Heart" can't get the best original script, it is impossible to turn to "Sin Angel", behind "Save the Great Ryan", "Four Weddings and a Funeral", "Bullet Flying across Broadway" The film scripts are much better than the Sin Angels. This film script is just a matter of being a biographer.

The reason for getting the best original script nomination is that Eric seems to be a simple reason, because its publisher, Miramax.

Since the other party has successfully entered this circle, Eric believes that the coming will always come, but did not take the initiative to contact Peter Jackson.

After the best original script, I experienced several irrelevant technical awards, and finally came to the end of the award ceremony, followed by the best actress, best actor, best director and best film. Four awards.

Everyone in the restaurant has mentioned the spirit.

The best actress nominees include Judy Foster in Niel's Heart, Winona Reid in Little Women, and Susan Salander in The Ultimate Witness. Miranda Charlieson in Tom and Veve and Jessica Lange in The Indulgence of Hearts.

Judy Foster and Winona Ryder are definitely hopeless. Miranda Charlieson is also a soy sauce party, because the publishers of Tom and Veve are still Miramax, Weinstein. The brothers must not be able to change the strategy of nominating and selling films in a short time.

Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon are both Hollywood heavyweight acting actresses, and they all have at least three best actress nominations.

Eric remembers that Susan Sarandon’s post-season work is next year’s Death Row. Well, this year's best actress must be Jessica Lange no doubt.

Sure enough, after some introductions, the best actor Daniel Day Lewis of the last session read the name of Jessica Lange. The audience applauded.

After the best actress was awarded, it was Denzel? Washington took the stage to introduce the best film nomination for "Rescue Ryan". A few minutes later, last year's best actress winner Holly Hunter wore a red dress. Yingying took the stage and began to award the best actor award.

The best actor in this session is almost the most suspenseful. Even the reaction from the audience can be heard. When Holly Hunter introduced the nominee to the name of Tom Hanks, the applause of the audience was significantly louder.

At the same time, there was a stiff smile on the TV screen that Mel Gibson had a little bit of hard work. His best actor was completely forced to be publicized by the Weinstein brothers, in order to stir up his best director nomination. .

Looking at the cheers of the audience, Tom Hanks, who was hugged with the members of the "Save the Ryan Ryan" crew, then walked onto the stage, sitting in Kasenberg, opposite Eric: "Eric, this time. Are you sure?"

Eric knew that Kasenberg had asked Catherine's best director nomination. Slightly nodded and smiled: "There is no best director in this way, and the Oscar jury is really fair."

For Catherine's best director's public relations, Eric used all the resources that he had accumulated over the years, and Steven Spielberg, Francis Coppola and other big privates personally helped Eric Carat to some votes. As for the many directors who have worked with Fireflies, it is natural to say nothing.

Coupled with the award of "Saving Private Ryan", there is no doubt that the Weinstein brothers have promised to withdraw from the competition. Catherine's chances of winning are over 90%.

Of course, Eric is also clear. In a short period of time, it is best to use this one of his own influential canvassing behaviors. If it is too frequent, the college will definitely rebound.

Eric’s heart is ten. And he has already begun to order people to prepare the car, and waited for the hotel to hold a gala dinner, but in the Holy Citizen's Auditorium, Catherine sitting in the "Save the Great Brigade" crew is very nervous, holding the armrests tightly. Keep an eye on Robert Ottoman, the best director of the last year. Although Eric took her to several public relations receptions, but she did not tell her more things, Catherine did not know that she was infinitely close to this award.

"So, the winner of the 67th Oscar for Best Director, Robert Redford, "The Behind the Scenes"; Woody Allen, "The Bullets Flying Broadway"; Mel Gibson, "The Brave Heart "Krzysztof Chieslowski, "Red"; Catherine Bigelow, "Save the Great Ryan."

Robert Altman slowly introduced the five best director nominees this year, took the envelope in his hand, glanced at it, smiled and raised his voice, saying: "Okay, historic The moment has arrived..."

The seventy-year-old Robert Altman speaks like a slow and steady long shot in his film. This sentence has dropped and it has obviously stopped for a moment. Countless pairs of eyes have turned to Catherine, and women are forced. Repressing the urge to raise your hand and pouting, waiting patiently with a slight trembling.

A little hang on everyone's appetite, Robert Altman said: "Then, Oscar will return, Catherine Bigelow, "Save the Ryan", let us congratulate this beautiful lady, she will be Oscar history The first female best director to win."


The warm applause sounded, and I noticed that the tall figure in the middle of the fifth row, wearing a light gray dress, licked her mouth and staggered and stood up. The applause in the field was even more heated, and some people took the initiative to stand up. Cheers.

When Oscar was sixty-seven, he finally ushered in the first best female director. This is indeed a historic moment.

It wasn't until Catherine and the crew of the crew hugged and went to the stage. The applause didn't stop, and it rang for nearly two minutes. It was not until Catherine finally slowed down from the excitement, and took several deep breaths, standing in front of the microphone, and the applause gradually subsided.

"Thank you. Thank you, thank you all." Catherine said something incomprehensible, and when everyone sat down, her eyes could not help but glimpse in the field. Countless familiar or unfamiliar faces, but only one less, seeing the robotic arm carrying the camera slowly turning towards herself, she remembered that even if he didn’t come to the scene, at least he should In front of the TV, then the eyes turned involuntarily to the black-eyed lens.

Sitting at the table of the Firefly headquarters restaurant, Eric is also looking at the wall-mounted TV set at this moment. He could clearly feel the search in Catherine's eyes. This kind of emotion seemed to be too obvious. Even Kasenberg, who was sitting opposite, opened his mouth to him and smiled with a little shackles.

On the screen, Catherine's expression quickly calmed down and began to tell the award-winning testimony. Although the slightly ambiguous tone was completely covered up by the excitement, Eric could still hear the traces of reciting, smiled and let her Even the Taiwanese do not know how to stand up to do this kind of thing. It is indeed a bit embarrassing.

The next awards ceremony was nothing to look at. The Brave Heart won the best film without any suspense. Mel Gibson was able to take the stage as a producer, but was caught in two other winners. among. The mood of the on-site guests seems to be completely exhausted by the best director award. The reaction is not so warm.

When it was over, watching the guests in the sacred citizen's auditorium in the final shot, they all got up and walked out, and the fireflies, such as Erik and Kasenberg, also got up at the same time. "Save the Great Ryan" won the best director. The best actor, the best photography, the best sound, the best editing five, everyone, the celebration, the firefly executives still need to show up.

Another corner of Los Angeles. Thousands of guests slowly walked out of the auditorium, and the cars waiting to get out of the field were scattered. The older people might go back to the hotel or home directly, but most of them would rush to the next stop tonight. , a variety of party scenes.

Because of the three-hour time difference between the east and the west, in order to accommodate the East Coast audience, the Oscars ceremony has been starting at 6 pm on the West Coast and ending at 9 o'clock in the evening. Although the East Coast is already early in the morning, the West Coast is still a nightlife. The start time.

The firefly's celebration party was arranged at the Sunset Tower Hotel, Eric and Kasenberg and others were the first to arrive, and there were not even many people in the party hall.

However, just less than five minutes, the Sunset Tower Hotel was full of excitement, and numerous high-end cars stopped outside the Sunset Tower Hotel.

Eric knew that it turned out that Fox’s celebration party was also arranged here.

Because of the interview after Oscar, Catherine will come later, but the other members of the "Save the Great Ryan" crew are the first to arrive. On the Fox side, the Elizabethan and Weinstein brothers also came early, two The family's banquet hall is on a different floor. Eric knows that Fox is going to be much more lively. Elizabeth didn't come over and say hello.

There are more and more people in the party hall. The Vimy Angels five group who presented the best visual effects tonight have come, and some other film crew members who have received nostalgic Oscar nominations have appeared one after another. Eric also watched To the "This killer is not too cold" most of the crew, still thin and small Natalie Portman, not yet fat fat Luc Besson, a big uncle Fan's Jean? Renault.

"This killer is not too cold" released last year, the box office in the United States is not very good, the critics also because of Luc Besson's over-explain description of Natalie Portman, Lolita.

However, the film is quite prosperous in Europe and Asia. Eric knows that in the coming years, with the rise of the Internet, this film will be more and more sought after.

Although "This killer is not too cold" is not liked by film critics, did not get any Oscar nomination, but Natalie Portman, the little girl, really got out of her first in Hollywood, "This killer does not After being released, I received a small role from Time Warner’s star-studded "The Pirates of Fire", playing the daughter of Al Pacino, but what can she do next, whether it can be like a past life? In that way, getting the role of Queen Pamela in the prequel series of Star Wars is not what Eric cares.

After another ten minutes, Catherine finally appeared at the door.

"Congratulations, Catherine," Eric looked at the little gold man in the woman's hand and hugged her up.

Catherine’s mood was not calm. When she saw Eric, she was excited again. He hugged him and said, “Thank you, Eric.”

"You're welcome," Eric nodded with a smile and there were too many people around. The two didn't have time to say too much. Catherine was surrounded by others.

Eric looked at the crowds in the field and turned to Kasenberg who came over: "Roger? Ayers, are they not going to come over?"

Roger Ailes is the director of "The Lion King". Although "The Lion King" did not receive the best film nomination like the Golden Globe Award, it also won three best original songs and one best soundtrack. A little out of the limelight. At this time, the hand-painted animation department has belonged to Paramount, but most of the copyright of "Lion King" is still on the firefly side, and the fireflies will not be stingy until the invitation of the party is not sent to the other party.

Kasenberg swayed his head: "They won't come over. Paramount's celebration party is at the Four Seasons Hotel. They must be there."

Eric smiled and asked about the situation of Disney's animation "Monster Power Company". The two chatted for a moment, and Eric saw Xiao Nizi turn out from the crowd and went straight to his arms. .

A limelight. At this time, the hand-painted animation department has belonged to Paramount, but most of the copyright of "Lion King" is still on the firefly side, and the fireflies will not be stingy until the invitation of the party is not sent to the other party.

Kasenberg swayed his head: "They won't come over. Paramount's celebration party is at the Four Seasons Hotel. They must be there."

Eric smiled and asked about the situation of Disney's animation "Monster Power Company". The two chatted for a moment, and Eric saw Xiao Nizi turn out from the crowd and went straight to his arms. . (To be continued.)

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