I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 830: You really are deliberate

"Eric, why bother to do this self-defeating business, if the digital field continues to maintain an open cooperation strategy, with the influence of the Titanic, doubling the turnover in the future will not be a problem. You know, at the current speed of technology development, other special effects companies want to catch up with the digital field, and it will take a few years." For a moment, Michael Eisner spoke again.

Eric looked up and smiled inexplicably. "Michael, I want only a few years, not to mention that others want to catch up, but the digital field will never stop waiting for them."

"But I don't think you have to do this at all," Michael Eisner said again. "Look, count the box office of the Titanic. Fireflies will have a total box office of $2 billion this year, more than 30% of the market. Share, this should definitely be the pinnacle of Hollywood's big movie company."

"No, Michael, you are just used to the state of Hollywood's seven coexistence, you will feel that this is just the peak of a Hollywood movie company. But we break this thinking and think about why it can't be 50%, 60%, 70% Even more, in other industries, this is not a rare thing. If so, why not Hollywood?"

Michael Eisner heard Eric’s words and his face was slightly amazed. He didn’t think Eric’s ambition would be so big.

If other people say this, Michael Eisner will almost immediately laugh out, but these words are the youngest in Hollywood in recent years. And he has done too many things that are completely impossible for many people.

However, after a brief horror, Michael Eisner still shook his head: "Eric, Hollywood and other industries are different. As a creative industry, human factors are crucial in this industry, although many people say Hollywood. It’s a world film factory, but you’ll never be able to bring all the great filmmakers together under one family, working exclusively in your own 'factory'. Even if the fireflies push all the other six Hollywood players out, you can’t It is inevitable to meet the requirements of all filmmakers, and then they are destined to create new film companies to compete with fireflies, just like Chaplin’s United States, Howard Hughes’s Thunder, and now Spielberg's Ann Berlin."

Eric smiled and said: "Michael, how is Ann Berlin going, I don't know, but the first two film companies you mentioned, now just no longer exist. In my opinion, with the prevalence of the big capital operation of the film industry It will be more and more difficult for latecomers to enter this industry. Therefore, as long as I keep the fireflies with sufficient advantages, I will eat the original old movie companies one by one."

Michael Eisner bounced and hesitated and asked, "You mean, eat?"

“Yes, it’s eating,” said Eric, who tasted the crabmeat in front of him and nodded. “The food here is really good, maybe I can come often in the future.”

"Oh, then you certainly won't encounter a moment without a seat," Michael Eisner smiled, and he still wondered what Eric had just said.

If the fireflies want to wipe out all the other Hollywood movie companies, it is certainly not practical, but if they follow the Eric, they will merge, then the possibility is really not completely absent.

But Michael Eisner is also not so pessimistic. He is now fifty-five years old. Maybe the fireflies can do it in ten or even twenty years, but at that time, he must have retired. They will have nothing to do with him. Now, as long as he manages Universal Studios well, this slightly stunned idea makes Michael Eisner inexplicably indifferent, and neither of them mentions the movie. It is free to comment on the food in the restaurant and other irrelevant topics.

After all, Eric and Michael Eisner have no personal grudges. What's more, the fireflies used the opportunity to acquire Disney to drive Michael Eisner out of the Disney Group. If you complain, Michael Eisner is against Eric. Gram's grievances are definitely bigger. Since the other party has not shown these things, Eric will certainly not.

After skipping the topic of the digital field, the two people's subsequent dining process was relatively light and pleasant, and they continued to talk until ten o'clock.

Looking at the car of Michael Eisner, Eric also got on his own car.

It was late at night, and Eric did not rush back to the sharp corner manor, but told the driver to drive to the top of Beverly.

Before coming to the mansion of Elizabeth and Julia, Eric sent the driver to leave, pressed the doorbell, and the inquiry sounded in the talker. Eric responded that the door was quickly opened.

Julia was wearing brown hair, wearing only a long, light yellow close-fitting sweater, licking two long legs, and lazy to appear in front of Eric, and snoring and whispering: "Ai Rick, you are coming."

"Yeah," Eric smiled and reached out and said, "Don't wear it like this, isn't it cold?"

In Los Angeles in February, there was still some cold at night.

Julia posted it, grabbed Eric’s waist, kissed him kissed on his cheek and said, “Not cold, not outside.”

Eric hugged her, and she was about to let go. The girl had already put her chin on his shoulder, and a pair of slender **** rang up, and the whole person hung on him.

"Oh, how to be like Drew," Eric smiled, closing the door with his backhand, holding Julia's light body and jokingly said: "It seems like a lot of fat."

Julia's mouse bites in the neck of Eric, and some whispered softly: "Get fat and feel more feel, Eric, you can try it now."

"Hey, I am afraid of cold, let's go to the house," Eric almost didn't slap, and patted Julia. Seeing that the girl didn't mean it, she had to hug her toward the villa.

Although it is already more than ten o'clock, the lights in the villa are still bright, Eric knows that Elizabeth is actually a night owl, and most of the workplace strongmen are so.

There was a TV in the living room, and the sound was very small. Elizabeth held a thick folder on the sofa and wore a close-fitting sweater similar to Julia. See Eric holding Julia and coming in, licking her mouth. "You guy, can you wait so hard?"

Eric did not explain that Julia was thrown on the sofa and sat down next to Elizabeth and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Introduction to some movie projects," Elizabeth said, and he was welcome. He handed it over a stack: "Hey, you help me see it, pick one or two."

Eric took it over and smiled and asked: "Can I take it if I pick it?"

Elizabeth succinctly said: "No."

Julia, who was originally thrown into Eric by the Eric, also came over and sat down with Eric.

Seeing Elizabeth reading the information carefully, Eric did not fight in the gag, just picking up Julia's slender legs and putting them on his lap to play, and by the way, he opened several documents in his hand.

Just sweeping the name of the first document, Eric raised his eyebrows and patiently read the project brief and the script outline. He said, "The British Patient, this project is good, it is very suitable for Miramax. Make a lottery."

Elizabeth glanced up and saw Eric’s hand on Julia’s thigh, rubbing it, snorting and turning her eyes: “This is what Harvey had seen last year, in order to avoid and "Shakespeare's Love History" competes in Oscar and was pushed to this year, of course, it is very suitable for Miramax."

Eric nodded: "Fortunately, it was not put this year, or it would be a pity."

In Eric's view, "British Patient" is definitely better than "Shakespeare's Love Story", and the artistic connotation is more profound. If it is put down by the "Titanic" PK this year, it is a pity.

Elizabeth certainly knows what Eric is all about. I think of the Titanic, which has recently flourished around the world. She suddenly recalled some details of last year, twisted over and stared at Eric, saying: Your time is definitely intentional."

This is too confusing, and Eric reveals a puzzled expression.

"That time, you said that let Fox invest $50 million in Titanic."

Eric suddenly remembered, of course, he was deliberate, just to fine-tune the old man of the Elizabethan family. The original investment invitation was vetoed by Murdoch himself.

Now, although the strong box office of Titanic has no intention of stopping, this week, the fireflies will probably be able to recover the original production cost of $215 million. It is expected that by the end of February, all production and distribution costs will be It will be recovered, and then the Titanic will bring pure fire to the fireflies.

There is no box office forecasting agency that can predict how much the Titanic global box office can go, but they are clear that the profits that Titanic will bring to fireflies will definitely far exceed the original 2.65. A total investment of billions of dollars. Even some media predict that if the "Titanic" can become the highest-selling film in North America and the world, with the strong influence of the champion effect, "Titanic" at the box office, videotape, DVD and various surrounding areas. The release of the product will be able to bring a profit of no less than $1 billion to the fireflies, which has almost exceeded the total profit of most studios for one year.

However, at this time, looking at the Elizabethan cat staring at himself, Eric will not admit it anyway.

But Elizabeth realized this from Erik's brief hesitation. Suddenly, she rushed over like an angry kitten, opened Julia, crossed Eric, and grabbed his collar: "You bastard, you really deliberate."

Eric’s mouth was filled with a smile that was difficult to hide. He raised his hands to make a surrender, and he did not admit his idea. “Liz, you are calm, I am not a god, how can I know that Titanic No. "What will happen at the box office? You didn't see me getting an anxiety disorder for this time?"

When I heard Eric’s excuses, Julia, who was smashed to the side, looked at Elizabeth’s seemingly torn Eric into two halves, inexplicably a little excited, but involuntarily helped: “Yes, Yes."

"You shut up," Elizabeth glanced at Julia and stared at Eric. "You are deliberate. Now, you are not very proud."

"I swear to God..."

"Hey, you guys don't believe in religion at all," Elizabeth said, but the little hand unbuttoned the buttons on the neckline of Eric's shirt.

Eric is about to continue to argue, seeing Elizabeth lean over and immediately alert, and quickly said: "Do not bite... Ah."

I haven't had time to reach out and block it. There has been a pain in my shoulder.

Julia softly squatted beside her, watching Elizabeth's little white teeth bite on Eric's shoulder, very envious, the whole little heart felt trembled, couldn't help but reach out and touched it, retracted her hand, see There was a trace of blood on the fingertips, and I immediately felt distressed and pushed Elizabeth: "Liz, stop, bleed."

Elizabeth, who was already on the head, heard Julia's words. She left Eric and saw the blood on his shoulders. It oozes blood and slams his hand and presses it. "Eric, sorry, I Not intentional."

Eric sighed and looked down. There were two rows of obvious tooth prints on his shoulders. There were only a few broken skins, not serious. I saw Elizabeth’s expression of apology and even crying. I couldn’t give any anger, and solemnly nodded: "Well, I know you didn't mean it."

Thinking of the conversation that had just been debated by two people, Elizabeth heard Eric’s words and smacked her lips, but she was not talking about anything. She took the paper towel that Julia had handed over to help Eric stain the blood, saying: “Use Don't wipe it with potion?"

Eric laughed: "It is said that saliva has a disinfecting effect."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and gave it aside, and said to Julia: "You come."

Julia immediately posted it, and Eric quickly stopped: "Okay, I just made a joke, sit down, don't make trouble. The tongue is closed, it's really ugly."

Julia smirked and saw that she had occupied Elizabeth’s position and sat on Eric. She refused to leave. She leaned over and kissed Eric’s face a few times, and lifted her body and reached out. Retiring the long-sleeved sweater on the body, except for a pair of pure white pants, there is no cover.

Elizabeth saw Julia's movement, very dissatisfied: "Hey, I changed the sofa cover yesterday, can you go to the bedroom?"

Responding to Elizabeth's is a big hand to force her over, Eric's voice sounded: "Take off your sweater, I will see."

The lights in the living room seem to be fascinated. In the soft sound of the cymbals, the woman whispered half-truth: "You, chaos, bastard, ah."

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