I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 832: The more developed, the more difficult it is to change

The story of "Royal Casino" is very simple. James Bond and the Ghost Party have a complete and smooth story of the $150 million huge gambling. The whole film consists of a three-stage plot of airport crisis, casino confrontation and final battle. It is the appearance of the angel trio. Because there are two pieces in the front of the "Jiao Jiaowa", the film does not need to have more pen and ink for the background of the trio, which is directly the hot action movie.

After years of personally mentoring the production of many large-scale productions, Eric is increasingly able to capture the key factors in the success of big-production commercial films. The most important of these is that the film story should be simple and straightforward. This actually coincides with the high-concept film theory that emerged in the 1980s.

The simpler the main storyline of the core story, the film director can get more room to play during the filming process. The most classic case is Cameron’s Terminator. The whole story is around T- 800 was sent by Skynet to the past to assassinate Sarah Connor. Without any complicated branch story, Cameron was proud to play his personal film talents. In the end, the film won the global box office of $80 million at a cost of 6 million. And let Cameron rank among the top Hollywood directors.

On the other hand, if a movie wants to show too much to the audience, the result is often that the director can't finish a complete story in two hours. The reason for this failure is more in Hollywood.

In the auditorium, MGM executives and filmmakers are clearly satisfied with the film's effect.

The traditional 007 movies often have the shortcomings of fragmentation of the story. The producers often stuff into plots that have nothing to do with the main line of the movie, just to highlight the ethos of Bond or the heroic and invincible character image, and thus lead to most of the episodes. There are many loopholes. "Royal Casino" completely reversed this shortcoming while retaining the traditional 007 film style. Bond is no longer inexplicably appearing in a military base of an unnamed villain to kill the Quartet, and is no longer very abrupt by MI6. A hot girl shouted out on the bed to perform the task.

At the end of the film screening, the lights lit up, and a clear applause sounded in the auditorium. I knew that Eric was not the kind of director who was just using it. Everyone started to speak freely in the auditorium and expressed their opinions on the film.

Although Eric is also very satisfied with the filming effect of "Royal Casino", he also knows the truth of the authorities. Because of his different personal ideas, perhaps the plot that he thinks is very good is very out of place in the eyes of others.

After discussing it for more than an hour, Eric also roughly determined several modifications and planned to make a second revision of the film in the next week.

According to the Royal Casino's production and distribution schedule, the film will be completely completed in March. In the meantime, the film will undergo further internal audition, which is like the closed test of online games later. Some ordinary viewers are selected. In the auditorium with real-time monitoring system installed, there are special buttons on the armrests of the audience. During the movie viewing process, if the viewer is bored or disgusted with certain plots or certain shots, the button can be pressed at any time, and the production company will make further adjustments to the film based on the viewer's real-time feedback. After that, it will enter the stage of grading and publicity.

Of course, these processes are not fixed, and everything depends on the distribution of power between film investors, producers, and directors. If a director has absolute control over the production of the film, neither the investor nor the producer can intervene, and the director can of course edit the film exactly according to his own ideas. On the other hand, if the final editing rights are firmly in the hands of the producers, the director is likely to be completely unable to get in the final stage.

Eric certainly has absolute control over the Royal Casino. He can edit the film exactly as he wishes, but it is obviously unwise. Even the Titanic has actually experienced it. In the 'closed test' phase, Cameron also modified some of the plots based on feedback from the audience.

After discussing the amendments, I had lunch at Firefly Studios, and everyone left. The headquarters of MGM has moved to Venice Beach not far from Firefly Studios, which is near the headquarters of Flower Studios. Because Kokri sold all of MGM's studios as land, MGM now needs most of the filming in the studio, which is basically rented in Firefly Studios.

With the revival of MGM, MGM's management also discussed plans to rebuild the studio. Drew also asked Eric for advice, but was rejected by Eric. In recent years, more and more movies have begun to pursue real-life effects, especially for large-scale production. Unless it is a special effects scene, it will rarely be shot in the studio, and the tax refund system will gradually emerge in the US states and overseas. The future of Hollywood movies will be less and less in Los Angeles. MGM will build a studio at this time, which will only cause unnecessary waste of resources.

Eric and Drew sent away the brothers and sisters of Brockley, and saw Shantou leave the parking lot with himself. Eric smiled and asked, "Did you not work in the afternoon?"

Drew took the first two steps and held Eric's arm intimately. He said with a smile: "Yes, it's a film audition, but I don't want to go there anyway. Anyway, Amy looks after them."

"Oh," Eric smiled and said, "What movie?"

"Different, a sci-fi horror film."

Eric nodded and did not show anything different. In memory, this film should be a work in 1995. However, since many films have been produced in advance, it is not a surprise that some movies have been delayed for one or two years. The time, the preparation of a Hollywood movie for ten years and eight years is simply too common.

When Shantou said this, he came again and said: "Today, the audition is the heroine. I also let Natasha try it. Unfortunately, the two of them are too stupid. They are like two pieces of wood in front of the camera. I can't say anything."

Eric turned his head and looked at the twins who were quiet behind them. When they heard Drew’s words, Natasha’s sisters were also a little embarrassed. Seeing Eric looked over and slid his head in unison.

Because Eric likes to use Ivanka as a mascot in his film, Shantou has also said that he wants to make Natasha sisters a mascot in the flower film movie. Unfortunately, Eric has never seen it. After the twins appeared in the camera, it seems that there is no such talent, but it is the self-sufficiency. Since the guest has been a guest in "Screams of Scream", it is often gone in various movies.

I remembered that Natasha Hensquech, the heroine of the original time in the "Different", happened to be in the Vimi Army. Eric asked: "Since the audition at the MGM headquarters, it should be the last round, you Do you have a valued person?"

"Amy originally wanted to play Paulina Preskova, but the director disagreed, and everyone can only re-elect."

Eric remembers Preskova's face like Audrey Hepburn, and if he is himself, he won't agree. The heroine of "Different" should be the type of actor with Natasha Huntsque's temperament. The temperament of Paulina Preskova is too elegant, only suitable for the Princess of Monaco. What.

In addition to guiding Wei Mi’s big show, Eric and Natasha Hensquech had no contact at all. At this time, there was nothing to say, but just casually said: “If the budget is enough, you can let Claude I try it."

Claudia Schiffer is more than enough to replace Natasha Huntsque, and their temperament is very similar.

Shantou shook his head: "Invited, Claudia is not willing to play, because there are a lot of dramas in the film, the production budget is not too much, so I plan to use cheaper newcomers."

The two walked all the way, did not return to the office of the administrative center Eric, but went to the office area in the digital field. Cameron had already arrived in the morning, but Eric was busy with the "Royal Casino", the two just played two In the face, Eric did not see Cameron's figure at noon, and did not know if the other person had gone.

Entering the main No. 1 in the digital field, I asked the staff, and Eric quickly found Cameron in the rest area who was sitting at a table with Stan Winston and dancing.

The great success of the Titanic on a global scale has left Cameron completely relieved of the original pressure, and it has been quite popular in recent times.

Seeing that Eric was approaching, Cameron and Stan Winston stood up and greeted him. He said hello, four people sat down on a long table, and Eric told the twins to make coffee, Cameron. But I can't wait to say: "Eric, I don't think you have hidden good things here, I didn't even tell me before."

Eric smiled and said: "You are more familiar with this place than your own. There is something that can hold you."

As a film technology madman, Cameron only appears in the Firefly Studios, most of the time is directed at the digital field, even if there is no work, Cameron often comes over and visit some special effects that have just been developed in the digital field. Technology, the cooperation between the two parties has been very pleasant in recent years. In terms of technology, the digital field's support for Cameron's film can be said to spare no effort, which also led to Cameron not creating his own light storm studio. In most cases, he only uses the resources in the digital field to realize his own variety. The idea, which in turn, has benefited the digital realm.

Stan Winston sees Eric looking at him puzzledly and explains: "Eric is the IMAX plus 3D screen we just installed."

Eric immediately understood that when I accidentally noticed IMAX in New York last year, Eric made the digital domain deliberately set up a related technical team to develop IMAX and polarized 3D technology in cooperation with Canadian IMAX.

These two technologies have been in existence for decades, but for various reasons, they have not been widely used in the film industry. Now, with the financial and technical support in the digital field, related applications are quickly developed. IMAX is also in the final public relations of the technology of ordinary film to IMAX film. It is expected that the normal two-hour IMAX movie will be realized next year. Before that, the IMAX film was only 40 minutes, and the conversion technology was not mature enough. Polarized 3D technology is much simpler. In order to carry out various tests, recently, the digital field has just installed a large screen combined with 3DIMAX in the studio. This should be what Cameron called ‘good things’.

For the past six months, Cameron has been busy with the production of "Titanic", coupled with the cost of the film and the pressure on the box office, Cameron certainly does not care about the new technology in the digital field.

"This is some of the ideas that I produced last year. You see, from silent movies to sound movies, from black and white movies to color movies, it took less than 30 years. Now, two or three decades have passed. There must be some brand new changes in the movie playback situation, so I will be optimistic about these two technologies."

Cameron was quite excited, saying: "Eric, you mean, are you going to promote 3D and IMAX on a large scale?"

Eric shook his head slightly and smiled. "I think so, but always step by step. You must have already experienced it now, then you will definitely find the difficulty of promoting these two technologies. 3D may be better, just replace the 3D projector and related accessories, but for IMAX, most theaters in North America, want to replace the IMAX screen, obviously not too realistic."

The number of movie screens in North America has grown from more than 22,000 in the early 1990s to more than 28,000 in the past. However, the more developed the film industry, the more difficult it is to reform. The 28,000 screens in the United States are basically auditoriums built according to the specifications of ordinary 2D screens. These auditoriums are basically impossible to accommodate IMAX screens with lengths and widths of tens of meters. cinema.

Therefore, Eric's first step is to start with the easier 3D.

As a movie madman, Cameron has more obvious idealism than Eric. Listening to him, he is not discouraged. Instead, he said: "Eric, I believe, as long as you want to do it, you will succeed. So, don't you think, maybe we can try this technique on Spider-Man, you think about Peter Parker flying on the huge IMAX screen, flying the tall buildings, oh, plus 3D, that kind of picture is definitely very shocking."

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