I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 814: Smartphone era

Chapter 814

No company is willing to be a technology licensee. Eric and Roger Wilson talked about the entire afternoon, basically determining the company’s intention to buy. Then the fireflies only need to convince several major shareholders to transfer their hands. Equity.

The market value is about 80 million US dollars, and there is no amazing growth potential. As long as Eric offers a reasonable price, it is not difficult to buy this company.

The weather in London is very short, and the helicopter landed on a tarmac in the pine forest studio. It is already a twilight. Eric first got off the plane and watched Caroline stepping on the pedal carefully. He smiled and reached for the hand: "Come, I will hold you down."

Caroline didn't mind letting Eric hold himself down, but the smile on his face and the tone of his speech were like treating a child. Carolyn's least favorite thing is that others treat her as a little girl. I want to know that she is only one year younger than Eric, and this year is twenty-five.

"No, I can," said Caroline, who had already jumped down and was a little awkward, so I was immediately supported by Eric.

When Caroline stood firm, Eric said: "Go eat dinner together, the restaurant here is not bad. Wait for me to send you back."

During the day, Caroline drove herself. However, it was already dark. Although Wilson Manor was not far from here, Eric did not worry that Caroline would go back alone. It is already in the outer suburbs of London. It’s all wilderness farmland. It’s definitely a very infiltrating thing to drive alone at night.

Caroline and Eric walked side by side and said, "Eric, I can drive back by myself, and I promise that my mother will go home for dinner."

"If you eat together, I will send you back first," Eric said, watching the girl say something again, and continued: "No rejection, I don't trust you to drive home alone, tomorrow I will let people Take your car to Wilson's Manor."

Caroline bowed slightly and nodded softly: "That, okay."

Out of the apron, the driver had already prepared the car, Eric politely opened the door, let Caroline get on the bus, and then he also drilled in.

Eric didn't think much, just thought it would be more polite to send Caroline home personally, but it is not too far away. However, Caroline sitting next to Eric was a little overwhelmed, and the little brain unconsciously began to overclock.

Eric is going to his own home.

This seems to be something wrong.

How to entertain him when you wait.

What do moms and dads think about this?

Eric casually chatted with Caroline and saw that the girl was a little absent-minded and quieted.

The driver is obviously driving a lot faster than Caroline.

Fifteen minutes later, the car passed a stone bridge, and Eric looked at the street light on the bridge and looked out. The window was about ten meters wide and deep. It must have been the Tamer River that Caroline said. .

Wilson Manor is on the other side of the Tam River, passing through the stone bridge, and the car has stopped outside a manor.

Eric and Caroline got out of the car and looked at them curiously. They crossed the fence of the iron fence and saw the wide and flat lawn and the castle in the distance under the light in the manor.

Because of the long history of the nobility, there are countless castle buildings in the UK. However, most of them are still in ruin due to the cost of expensive maintenance and repair. Even the Windsor Castle of the British royal family needs state financial allocation to maintain This era is also able to maintain the aristocrats of the castle estate left by the ancestors, the foundation is very deep.

Caroline stood next to Eric, but she was obviously overwhelmed. She wanted to invite Eric to sit in, but she didn’t know if Eric would be willing or not, and she couldn’t know what her parents thought. After all, she could I have never told my mom and dad about what Eric will visit.

At this time, the manor of the manor saw his own lady and a man get off the bus, took the initiative to welcome him, and recognized Eric when he approached.

When I saw someone coming over, Caroline returned to God and took the initiative to introduce: "Eric, this is Mark."

Eric politely reached out and shook hands and said: "Hello, I am Eric Williams."

"Hello, Mr. Williams," the guard slammed against Eric and looked at Caroline next to him: "Miss, do you need me to inform the master and my wife?"

"Ah, this" Caroline is looking at Eric.

"No trouble, just a little late, I sent Caroline back," Eric shook his head, said to Mark, and turned to Caroline: "Then I will go back and give it to your mom and dad. say hello."

"Well," Caroline nodded, not knowing whether it was lost or regret.

The driver handed over the two bags. Eric remembered that this was the windbreaker and shoes that Caroline had changed during the day. He then handed it over to Mark, who was standing next to Caroline, and then said to the girl: "That, let me go first. Goodbye."

"Goodbye," Caroline waved at Eric, watching the car's lights go away. This time, I took back my eyes and took my clothes from Mark. "Mark, let me come."

Mark did not know what was going on at the moment, until his own lady walked into the manor with two bags, and he reacted and called the countess.

Countess Edith Wilson heard the notice from the guard and greeted her. She watched her daughter wearing a pink hoodie and flat boots. A little girl dressed up, completely different from the dress when she left during the day, her eyes flashed, but again Soon after returning to calm, I took the bag of clothes and handed it to the maid behind me. I took my daughter’s hand and asked, without mentioning Eric’s things, gently asked: “Baby, how are you doing today?”

"Well, Mom," Caroline nodded and said, "Eric has personally sent me back, but unfortunately he is not willing to stay."

The virgin Mo Ruo, the countess looked at Carolyn’s confused and lost expression and smiled and said: “Mr. Williams is a gentleman, maybe he doesn’t want to be too abrupt.”

With that said, the countess had a slight sigh in her heart. From small to large, both the count and the couple loved this little daughter most, and even the three brothers of Caroline were caring for this little girl. They had hoped that Caroline would be able to find a husband who was the right person, like a lot of noble ladies, to spend a lifetime in peace and happiness.

Unfortunately, a few years ago, Caroline graduated from Cambridge University. Mr. Piaget was married to his daughter. Carolyn, who had been obedient since childhood, unexpectedly showed strong resistance and even made a fugitive home. The move.

Caroline inadvertently met Eric Williams, and the Piaget also felt that if two people could walk together, it would be a good choice.

Then the development of things is still not satisfactory.

Caroline later boldly told her couple that they didn't want to continue their previous life, so they ran to Harvard University to study business school, and finally worked for Eric Williams.

Over the years, as Eric became more and more famous, the Piaget and his wife also learned more about Eric’s deeds. They realized that Eric and Caroline had been hard to come together, so this time. Eric shot the Royal Casino at the Pinewood Studios not far from Wilson's Manor, and they did not make any invitations to each other.


Some pity looked at the daughter beside him, but the countess suddenly remembered it many years ago.

Although everyone around them said that Caroline's temper is weak, but the virgin Mo Ruo, Carolyn's weak personality under the appearance of the face, is exactly the same as a woman many years ago, is worried that Caroline will repeat the same year The mistakes of the Piaget couple have only let their daughters live according to their own ideas.

After all, he was pampered for years of care, and the couple had three sons who were still numerating, and did not expect Caroline to inherit the family business.

As long as the daughter can be happy, just fine.

Realizing that her mother’s expression was a bit fascinating, Caroline asked: “Mom, what are you thinking about?”

The countess shook her head: "Nothing, your father is waiting for us to have dinner together, go ahead."

Returning to the pine forest studio, simply eating dinner, Eric went to the study room where he lived.

These days, in the filming, he has been thinking about the layout of the future smart phone era. Today, he has determined the right to purchase, which means he is about to take another important piece in his hands.

However, the future still has a long way to go.

Companies such as Nokia and Qualcomm invested by Firefly Investment Company have been developing rapidly in the past years in accordance with the established track of management.

Because of its absolute controlling stake in Nokia, Eric has absolute power to allow the mobile phone industry giant to develop according to its own ideas, as well as high-share Qualcomm and Yahoo, which is on the rise. But if this is the case, Eric must invest a lot of energy to control these companies, which is obviously unlikely, because the Firefly Group has taken up most of the time and energy, if you are distracted to operate the industry of Firefly Investment, the future In addition to exhausting himself, Eric couldn't think of the second result, so he could only grasp a general direction in general, and the specific and minor things were handed over to the professional managers of these companies.

According to the current trend, Nokia will only embark on the trajectory of the original world. This development idea is very feasible between the rise of smart phones, but once the rise of smart phones, Nokia will inevitably decline.

After these days of thinking, Eric also roughly explored another way to find another way.

In the study room, connected to the Internet, Eric opened the chat software on the desktop. Chris in New York and Yahoo Ignatier in Boston and Chief Technology Officer Steve Mitnick were already online.

I created a separate temporary chat room and pulled in a few people. Eric gave them a brief overview of the results of meeting with Roger Wilson today.

Later, four people began to discuss topics that have been going on these days.

Eric's plan to take a different approach is divided into three phases.

The program is mainly themed by Yahoo! Networks and Firefly Electronics, with a time span of ten years.

With the help of Yahoo, Firefly Electronics will focus on the development and sales of its three products over the next decade.

In 1996, in 2000, the main focus of fireflies would be on the promotion of the 3 player, while privately developing the tablet that Eric discussed with Roger Wilson in the afternoon.

Several people have already named this tablet these days, called.

In the plan, Yahoo and Firefly Electronics itself will be an important part of the R&D system.

In the next four years, focusing on application chip development, Yahoo will be responsible for system development, and Firefly Electronics will be responsible for the overall R&D structure of this product.

Steve Mitnick had the idea of ​​developing a new operating system a few years ago, but at the time the ns operating system had risen and it was impossible to break Microsoft’s monopoly in the field, so Eric Refused the idea of ​​Steve Mitnick.

However, now, his original ideas and ideas can be used in the development of mobile operating systems. Eric has also provided many ideas to Steve Mitnick based on his previous impressions of Android and Apple operating systems. In the future, this mobile operating system will carry Eric's ambitions in the mobile Internet field. This time, Eric will definitely not be in the mobile operating system field, and the past Android and Apple share the world.

Four years of full R & D time, officially launched in 2000, by then, the mobile communications market will also be completely turned to civilians.

Then, from 2000 to 2005, at the same time as 3 players and promotion and sales, Firefly Electronics will also use the technical foundation accumulated in previous years, and with the assistance of Qualcomm and Nokia, quickly specialize in the development of smart phones. Because of the investment in p, the promotion of this mobile phone in the mobile communication market is not a problem.

In ten years, in 2005, Firefly Electronics will also completely open the era of smartphones.

However, now, his original ideas and ideas can be used in the development of mobile operating systems. Eric has also provided many ideas to Steve Mitnick based on his previous impressions of Android and Apple operating systems. In the future, this mobile operating system will carry Eric's ambitions in the mobile Internet field. This time, Eric will definitely not be in the mobile operating system field, and the past Android and Apple share the world.

Four years of full R & D time, officially launched in 2000, by then, the mobile communications market will also be completely turned to civilians.

Then, from 2000 to 2005, at the same time as 3 players and promotion and sales, Firefly Electronics will also use the technical foundation accumulated in previous years, and with the assistance of Qualcomm and Nokia, quickly specialize in the development of smart phones. Because of the investment in p, the promotion of this mobile phone in the mobile communication market is not a problem.

In ten years, in 2005, Firefly Electronics will also completely open the era of smartphones. To be continued

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