I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 845: Are you sure you are normal?

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Eric rushed to the Fox studio in Century City on time.

Just got off the bus and saw Elizabeth stepping on the high heels, followed by a small assistant holding a file.

Eric and Elizabeth hugged and let go and walked outside the parking lot, not forgetting to ask: "How are you here?"

Elizabeth threw a white eye: "Here is my family, why can't I be here."

“I mean...” Eric wanted to ask why she would pick herself up. Elizabeth is currently only responsible for the film production department of the 20th Century Fox. Although the project “End of the World” is quite worthy of Fox’s attention. But not under her jurisdiction. However, Eric is still a spreader, well, the whole studio is her home anyway: "Forget it, I won't say it."

"Hey," Elizabeth snorted, but then came over and kissed Eric's hand intimately. "Dad told me to talk to you about the digital distribution of the original soundtrack..."

"Stop," Eric did not wait for Elizabeth to go on, and quickly interrupted her, said: "Liz, I have spent too much water to convince others in the past few days, let me rest, don't talk about music today. it is good?"

In order to get as much music content as possible, Eric developed a strategy for the traditional singer's digital music album to delay the release of physical records for three months. This solution will not only be implemented in the Firefly system, but also greatly increased the introduction of external The possibility of record company content.

However, the Yahoo Music Store can't always be the old music content. To make up for this, the movie soundtrack in the Firefly system will adopt a strategy of simultaneous release with the physical record.

Outside the Firefly Group, MGM agreed with the program almost without hesitation.

But Murdoch is not very satisfied with the plan, but the 20th Century Fox is also difficult to directly reject the plan like other film companies.

You know, even if you don't mention the private relationship between Eric and Elizabeth, the cooperation between the Firefly Group and News Corporation in these years is strictly closer than MGM. The companies that directly share the shares of the two parties include Blue Sky Studio, ffm TV, and the Australian branch of the digital field. In addition, like this "End of the World", the cooperation between the two companies in the TV business is also very frequent. Outside of Hollywood, Yahoo! Portal has also reached an agreement with News Corp. to enjoy exclusive online news release rights for several newsgroup media.

Elizabeth is also aware of this. News Corporation’s music business is even insignificant than fireflies, and she does not feel that there is any need for it.

Therefore, although she obeyed the instructions of her old man, she had never thought of convince Eric to look at the slightly tired side of the man next to her. Elizabeth nodded, but pretended not to be willing to deliberately say: "Okay. Then we will talk tomorrow."

Eric didn't care about Elizabeth's habitually strong temper, smiled and walked into the administrative building on the studio.

Although Eric gave the "End of the World" to Fox for the "X-Files", everything was still in the formal business process. The sci-fi drama was jointly invested by the Firefly TV division and the Fox TV division. It also included a shell company from Cameron. The copyright of the TV series is owned by Fox. Fireflies only get the corresponding share according to the investment ratio. pbtt.

Due to the miraculous success of the Titanic, although it was only a TV series conceived by Cameron, the competition for the characters is still very intense.

From the very beginning, the production team set very strict conditions for the audition of the actress Max, the age limit is 1 to 22 years old, and the height at the same price of 1an is indeed somewhat low. With the popularity that firelyer has shown, I think it's not impossible to raise the price to $359 or even $399. ”

"However, we have discussed this issue many times," Eric shared his hand. "We all know that the technical level of firelyer is not too high, even if we have applied for a full range of patents for mp3 players. But as long as competitors want to work on this, they can still create alternatives, so what we have to do is to make firelyer popular as soon as possible, making it an industry standard, rather than chasing profits from the beginning. Moreover, the total manufacturing cost of firelyer is only 15 US dollars. With the increase of production and the development of technology, the comprehensive cost will continue to decline, and we already have enough profit margins."

"However, we have discussed this issue many times," Eric shared his hand. "We all know that the technical level of firelyer is not too high, even if we have applied for a full range of patents for mp3 players. But as long as competitors want to work on this, they can still create alternatives, so what we have to do is to make firelyer popular as soon as possible, making it an industry standard, rather than chasing profits from the beginning. What's more, the total manufacturing cost of firelyer is only $15. With the increase in production and the development of technology, the overall cost will continue to decline. We already have enough profit margins." (To be continued.)

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