I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 802: Audition

The two were so deadlocked for a while, and at the end, Eric saw Miranda revealing a small expression of sorrow and almost laughed.

Forget it, just take a kitten.

I thought, Eric would no longer insist on taking the black card back. Anyway, the money that Nizi spent was really a huge sum for ordinary people, but for Eric, it was only The cost of a lollipop, not to mention the fact that if the Nizi really has a tendency to get out of control, Eric can stop the credit card with just one phone call.

Miranda has been careful to peer into Eric's face change. As his expression softens, the girl realizes what, and her face once again reveals a smile. "Eric, really, me, I will not be absolutely No more squandering."

Eric's tone has not changed. He doesn't want the girl to be too proud. The tone is plain and plain: "Kelly will return to Los Angeles in the afternoon, and you will go back together. You will not be allowed to leave Los Angeles again this year."

Miranda immediately found the flaws in Eric's words, and spoiled: "What about Christmas and Mom and Dad asking me to go back to Australia?"

"Uh huh!"

"Okay, Eric, I will be obedient."

When Miranda saw Eric and pulled down his face, he didn't dare to play smart again. He turned his desk and turned over and kissed Eric's neck.

Eric raised her hand against the girl's waist and pushed her away. "Don't hang around, go find Kelly."

"Hey, Eric, you are a coward."




"Hate, even in this way to scare people."

Realizing that Eric was counting down, although he said so, the goblin really did not dare to test Eric's patience again, and turned and slipped out of the study.

Looking at the door being closed, Eric shook his head and smiled. He picked up the credit card bills on the desktop again, leaned back, and his feet tilted on the table, slowly turning over and looking at the heart. How to arrange the future of this kitten.

Anyway, Eric is not going to let Miranda take the road of supermodel again, how tired it is.

Since it is a cat, of course, you should comfortably lie on the sofa of your host and squint your eyes and enjoy life.

Because the geographical position is just in the border of East and West Europe, supported by Germany and other Western European powers, the Czech Republic can be regarded as the first developed country after the drastic changes in Eastern Europe. Of course, the economic aspect is far from being comparable with Germany and France.

The Royal Casino's location in the Czech Republic is mainly located in Prague. The lens includes a speed chase of Bond and the villain, as well as some literary scenes. In addition, Bond's exterior footage of the train to Montenegro was also taken at the Czech Mountain Railway. As for Montenegro, the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which lasted for more than three years, has just ended at the end of last year. Several local countries are still in chaos, and there is no possibility of field framing.

Because of the propaganda role of the 007 series in the country and city of the location, the Czech Republic, which is eager to seek further openness, also attaches great importance to the filming of the crew. In the filming of Bond and the villain, even the two blocks were blocked. The street lasts for a week.

While the crew was filming in the Czech Republic, the North American summer file also entered the final stage.

After "Black Man 2", "The Game of the Brave 2" officially landed on the 2,800 big screens in North America in the following week, but the ending was surprising.

Because this week, MGM also released the second part of the Resident Evil series, Resident Evil Revelation. The first week of the "Courageous Game 2", which was made at a cost of $86 million, was lost to the "Resident Evil Revelation", which is not so strong. This has to be said to be very embarrassing. result.

The first part of Resident Evil has earned $60 million in box office in North America with a cost of $30 million, and the global box office has reached $126 million. Moreover, this last-generation sci-fi movie performed even better in the videotape market. The videotape and DVD were released for a year, which brought the company a net profit of more than 60 million US dollars.

As a result, the production cost of Resident Evil Revelation soared to $45 million.

In the production stage, MGM's plan is that this sequel can recover most of the cost at the box office. The most important source of profit is the later video tape and copyright revenue. MGM now has enough strength to operate. These long-term businesses.

Before the release of the two films, although "The Brave Game 2" had a bad news, most box office analysts gave a first-week box office of no less than $50 million.

But the end result is that "Resident Evil Revelation" has a box office of $28.37 million in the first week, while "Brave Player 2" has only $25.22 million in the first week of box office. The two new films only occupy the weekly box office rankings. Third and fourth positions.

In terms of word of mouth, because of the natural disadvantages of the Resident Evil series, the media commentary will certainly not be too good, with an average score of only 6.5 points. However, with the box office of $28.37 million in the first week, the total box office of this sequel may be reached. $70 million, plus overseas box office, is enough to recover all production and distribution costs during the release phase.

"Brave Player 2" is completely sad, not only the first week of the box office is only 25.22 million US dollars, more than 50% lower than most institutions expected, and this film because of the plot confusion, etc., the media score is only 4.6 points, large Some of the critics' evaluations are basically 'a farce with a lot of CG shots'.

In this case, the "Courageous Game 2" has been set, and the firefly has only participated in the production investment of 50 million US dollars. With the box office and the later copyright operation income, it is more or less compensated. The loss is not too much. Big. Sony Pictures is not only involved in the production, but also the main issuer, the loss scale will be a lot of fireflies. More seriously, the failure of this project will not have much impact on fireflies, but it is a major blow to Sony Pictures' film business.

Perhaps the only thing that can be comforted is that the new film "The Game of the Brave 2" is not enough at the box office, so it has not caused much impact on the "Black Man 2" box office that was released the previous week.

After the first week of $75.5 million at the box office, "Black Man 2" fell only 31% at the box office, and then received 52.09 million US dollars, two weeks totaled 127 million US dollars.

The third-week "Jianjiao 2" box office decline also narrowed from 43% last week to 25%, weekly box office reached 32.49 million US dollars, the cumulative box office reached 156 million US dollars.

Moreover, because there is no longer a strong new film at the end of the summer, the box office data of "Black Man 2" and "Jiao Jiaowa 2" will undoubtedly be more durable.

When Eric heard the news, he inquired about the progress of Sony's Godzilla. The project also started in New York in June, but the filming cycle of Godzilla was better than Royal Casino. It's a lot shorter, it only takes three months. Of course, as a CG blockbuster, the film's post-production cycle is much longer than Royal Casino.

According to the release plan disclosed by Sony Pictures, the film will be scheduled for next summer.

Although Sony has not yet confirmed the specific schedule, however, just like this year's "Charlie's 2" and "Black Man 2", the possibility of the collision between "Royal Casino" and "Godzilla" next year is still very large.

Thinking of the image of a certain ‘Treasure Dragon’, Eric could not help but look forward to the arrival of the summer file next year.

You know, next year is 1997.

What year is that?

Asian financial crisis.

In memory, although Japan has not been directly affected, the overall downward trend of the entire Southeast Asian economy is inevitable.

In such a big environment, Sony will certainly not be too good, if there is a fiasco in the film business.

Hey, think about it for a while.

Time soon came to August, and the Czech two weeks of shooting almost flashed.

The crew moved to Italy again.

Italy's shooting cycle is one month, mainly shooting two important plots, that is, Bond and the villain Chery's gambling in the Royal Casino, and Kate Blanchett's Wisper death plot.

At the same time, the Charlie's trio and Wisper's sister role will also appear in Italy for a very short time.

At this time, Charlitz was promoting the "Charlie's Angel 2" overseas. The schedule was very tight. The scenes of the three of them are mainly concentrated in the British mainland, that is, in the plot to rescue Vispal sister Angela Linde. If time can't keep up, the three women's shots in Italy may return to Italy for a short time after completing the British filming. Make up.

Although the trio could not immediately come, Christina Aguilera, who played the sister of Wisper Angela Linda, entered the crew after the crew moved to Italy.

However, while the crew was shooting intensely, Eric had to pay attention to the other thing.

After the meeting, under the operation of the fireflies, the Venice Film Festival quickly responded by agreeing to use the Titanic as the opening film of this year's Venice Film Festival.

After all, because of Eric's connivance, Cameron's overall cost of completing the "Titanic" film has reached an unprecedented $215 million, 15 million more than the original time.

Although the Venice Film Festival has always maintained a high-altitude art scene, it is really difficult to say a rejection of such a film that can be counted in the Guinness Book of Records as the entire film industry becomes more commercial.

At the same time that the Venice Film Festival issued an official invitation and released news to the media, Cameron had already brought samples to Venice where the crew was stationed.

The time is August 3.

Eric completed a day's work, and before he had time to rest, he got the news that Cameron had arrived from Peter Ritchie.

The hotel where the crew stayed.

Eric once again saw Cameron, who was unshaven. Although Eric had given Cameron a reassurance, Cameron knew that if the film cost more than $200 million failed, he would direct to him. What kind of blow will be caused by his career, so his hair is obviously white a lot during this time.

"Hey, Eric, how about the film?" Seeing Eric walked into the lobby, he was waiting in the lobby for his Cameron to come up immediately.

"Everything is going well," Eric and Cameron hugged gently, watching the guy look like a sly look, laughing: "Let's go eat first, this hotel restaurant has a good meal, eaten Dinner, watch the film together."

"Of course," Cameron nodded.

Because both people are a little absent-minded, a meal is also very fast.

The grass filled the stomach and there was not too much chill, and the two entered the private screening room of the hotel.

"The film may be a bit long," the lights dimmed, and Cameron couldn't help but say, "Oh, I think it's best not to trim it anymore."

Even so, Cameron's tone is obviously not very determined.

Eric has given him the greatest support in the film budget. Cameron is not completely unreasonable. In Hollywood, he can confront Kasenberg with 'I want to cut the film and kill me first'. But if Eric insists, Cameron will try to compress the length of the film as much as possible.

At this time, the version in front of the two, the total length of the film reached 187 minutes.

Throughout Hollywood history, more than three hours of success at the box office, Cameron's memory is only 1939 "Gone with the Wind". In addition, most of the similar films may be able to achieve some artistic achievements, but few can win high box office.

After all, for a movie, just three hours of time is enough to discourage most viewers.

Although Cameron is very confident in his work, he does not think that Titanic can be compared with the epoch-making legendary film of Gone with the Wind.

The idea of ​​the film "Titanic" was that Eric deliberately guided Cameron when he was chatting with several famous directors and producers at the Prea Vista studio. Eric then participated. The preparation of some scripts.

Therefore, the new version of "Titanic", the plot is roughly the same as the original.

The biggest difference, no doubt is the heroine, compared to the fat temperature, slim and elegant face, but at the same time there is no lack of rebellious Rachel Vichy, no doubt more suitable for the role of Rose.

When the old screen rose on the big screen began to recall the past, Rachel first appeared in the picture, tall figure, classical makeup, and the unique pride of the British noble lady, so Eric could not help but feel amazement Even a little regret that was once made up.

Cameron’s control over the plot is undoubtedly a master. Although the whole film lasts for three hours and seven minutes, every minute of the story can firmly drive the audience’s emotions, without giving any extra feelings. The Titanic is The voyages of the sea, Jack and Rose's bow at the sunset, and the interior of the large industrial atmosphere of the cabin bring almost sighing beauty and shock. Although the disaster scene in the latter part of the film is short-lived, whether it is the moment of humanity, the good and the evil of the disaster, or the plot of Jack and Rose, it is enough to deeply touch the hearts of the audience.

Eric has seen "Titanic" many times, but he is born again, and once again sees another "Titanic" that is still perfect, and his heart is still full of blood.

When the film was over, Eric didn't feel that he had been unknowingly disappearing for more than three hours. He was talking to Cameron and suddenly noticed that the music was still playing at the end of the film.

Yes, this is a pure music that combines piano, bagpipes, violin and other musical instruments. Although it still sounds beautiful, it has nothing to do with the past "My Heart Eternity".

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