I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 819: how could it be possible

After the release of the best original song nomination, the next announcement is the best soundtrack nomination.

"Titanic" has lost the best original song nomination, Eric realized that if the Golden Jury jury really wants to follow the will of some people to deliberately suppress the film, it is likely to be only in the best movie. On the soundtrack, a nomination is given symbolically.

However, when Mira Sorvino continued to read five nominated films, Eric still did not hear the name of Titanic.

The finger tapped a few times on the glass, and Eric’s mouth twitched, and he snorted with a grin and said: “There is no need to do it.”

Suddenly there was some confusion, and Eric handed Kevin in his arms to Virginia, reached for a blank New Year's card, and bowed down to fill the card.

In the living room, the sound in the TV is still going on, and the women realize that Eric is a little annoyed at this moment, carefully keeping quiet and not bothering him.

On the TV, nb's host and two guests continued to announce a long list of nominations, from time to time to say a few words of playful atmosphere.

The two nominees that should have been the easiest to get unexpectedly failed. Eric felt that the Golden Globe Jury was probably a nomination and didn't intend to give the Titanic any more. No expectations, holding a pencil and patience. In the New Year's card, the body of the flower is depicted in English, trying to calm down the feeling of irritability.

After the announcement of the best foreign language film nomination, the host took a sneak peek at the nominated film. Mila Sorvino once again produced a list and read the microphone: "Next, the best Golden Globe Award." Screenwriter nominees include Tom Stoppard, Mark Norman, Shakespeare's Love Story; Terrence Marek, Red Alert; Ethan Cohen, Joel Cohen, Ice Storm "Accounting Sadie, "Sparkling Style" and... James Cameron, "Titanic."

Feeling that the silent stop of Mira Sorvino in the TV set, Eric had already raised his head.

When I heard the name of Titanic, Xiao Nizi, who was not far away, immediately excited: "Eric, we got the nomination."

Eric nodded slightly, but he had doubts in his expression. He didn’t quite understand the intention of the Golden Globe. Did the two nominations just happen, the Golden Globe jury was not affected, and the Titanic continued. Want to be nominated for core awards such as the best film?

With a little expectation in his heart, Eric quietly listened to the full-page nomination conference, and the expectation of quietly rising quickly fell short.

Next, he did not hear any more words about Titanic. In the end, Titanic simply stopped at a slightly ridiculous best screenwriter nomination, and nothing else was achieved.

Usually, the Oscar and Golden Globe awards, which at least seem to maintain their credibility, are relatively fair in the nomination stage. If it is in previous years, the quality of the Titanic itself is there, even if the Golden Globe is in Under the influence of some people, if you want to suppress it, you need to weigh the risk of credibility loss.

However, Eric watched the nomination conference and generally understood that this year's situation is very different from the past.

According to the usual saying, this year will definitely be an Oscar, and it can be regarded as a super-year.

It can be seen from the Golden Globe nomination list. The four films "Shake Affection", "Red Alert", "Ice Storm" and "Sparkling Style" have been nominated more than five on average, showing an exceptionally strong performance. Other films such as "Mr. Sweetheart", "Master of Sex Book", "Mrs. Belon" are also quite eye-catching.

Under such circumstances, the Golden Globe Jury can say that it is 'have no fear'. So many excellent films are ranked first. Even if the Titanic is nominated, the judges of the Golden Globe Awards do not feel such a pure commercial blockbuster. You can get the awards under the eyes of the group. Since the Titanic has no hope of winning the prize, then it will not be nominated at this time, and there is no risk of losing credibility in the future.

Even Eric realized that the best screenwriter was tricky. If the Titanic got the best original song and the best soundtrack nomination, the film’s strength in this soundtrack could still be compared with other films. Competing for the competition. These two nominations were short, giving only one of the best screenwriter nominations that did not prevail. This is obviously someone who wants to let the Titanic go 100% empty-handed and not give the film a glimmer of hope.


It was noted that Eric’s silence seemed a bit long, and Virginia next to him screamed softly.

"I'm fine," Eric returned, looking at the woman's concerned eyes, smiling, a little pause, and suddenly whispered to himself: "I am just reflecting, Hollywood movies. The company is not too much."

Vignia didn't notice the resolute flash in Eric's eyes and asked, "How much do you think is appropriate?"

"Four big, or three big," Eric shrugged slightly: "Less, or all of your own family, you don't always think about other people's bowls being broken, so that you can eat more."

At this time, Virginia also felt some strong emotions in Eric's tone. When she smiled, she still said: "That, how is it possible?"

What was going to say, the cell phone on the glass shook, and Eric looked at the number, which was called by Los Angeles's Kasenberg.

Eric picked up the phone and gestured to the women. He got up and said, "I will pick up the phone."

When Eric and Kasenberg were on the phone to discuss the possible impact of the Golden Globe nomination, in a luxury home in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Michael Eisner, who had just watched the live TV, was very happy. .

Hollywood is also a commercial business, shopping malls such as battlefields, competition between several major film companies, although not to produce a radical confrontation between you and the dead, but between the parties, but also a natural enemy, can be at the edge of the cliff When you push the other party, everyone will not be soft.

Michael Eisner also participated in the nomination of the Titanic Golden Globe Award, but he will not make the mistakes of a few years ago, no longer believe in loose temporary alliances, but Pushed behind the scenes. When others are involved, everyone is unaware of it, no one is involved, and Michael Eisner does not matter. However, the promoter behind this initiative is actually quite a lot.

Although the relationship between Eric and Eric has eased in the past few years, he will never forget the past when he was expelled from Disney. With the growth of fireflies in recent years, Michael Eisner has I feel that if I was not forced to leave Disney, the current status and glory of Firefly in the Hollywood industry may be his.

After all, in the past two years, the development of Universal's film business can be said to be second only to fireflies. This year's summer file, the global box office total even appeared in the go-ahead, he felt that this is enough to prove his strength.

However, Michael Eisner also realized that the development of Universal Pictures has entered a bottleneck stage.

In recent years, with the rapid expansion of the global film market, Hollywood has gradually realized the powerful advantages and rich profits of the production of special effects movies in the global distribution. However, throughout Hollywood, except fireflies have enough strength to produce more than three special effects movies every year. In addition, the other six, if there is no firefly's digital domain special effects technical support, unless the requirements for the quality of the film special effects are greatly reduced, it is impossible to complete these.

Whether it is Warner or Universal, Paramount, and all resources, probably only one or two special bombings of 'blockbuster' will be produced each year. The restrictions are not related to the funds, mainly g. Special effects technology.

In the digital field, today, in addition to the Los Angeles headquarters, there are two subsidiaries in Florida and Australia. The total staff size has exceeded 00, and the talents are second. As long as the price is high, the top special effects artists are also Can dig over.

However, compared with other special effects studios in Hollywood, the biggest advantage is the accumulation of technology in g special effects. Eric Williams was ahead of other peers for several years and invested heavily in the development of computer g effects technology. At this time, the scale of large-scale rendering farms in the digital domain in terms of special effects software, rendering technology and even hardware must be ahead of other peers for two to three years. The gap between them is not close to the angle and big investment.

Even if the heart is very resistant to cooperation with fireflies, but in the production of "Mummy 2", Universal has to hand over a large number of difficult special effects lenses to the digital field, and other major film companies have more or less dependence on the digital field. It is this dependence that provides more opportunities for technology development and accumulation in the digital arena, prompting it to set aside the industry peers.

At this time, several other big movie companies have actually discovered a cruel fact: If the fireflies cut off the external cooperation in the digital field, then there is no doubt that in the next few years, they will have difficulty making special effects. A movie work that fireflies compete against each other.

For the Firefly Group with an annual turnover of more than 20 billion US dollars, even if the "Titanic" is completely lost, it will not have any substantial impact on the company in terms of the economy. But many things are not simple money to measure.

The total investment in the production and distribution of Titanic reached 265 million US dollars, which is unprecedented in the history of Hollywood movies. Once such a huge-scale film project fails, the confidence of the Firefly Group in film production is incalculable. .

Michael Eisner is looking forward to this result.

Although Eric has absolute control over the fireflies, it is impossible for him to completely ignore the wishes of the management and other shareholders, which will only make the Firefly Group into turmoil. When a super-big project like "Titanic" fails, Firefly shareholders and executives will inevitably reflect on the filmmaking and distribution strategies of recent years, and the result of this reflection must be for a long time to come. Fireflies will tend to be conservative in film production.

With the size of 00 people in the digital field of Firefly, it is enough to support the production of four to six special effects films. Once the size of the firefly movie production is conservative due to the "Titanic" box office failure, the digital field must rely on accepting external orders. It can guarantee that more than 2,000 employees will not have nothing to do. Then, at least in the next few years, the possibility of fireflies breaking off the digital field will not exist. The pace of development of the firefly movie business is slowing down. Other film companies have enough time to catch up with the fireflies in film production and special effects technology accumulation, and the Firefly Group has recovered from the failure of the Titanic. Perhaps, the difference between the starting lines and the starting line will not be so far.

In the Golden Globe, the fireflies were secretly pushed. Michael Eisner did not intend to continue to do anything to add to the game. Now almost the entire industry is dying "Titanic", even inside the Firefly Group. The failure of the film does not report too much expectations. The failure of Titanic is almost inevitable. He has already begun to consider the development plan for the next year.

The production of "Mummy 3" is a bit difficult. The success of the first two parts has led to a sharp rise in the payoffs from the producer to the protagonist of the film, and immediately started the production, whether it is to change the budget, or to increase the budget to invite the original class. Global will bear a very high risk, so Michael Eisner decided to launch the Mummy movie from the Mummy series, which was inspired by the project he saw a long time ago.

After sorting out all kinds of ideas in my mind, I was close to ten o'clock, and Michael Eisner's wife Jane Breckenridge began to urge her husband to rest. Michael Eisner was shocked two years ago. After the heart quadruple bypass surgery, although the recovery is good, but the heart is not good people are most afraid of staying up late, this aspect is very tight to my husband.

Michael Eisner heard his wife's urging, and got up from the living room sofa to go to the bedroom, but in my heart, I would like to have dinner with George Lucas tomorrow to talk about the cooperation between Universal Pictures and Industrial Light and Magic.

Despite the strong support of Microsoft, Michael Eisner is not optimistic about the Berliner film that Spielberg has cooperated with, and Universal is not too active in vying for the distribution rights of the film of Ann Berlin. However, Michael · Eisner is very concerned about the development prospects of industrial light magic, although this special effects company is a bit far from the digital field, but as a veteran special effects giant, industrial light magic is also the last industry company that may catch up with the digital field, Michael· Eisner knows that only the industrial light magic develops and keeps pace with the digital field, so that everyone can avoid being suddenly caught by fireflies. (To be continued.)

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