I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 851: Don't play too crazy

Can play with Giselle, naturally it will not be the small model of the bottom layer, but the model industry looks glamorous, the income is actually not high, they can earn more than 100,000 dollars a year. A few, Eric’s one-dollar dollar plus a private jet shopping trip immediately screamed the girls.

But very quickly, some girls questioned: "Eric, even if each of us has a half chance to win you, the probability of winning all is only one of the fourteenth power of the second, this probability is almost zero, It’s too unfair.”

Eric was very surprised to see the past, talking about a girl with a Latino appearance, not too beautiful, but the body has the tall and hot Latin American girl.

"I don't think so, I don't think there are math girls here."

"Hey, Eric, you are discriminating," Qus Goff, who was leaning against Eric, immediately protested dissatisfaction.

"Well, I apologize," Eric smiled, looking at the girl who just spoke, saying, "What is your name?"

When I heard Eric’s question, the girl with the accent immediately smacked the syllable and replied, “Fernanda Tavares.”

Eric patted the girl's thigh on the left hand and smiled: "I like girls who can do mathematics, come here."

Fernanda Tavares came over without hesitation, and the girl had some reluctantly let out the position.

Gysel and Alexander, who were squeezed not far away, were even more depressed. Fernanda Tavares came from Brazil. Because he was a fellow countryman, Alexander invited her today. I didn’t expect it to be a mathematics. Really hateful.

What is the meaning of one of the fourteenth power points of the second?

English is still not very good. Giselle thinks hatefully, and can't help but blink at Alexander. Alexander shrinks his neck and continues to hold the white rabbit.

Eric gestured to the girl sitting on the rug next to the coffee table and handed over a glass of champagne to Fernanda Tavares, who was next to him. Then, "Well, if I draw a, I will lose." You have a thirteenth of the winning percentage, one hundred thousand dollars. Oh, you have to add chips."

After a moment of silence, the girls began to think involuntarily. Immediately, a girl screamed in a blank voice: "Oh, I understand, Eric, you want us to undress, right? It must be like this."

Other girls seem to suddenly ‘understand’, and they should laugh with each other.

Eric also smiled and said: "I can't be interested in the small body of your a cup, you still wear clothes to look better."

The average upside of professional models is generally not high. Eric first made a big show, although he chose the best one, but in order to achieve the best breast effect, many angels still need to squeeze the pad. Small means.

Although Eric was telling the truth, there was a burst of dissatisfaction around him, and Qus Gaofu’s little hand patted it on Eric, an angry little look: “What do you want, Ai Rick, are we going to bed with you?"

Eric turned his head and kissed him on the small face of Qus Gaofu. He looked forward and nodded. "This is a good suggestion."


In the scream, several small items like candy pillows flew over, and Eric almost reached out and covered his ears. He quickly said: " Stop and stop, I can't stand the leprechauns of you, so good. Now, if you can't find any powerful chips, then stick it."

Qus Gaofu immediately said: "Eric, it's so ugly, and it will make the makeup on the face."

Eric reached out to play the deck of cards, washed and smiled and replied: "I am not creative, I have not said that I must stick my face, other places."

The girls stunned and then there was another small scream.

"I know, I know, Eric still wants us to undress."

"Well, I am going to be shocked by your little sister-in-law. Now I will start to squat until all the drinks have finished drinking."

Although I understood Eric’s intentions, the girls’ reactions were very “fierce”, but in the end, no one retreated and they came round.

Because the rules were simple, the gambling was very fast, and eventually it was not able to kill all the drinks. When most of the girls were drunk, two of them rushed to the bathroom, and Eric announced the end of the game.

Waking up again is already a bright day.

Judging by two gentle bodies, Giselle and Alexander, although they lost a few times last night, but each time they were filled with a glass of champagne, Eric was not too easy, not at all. The gas is a group of intoxicated girls, just holding Giselle and Alexander into the bedroom, and they are sleeping in a deep sleep.

Looked at the watch, it is already half past eight.

Today, I will continue to discuss the affairs of Marvel Pictures, and Eric will sit up and sit up.

With Eric's ups and downs, Alexander snorted twice and changed his posture without any movement. Giselle opened his eyes, whispered a good morning, and slammed his body on Eric, feeling the man's early morning enthusiasm, whispered: "Eric, do you want it?"

Last night after the game ended, Eric was still awake, but did not want to take the first time when the two girls were intoxicated, so nothing was done.

Although I also thought about it, Eric kissed Giselle’s face and smiled: “Now is not a good time, next time. And I lost a lot of money last night, I have to hurry. Work earned back."

Giselle can of course feel it. Eric didn’t take the opportunity to ask her last night. Her heart was a little touched by the man’s thoughtfulness. She reached out and grabbed it. He leaned into his ear and sighed with enthusiasm: “Then we went to take a shower. Let me help you with your mouth first."

Feeling that Giselle's little tongue was gently twitching on his cheek, Eric finally couldn't hold back the temptation, got out of bed and picked up Giselle and walked toward the bathroom in the girl's chuckle.

After more than half an hour, two talents went out of the bathroom. Eric knew that he was destined to be late today. Although he was not even late, he still had a phone call to Marvel before he was with Giselle. Go down the stairs.

Due to the curtains, the outdoor sunlight did not project into the room, and the living room still lit with the wall lamp was very messy. The sand and the carpet were almost full of girls, some with their pillows and some with them. All sleep well.

Looking at the situation in the living room, remembering that she was alone in the bedroom by Eric last night, Giselle gave birth to a faint sense of superiority, and the original vigilance also dissipated a lot, since Eric did not do it last night. What is extraordinary, today naturally will not do anything more, not to mention, she has just helped Eric to meet.

Putting aside the guard, Giselle was also very considerate, and walked through the living room with Eric, and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

However, just put the bread in the toaster, Giselle thought of something again, said: "Eric, you can lose eight times last night, you really want to..."

Eric carefully turned the omelet in a pan and smiled: "Do you want me to pay?"

"That is, $800,000, and private jets."

Giselle thinks that she feels some pain. Because of Eric's strong support, she has earned more than 100,000 US dollars for the past six months, but deducted various brokers' commissions and taxes, plus she and Alexander. The cost is nothing left. Not to mention the private jets that are equally expensive to fly, $80 million, both past and present, is a huge sum that is unpredictable for her.

Eric put the fried eggs in the plate and licked two more. He continued: "Hey, give you a math problem, 987 minus 677, the result is divided by 365, what is the calculation?"

Giselle remembered Fernanda Tavares last night, turned to the little brain, but there is no clue, her math is not so good. But the girl was somewhat unwilling to lose, so she put down the milk carton in her hand, went to the refrigerator and picked up the sticky note paper and pen that was hanging next to it. I quickly turned around and said, "Probably, is o.85?" ”

Eric watched Giselle's movement with a smile and said: "Yes, my previous year's net worth was $67.7 billion. Last year was $98.7 billion, 365 days a year. So, what is your calculation?"

Giselle immediately grew up in amazement: "Yes, that is, you can earn $85 million a day."

"Yeah, $85 million a day, $35 million an hour, $60,000 a minute, um, I figured it, it took about 13 minutes to make enough of this $80 million, so I still have to pay the bet."

Giselle felt his head start to be a little dizzy: "This is too exaggerated."

Eric smiled and put another one into the plate and said, "Come, baby, how about the taste of the omelette I made in 3 minutes? Very expensive."

Eric’s little joke made Giselle sober, trying to keep himself from thinking about the series of powerless numbers, coming over and picking up a fork to pick up an omelette and put it in his mouth, then taste it and then wrinkle it deliberately. Brows: "It's a bit salty."

"Would you like me to do another 6 minutes?"

"Oh, that's definitely a focus."

Laughing and preparing for breakfast, the two did not go to the restaurant, but came to the bar by the window in the living room, pulled the curtains apart, and sat on the high stool to eat together.

Perhaps it was a little more light in the room, or the stimulation of the food scent. A girl lying on the carpet close to the two people woke up in confusion, but it was Qus Gaofu.

The girl sat up, shook her head, looked down at her chest with a blindfold, and reached out to remove a piece of paper from the top. She subconsciously put it in her mouth and licked it. The note was brought with Eric last night. The cream on the cake sticks, very sweet.

After the hangover, the peculiar bitterness in the mouth dissipated, and Qusi Gaofu was awakened a lot. He took a small nose and turned his head to look at the bar.

Eric happened to sit in the living room and greeted her: "Early, the song, do you want something to eat?"

I woke up, after all, it was impossible to be as crazy as last night, but when I looked at the similar companions around me, Qus Gaofu was not too ashamed.

He smiled awkwardly, and Qusi Gaofu uncovered all the paper sticks stuck to him, and picked up a skirt next to him. Then he came over and said hello: "Early, Eric, Jisai Seoul."

Eric gestured to the girl sitting next to Giselle, and pushed the milk on hand: "If you don't mind, drink my milk pad first, hot."

Stimulated by the scent of food, Qus Gaofu felt that there was an empty surge in her stomach. Of course, she wouldn’t mind. When she thanked her, she took Eric’s milk and drank it.

Giselle saw Eric handing his milk to Qus Gaofu and took the initiative to go to the kitchen to help him prepare for the new one.

Qus Gaofu finished the milk and felt a lot in the stomach. He looked up at Eric and smiled. "Eric, can I take a shower?"

"Of course, the bathroom is over there," Eric pointed, and Qufu Gaofu thanked him and got up and walked toward the bathroom.

After a quick shower, Qus Gaofu came out of the bathroom and saw that Eric had already eaten breakfast. He was sitting at the bar with a pen and filling in something. After approaching, Qus Gaofu was now Cheque, recalling the last night, Qusie Gaofu’s heartbeat suddenly went a little faster. Eric lost eight times last night, that is 80,000 US dollars, even if they want to divide their fourteen girls, each has more than 50,000.

More than 50,000 dollars.

Oh, there are private jets, shopping trips around the world.

When Eric made this bet, she and most of the girls did not expect too much for Eric to meet, especially after Eric gradually lost eight times. In the usual thinking, they don't think anyone will easily pick up $80,000.

Thinking of this, Qusie Gaofu was lightly and close to the bar, trying to make himself appear non-existent, but his eyes turned to the number that Eric was filling out.

One zero, two zeros, three zeros... Hey, why is the number at the beginning of the number 1, it seems to be 8 bars.

Eric completed the check, looked up and saw the song, Gao Fu, smiled, and tore the cheque and handed it to Giselle. He said, "Hey, the extra money is the pocket money for you and Alexander. Here is my assistant's business card, call him, he will help you arrange a private jet, and want to go anywhere."

Giselle held the check that was full of texture, looked at a series of zeros, and also flashed a small star in his eyes, but hesitated, still said: "But, Eric, the company should not agree that we ran to travel, We still have to work."

"Now is not the fashion season, there is so much work. Just say I said, holiday, not working. If anyone disagrees, let e1ite's John Casablanca and ... img's president come to let them Call me." So, Eric took the checkbook, got up and hugged with Giselle, and swept the girls who were still sleeping in the living room, laughing: "Then I went to work, still Yes, you are the big sister, look at them, no matter where you go, you are not allowed to play too crazy." (To be continued.) 8

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