I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 776: Jump off

According to the preliminary plan of the MGM movie universe, the whole series will cover "007", "Jiaojiawa", "Mission Impossible", "Bourne" and more agent movie brands that may be discovered later.

The first phase of the Agent's Film Space Project will focus on the three series that have been developed. The plan for this stage includes at least ten films. In order to maintain the fans' interest and attention to the series, the plots of the three film series will be very cautious. Slowly and gradually, it will eventually form a large assembly like the original Avengers of the Avengers.

According to MGM's established movie plan, this year's summer file will be released, "Jianjiao 2", because the Charlie detectives belonging to the three Jiaowa belong to the official organization, so the film will remain a separate plot system for the time being. However, there will be an Impossible Task Force (IMF) plot egg related to Ethan Hunt.

The "Mission Impossible 2" released at the end of the year is the official beginning of the entire Agent's film universe plan. In the "Discs 2" scenario, Ethan Hunter will destroy a criminal plan of the Ghost Party's offline organization. Therefore, it was discovered that the huge ghost party organization behind the scenes was hidden behind the scenes. The US government that obtained the relevant information realized the horrific destructiveness of the ghost party to global security. Therefore, it provided the information to the security department of the allies, hoping to unite and destroy the forces. The ghost party in the world.

Therefore, in the set of eggs in "Mission Impossible 2", Mrs. M will introduce James Bond to the ghost party related information obtained from the US CIA.

The story of "The Royal Casino of 007" is related to "Mission Impossible 2" and can be regarded as a brand new beginning.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, James Bond, who had struggled with it for decades, lost his enemies. Together with the previous episode, the original good brother 006 accidentally rebelled, causing 007 to become disheartened and even retired. idea.

Of course, Mrs. M is not willing to let her own dedication to leave, just to send Bond to the Panamanian vacation.

In the Panamanian archipelago, Bond’s temperamental **** once again, accidentally hooked up a married woman, and the husband of the married woman happens to be a negligible little singer of the ghost party group, because Bond Xiaoyang mistakenly intervened, and Xiao Xiao’s accident failed unexpectedly. The vast ghost party quickly realized the identity of 007, so Xiaoxiao’s husband and wife were mistaken for the renegade organization and were brutally executed by the ghost party.

The tragic death of the temporary bed partner touched Bond and let him decide to go to the bottom in private. At this time, MI6 also obtained the ghost party information held by Ethan Hunt in "Mission Impossible 2". Bond investigated privately. In the process, because of the illegal use of the MI6 channel, Mrs. M was aware that the incident that Bond experienced was also related to the ghost party organization hidden in the shadow.

Mrs. M recalled Bond, showed them all the information about the Ghost Party, and based on the clues that MI6 had seized, determined that a gamble in the Royal Casino of Montenegro would be related to the Ghost Party, so the state Germany was sent to the Heihe River country to participate in this shocking gambling.

The new 007 can be a brand new start. At the same time, this sequel will be a Nirvana of James Bond. After experiencing unforgettable love and finding new battle targets, James Bond is once again on the road. Journey.

The film's work is mainly carried out by Barbara Brockley's brother and sister, and Eric is in Los Angeles, focusing on the new Bond's casting work.

Although the hero and heroine have been confirmed, the "Royal Casino of 007" still has a large number of supporting roles that need Eric to personally check.

"So, thank you for coming to audition today, Mickey, I will let you inform you of the results as soon as possible," Firefly Studios, in an audition room, Eric got up and shook hands with the actor in his forties.

The middle-aged man who always seems to have a bit of smirk is Mickey Locke. In the 1970s and 1980s, he was also a big guy in Hollywood. In 1986, Mickey Locke relied on a restricted level of "Love You." Nine and a half weeks of fame.

However, after this, Mickey Locke’s star road has not been very smooth, because this is a handsome, but the appearance is always very suitable for playing the evil spirit of the villain, so it is difficult to take it in the mainstream movie. To the starring role, Eric's memory of Mickey Locke is probably only the whip in the previous Iron Man 2.

Today, the audition happens to be the Cheryver who often bleeds in the original Royal Casino. Although the plot has changed a lot, the role of Cheryver in the original version is very good, so Eric has not changed the character. Approximate setting.

Mickey Locke released Eric’s hand and said, “I am also honored to participate in this audition. Eric is looking forward to working with you.”

Sending Mickey Locke away, Eric returned to his seat and asked the production assistant next to him: "Is there still?"

The production assistant shook his head and said: "Mr. Williams, it’s already half past five, and Mickey Locke is the last one today."

Eric raised his hand and looked at his watch. He nodded: "If this is the case, then get off work, continue tomorrow."

Today's audition did not meet the right candidates. Although Mickey Locke had enough acting skills and his appearance was also very suitable for acting, but Eric needed a temperamental gaze, rather than a superficial actor. The original version of Chery's actor Max Mickelson has just debuted, and is less than thirty years old, and it does not meet the role set.

Out of the audition room, Eric took his seat and left the studio to return to Malibu.

There is still a date today, but it is not a date.

When his assistant transferred Miranda Kerr's email to his mailbox, Eric didn't pay much attention to returning an email to the girl directly using his personal email. Then it was entangled in the savvy little goblin. These days, Miranda Kerr sent a few emails to Eric for three days. Eric did not shield the girl, it would be with Miranda. Occasionally gossip as a work adjustment.

Recently, Miranda Kerr has arrived in the United States with her mother Thales, and Eric has promised the girl's visit in advance, which is today.

Back to the sharp corner manor, the sky is already dark.

Eric's car just arrived outside the manor gate, and saw a large and a small woman standing on the side of the road.

Let the driver stop the car and Eric got off and greeted him.

Miranda Kerr saw Eric appear and ran over excitedly.

"I don't mean seven o'clock, why did you arrive so early?" Eric gently hugged the girl and asked with a smile.

After Miranda Kerr and Eric hugged, he grabbed his arm and said with a close attitude: "My mother and I are worried about being late, come over in advance, oh, Eric, this is my mother."

"Hello, boy," Eric shook hands with the other.

Thales looked at her daughter's appearance on Eric's body, frowned, and wanted to pull her daughter, but remembered Eric's identity, but ultimately did not move, the surface remained smiling and Eric shook hands and said, "Hello, Mr. Williams."

"Call me Eric," Eric said. "Let's go in, um, get on the bus first."

Said, Eric politely opened the door for Thales, this small detail makes Thales very satisfied, and even a faint vanity in his heart, after all, the other party is the world's richest man.

Miranda Kerr didn't need to say what Eric said. After the mother got on the bus, she got excited into the car. The carriage was very spacious. Eric followed and sat in the back. The three people in the back row didn't seem crowded.

The manor gate opened and the car drove into the manor. Miranda Kerr looked curiously at the famous manor and asked Congdong West.

"Eric, it’s so big, do you live here alone?"

Eric shook his head and said: "Not a me alone, Drew will come over occasionally."

When I heard Eric mention Drew’s name, I don’t know why, the girl’s eyes became brighter and she looked forward to her face: “I hope to meet Miss Barrymore, I am her fan, I have seen ET. "What about it."

Eric smiled and said: "She will definitely like you too."

When the car came to the Linhai Villa, Eric got off the bus and told the chef in the manor to prepare dinner. He walked into the villa with both the mother and the daughter.

"Wow, it’s so big, it’s like a museum.” Just entering the door, Miranda Kerr looked excitedly around and looked at the artwork hanging on the wall, exclaiming with a look of envy.

Eric just smiled and took the two to the rest area next to the glass curtain wall and said, "Let's sit down, I will go to the coffee."

Thales sat down in a stern manner, looking at her daughter's over-excited appearance, trying to reprimand, but worried that she would be rude in front of Eric. Every place in this luxury manor gave her a faint oppression. sense.

Seeing that Eric is going to walk away, Miranda Kerr, who just sat down, jumped up immediately: "Eric, can I help you?"

"Of course," Eric nodded with a smile and took the girl to the small bar in the corner. "If you don't like coffee, there should be other drinks in the fridge."

The girl pointed to the red wine in the wine cabinet and asked with expectation: "Can I taste those red wines?"

Eric shook his head and smiled. "This is not enough. Your mother is here."

Miranda Kerr grabbed the coffee pot in Eric's hand and took the initiative to help pick up the water. At the same time, he whispered with a smile: "When is my mother not here, can I drink?"

Eric said: "If your mother is not here, I will not even let you drink."


Eric joked: "The women after drinking are crazy, I am afraid that you are crazy about taking wine."

"Oh, it won't be," the girl smiled and twisted the slender waistband under the thin sweater. It was a little bit of a little demon, and at the same time, she did not forget to throw Eric to a flying eye and change the subject. "Eric, how is your movie ready?"

Eric knows that the girl is most concerned about the role of the thing, said: "I still choose the corner, you must wait a few months."

"I don't worry," Miranda Kerr did not show disappointment. It was just a small role.

Anyway, he has promised to give her more roles, but the girl knows that there is no need to be so anxious to ask.

In the future, there will be more time.

The two men rushed together and returned to the sofa.

Eric allowed Miranda to pour coffee for the two, sit down on the sofa, and screamed: "Mrs. Kelly, is the road going well?"

"Of course," Thales took the coffee cup handed over by his daughter, and said: "I just didn't expect the weather in Los Angeles to be so cold. I almost caught a cold with Miranda."

"Oh, Los Angeles is much better. If you go to New York, it will definitely feel worse. It seems to be snowing again recently."

Miranda finally poured himself a cup of coffee, but he took the cup and sat down next to Eric. He said, "It’s wonderful to think about it. Australia is so hot now, but New York is snowing."

Eric smiled and said: "If you really want to experience it, it will not feel so good."

Chatting for a while, Thales knows that when he is having dinner, he is not suitable for talking about business. He takes the initiative to provoke the topic and says: "Eric, Miranda has already told us something, um, about Miranda. Can be a signing actor for Disney, I want to confirm it for you?"

Eric stunned slightly. He only promised to provide a few jobs for the girl in the original email, but he never promised Miranda Kerr to become a Disney signing actor.

What's more, the girl who seems to be at least sixteen years old does not meet the conditions of most Disney actors. The standard for Disney to select actors for its Disney Channel is mainly petite and cute, like Britney and Christina. Even after adulthood, they are only about one meter six. Although Miranda Kerr is in line with the cute condition, she is already too tall.

Suddenly looked at Miranda Kerr next to her eyes, the girl was glaring at her eyes and looked at herself pitifully.

Eric suddenly realized that the reason why girls want to connect herself to Disney should be to avoid parents who are too precocious with her. After all, when it comes to Disney, most people’s reactions are basically children. And, although the girl is already slim, it is more reasonable to work with Disney at her current age.

In a twinkling of an eye, these things, Eric turned over without a trace, said to Thales: "In addition to the small characters in "The Royal Casino of 007", I think Miranda is quite suitable for a role in the upcoming TV series of Disney Channel. of."

Although it is nonsense, Eric is not worried about this lie. The Disney Channel will produce a number of youth TV shows or TV movies every year. If necessary, just look for a Disney film and TV show to Miranda. It’s okay to stuff it in.

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