I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 747: inherited

Chapter 747

Two hours later, Terry Semel arrived in East Hampton by car and parked on a small road one kilometer away from Eric Manor. Terry Semel took out his mobile phone and dialed Eric. Private telephone, answering the phone is a woman with a soft voice. After a while, the phone was transferred to Eric, and Terry Semel said that he happened to pass East Hampton and asked if he could visit.

Eric’s tone on the phone did not have any abnormality and he agreed with great enthusiasm.

Hanging up the phone, the driver in the front row looked at Terry Semel: "Mr. Semel, is it now?"

"No, wait ten minutes to pass," Terry Semel said, closing the phone and saying that although both sides are well aware, they still have to do enough, and it is inevitable that they will fall into the wrong direction.

The driver nodded and simply stood up and waited patiently.

Terry Semel leaned on the leather seat and carefully considered how to word out the next negotiation. Unconsciously, ten minutes had passed. The driver saw through the rearview mirror that the boss was thinking and thinking about it. No opening reminder.

After a while, Terry Semel returned to God and was about to tell the driver to drive. A police car trail came straight behind and stopped at a distance. After two police officers got off the bus, in this black I looked at the Mercedes-Benz number plate and knocked on the window of the cab.

The driver was puzzled to drop the glass window and was about to talk. The police outside the window surprised him: "Tony, it is you."

"Hey, Rocky," the driver saw the police look out of the window. He also screamed in excitement and turned his head to the rear. Terry Semel said: "Sorry, Mr. Semel, wait a moment, Rocky is my former comrade."

Terry Semel waved his hand and said that the driver did not get in the way. The driver quickly pushed the door and got off the bus.

Considering that the boss is waiting for himself, the driver named Tony did not have too much chilling. After a few simple conversations, he returned to the cab and started to drive to Eric’s manor.

"What happened just now?" Terry Semel did not forget to ask, he also realized that the two police officers would not appear here for no reason.

Tony pointed his finger at the camera on the lamppost outside the window: "They saw us from there, and Rocky said that Eric Williams would donate a large sum of money to the East Hampton Police every year."

Terry Semel blinked at the camera on the light pole outside the window, thinking that Eric Williams was really safe with regard to the safety of his two illegitimate children. The efficiency of US police inspections is low, as evidenced by their average annual rate of only 20%. His car was only stopped for more than ten minutes a kilometer away from Eric Williams Manor, which led to a police interrogation, which could be achieved not only by saving money.

When the car came to Eric Manor, Terry Semel saw a tall woman in a light gray sweater and white jeans waiting at the door, sending the driver to drive away and slamming up alone.

"Hello, Mr. Semel," Joanna smiled and shook hands with Terry Semel, explaining: "I am sorry, Eric is talking to people, you may have to wait a little longer. ”

"Hello, Ms. Pakula," Terry Semel smiled and shook hands with Joanna, recognizing that this was the female voice who took the call not long ago, saying: "I also came to visit on a temporary basis, maybe Some are abrupt."

Joanna shook her head. "Of course not. Please come with me."

Terry Semel followed Joanna and walked toward the manor. Yu Guang gently looked at the woman who had burst into a red and suddenly with the "Tornado" a few years ago. Her mind turned to the two police checks that had just appeared. Thinking of the two little guys who have seen the news in the media in the past two years, Terry Semel feels that perhaps Eric Williams’ attitude towards these two children is definitely not like those The tycoons who are shunned by the illegitimate children, even these two little ones may become the heirs of the Williams family in the future.

Thinking of this, Terry Semel suddenly had some regrets. Unfortunately, the child born by Joanna Pakula was a girl. If it was a boy, it would be fine. Joanna Pakula is a Jew. According to tradition, the child is also a Jew. If it is a boy, the inheritance will definitely increase greatly, and in the future will also have more recognition of the Jewish community in Hollywood.

Terry Semel is very clear that he can walk to the position of Time Warner eo today, and he is absolutely inseparable from his Jewish blood. Although this position is not as good as the imagination, many shareholders and board members support him in the Time Warner system. In addition to their personal abilities, another important reason is that they have the same lineage.

Following Joanna's way into the manor house, Terry Semel didn't have time to look at any of the home decor in the villa, but at a glance, she was sitting at the living room coffee table and looking at a thick little girl. Looked up.

Joanna noticed Terry Semel’s gaze and led him to the sofa to sit down and said to the little girl: “Summer, the guests are coming, remember to say hello, this is Mr. Semel.”

The little girl sitting quietly reading a book on the small stool next to the coffee table looked up, the same beautiful eyes as the mother, pure and bright, soft blond hair, with a little baby fat face, giving a feeling of a doll.

The little girl and Terry Semel looked at each other for a while, and looked at her frameless glasses for a moment, curiously: "Hello, Mr. Semel."

Terry Semel’s eyes were involuntarily falling on the thick head of the front of Hawaii. He saw at this time that this should be one of the Encyclopedia Britannica, but he was a little surprised. It’s not easy to ask, but the tone is more gentle, as if you are worried about disturbing something, saying: “Hello, um... summer and summer.”

Joanna smiled and explained: "Mr. Semel, this is my daughter, Hawaiian Williams. You sit down for a while, Eric will come down immediately, I will go to the coffee."

Terry Semel thanked him, watching Joanna walk away, her eyes turning between the little girl and the big head, seeing the little face with a special focus, and the mood became strange again. There is a kind of personal question. Is the Encyclopedia Britannica a thing that two or three years old can understand? Or, is it old?

After a few moments, Hawaii quietly flipped a page in front of the book, read a few paragraphs of text, looked up and looked at the side, the mother did not sit in the original position, there is a thick English dictionary next to it, is about to take However, he realized that there was an adult next to him, so he turned his head and asked without any strangeness in his tone: "What does "emperor mean?"

Terry Semel has already seen that the encyclopedia is a biology book, and Hawaii is turning to the page of the 'Imperial Penguin'. When I hear the little girl ask myself, Terry Semel realizes that The little girl should know the meaning of the penguin, but she does not know the meaning of the word 'emperor' in 'emperorpenguin'. English is different from Chinese. Chinese is a hieroglyph. Even if some Chinese characters are not read, according to the shape of the font, it is possible to guess the general meaning. However, English is a pinyin text. As long as you understand the reading rules, most people can read it. But to understand the meaning of a word, you need a professional explanation.

Well, things are finally somewhat reasonable, although it is still unbelievable, but Terry Semel’s voice is gentle and patient. He explained to the little one in front: “emperor is the meaning of the emperor, similar to king, king, do you know? ?"

Hawaii nodded. The little finger pointed to the illustration of the emperor penguin on the book and asked, "Have you seen the emperor penguin?"

"I don't have this, the emperor penguin lives in the very cold Antarctic, where human beings are difficult to survive."

The little girl blinked and asked: "Since humans can't survive in the Antarctic, why do we know that there are emperor penguins in the Antarctic?"

The surprise in Terry Semel’s heart has once again raised a grade. This question sounds like a philosophical style, but it’s not so obvious that it’s only two or three years old.

Seeing the little girl staring at herself, Terry Semel took a moment and said: "Although we can't live in Antarctica for a long time, we can go there briefly, and then we can find the emperor penguin. ”

Hawaii asked: "How do you survive when you go there briefly?"

Terry Semel had a smile on his face and said, "We can make a lot of equipment, thick clothes, strong houses, use these things to resist the cold weather in Antarctica, so that we can be there for a short time. Survived."

The little girl nodded and said, "Why do emperor penguins don't need these things?"

"Because they have adapted to the environment there after many years of evolution, we humans have no way to adapt and can only use foreign objects."

"Why are we human beings not as good as emperor penguins? Can we not... evolve?"

"No, no, little guy, you can be wrong. We human being is the best creature on the planet. The living environment of Emperor Penguin is very narrow. We can be able to leave any corner of the world. This planet, thousands of distant space. Because we have wisdom, using wisdom, we can do this, but other creatures can't."

When Hawaii heard Terry Semel’s words, it seemed to understand what it was, and seemed to think of something. “I saw on TV that lions also have wisdom. They can... cooperate to capture prey.”

Terry Semel’s eyes became softer and he looked at the thick book in front of the little girl and said, “No, summer and summer, it’s not wisdom, wisdom, it must be a non-instinctive thing that can be spread from generation to generation, lion, These creatures of tigers cannot do this."

"Oh," Hawaii nodded, his eyes turning to the book in front of him.

Terry Semel straightened his body and felt the side of Joanna holding a coffee, and quickly got up.

Joanna was listening to the conversation between the two men. At this time, she handed over the coffee in her hand and said, "I am sorry, Mr. Semel, and sometimes Xia Xia will be somewhat entangled."

"No, of course it doesn't matter," Terry Semel smiled and shook his head. It was only a brief exchange. Terry Semel found that the mood that had been irritated by the trivia of the group has calmed a lot. Terry Semel even thinks that if he can have a little personal relationship with Eric, he will definitely recognize Hawaii as a goddess. Of course, unfortunately, this kind of mind can only think about it, his current position. It is not allowed to have too much intersection with Eric.

Joanna sat down and chatted with Terry Semel for a while. Not far from the stairs, there were two figures, a man and a woman. The man was naturally Eric, and Terry Semel quickly recognized the woman. , is the host of the "American Supermodel Contest", Cindy Crawford.

"I am sorry, Terry, let you wait so long," Eric enthusiastically stepped forward and hugged Terry Semel, and said: "This is Miss Cindy Crawford."

"Hello, Cindy," Terry Semel shook hands with Cindy Crawford and complimented: "Your show is great, and my daughter likes it too."

"Thank you," Cindy Crawford smiled and nodded.

Knowing that there are things to talk about, Joanna got up and put away the books in front of Hawaii. She took the little girl and walked toward the backyard. "Okay, summer and summer, we can only watch two hours a day." Now time is up."

The little girl seems to be reluctantly following her mother. "Mom, I found a problem. I am two years old and can watch two hours. When I am three years old, I will watch three hours..."

Seymer even thinks that if he can have a little personal relationship with Eric, he will definitely recognize Hawaii as a goddess. Of course, unfortunately, this kind of mind can only think about it, but his current position is There is not much overlap with Eric.

Joanna sat down and chatted with Terry Semel for a while. Not far from the stairs, there were two figures, a man and a woman. The man was naturally Eric, and Terry Semel quickly recognized the woman. , is the host of the "American Supermodel Contest", Cindy Crawford.

"I am sorry, Terry, let you wait so long," Eric enthusiastically stepped forward and hugged Terry Semel, and said: "This is Miss Cindy Crawford."

"Hello, Cindy," Terry Semel shook hands with Cindy Crawford and complimented: "Your show is great, and my daughter likes it too."

"Thank you," Cindy Crawford smiled and nodded.

Knowing that there are things to talk about, Joanna got up and put away the books in front of Hawaii. She took the little girl and walked toward the backyard. "Okay, summer and summer, we can only watch two hours a day." Now time is up."

The little girl seems to be reluctantly following her mother. "Mom, I found a problem. I am two years old, I can watch two hours, and three hours when I am three years old..." (To be continued.) )

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