I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 797: What reaction

Bahamas, capital Nassau International Airport.

Around the open space, several high-powered glare lights illuminate the airport in a closed area, which is already the third day of the crew’s arrival at Nassau International Airport. The members of the Royal Casino are nervously A scene arranged for the scene.

The filming at this time was the high dynasty of the first part of the Royal Casino. Bond tracked to Miami International Airport and shattered the terrorists’ plot against Sky Arrow.

This part of the scene involves car-fighting, gun battles, explosions and other thrilling shots. It is difficult to shoot. In order to avoid the impact of the filming process in the middle of the film, Eric arranged the filming of this part in the middle of the Bahamas shooting cycle for two weeks. After the filming is finished, the crew will continue the unfinished drama.

Because this episode is a night show, in order not to affect the normal operation of Nassau International Airport, after consultation with the Bahamas, the crew can shoot eight hours in the designated area from 8:00 pm to 4 am every day.

The airport's plays totaled about ten minutes in the script. Among them, Bond prevented the bomber from driving a gas truck to the six-minute action scene of the Sky Arrow prototype. It is a classic in the chase scene.

In just six minutes of play, the fight between Bond and the bomber, the prototype of the Tianjian, the police interception of the fuel truck, the riots of the airport crowd, and other spurs are perfectly integrated through the fast and fierce lens editing. In the stimulating soundtrack, as the fuel truck approaches the Sky Arrow prototype step by step, the minds of all the spectators will be lifted in this situation. Eventually, as the bomber detonates the bomb that Bond is hanging on him, The slamming sound, like the repression to the ultimate refreshing, makes people feel involuntarily a smooth and happy feeling.

Of course, although this car chase seems to be cool, but the shooting is cumbersome, a lot of difficult shots are only a few hours of preparation time, plus in order to create a sense of reality, on-site various aircraft cars and extras The scheduling is a big test for the director's ability to control the field.

Before Eric, he and the team had repeatedly entered the airport for on-site research and shooting, and combined with the lens in memory to fine-tune the shooting plan. After the crew started shooting for two weeks, they officially entered Nassau International Airport for shooting. .

On one of the runways of the airport, Eric and Nikkel Frank and the digital domain effects explorer explored the camera position for the next shot.

This is the scene in which the fuel truck rushed to the prototype of the Sky Arrow and passed by a passenger plane that was diving down.

This shot is definitely not a real shot, and the passenger plane that is landing will be fully produced in the later stage. Nickel had just gone in battle and was hanged in the air. It was repeated for two hours. This completed the shooting of the passenger pilot's subjective perspective, and the latter lens will be modified by the special effects team to the cabin interior.

What is about to be filmed now is that when the passenger plane is swooping, a police car is blown up by the reactionary force of the passenger engine.

Looking at the police car that has been installed by the special effects engineer on the ejecting device, although it has been tested in other places before, there is no on-site visual effect based on reference.

Eric discussed with Nickel and the special effects team for a while, and some could not pay attention. He hoped that a plane could be placed on the route that the police car was thrown. The effect of the police car being thrown out and the front face was shot at the big screen. It looks more visually shocking. But this is also very easy to cause expensive cameras to be destroyed by the flying car, hesitating for a moment, Eric said: "Stop temporarily shooting, first pop the car to see the effect, in addition, let people adjust a prop car Come over and spare."

The team's cheapest camera is also worth more than $100,000, and GM's custom-made props for the film cost only $5,000. Although Eric does not mind if one or two cameras are damaged during shooting if necessary, it can be avoided or avoided.

With Eric's decision, the assistant producer responsible for the props left the crowd to prepare the spare vehicle, and Eric and Nikkor and others retired to a safe position.

After the effector confirms that everything is ready, the remote control button of the eject device is pressed.

A muffled sound, everyone in the vicinity felt the ground slightly trembled under the foot, the police car on the elastic device flew up, throwing out seven or eight meters away, then crashed to the ground, the car did not diminish after landing, continue to Before rolling over, the scene was completely static, and the police car that had been sold well had become a group of scrap iron, and various parts were scattered all over the place.

Eric did not have any thoughts on the scene, and took a walk with Nickel and others and saw a shallow pit on the concrete floor where the car was located.

Recalling the trajectory of the car just flying, Eric walked a few steps around the shallow pit, then stood and asked the person in charge of the special effects group: "Toby, can determine the trajectory of the car every time it is thrown Is it probably the same?"

The middle-aged white man named Toby, who is about forty years old, probably also sees Eric’s intention. He said: “Although I can’t guarantee it, I think the position of your station should be safer. We can adjust it. Take a look at the force on the chassis of the car so that the trajectory of the car can be slightly skewed and the position will be safer."

“Without skewing, just install it according to the location you just made,” Eric decided decisively, then told the departments to prepare for the official shoot.

The special effects team began to install a new prop vehicle on the elastic device. The operators quickly cleared the wreckage of the original car and temporarily repaired the shallow pit that had just been taken out.

Eric and Nickel arranged several seats together, in addition to the camera that greeted the police car to throw the trajectory, and two other cameras recorded the lens from different angles.

It’s been 40 minutes after everything is ready.

Eric stood in front of the monitor, last viewed the layout of several seats, and then made an ok gesture to the record.

"The seventh game of "The Royal Casino" 54th scene!"

On the side of the plane, the fuel truck and another police jeep moved at the same time. After a few seconds, with the familiar tremor coming from the foot, the police car on the ejecting device was thrown out again.

Eric stared at the most critical No. 3 position and saw the car flying towards the camera. Immediately, the monitor screen suddenly turned black in the process of infinite proximity to the rear of the police car.

Not far from the police car, the jingle of the police car continued to sway, and Nickel, who was standing next to Eric and watching the third position, couldn’t help but blurt out: "Oh, my God, my Bonnie."

After the monitor screen was black, Eric looked up and looked at it because the shooting of the third position was dangerous. The photographer did not personally operate it, but fixed the camera on the corresponding position. At this point, the camera and the fixed bracket have been smashed, it is estimated that it is difficult to repair, in this case, the insurance company will not compensate.

Even though he also felt the Kodak professional camera worth $150,000, Eric looked at Nickel and said: "Do you have a name for this camera?"

Nickel and Eric walked toward the camera and wanted to see if the camera had room for rescue. The tone was still sad: "Of course, every camera I used has a name."

"Oh, then I am really sorry, but you should know that the first law of the end of the world, do not give names to anyone or something around you, which will make you weak."

Nickel came to the scene and picked up the camera lens that fell on the ground. He said to Eric: "You don't want to tell me that you will often see the end of the world in the filming scene. I will be crazy."

Others gradually gathered up, Eric appeasely shot Nicole's shoulder, and apologized to the special effects group head Toby said: "The accident is always inevitable, everyone is ready, hope again, hope We will be able to successfully complete this set of lenses next time."

Nickel found the film box on the camera from a mess, and checked it: "Eric, although the camera is broken, the film that was just filmed should still be used."

Eric took a look and saw that there was no damage on the outside of the film case. However, Eric looked at the watch at 2:40 in the morning. In addition to the eyes, several sets of lenses planned for today have been completed. Then he said: "Come another shot. When you finish shooting, you will be ready to work. You can go back to rest in advance today."

After a burst of cheers, everyone quickly got busy.

Although Eric did not adjust the position of the camera, the subsequent shooting did not cause camera damage, and the lens effect was satisfactory.

Although it was nearly half an hour from four o'clock, Eric still announced the completion of the work ahead of schedule.

After all, the night shot is a very detrimental thing. Simply arrange the studio affairs. Eric takes a speedboat back to the Paradise Island residence and just falls asleep on the big bed.

Woke up at 12 o'clock at noon.

I took a shower and changed my casual t-shirt trousers to leave the house and walk towards the resort's restaurant.

The noon paradise island is sunny and the white sand beach not far from the resort is full of people. Although the summer is a good time for the Bahamas holiday, the tourists rarely stay outside after 10 am.

Although a large part of the crew is still resting, other shift workers are on time to eat at the restaurant.

Eric walked through the resort's trails and greeted the passing people from time to time. Just entering the restaurant, Miranda, who was chatting with the Ivanka mother and daughter, immediately excitedly waved at Eric.

After the release of the new issue of "vogue", Giselle quickly became famous in the fashion industry with his outstanding talent qualification, and soon received a series of cooperation invitations.

A few days after the filming, Giselle and Alexander hurriedly left the Bahamas. Only Ivanka and Miranda stayed here. Because these days, the shooting schedule was reversed day and night, Eric did not see it for a few days. After a few of them, it is estimated that they are playing on other islands in the Bahamas.

Eric walked over and squatted on Miranda's small head wearing a pale pink dress, asked for a lunch for the waiter, and sat down and asked the opposite Ivana Zerniko: "Recently Are you having fun?"

"Of course, thank you for your hospitality, Eric," Ivana Zerniko said, and said: "Yes, I and Ivanka are leaving in the afternoon. This time I am deliberately resigning to you. of."

"Is it so eager to go back, why not spend a few more days?"

Ivana Zerniko said: "Iny her dad called and said that she was going to take her to Europe for a holiday, I can only send her back in advance."

"Oh, that's a pity," Eric looked at Ivanka and said, "Where are you going to Europe, we have to rush to Europe next month, maybe we can still run into it?"

Ivanka smiled and said: "Norway, Dad said that he would take us to play drifting."

"Norway," Eric shrugged regretfully. "Then we might not be able to."

Ivanka casually picked the ice cream in front of him and looked at Eric. He said: "It doesn't matter, Eric, you can come to my house next time in New York."

Eric can feel some hope in the girl's eyes, but also realizes that this invitation is more Donald, he does not care, nodded and said: "Well, when I have time, I will definitely pass. ""

Eric and Ivanka said this, Miranda listened skillfully, but it was difficult to hide the envy.

Ivanka is about the same age as her, but it is only a summer vacation, but the other party can turn a big circle on the earth, almost where to go. Moreover, looking at the diamond-studded sterling silver bracelet on her wrist, Miranda sighed, this is Ivanka gave her in recent days, an ordinary sterling silver bracelet, of course she does not mind, but This bracelet has a 'double' logo. This is Chanel. Such a bracelet is estimated to cost a thousand dollars. It is said to be just a common one in her 12th birthday gift.

Hey, when can I live this life?

Miranda squinted at Eric next to her eyes, thinking a little resentful.

Ivanka’s mother and daughter’s plane was at six o’clock in the afternoon. Although it was also boarding at Nassau International Airport, Eric could not take time to personally send the two, so she did not rush back to her place after lunch. Deliberately talked with them for a while.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when I returned to my place of residence.

Miranda's little tail followed Eric to his residence. Eric sat down on the living room sofa and turned on the TV, waiting for the assistant to send the documents for a while.

Looking at the Miranda that went to the refrigerator and took two bottles of juice and then came over, Eric took a sip of the juice and placed it on the coffee table in front of him. "They all left, you should also go back." Los Angeles?"

"It’s summer vacation now, Eric, and that TV series has already been filmed. I have nothing to do when I go back."

Miranda said, showing a pitiful look on his face, and taking off his shoes and squatting the two 'nine months' long legs on the sofa, his knees squatting on Eric's legs.

"Then go back to Australia, your mom and dad must miss you very much."

"No, I don't want to go back," Miranda shook her head immediately, and realized that it might not be appropriate to say this. It seems that she doesn't want her parents at all, although it is a fact. After that, Miranda quickly added. : "There is winter in Australia now, I am afraid of cold."

"Then you can't stay here all the time, everyone is so busy, there is no reason why you have been wandering around."

Miranda's eyes turned and reached out and grabbed Eric's arm. The little body posted it and said: "That, Eric, I want to go to Miami, and Orlando, I haven't been to Disneyland yet." ”

Both cities are in Florida, USA, close to the Bahamas, and the airport scene is being filmed at Miami International Airport.

However, Eric still frowned slightly and said: "You run around alone, I don't worry, I can't explain it to your parents."

"Of course I am alone, Claire can accompany me."

Eric wonders: "Who is Claire?"

Miranda grumbled with a small mouth: "Claire is the assistant assigned to me by the company. She came to the Bahamas with me. You have seen it, how to forget it."

Eric recalled, this is faintly remembered the brown-haired white woman who looked like a 20-year-old brown-haired woman next to Miranda. Although Miranda is personally arranged by im Eric, but the girl is not famous at all, im can not be equipped with long-term assistants, Miranda himself can not afford it, think it should be this special situation, im special The individual came over to take care of her.

Thinking about it, what Eric is about to say, the doorbell rings.

Get rid of the entanglement of Miranda, Eric got up and opened the door, his assistant Peter Ritchie stood outside the door with a stack of documents.

"Come in," Eric turned sideways and let Peter Ritchie enter the house.

However, Peter Ritchie just walked in and looked at the sofa in the living room, and he was obviously hesitant in his footsteps.

Eric looked puzzledly at the past, and a little goblin was pretending to be arbitrarily arranging a little pink dress, and his eyes were still faintly panicked, as if he was afraid that others would not misunderstand her and Eric was just doing something shy. The same thing as shame.

"Hey, Peter, next, good afternoon," Miranda did these little moves, not forgetting to say hello to Peter Ritchie. Eric found Miranda in Dolly magazine, or Peter Ritchie rushed to him. Brisbane handled this matter.

"Hey, Miranda," Peter Ritchie said with a sly expression, wondering if he should leave temporarily.

Eric glanced at Miranda and quickly decided to stop the girl from staying in the Bahamas. He was very sad and very happy. Who knows that this little goblin will make any mess.

He was too busy recently and couldn't find time to adjust this wild and untamed little goblin.

"Let's go to the study," Eric said to Peter Ritchie, who was hesitant in his footsteps.

Passing the sofa and looking at Miranda, who was clinging to the kitten on the sofa, Eric tapped on her head and said in the girl's pain: "Call the Claire, wait for me. Talk to her."

When he came to the study room, Eric sat down at the desk. Peter Ritchie handed a few documents to Eric. He said: "The first week of the "Dragon Island" box has already come out, and the company is right. An analysis of the box office results of this film."

From the first day of "Driving the Dead Island", Eric knew that the film box office was suppressed by Eddie Murphy's black comedy "Professor Fatty".

At the beginning, Eric also suspected that John Wu had once again suffered from the curse of past lives. After several films, he was exhausted in Hollywood. However, looking at the weekend box office data form, Eric realized that Things should not be like this.

In the three-day box office list on the weekend, Professor Fei Fei won the championship position at the box office of $30.13 million for three days, but the box office of "Dragonfly Island" was 28.38 million, followed by the third. Name, "The Matrix" three-day box office on the weekend because of several new films, experienced 37% of the box office decline, reaching $ 25.76 million.

From this data, we can see that although the box office is in a disadvantage, the difference between the box office of "Dragonfly Island" and "Professor of Fatty" is only over one million US dollars. The firefly issuing department makes predictions based on this data. The first week of "Dragonfly Island" should be around $42 million.

Looking at the box office data in hand, Eric asked Peter Ritchie: "I remember, "The Brave Island" is very good at the screening stage?"

"Yes, the media scores of the "Dragon Island" are about 7.5. In the audience survey we arranged, the word-of-mouth is also very good. The "Fatty Professor" media score is only 5.6," Peter Li Qi did not make too many comments on Professor Fei Fei. After all, the box office lost and lost. He went on to say: "The issuing department has probably counted it. The "Dragon Island" box office is not as good as "Feng Yu Professor". The reason for the information is in the following."

Eric found out the information and looked up and noticed that Peter Ritchie was standing respectfully standing across the desk, sweeping his eyes around, and not finding the second chair, he gestured to the diagonally opposite sofa, saying: " Let's sit down first, I will finish after reading."

Peter Ritchie nodded and stepped back and sat down on the couch.

Eric turned over the information, which was the statistics of the age distribution of the movie-watching people in the Firefly Distribution Department. There were also detailed comparisons with the films of John Wu and the summer movies. .

After reading these statistics, Eric generally understands why the box office of "The Desperate Island" is relatively mediocre.

The reason why the summer file will become a hot stage is that a large number of young people have entered the cinema during the holidays. According to statistics, the annual box office data of the summer is 40% from the box office contribution of the students under the age of 22, which is also the extra viewing demand, coupled with the summer market quality film to stimulate the market. Only the total amount of box office in the summer file is equivalent to two to three times the average of other unpopular stalls.

It is precisely because of this that a film can achieve box office success in the summer file, to a large extent absolutely whether it is loved by the youth group.

And this is precisely the short board of "Driving the Dead".

Although the two heroines, "Won't kill the island", Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage are both Hollywood stars, their two old men are not so attractive to teenagers. There is no other film in the film. A vase heroine that appeals to young viewers. On the other hand, "The Brave Island" explores the serious theme of the unfair treatment of retired soldiers in the US, and there is no such a thrilling and exciting scene in the "Mission Impossible" series.

As a result, these have created the main reason why "The Brave Island", although with a good reputation, is not attractive to the youth audience.

Among the comparison data, among the audiences of "Dragonfly Island", only 17% of young people under the age of 22, this ratio is even lower than the "Imperial", "Matrix" In this viewing group, the proportion is up to 35%. At the same time, the proportion of this group of people watching "Dragonfly" is lower than that of John Smith's previous "Smiths".

Even so, "Dragonfly Island" is definitely not a failure. According to the word-of-mouth and box office data released after the release, the Firefly Distribution Department has made 130 million North American and 200 million overseas box office estimates, compared with US$75 million. At the cost of production, fireflies can still recover costs at the box office.

"So, we lost after all, so," After reading the information, Eric looked up at Peter Ritchie and asked, "What is the reaction now in Hollywood?" (To be continued.)

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