I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 841: Strong

Chapter 841

During the conversation, the 87-year-old senior Rosie player, Gloria Stewart, slowly entered the background with the help of everyone.

"So, Maggie, we will see you at the Vanity Fair party." When it was no longer the time to talk about the Yahoo Music Store, Eric greeted Madonna and walked toward the side of Gloria Stewart.

The old man has been helped by the crowd to sit down on the sand. Although the award ceremony has been going on for more than two hours, the mental state of Gloria Stewart is still very good. From time to time, he has reached out and touched the best supporting actor in the last session, Kevin Kevin. Shi Paishi helped her Xiaojin, who was in her hands, smiled and said: "Unbelievable, it is incredible."

As one of the golden age actresses, Gloria Stewart has faded out as early as the mid-1940s, so this is the first time she has won an Oscar nomination and won an award.

Eric walked over and held the old man's hand to congratulate him. Everyone talked for a moment, and the old man did not agree with his daughter's suggestion to go back to rest in advance. I hope to witness the last moment. Eric will personally help the elderly. Return to the auditorium again.

Just returned to his seat, the last director of the best director Robert Zemikis has already stepped onto the stage and began to introduce the best director nominee.

A close-up of the five best director candidates appeared on the big screen.

Robert Zemikis opened the envelope and announced a name that was no longer suspense at this time: "Oscar will return, James Cameron, "Titanic."

In the applause and cheers, everyone around the "Titanic" crew stood up in excitement, and Eric followed up and applauded and looked at Cameron, who was embracing everyone.

Because of sitting in the middle, seeing Cameron coming over, Eric just reached out and wanted to celebrate with Cameron. Cameron held Eric’s hand but did not leave. Instead, he sat down. William Stewart and Drew outside Eric were forced to squeeze over.

In the laughter of the people around him, William Stewart and Drew both smiled and let the aisle.

Eric took Cameron's bear hug and slammed it twice on his back. He smiled: "Man, I know you are very excited, go up, everyone is waiting for you."

"Thank you, Eric, anyway," Cameron said again, releasing Eric and shaking his fist, and he continued to walk to the stage.

Eric turned around and Shantou had occupied his position. He pointed at his original seat with a smile. He said, "You still sit here. I don't want to wait for Jim to step on the dress. It's expensive." ""

Eric had to sit down next to him, listening to the Cameron language quickly expressing the award-winning testimony, asked William Stewart next to him, said: "William, you must be on the stage, how do you feel?"

Oscar's best film can be declared up to three places. The original Titanic only nominated Cameron and Jon Landau.

But this time, as one of the important producers, Firefly also reported the name of William Stewart. Although he had been unhappy many times during the filming process, Cameron did not object to the arrangement of fireflies.

"Excited," William Stewart said, shaking his head again and smiling: "However, this experience is enough once, and it is too difficult to work with Jim." After a pause, William Stewart tried: " Eric, I hope to help you as a producer."

On the stage, Cameron once again thanked Eric. The camera swept over. Eric smiled and nodded. When the camera left, he said, "This is a good note. I also hope to have someone who is familiar with g effects. Help me, you must have accumulated a lot of experience this time."

The producer of Eric's film has always been personally responsible for Jeffrey. After Jeffrey retired, Jerry Bruckheimer took over the position and the cooperation between the two sides in Jurassic Park was very pleasant. However, in recent years, Jerry Bruckheimer’s energy has been increasingly placed on his own film and television companies. Although these companies are affiliated with Fireflies, he certainly cannot be fully committed to Eric’s Producer. After completing the "Casino Royale" in collaboration with Broccoli's brothers and sisters, Eric will need to find a new producer to help him manage the production.

William Stewart apparently realized this opportunity. Hearing Eric said, he immediately said, "That's it."

Eric was able to understand the urgency of William Stewart and smiled and said: "Of course, that's it."

On the stage, Cameron once again shouted the iconic ‘I am the king of the world’ and left the stage in the applause of everyone.

Subsequently, Al Pacino staged the best film awards, and naturally there was no accident.

Cameron, who hurried back to his seat, got up again and walked to the stage with Jon Landau and William Stewart.

At this point, the 69th Oscar Awards ceremony was a perfect closing ceremony. "Titanic" eventually won 13 small gold people, creating an unprecedented record in the history of Oscar.

The east coast of the United States is already early in the morning, but Los Angeles on the west coast is just nine o'clock in the evening, the beginning of nightlife.

After the break, no matter whether they won the prize or not, most of the guests went to the party scattered around Los Angeles.

After several years of exhibitions, the Condé Nast Group pays more attention to the brand effect brought by the Vanity Fair party and pays more and more contacts and resources to attract Oscar core guests. As a win-win cooperation, there are also more and more superstar celebrities in the Oscar, leaning towards the Vanity Fair party.

Firefly and Condé Nast have already reached a cooperation agreement before the Oscar, will cancel a separate celebration party, and all its crews will be directed to the Vanity Fair party. In exchange, the media of Condé Nast needs to provide more layout for the follow-up promotion of the firefly-winning film. Resources.

Therefore, after the award ceremony, the main creations of the "Titanic" and "Red Alert" crews rushed to the venue of the "Vanity Fair" party, Beverly Hills Art Center.

Eric took Drew off the parking lot, and Peter Ritchie separated the crazy reporters outside with a bodyguard team and escorted both of them into the art center.

Just entering the hall, Eric saw a middle-aged man with a bald forehead welcoming him warmly.

"Who is this?" The girl asked doubtfully on Eric.

Peter Ritchie had already followed and whispered at Eric: "Louis Horwitz, director of the awards ceremony."

The middle-aged man came to the front at this time, as if he did not notice Peter Ritchie’s whisper to Eric, and reached out with enthusiasm: “Eric, congratulations, 13 awards, this is a miracle.”

“Thank you, Mr. Horwitz,” Eric reached out and shook hands and said: “This awards ceremony is also very good.”

"Haha, I am so glad that you can like it," Luis Horvitz smacked with Eric, until the two sides entered the party hall, and Luis Horwitz left.

Shantou looked at the other person's figure and said: "It's a funny guy, so excited, as if he won the award."

"He must have won the prize," Eric said with a smile. He turned to ask Peter Ritchie behind him: "The ratings of this awards ceremony should be counted?"

"Yes, Mr. Williams," Peter Ritchie said: "The initial statistics from the ab side, the average number of viewers is 51 million, which is 12 million more than last year. The highest ratings are in the last ten minutes. According to this data, the Oscar-second advertising price should be around $950,000, which is higher than in previous years. As a director, Mr. Luis Horwitz should be able to get a certain bonus."

After listening to Eric, he smiled and said: "Look, he did win the prize."

Shantou smiled and said: "Oh, that's definitely not worth the prize we got."

With that said, Eric remembered one more thing and asked Peter Ritchie: "Madonna should come over?"

Peter Ritchie said: "Miss Siconi should be on the invited list, need me to ask?"

Eric nodded and said: "If it is certain that she will come over, you will call someone to send a few samples of fire1yer, I will wait for it."

"Okay," said Peter Ritchie, seeing that Eric had no other instructions, he hurriedly turned and left.

Shantou turned his head and looked at the picture of Peter Ritchie’s departure. He smiled and said: "The very capable guy, Eric, why, why do you still plan to let him go to ffm?"

Eric took two glasses of wine from the waiter and handed it to the steamed bread, explaining: "Like Allen, these people should be our shackles."

Eric originally assigned his assistant, Alan Fisman, to ab as the department manager. After several years of tempering, he has been promoted to abbsp; it is Allen’s success that gave Eric a certain start. Let him decide to continually pick elites from his assistant's office, first to be familiar with them for a while, and then arrange for them to work in major companies within the Firefly system based on their personal abilities to build a sturdy management team.

Of course, Eric will not give special care to these people, unless they can prove their strength, they will still face the fate of being eliminated.

Shantou only seemed to understand and nodded, and the guests in the party hall greeted them. She also let go of this idea and enthusiastically communicated with Eric in the crowd.

As more and more people rush to the party, the hall is getting more and more lively.

The "Titanic" crew, which concentrated almost all the glory tonight, was undoubtedly the most dazzling group of people. After the party started for a long time, everyone spent a series of congratulations and compliments.

After about an hour, Eric got out of the way alone, and Madonna had just arrived at the party, and came over to say hello.

Eric took a fire1yer player from Peter Ritchie on the sidelines and walked to Madonna, who was chatting with someone in a deck.

Sitting opposite Madonna is a Hollywood star who is not familiar with Eric. The appearance of twenty-five and six years old seems to have appeared in the popular horror movies of recent years.

Eric couldn't name the other person for a moment, just said: "Hey, can you talk to Maggie alone?"

Although the young man was somewhat swayed by the Queen, but when she saw Eric, she immediately woke up, and apparently misunderstood something. Hum, with some squatting, said: "Of course, Mr. Williams, me, oh, I will leave."

Madonna looked at the small fresh meat that was about to arrive, disappeared, pouted, and saw Eric, who sat down on his opposite side, immediately spurred and began to be strong: "Eric, I am planning Start a new romance, now you are being irritated, how are you going to compensate me?"

Eric can't take the meaning of the move. He can't be interested in this cold-spoken song. He just handed it over to the fire1yer in the pocket. He said, "Hey, I will pay you this." ""

Madonna picked up the sky-blue fire1yer and looked at it a few times. She suddenly laughed and said, "I have seen it, and my agent told me that this kind of small thing may seriously damage the sales of physical records. ”

Said, Madonna also glanced at Eric with great interest, with a little bit of gaze and ridicule in his eyes, seems to want to see how Eric will answer.

"In the 1970s, when Sony just launched a video recorder, Hollywood also produced a similar view to your current view. Universal Pictures and the Disney Group also had a 10-year lawsuit against Sony," Eric did not mind Madonna. The implied refusal in the speech, he said: "But twenty years later, the annual videotape sales of Hollywood movies have exceeded 100 million US dollars, more than twice the box office data of Hollywood. It is the rise of the videotape industry. Only caused the prosperity of Hollywood today."

That being said, Eric once again took out another white fire1yer from his pocket and said: "And what we are seeing now is the future of the record industry."

"It's very interesting," Madonna played with the player in her hand and said: "Eric, I am not so easy to be convinced."

"I didn't intend to convince you tonight, I am just creating a chance for everyone."

"Oh, what chance?"

"Of course it is an opportunity for cooperation." (To be continued.) 8

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