I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 724: Continue to write brilliant

For Hollywood, the summer program in 1995 began with the release of "Die Hard 3" on May 19, but from the beginning of the "Jurassic Park 2" trailer officially appeared in the Super Bowl, global media and fans The eyes are focused on this long-awaited super blockbuster.

On June 2nd, the days of "Jurassic Park 2" were also the official beginning of most ordinary people's summer vacation.

The great success of Jurassic Park two years ago was not only reflected in the record-breaking global billion-dollar box office, but also made the brand of Jurassic Park deeply rooted in people's hearts and even formed a cultural phenomenon. Although in the context of the rise of cg special effects films, the Jurassic Park series is hard to reach the height of Star Wars in the 1970s, but the potential commercial value of its brand still reaches billions of dollars.

With this powerful influence, the premiere of Jurassic Park 2 has attracted strong attention from hundreds of media around the world.

Eric returned to Los Angeles from New York on the morning of May 31 and began to prepare for the premiere of the second day of Jurassic Park 2.

At 5 pm on June 1, the premiere of Jurassic Park 2 was officially held at the Los Angeles Music Center.

In the new edition of Jurassic Park 2, Eric has launched a director who has worked with many Disney films, Joe Zhuangston, the director of a film special effects artist who made a box office in the late 1980s. Very successful family comedy "Dear, I have made my child smaller."

In the original timeline, Joe Zhuangston should have been the director of "The Game of the Brave" and "The Jurassic Park 3". Eric gave the "The Game of the Brave" to others, let Joe? Zhuangston joined the Jurassic Park series in advance, and if the second can succeed on time, the other party can continue to handle the third.

The star-studded red carpet lasted for two hours, because the media question and answer arrangement was after the film screening, and the time came to 7:00 pm. After the host gave a simple speech, the film was officially started.

The original Jurassic Park 2 is basically Spielberg's ticket. The story was weak and messy, and the story was still driven by the deliberate death of the first character. Even later, Spielberg himself admitted that this was his worst film. Although in the original time and space. The Jurassic Park 2 global box office still reached more than 600 million US dollars, but the entire series of word of mouth has been completely messed up, resulting in the third part of the global box office only 300 million US dollars.

The new version of the Jurassic Park 2 script uses the original concept of the original, but in order not to repeat the same mistakes, maintain a good reputation in the series. The original story frame was completely overthrown by Eric.

In the new script, Eric weakens the plot to explore Dinosaur Island, removes some of the spurs, and no longer uses a very brainless unscrupulous setting. Instead, focus on the story behind the first behind-the-scenes company for the dinosaur embryo bribery park computer administrator to cause the ultimate disaster. The company captured a variety of huge profits from the dinosaur island in order to build a huge Jurassic Park. The dinosaurs, when they spent a lot of time successfully arresting a Tyrannosaurus Rex, during the transportation process, Tyrannosaurus accidentally escaped, thus causing the consequences of the more catastrophic Tyrannosaurus invasion of the city.

In the movie. In order to find the cubs in the metropolis, the tyrannical dragons not only caused shocks from the whole world, but also made thousands of spectators in the cinema exclaim. This setting is very successful. After all, dinosaurs are modern. Social resurrection is already a very big gimmick, and the plot of Tyrannosaurus reins into the city is definitely more substituting than the dinosaur island that is hanging overseas.

The tight storyline made everyone forget the loss of time. The two-hour viewing process turned out to be a fleeting event. When the tyrannosaurs caused a series of disastrous consequences were eventually subdued, the subtitles rose. There was a loud applause in the music hall.

When the audience and guests participating in the premiere were dispersed, the reporters who were invited at the subsequent press conference did not talk about the quality of the film, nor did they ask the crew about the box office. Instead, the first questioning opportunity was used in the same way that they have been working for more than a year.

"Mr. Williams, I am a reporter for the Seattle Daily. First of all, I want to say that this is a very good sequel, but we still don't understand why you gave up the "Jurassic Park" series?" In the hall. A female reporter who was fortunate enough to get the right to ask questions was staring at Eric and couldn’t wait to ask.

Eric took the microphone handed over by the person next to him, with a faint smile on his face, saying: "I know that everyone has been curious about this issue for a long time, but my answer is not much different from the previous announcement of the Firefly Group, and I don’t mean to perfuse everyone. On the one hand, I don’t like to repeat a job. On the other hand, it’s also the main reason, because I’m too busy now, it’s hard to take a few months to fly overseas. Shoot a movie."

"Mr. Williams, does this mean that you will not film the movie yourself in the future?" The microphone in his hand was not taken away, and the female reporter quickly asked again.

Eric thought for a moment and said, "Really, the first "Jurassic Park" two years ago has reached a peak in my personal career. If a person has done something to the extreme, I want him. It’s absolutely very difficult to continue to repeat this matter with passion. I will not continue shooting the next film. The answer is yes, because I am too young and have a lot of time, but the next one. When did the film start, not even myself."

The questioning microphone was passed to another reporter. The other said: "Mr. Williams, I am a reporter for The New York Times. May I ask, under what circumstances, will you continue to make the next film?"

"That's too much, for example, I think I can break through my own projects, or a script that gives me a strong interest. Of course, there is a situation where a friend once joked that I am like a chef who opens a restaurant. If the kitchen is absent, you can always put yourself on top. The same is true. If the Firefly Group project requires me, I can also go to the game at any time."

“Do you mean that you can direct a movie project of any type of firefly?”

Faced with a small trap in this question, Eric shook his head slightly and smiled. "Oh, I don't know this very well, but you can go back and see what I have made in these years."

There was also a sneer in the audience. After a while, another questioner said: "Mr. Williams, I am a reporter for "Hollywood Reporter". I would like to ask. The film you directed has achieved business success in other countries, then when are you going to shock? What is the best director of Oscar?"

Eric wants to ask the question, if you have become the president of the United States, will you care about the Boy Scout Medal?

However, this is the answer. It will definitely be interpreted by the media as Eric Williams's public disdain for the Oscars. Although he really thinks this way, Eric will never say it in public.

For a moment of hesitation, Eric said to the microphone: "Well, this is the last question about me. If the next question has nothing to do with Jurassic Park, I will not answer it." Well, for your question, I think this will definitely be a very long story."

Everyone on the field took a moment. Immediately realized that Eric’s concealment of the film school, they laughed.

As everyone knows, Eric is only twenty-five years old. In the history of Oscar for more than half a century, no director has won the Oscars before the age of thirty. Therefore, if Eric reveals the intention of impacting the best director, he and the college will definitely play a long-lasting chase game. It is conceivable that the film academy in order to maintain its authority, in order to show that it will never yield to the various auras of Eric's head, even for the award ceremony ratings. One hundred percent will be even more demanding for Eric's Olympiad film.

Even Eric can imagine that if he wants to attack Oscar, he will probably replace Xiao Li. Become a stalker of every Oscar.

Xiao Lizi has now embarked on the big ship following the historical trajectory. Then, to make a laugh for the fans, leave it to him.

After the premiere, "Jurassic Park" was officially released in the North American theater, and the number of screens opened again. It has reached 3,500 homes.

Taking over the sequel to a movie that once created the box office myth, Joe Zhuangston’s pressure can be imagined, so he has no previous life in Spielberg’s ticket, and put a lot of energy into this sequel, though The final production costs have been overrun, but this is obviously worth it.

"The more compact plot, the more refined special effects, people unwittingly spent two hours in the theater, no doubt, Joe Zhuangston handed over a satisfaction for this sequel. Answer sheet." Los Angeles Times

"The setting of the tyrannical dragon's swaying city makes people slap the case. Even in the theater, watching the crowds chased by the Tyrannosaurus on the screen, I can't help but speed up the heartbeat, creating a feeling of escaping." Daily News

"I originally thought that this would be a sequel to the rules, but the film made a breakthrough in the plot and special effects in the case of the continuation of the first style. The plot of the behemoth invading the city is not allowed. People began to think about whether we should be more awesome about nature and less devastated." The New York Times

Compared with the previous sequel's one-sided bad review, the critics have basically given positive comments on this new edition. With good reputation, with the number of 3,500 open screens, the film has achieved 31.7 million on the first Friday. The dollar box office, easily break all previous single-day box office records.

Subsequently, Saturday was $33.5 million and Sunday was $29.8 million.

In the end, when the 5.6 million US dollar box office was added at the midnight of the premiere, everyone was surprised to find that Jurassic Park 2 once again created a brand new first weekend break at the box office of $10.6 million. Billion box office record.

At the same time, under the strong distribution channels of the Firefly Group, 22 countries and regions that were released simultaneously in the Jurassic Park 2, the box office of the first three days reached $60 million.

The three-day global box office of $160 million easily exceeded the entire production and distribution costs of Firefly for this sequel.

Many people have even dared not imagine what kind of height this film will reach again.

For Eric, seeing the box office transcript, the last trace of his heart was completely dissipated. At the same time, he was also 100% certain that the sequel to the previous Jurassic Park was really played by the old classmates. .

In fact, this is not too surprising for Eric. The huge popularity of the first part of the film, coupled with the same excellent quality of the second and the further expansion of the North American and global film markets, even if the box office does not reach The first part of the Gundam is definitely not too bad.

Moreover, the Jurassic World, which was revived in the Jurassic Park for many years, the US$600 million in North America and the $1.6 billion box office in the world is enough to prove how strong the interest in this dinosaur series is.

Culver City, Los Angeles, within the film studio of Columbia Pictures.

A black Lincoln slowly stopped in front of an office building in the studio. Sony's US branch ceo Howard Sterling just got off the bus, and the new Colombian film company ceo Bill Michnik greeted him.

Bill Michalnik is also a Hollywood veteran who once worked in Paramount, Disney, and Fox. In Disney in the mid-1980s, Bill Michal dominated the release of Disney's classic animated film. Worked and created a series of beautiful sales performances, and moved to Fox as vice president in the late 1980s.

After Fox appointed Joe Rose as president, Bill Michalick has already begun to make a job-hopping plan.

After abandoning Michael Ovitz's plan to be the head of the Colombian team, Sony looked for a few months, and this position finally fortunately fell to Bill Michalnik.

In fact, Colombia is not without a better candidate. However, after the events of Peter Cooper and Peter Peter, Sony became very cautious in deciding to give the film company manager a decision, so a better Hollywood. During the negotiation process, the manager withdrew from the position of the head of Colombia because of Sony's restrictions.

Howard Stringer and Bill Michal embraced passionately and greeted each other, and the two went together toward the office building.

Bill Michal was also following the Howard Sterlinger and said: "Howard, you should have seen the box office report of Jurassic Park 2?"

"Of course," Howard Sterlinger nodded. "I came over today and wanted to talk to you about this. The headquarters just sent me a project. In my opinion, it is related to Jurassic. Park 2 has the same potential." (To be continued.)

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