I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 771: Smart girl

Both the Johns and the couple are ordinary wage earners, busy with work all day, and rarely pay attention to entertainment news. However, they also know what the new Eric Williams film represents.

Looking at the daughter who was eager to try, John asked: "Mr. Rich, can we ask, what role is it?"

"The role of a tennis girl, not many shots," Peter Ritchie did not hide, brief and clear introduction, looking at Miranda Kerr, asked: "Miss, can you play tennis?"

Miranda Kerrton, and finally shook his head, said: "No, but Mr. Rich, I can learn, I learn very quickly."

Peter Ritchie smiled and looked at Miranda Kerr’s parents.

John and his wife glanced at each other and then asked: "Mr. Ritchie, you mean, it’s just a small role with few shots, right?"

"Yes," Peter Ritchie nodded. "Although the role is small and there are no lines. But showing up in a movie with world-class influence like 007 is very good for the future development of Kerry." Of course, the premise is that Miss Kelly intends to enter the modeling world or the entertainment industry in the future."

The task that Eric gave him was only to transfer this opportunity to Miranda Kerr and his family. It didn’t matter if it was a failure, and did not ask Peter Ritchie to do anything to add to it. Therefore, Peter Ritchie did not hide it. This little character is insignificant.

Of course, as an excellent career elite with intelligence, he also observed it at this time. In front of this small family, the couple are obviously not much people, but the daughter named Miranda Kerr is savvy. In a small appearance, in order to behave in front of herself, during his conversation with his parents, he obviously wanted to interject, but the girl was patient.

The two of John and his wife listened to his words and his face looked hesitant. During the summer vacation in Australia between December and February, their daughter is about to start school, and both of them need to be busy with work. They don't want to delay their daughter's study, and they are not willing to take a daughter to Hollywood for a small, insignificant role.

After hesitating for a moment, John looked at the daughter next to him and asked, "Miranda, what do you think?"

Miranda Kerr saw his father finally think of himself and couldn't wait to see Peter Ritchie. "Mr. Rich, in this movie, can I see Mr. Williams himself?"

"Of course," Peter Ritchie nodded.

Miranda Kerr unconsciously twisted his waist and sat up straight, seemingly awkwardly asked: "Mr. Williams saw me in DOLLY magazine, he... how do I feel? ?"

Peter Ritchie raised his eyebrow slightly and said: "I don't know how to answer this question. You can only ask the boss himself."

"Then, after participating in this movie, in the future, can I still get other characters?"

Peter Ritchie said: "As long as you perform well enough, you will definitely get a lot of opportunities."

Miranda Kerr licked his beautiful eyes and asked: "If, um, if I want to move to New York, or Los Angeles, can Mr. Williams help me?"

"It's not that I can answer you," Peter Ritcher shook his head and said, "If you have this kind of will, I can help you convey it to your boss."

Miranda Kerr saw a few questions and got some ambiguous answers. He realized that there was no right to speak in front of this guy. He thought about it, "Since Mr. Williams is from DOLLY magazine. Come to me, he should be in Australia recently, can I meet him?"

"The boss has returned to the United States," Peter Ritchie said truthfully.

Miranda Kerr finally got a little disappointed.

Although the mind has already made up his mind, he will never give up this opportunity, but the girl is still very clever and does not immediately agree to it. It just means that the family needs to discuss it.

Sending away Peter Ritchie, the mother who had never spoken before the conversation, Thales looked at the daughter who couldn’t wait to grab the contact information left by Peter Ritchie. “Miranda, I think, you are still Too small, it is better not to..."

Miranda Kerr raised her head and interrupted her mother’s words. “No, Mom, I have already decided, I want to play this role.”

John seems to be very helpless to this somewhat precocious daughter who is full of opinions. "But this is different from the magazine, you have to go to school."

"The purpose of going to school is not to find a job in the future. Since I can have a very good job now, why should I be close to me?" Miranda Kerr immediately retorted.

John was refuted by her daughter and she was speechless and had to look at her wife.

Thales’s mind is more delicate, saying: “The actors are not so good. You haven’t even played in the performance class. It’s okay to play some small characters. It’s not easy to be a professional actor.”

“Hey, Mom,” Miranda Kerr shook his hand in a mailbox and a long-distance call. “Do you know who Eric Williams is? He is the world’s largest media group. Master, as long as he can help me, I can get what kind of role."

John heard the daughter's words, frowned, and put on a purely male perspective, saying: "So, why do you think Eric Williams is going to help you?"

Miranda Kerr held a pillow on her back in her arms, her eyes turned and she laughed and said, "What can be, like the boys in our school who always peek at me, Hey, those little boys, I am too lazy to care about them."

Every father heard the idea of ​​a man playing his daughter, and his mood would not be too good. John immediately raised his eyebrows and said: "Then I can't even let you play this movie. You are still only a child. ”

"I am not a child," Miranda Kerr straightened up: "And, I have already decided. Even if you object, I have to go."

Seeing her daughter talking to herself, John is even more upset, and his tone is also violent. He raises his voice: "Without the guardian's consent, you can't go anywhere."

Miranda Kerr shrank her neck and was aware of the problem. She immediately looked at her mother, but Thales only leaned against her husband.

"Then, I went to the country to find my grandmother, she can also be my guardian."

"Your grandma will not agree," John left the sentence, too lazy to say anything to this disobedient daughter, and got up and walked out.

Looking at the back of his father’s departure, the girl’s heart rushed up and said loudly: “Then I will go by myself, and you can’t tie me to my home anyway.”

John just snorted and slammed the door without returning.

Still staying in the living room, Thales saw her daughter's tearful appearance, and her mind softened. She came over and hugged her, and said, "Oh, baby, your father is also good for you."

Miranda Kerr, who didn’t intend to cry, realized that the mother should be the breakthrough point of this matter, and immediately cried out, and leaned against Tyrez’s arms and said, “But mom, I don’t want to Give up this opportunity."

Thales patted her daughter's back in a distressed manner and said, "Don't cry, baby, you are still small now, and there are more opportunities in the future."

"No, definitely not, you, uh... you just heard it, Peter Ritchie’s tone doesn’t matter, they don’t care if I will accept this opportunity, they can find a lot of big The candidate, but for me, the opportunity may only be this time. If you miss it, how could a big man like Eric Williams notice me."

Thales said: "You, you just didn't say it yourself, that, Eric Williams, your mind is definitely not so simple."

"I just said it casually," the girl immediately changed her mouth and said, "Mom, think about it, Eric Williams' Jurassic Park, but got a $1 billion global box office. However, such a super-director, how could it be so unprofessional, he must have felt that I was suitable for the role in the film before it was invited."


Thales still wants to say something, but he is interrupted by his daughter's voice. "Mom, if you don't feel relieved, you can go with me. Since I have no adulthood, they will definitely invite parents to accompany them."

Thales's tone loosened and said: "This, I think I will discuss it with your father again, and if you really want to go, it is more appropriate for your father to accompany you."

Miranda Kerr didn't know when she had stopped crying. She still relied on her mother's arms and said, "No, I want my mother to go, I don't want to bring my father."

The little head that was pushed by his daughter against his body almost fell backwards. Thales completely shifted his position and said, "Okay, but your father is now mad, I will discuss it with him at night, and you should not Your dad is talking back."

"Well, I remember."

Miranda Kerr nodded quickly, smiling at the corner of his mouth, and two cute little dimples appeared on his face.

I can finally get to Australia immediately.

God knows how boring this place is, even in the city, there are no more snakes.

As long as you can become famous, you can easily leave here. Although she is very self-aware that she is more suitable for modeling, but as long as there is an opportunity, whether it is an actor or a model, the result is actually the same.

When I think of the international metropolises of New York and Los Angeles, girls are more excited.

Doing a full set of play, and sprinkling for a while around the mother, Miranda Kerr got up and got into his own small room, began to wonder how to contact Eric Williams, it is best to give yourself in advance Fight for something.

The contact number left by Peter Ritchie is an overseas number, very expensive, and it is impossible for her home phone to make an overseas call.

However, the email address is different.

Although it has just become popular in recent years, there is no such thing as avant-garde computer in the family, but she has seen how to send e-mails in a classmate's house. It is very simple, and it is very fast. It can also convey a lot of things at a time. .

She quickly decided to prepare an email to Peter Ritchie and hand it over to Eric Williams.

Well, how to write it, what to say can attract the attention of the big man.

This should be carefully considered.


Eric’s Gulfstream private business jet left Australia, and after a single addition to Hawaii, it flew directly to New York on the east coast of the United States.

In addition to Hollywood's cumbersome work, there are two other things that need to be closely watched by Eric in January. The Nokia stocks were listed on the US stock market on January 22, and on January 29, AOL was officially on the NASDAQ. Market listing.

In 1995, Nokia achieved sales of 7 million mobile phones and 600,000 mobile communication base stations. The annual turnover was equivalent to US$3.6 billion, and compared with 1994, Nokia achieved a 130% growth rate.

Even in the case that most of the profits were immediately invested in the company's expansion, in 1995 Nokia still achieved a net profit balance of 60 million US dollars.

Therefore, Nokia is only listed on the US stock market this time to realize the circulation of the company's shares in the US market, and to plan for further financing in the future, and there is no new share issuance plan yet.

Although Nokia’s mobile phone sales in the past few years are still in the million-level, Eric clearly remembers that in the next few years, with the rapid development of mobile communications and the popularization of communication tariffs, Nokia’s mobile phone business will explode. Growth, in the original time and space, in 1998, Nokia not only successfully surpassed Motorola, but also took the lead in achieving the feat of cumulative production of 100 million mobile phones.

Therefore, if Nokia needs to carry out the next financing plan, the best time is also after 1998.

Prior to this, Firefly's investment can still firmly control Nokia's absolute controlling stake, and even if it is the timing of the next financing, with the excellent performance of Nokia, it will have enough enthusiasm to issue low-voting new shares to prevent the company. Loss of control.

Although Nokia's listing is very low-key, even Eric has only made a few calls back in Australia to congratulate and did not attend in person, but the market is still very enthusiastic about the listing of Nokia stocks in the United States.

On the day of the listing, Nokia’s share price soared 8.1%, and the market value easily reached 6.8 billion US dollars. This has also made Eric's $420 million investment three times more than three years ago.

On the other hand, AOL is also a very important piece in the Eric industry layout.

Although he did not attend Nokia's listing ceremony, Eric flew directly to New York to participate in the US online IPO event since returning from Australia in advance.

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