I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 739: Agent movie universe

Chapter 739

Taking advantage of the beginning of the press conference, Eric convened Amy Pascal and other MGM shareholders who participated in the conference to communicate the idea of ​​issuing additional shares. Amy Pascal and others naturally did not have any Opinions, although the MGM seems to be thriving after the integration is completed, the capital chain is very tight.

With a huge debt of 1.7 billion U.S. dollars, the principal and interest that are due each year are not less than 200 million U.S. dollars. The reason why Cochran repeatedly sold MGM for sale was another reason. Debt restructuring to achieve the purpose of cutting expenses.

After the transaction, Kokkian was completely driven out of Hollywood, and the new MGM is certainly not likely to play this kind of capital game, and these principal and interest expenses cannot be saved. If it can issue 20% of the shares, the company's financial status will return to normal operating level, while also having sufficient funds to repair MGM's production and distribution system, and to open a series of productions such as "The Lord of the Rings."

After discussing this matter, the staff noticed that the press conference began, and everyone left the lounge and walked into the conference hall.

In addition to the intense production of the "Jiaojiaowa" series, the new company's "007", "Mission Impossible", "Museum of the Museum", "Resident Evil" and other major series of protagonists are all here today, the scene can be described as starlight Oh, but today they are not destined to be the protagonists, but the reporters at the scene have focused all their attention on MGM's shareholders and executives.

As the new company's eo, Amy Pascal took the stage and took more than ten minutes to introduce the general situation of the new company. At the same time, he unified the issues related to a series of media concerns during the MGM acquisition and integration process. Reply.

More than 100 on-site reporters who were invited to attend were patiently waiting for the questioning session after the end of several MGM executives’ speeches. Some people’s eyes have more than once settled in Eric, who is sitting on the guest table.

but. When Amy finally announced that MGM would issue additional shares, all the reporters at the scene immediately began to work.

Many people feel that in the recent media forecast. MGM will choose to privatize like fireflies, which is consistent with Eric Williams' style. What's more, MGM currently only has 12% of the outstanding shares. The difficulty of choosing privatization is very low. Therefore, this news, which is very different from most media speculations, has caused all the media reporters to boil, and MGM or More directly, Eric Williams made the decision.

Unfortunately, Amy? After the speech ended. Frank Makaso, who changed his position to MGM's president, took the stage again and introduced MGM's production plan for the next few years, and invited the on-site star guests to take the stage for simple interaction.

After a full half hour of this, the free questioning session that the media people are expecting has finally arrived.

When Eric, Drew, Amy, and Frank Makaso and John Kali sat on several chairs on the stage, the host announced the beginning of the questioning session. All the reporters at the stage gave me all the questions. I started.

The host randomly clicked on a reporter. This is a woman with a big wave of brown hair and no borders. She took the microphone, but did not immediately ask everyone concerned about the problem, but pointed her finger at Eric. Road: "Mr. Williams, I am a reporter for The New York Times. According to public information. The Firefly Group has completely withdrawn from MGM. So, what kind of position and position do you sit here today?"

Eric smiled. He had expected that he might be asked this question. Moreover, for a deeper reason, many people are well aware.

However, Eric did not mean to evade. He smiled and replied: "If you must have a reason. I should be a shareholder representative of MGM. My personal firefly investment company is the largest shareholder of the [...] group. The Ltd Group is the third largest shareholder of MGM. It currently has 10% of the shares, which is the case."

The female reporter of the New York Times asked: "Mr. Williams. Why do you complicate this matter and use the capital operation of the Firefly Group directly? Isn't it easier?"

Although many large companies in North America have monopolistic behaviors, the executives of any company will not openly talk about the company's monopolistic behavior, and even the monopoly intention will not be recognized, because any of these words may become the company's anti-monopoly in the future. Evidence of the investigation.

Of course, Eric also knows the rules, and for a moment, he said: "The internal system of the Firefly Group is already large enough. If it continues to expand, it will be very bloated, which is very unfavorable for the healthy development of the company. MGM will be completely independent of the Firefly Group system. The possible future competition between the two parties can also prevent the Firefly Group from losing its initiative and generating pride and slack."

This half-truth answer made the reporter unable to pick up any problems, and the next questioner had to lead the topic to MGM's upcoming stock issuance.

"Mr. Williams, why did MGM decide to issue additional shares instead of privatizing?"

Eric’s current personal wealth has accumulated to an amazing level. In the next few years, with the outbreak of the Internet, his personal wealth will be even more jaw-dropping. Therefore, he is no longer pursuing the rapid growth of wealth, but expanding The influence and control of these wealth.

Like MGM, Eric only controls the 10% stake in MGM directly through the Ltd, but can completely control the company. At the same time, because it only holds a small amount of shares, resistance from the outside world. It will be much lower. In order to turn Hollywood into a kingdom of its own, Eric will also adopt a similar approach in the future and gradually invade other media groups.

Of course, these words can't be said, and it will definitely make many people restless.

Therefore, in the face of this problem, Eric just replied: "Every company should have its own independent development path, so I don't think this is a problem. The reason why the stock is issued is to let MGM future In a few years, I can better develop it. You have just seen it. MGM will continue to shoot "007" and "Mission Impossible" and other series. Open the Tolkien epic masterpiece "The Lord of the Rings" series. The production of movies requires a lot of money."

"Mr. Williams, "Golden Eyes of 007" is also interspersed with the "Jiaojiaowa" series of eggs. Fans have always been very concerned, will MGM make "007" and "Jiaojiaowa" meet in the future?"

I heard this question. Eric smiled and handed the microphone to nearby Amy Pascal, saying: "Let Amy explain this to everyone."

Amy Pascal and others were aired for a while, and of course they would not be dissatisfied because Eric attracted all attention, but the loss of her heart was inevitable.

See Eric took the microphone and handed it over. Amy knew that he was also suggesting the reporter at the scene. He made a grateful look at Eric, and then picked up the microphone and said: "This problem. The company has already conducted detailed discussions inside. Our plan is to use the next ten years to create a movie agent universe that belongs to MGM. It will be MGM's "007" series, "Jiaojiao" series, "Mission Impossible" series and possible future. The other special movie series developed were interspersed. Soon, you can see that James Bond, Charlie's Angels, and Ethan Hunter are on the same screen."

Agent movie universe? !

Other agent movie series?

James Bond, Charlie's Angel and Ethan Hunt appeared in a big screen at the same time.


The reporters on the scene showed a short silence, and their hearts digested the words of Amy Pascal. They quickly reacted and the scene suddenly boiled again.

"Jiao Jiaowa" and "Mission Impossible" are undoubtedly the most popular special agent films in recent years, and the popularity of the 007 series is even more impressive. In the past, there may be some spoofed b-level films that interspersed some films. But there is no case of a super blockbuster forming a crossover series. It should be known that this kind of crossover involves not only movie copyright. And whether the related starring is willing to appear is a very big problem. Just the intersection of the 007 series and the "Devil's Baby" series may have made many fans look forward to it. MGM is ambitiously trying to create a so-called 'Agent Movie Universe'. Just think about it, let the scene part be the same. The reporters of the movie fans are excited.

After a moment of silence, the flash lighted up again, and the reporters who couldn’t wait to leave the rules and asked questions aloud.

“Ms. Pascal. Please explain in detail the ‘Agent Movie Universe’ plan?”

"Ms. Pascal, did the MGM discuss this with the three heroines in Pierce Brosnan, Kevin Costner and Charlie?"

“Does MGM not worry that this plan will affect the 007 series of brands?”


The scene was a mess. Until the staff kept loud and order, everyone calmed down again.

Then everyone began to ask Amy about the ‘Agent Film Universe’. Eric also pushed the problem that fell on himself to Amy and others, and was happy to watch everything on the scene.

‘Agent Film Universe’ is undoubtedly derived from Eric’s subsequent series of ‘Marvel Movie Universe’, “d movie universe” and “Monster Movie Universe”. The previous 007, "Jiao Jiaowa", "Mission Impossible" and other series belong to different film companies. It is impossible to cross.

However, this time and space is different. Eric has accidentally realized that these famous movie studios in the original time and space, with the integration of MGM, will all belong to a film company, except that the three have been completed. In addition to the film, even the copyright of the "Bour Shadow" series is in the hands of the flower film industry. Therefore, the feasibility of creating a special movie universe belonging to MGM is very large.

Although the backgrounds of several series are different, this is not a problem at all.

In addition to comparing the alternative "Bourne", several other special agents, the core of the plot is nothing more than four words: save the world.

Just follow this theme and create a complete world background. Put all the series in this background and make it. Start with a single movie and finally form an intersection to deal with a major villain and save the world. The task, the whole story is complete.

At the same time, the intersection of several major agents will bring more extensive topicality and influence to these series. Behind all of them, of course, it will be a bigger economic benefit.

Sure enough, when MGM announced at the press conference that it would combine the 007 series, the "Devil" series and the "Mission Impossible" series to create a separate agent movie universe, the next day, the media in North America and around the world began to Boil up.

"James Bond, Charlie's Angel and Ethan Hunt, several big screen agent heroes appear in the same screen, have to say, just imagine, I have a strong impulse to enter the cinema. I hope MGM really can make this series completely complete."

"I am very suspicious of the feasibility of this plan. With the success of the box office of the three major movie series, Pierce Brosnan, Kevin Costner and Charlie's three-person group, the pay has reached tens of millions, if five people It’s a very scary number, and it’s hard to imagine that it’s really a cross, the horror of the complete movie budget. Perhaps, in the future, the film’s global box office will reach 1 billion. The dollar can recover the cost."

"This is undoubtedly a very stupid idea. I really don't know if Eric Williams has already been stunned by his own success. The Agent Film Universe will intersperse three large potentials with infinite potential. The three series of word of mouth will be destroyed at the same time. Perhaps this is just a gimmick thrown out by MGM. After all, they are about to implement the stock issuance plan."


At the same time as the media reported, the Yahoo! Web Forum was also open to the public. However, compared with the media people's various views, the fans have a very unified expectation for the film. What followed was that the box office trend of the "Golden Eye of 007", which was being released, has risen sharply. In order to find films and other series of possible cross-colored eggs, the audience once again entered the cinema and came to the third week. It is predicted that the box office of "Golden Eye of 007" will soon fall below 20 million US dollars, but with this news, the new week, "Golden Eyes" box office got a $00 million box office. (To be continued.)

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