I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 752: Mr.Bigges

Chapter 752

After waking up, I naturally woke up. I was very comfortable wearing a big bed and touching the wall of the bed. Candice Bushnell realized that it was not familiar with the bedroom. ~,

The door was pushed open at this time, and she quickly retracted to the bed, but the man who was admitted to the door noticed.

"Early," Eric smiled and greeted the woman on the big bed, put the women's evening dress in the bed at the end, and turned to pull the curtains.

Candace Bushnell's gaze came to the window with Eric's figure, watching him open the curtains, splendid eyes spilled into the bedroom, and finally fully awake.

God, it turned out that this is not a dream, and I actually went to bed with this little man in front of me, God!

Thinking of herself going to bed with a man who was 13 years younger than her, Candace Bushnell felt a hot face, a bit stunned, a bit shy, and a little more faint excitement.

Seeing Eric coming over and sitting down in the chair next to the big bed, Candace Bushnell pulled the quilt over his face with some embarrassment and thought it was inappropriate. He said hello slowly: Early...mr. forced g."

Eric looked at the reaction of Candice Bushnell's little girl, nodded and said: "Oh, I understand, this should be a compliment."

Candace Bushnell groaned, reacted, couldn't help but laugh a few times, but didn't respond well.

Eric sees Candice Bushnell not talking, nor reluctant, said: "Candice, you have already dressed up last night's dress, um... it is like this, I am nine o'clock. There is a meeting."

Candace Bushnell poked his head from under the quilt and asked, "What time is it?"

Eric looked at his watch and said: "At 8:30, the car is waiting for me below."

"Ah, it’s so late, then I..."

Candace Bushnell was about to sit up, and Eric reached out and pressed her shoulder and said, "No, you can sleep for a while, think about when you can get up, I just tell you something."

I had to rest until two o'clock in the morning last night. Although I woke up, Candace Bushnell only felt weak, but didn't want to get up at this time. When I heard Eric, there was no strong support. After lying down, Sideways through the body, my heart has some curiosity about Eric, and tried to say: "Is it a very important meeting?"

"If you are concerned about recent media news, you should know that espn is about to sign a new contract with the National Football League," Eric explained. Then he smiled and said, "I almost forgot, women should be against men in sports. Fashion is not too interesting, right?"

Candace Bushnell shook his head: "Of course not. I used to be the cheerleader of the school football team when I was a kid."

Eric knows that she is in the guest, smiles, pulls a card from the pocket of the suit and puts it on the bedside table. "I made some breakfast. You can eat some after getting up. If you don't like it, there is still in the refrigerator." Others, the card number is the driver's number, you can call this phone if you need a car."

Candace Bushnell saw that Eric did not give himself his personal business card. Some of them were lost, but they did not ask for it. Both sides knew that this was just an ordinary day and night. She would not be stupid enough to go any further. Luxury.

Seeing the woman nod, Eric continued: "And, about the heroine of "Wuwang City", I discussed it with Annie on the phone in the morning. Since Liz is not suitable, then I will revisit the candidate. But be faster, not too long."

Candace Bushnell knew that since Eric had appointed Elizabeth Hurley as the heroine, the relationship between the two was definitely not normal. When he heard him, he asked, "What about Miss Heli?"

"You don't have to worry about it, I will arrange it," Eric said, and got up and said, "So, goodbye."

"Goodbye," Candace Bushnell reached out from under the quilt and swayed at Eric.

When the door closed, Candace Bushnell turned and leaned back on the big bed, looking at the ceiling for a while, feeling that he couldn't sleep anymore, and had to get up.

I found out that I was wearing it, walking barefoot into the room, and seeing a new toothbrush in the cup with a note on the washstand. Her feeling of being empty was suddenly much better. The note was torn off and looked at it. It turned out that his word was like this. He thought about it, and the subconsciously sniffed the note paper under his nose, and then secretly laughed at his own idiotic behavior. Put the note paper down and notice the big bathtub in the bathroom.

Comfortably soaked in a hot bath, wrapped in a bathrobe down the stairs, a few simple breakfasts on the coffee table in the living room, as usual, a very considerate note paper, next to her bag and mobile phone, go In the past, I turned off the phone that was turned off last night, and looked around. I saw a round table near the floor-to-ceiling window that was not far away. She took the breakfast and walked over.

There is a stack of newspapers on the table. It is estimated that he should eat here in the morning and read the newspaper by the way.

Thinking of the cooperation between Espn and the National Football League that Eric had mentioned when he left, Candice Bushnell was really not interested in sports, but he curiously flipped through several newspapers while eating breakfast.

The New York Times really used a lot of space to report on the cooperation negotiations between espn and the National Football League (nfl).

In the past, espn's rights to broadcast nfl games were negotiated on a yearly or seasonal basis, but this time, espn was ambitiously trying to sign an eight-year contract with nfl at one time, and it was a completely exclusive exclusive contract. Once the contract is reached, espn will receive the exclusive rights to broadcast the nfl weekly league.

Candace Bushnell didn't know much about the various professional analysis in the newspaper article, but he was secretly stunned after seeing a total contract amount of $9 billion. The $9 billion amount has been removed from her. Imagine the category, the eight-year contract of 9 billion US dollars, nfl game broadcast rights really worth so much money, espn but the firefly's TV station, he will not lose money?

I was thinking about it, the ringing of the phone suddenly rang, she just picked it up, and there was a little girl in the microphone.


Listening to a series of bombardment of girlfriends, there is no stopping. Candice Bushnell has to take the initiative to interrupt each other: "Okay, Sonia, I admit that I went to bed with him, you don't want to Oh."

The opposite side was a burst of exclamation. Candace Bushnell reluctantly moved the receiver away from his ear. When the other party finished, he said, "Please, Sonia, I hope to find my own mr. But this is mr. Forced ggest, my little girl who is so frail and puffed up, will be crushed into powder, this is just a night out."


"I don't know why, anyway, I was brought back by him so stupidly, and, as you said, I also remembered that the women who had their eyes on the party last night must have hated me, um, It seems that I have to be careful these days to prevent being counted."


"Oh, now," Candace Bushnell heard another question about his girlfriend. He looked out of the glass window and his vision fell in the central park surrounded by the sun. In the late autumn, Central Park did not have a vibrant summer green. Italian, but the red maple and yellow leaves complement each other, still giving people a colorful dream: "I am sitting in the penthouse apartment at the entrance of Sixth Avenue, eating mr. forging the breakfast made by ggest, by the way, appreciate the whole The scenery of Central Park and Shangcheng District has to say that the view here is really great. I want to stay here, even if I live here as a maid."


"He, he has already gone to work, how can people be so leisurely like our little women... What, you don't even think about it, put you in, who knows that you guys who are not good will make any trouble, no Absolutely not."


Didn't know what was said on the opposite side, Candace Bushnell smirked blushingly, but the voice in the microphone was chasing after him.

"Oh, you are a shameless woman," Candace Bushnell's face was ruddy, her mouth was smiling, and she couldn't stand it. After a while, it seemed that she couldn't stand the slap in the face. For a moment, the fingers unconsciously stroked and replied: "He probably, some strong, you know, the kind of bed, and then, um, very comfortable, can definitely send you to the sky, floating on a night, but again It doesn't prevent you from getting out of bed the next day and going back to yourself... Ah, you guy, this guy said that I am swaying, obviously you ask the dirty question first, oh, I understand, you are oh, yes, Hey, hey."


Eric's residence is less than two kilometers away from the abc headquarters of the 67th Street in the West. When Candice Bushnell and his girlfriend talked about him privately, Eric had already arrived at the abc headquarters.

Today, we will discuss a topic that is very important for espn TV and even for the firefly's TV business, about the $9 billion contract between epsn and the National Football League.

In the hundreds of cable TV stations that have emerged in the United States, espn is undoubtedly the most dazzling one. Since the late 1980s, with a large number of tournament broadcast contracts in hand, espn has become the first of all sports fans in North America. TV station. Even more, espn is still the most popular TV station in North America. The only one with the highest cost of broadcasting is the average cable subscriber station that breaks through one dollar. Even if it is the same censorship of Turner Broadcasting Company, the average user subscription fee is only 68 cents, and the average subscription fee for all cable TV stations in North America is only 20 cents, which shows how powerful espn is.

In memory, the highest market value of Disney with abc is only about 200 billion US dollars, but the market value of a TV station of espn reaches 50 billion. After the decline of the public television network, espn's profits and revenues occupy Disney TV. More than half of the total business revenue.

Although the past life did not pay much attention to sports, Eric remembers that after the new century, in the case of various sports TV stations competing for the future, the main reason why epsn can maintain its strong industrial status is that it holds in its hands. A large number of monopolistic sports rights broadcast rights.

As the most popular sports in the United States, nfl's rugby league broadcast rights are certainly within the control of espn.

Eric did not know the development track of epsn until after, when the president of espn came up with an ambitious plan to monopolize the broadcasting rights of the nfl league, he realized how strong espn was.

Espn's current subscription users are around 90 million, and the average subscription fee is $1.3. The annual share of broadcast rights and advertising revenue is about $2 billion. Therefore, when this plan involving $9 billion has just been released, it will be Robert Eiger, who had just disintegrated Tom Murphy's TV business, was shocked. Robert Eiger was very excited about the prospects described by Steve Bernstein, but felt that the possibility of implementing the plan was very embarrassing, although not Too much expectations, but still submitted the plan to Kasenberg.

Kasenberg's eyes are also very sharp, and of course the huge potential hidden in the plan, but he also saw the greater risk in the plan, once the contract was won with $9 billion, but the plan If you fail, the consequences will be unimaginable, and this program has another disadvantage, because you want to monopolize all the broadcasters, the price of 9 billion US dollars has exceeded the original broadcast rights price of 50%, then, since espn NFL league price increases, then, other tournament alliances will certainly ask for higher prices, once espn's revenue growth does not meet expectations, not to mention other prices gradually increase the copyright license price, just pay nfl annual fee of 1.125 billion US dollars of copyright fees, Enough to slowly drag espn.

In the end, Kasenberg could not make a decision and had to submit the plan to Eric himself.

Kasenberg's eyes are also very sharp, and of course the huge potential hidden in the plan, but he also saw the greater risk in the plan, once the contract was won with $9 billion, but the plan If you fail, the consequences will be unimaginable, and this program has another disadvantage, because you want to monopolize all the broadcasters, the price of 9 billion US dollars has exceeded the original broadcast rights price of 50%, then, since espn NFL league price increases, then, other tournament alliances will certainly ask for higher prices, once espn's revenue growth does not meet expectations, not to mention other prices gradually increase the copyright license price, just pay nfl annual fee of 1.125 billion US dollars of copyright fees, Enough to slowly drag espn.

In the end, Kasenberg could not make a decision and had to submit the plan to Eric himself. (To be continued.)

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