I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 799: How to do it is wrong

In July, "Jianjiao 2" was released on July 5th in the expectation. As the most popular female action movie in recent years, "Jiaojiao 2" won more than 71 million US dollars at the box office in the first week. At the same time, films such as "The Legend of the Wind" and "Mummy 2" continue to harvest box office in the North American film market. The two sequels of "Black Man" and "Brave Game" will be released in the coming weeks. They are all ready to go.

In many people's eyes, in addition to the "Mummy" series, whether it is Paramount Animation's "The Legend of the Wind" or MGM Studios' "The Angel", or the "Black Man" issued by Sony Pictures, The game of the brave, originally should be the contents of the fireflies. But at this time, these films are being attacked by other major movie companies. The fireflies this year's "The Matrix" and "The Desperate Island" have begun to enter the final stage.

As a result, these factors have almost become the place where the media's firefly management strategy has failed, especially the Paramount Animation Studio.

Although Firefly sells $2.5 billion in hand-painted animated studios, Paramount's current commercial potential is based on the current performance of Paramount, as long as it remains in the next few animated films. Level, Viacom can not only recover the full investment cost in the next ten years, but also rely on Paramount animation and other companies in the Viacom system such as Nick Children's Desk and Blockbuster Chain. Mum can also create a 2D animation industry chain that is enough to compete with Firefly 3D animated films, which is the most deadly effect on fireflies.

Because before this, due to the difficulty of training animation film team, long investment cycle and other factors, Hollywood animation film industry is almost monopolized by Firefly's Disney, fireflies can be said to take the initiative to cut the high-profit industry that was originally monopolized by itself. Big cake to Viacom.

At the beginning of the sale of Disney's hand-drawn animation studio, only a small number of people know that fireflies can't refute at this time.

Moreover, if only these criticisms sing the fireflies, although people are overwhelmed, they can not cause any substantial harm to the fireflies. The public relations department estimates that the media is noisy for a while, and the summer is over, the people are no longer Things are of interest, and the topic is naturally cooled.

But immediately, after the "Matrix" North American box office broke through 200 million, the Wachowski brothers boarded the ABC TV "David Late Night Show" program.

The two brothers landed in this talk show, mainly for the later stage of "The Matrix" propaganda. I hope that the box office of the movie will be able to go longer in the next few weeks. Although the two have become famous, they are all like to keep a low profile. Man, or Frank Wells personally called the two and arranged the talk show.

However, the Wachowski brothers inadvertently talked about the follow-up script of the film being rejected by the company and rewriting the script. Fireflies have not shown much sensitivity to this topic.

But perhaps the latest news about fireflies has always been easy to get on the headlines, and a lot of media people are keeping their eyes on the people and things related to fireflies recently. This news is naturally noticed by the people.

The Wachowski brothers participated in the interview and just returned to Chicago, where they lived for a long time. A paparazzi with two people for a long time wrapped up with the brothers. After a few days of entanglement, and because of the day Andy Wachowski came out of the bar. I just drank some wine, drunk, and finally the dog was brought back to the bar again and had an 'exclusive interview'.

Although the original novels were published in advance by Eric, the brothers have always regarded the trilogy's script as their own efforts. Since the script completely rejected Eric, the two brothers have been quite depressed for a while, and Andy Wachowski has stumbled into the excited paparazzi.

So, the next day, Chicago's most influential "Chicago Sun" published a related article.

"..."The Matrix" is undoubtedly the best sci-fi film of recent years. Although it changed from the original work of Eric Williams, the director and screenwriter Wachowski brothers added a lot to the film. The philosophical element, which also allowed the film to be further sublimated on the basis of Eric Williams' original pure science fiction, greatly increased the film's visibility and cultural connotation."

"...However, according to this reporter's special correspondent Bob Johns' interview with "The Matrix" director Andy Wachowski, we got a very regrettable news. The Wachowski brothers are here. In the original work of Eric Williams, the complete trilogy series was conceived from the beginning, but after the success of the first song, the follow-up scripts were completely rejected by the fireflies. Andy Wo Zhuoski revealed that the Firefly executives thought that the sequel script was too deep and did not meet the requirements of the commercial film. Therefore, the firefly not only rejected the request of the two sequels of the Wachowski brothers, but also asked the two brothers to completely retract the script and remove it. Deep philosophical connotation, returning to the commercial nature of popcorn traits."

"...As we all know, although this year's fireflies have experienced the first film performance since the founding of Waterloo, we have to admit that the Firefly Group has achieved enough business results in the film business in recent years to satisfy all other peers. But at the same time, we It has also been seen that fireflies have done almost nothing in the field of art films outside of commercial films in recent years. We have always believed that a film is also obligated to convey certain spiritual connotations while pursuing commercial profits. Therefore, fireflies, which are too much in pursuit of business and give up their connotations, are undoubtedly very undesirable."

"...not to talk about other things, just like "The Matrix", this film was quickly released in the short period of more than a month because of the perfect fusion of film science fiction and philosophy. A large number of diehard fans. It is conceivable that once the sequel to "The Matrix" completely abandons the distinctive personal characteristics of the Wachowski brothers and returns to the essence of the firefly popcorn commercial film, then, when we wait for a few years, we will once again welcome us. No doubt, it will be extremely disappointing."

Obviously, this report definitely explains the interpretation of Andy Wachowski's words to a large extent. Eric’s original request was to let the two brothers rewrite a complete and smooth story without letting them give up their personal style.

On the day the Chicago Sun published this article, the Wachowski brothers’ agents publicly clarified the media, indicating that the fireflies did not ask the brothers to translate the Matrix into a pure popcorn movie. This interview is only the result of the speech-induced induction of the drunk Andy Wachowski by the paparazzi named Bob Johns.

However, the media and fans obviously do not believe in the clarification of the Wachowski brothers. Some people who think they know the internal rules of the industry even judge that this is the Wachowski brothers had to publish under the strong pressure of fireflies. statement.

As a result, this article was quickly reprinted in just a few days, and its influence has not only expanded.

In less than a week, almost all Americans who are concerned about entertainment information know about it.

The real fan community of "The Matrix" was even more angry. The event was fermented until the second week, and a large number of fans began to assemble outside the Burbank Firefly headquarters and the Praia Vista Firefly Studios, holding a similar 'we don't want In the popcorn movie, we want the slogan of "The Matrix" to ask the Firefly executives to abandon the decision of the Wachowski brothers to modify the script and follow the original script.

If it is just the media's various attacks and ridicule, the fireflies can of course be ignored, but for the fans' actions, the company has to be treated with caution.

After all, the perfect film culture in the United States also means that the power of the fan community far exceeds that of other countries where the film industry has just developed. If it is handled improperly, it may damage the brand of the Firefly Group.

At the same time as the daily arrangement of personnel to maintain the order of the original fans to prevent more serious emergencies, the firefly executives began to explore countermeasures.

According to the original screenplay of the Wachowski brothers, it is definitely not possible, because now the fireflies have been completely squeezed into a situation of two years of advancement and retreat. Once the original version of the script is made, the quality of the film will not reach the fans' expectations. At that time, because of these things today, disappointed fans will certainly blame the firebugs for no reason. Moreover, it is not possible for the fireflies to make the original version of the Wachowski brothers public. This is not only a matter of industry rules, but also a fan who feels idols in a fan mentality and often does not make professional scripts. judge.

On the other hand, if the Wachowski brothers rewrite the scripts according to the original plan, and do not say how the film will be in the future, in the case of offending a large number of fans, this group will certainly be more demanding on the sequel, even if the sequel With a score of 8 points, the discerning fans will be pulled to the 6-point rotten line.

All in all, because of this unexpected media wind, for the "Matrix" project, no matter what the fireflies do, as long as the sequel does not reach the amazing quality, the results obtained in the future are almost all wrong.

Perhaps other competitors are also aware of the dilemma of the firefly's dilemma, and even if they can't confuse the "Matrix", they have to do a little trick.

As time went on, the news topic related to the sequel to "The Matrix" not only did not mean cooling, but it was even more rampant.

On the Internet, there was even a request for the original website, with the same ‘we don’t want popcorn movies, we want the title of “The Matrix”, and in just one week, it attracted more than 100,000 signatures.

After several rounds of public relations by the Firefly Group, Kasenberg also personally boarded the ABC TV "Morning News" column to explain the firefly's intentions to the fans, and the results did not help.

Although there are other ways to deal with it, in the end, Kasenberg, Frank Wells and other high-level officials can only send things to Eric in the Bahamas, let him personally decide.

After the two-week night scene filming, the related dramas were quite smooth.

Time came to July 16, the first two days, "Royal Casino" in the Bahamas has all ended, but because of the busy for a month and a half, coupled with the painful shooting of the middle two nights in the middle of the night, the entire crew has been exhausted Unbearable.

Eric did not rush to let the crew go to the next location, but gave the entire crew three days off so that everyone could enjoy the sunny beaches of the Bahamas.

At the same time as the film was filmed, Eric certainly maintained his concern for a series of events in Los Angeles. He thought that Kasenberg and others would handle this matter properly, but when his first assistant Kelly Sea Ens personally came to the Bahamas with a stack of documents, and Eric realized that things had developed to the point of losing control.

On the living room sofa of Eric’s residence, Kelly handed a copy of the document to Eric, explaining: “The situation is that we are almost completely unable to give the fans a satisfactory explanation. According to the original script, once the film is in the future. If the quality is not up to expectations, the mistake will definitely be blamed on us, and the Wachowski brothers will rewrite the script. The film may not have been filmed yet. The film may be resisted by the fans. The mistake still needs us to recite it."

Eric read a lot of clipping information, risk assessment and other information, could not help but smashed the forehead, said: "It really does not stop people, and now you can't even shoot."

Kelly smiled and said: "Yes, if the project is left unattended, it will still offend the fans, and it may be the most offensive one, because they will feel that they are being scorned and despised."

"Well, let me think about it," Eric rubbed his forehead and looked at Peter Ritchie, who was sitting on the other side. "You go to a place where you can have a video conference. The Ocean Club Center should have Let Carsenberg go online on time at night, and everyone will discuss it."

Peter Ritchie nodded and hesitated, saying: "Eric, the difficulty of video conferencing may be a bit too big, there should be no video conferencing equipment here, the telephone conference room is better arranged."

Eric also forgot that the development of the Internet has not yet reached the level of easy video conferencing, not to mention the Bahamas, and waved: "That is a conference call."

When Peter Ritchie left, Kelly moved her delicate body and saw Eric still looking at her forehead. She gently got up and walked over, standing behind Eric, and sticking out a pair of hands for Eric. It’s up.

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