I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 855: Exchange rate issue

Eric took Cindy back to the apartment where he lived at the entrance to Sixth Avenue, just after 8 pm. @乐@文@

Behind Eric, Cindy looked at the living room without any change and said, "I don't know why, I think it's a bit strange to think that you are always living alone."

Eric took off his coat and hung it on the hanger. He sat down at the round table with the laptop next to the floor-to-ceiling window. He pressed the computer's power button and asked, "What's strange?"

Cindy also hung a windbreaker, sitting on the steps of the entrance door and taking off the high boots on his feet. After thinking about it, he said, "Don't you feel cold?"

Eric tapped the keyboard to enter the power-on password and replied: "If I remember correctly, should you live alone?"

"Like, yes," Cindy stunned, still thinking about it, putting high boots, stepping on the slippers and walking next to the wine cabinet at the corner of the living room, picking a bottle of whiskey, and then said: "It’s weird, I feel completely different from living alone and living alone."

"It's very interesting. I want to understand and tell me," Eric felt that the topic seemed to be familiar, and he was too lazy to go to his work mailbox to open the "Titanic" box office data mail sent from Los Angeles.

Cindy glared at her head, and some of them opened the small freezer. I did not forget to turn around and asked: "Do you want to add ice?"

"Actually, I don't like drinking."

"That's really wasteful. The wine in your cupboard adds up enough to buy a nice house in Manhattan," Cindy said, no longer asking Eric's advice, adding ice cubes to himself. I came over with two glasses of whiskey. Put a glass of wine on Eric's hand, and Cindy pulled the chair over and asked, "Can I have a look?"

The content of the e-mail is the detailed box office data of the Titanic in recent weeks and some analysis of the box office trend. Most of them will appear in the public media, and there is no need to keep it confidential.

Eric nodded, letting him go to the side, or took a sip of the whiskey.

With Eric's permission, Cindy was quite happy, but when she saw the 12-inch laptop screen full of dense data forms and text, she suddenly felt dizzy and lost all interest.

With a good look at Eric for a while, Cindy got up and said: "I want to take a shower, Eric, are you coming together?"

Eric patted Cindy's little hand on his shoulder: "Go ahead, I will wait a little longer."

When Cindy leaves, Eric's gaze turns to the laptop screen again.

"Titanic" began to fall after the unprecedented global box office in the Oscars Week.

In the 15th week of North American release, due to the exhaustion of popularity, the one-week box office quickly slipped below $20 million, reaching $18 million. Overseas box office did not continue the feat of breaking the box office by 200 million in a single week. Compared with the 236 million US dollars in the 14th week, the overall overseas box office fell 25% in the 15th week, and received another 177 million US dollars.

In the following weeks, the box office decline in North America began to expand. In the most recent week, the total local box office reached 571 million US dollars, but the single-week box office also fell below the tens of millions of dollars, only 9.3 million.

However, the box office decline in the overseas market has remained at a relatively low 20%. From the outbreak of the overseas market in the 13th week to the current 6 weeks, the total box office in the overseas market has skyrocketed from 400 million US dollars to the terror of 1.281 billion US dollars. The data also pushed the global box office of the film to a high of $1.852 billion.

Although the single-week box office in North America fell into the million range, it has begun to close, which means that the "Titanic" North American box office will not be too far from the previous life. However, due to the adoption of an overseas distribution strategy that is completely different from the original time and space, a large number of overseas ticket warehouse countries have been released in the most prosperous weeks of the "Titanic", which has also stimulated the desire of more potential audiences. Wang, making the "Titanic" overseas box office is even better than ever.

Although the past "Titanic" North American box office continued to fall, it will certainly have the same effect, but due to the lack of confidence of the publisher Fox in the film, the overseas promotion of the film and the size of the cinema are destined to be compared with the present. When the Titanic realized the box office and the award double miracle in North America, the rhythm of many overseas ticket warehouse countries has come to an end. The Titanic North American awards and box office miracles can no longer fully exert the effect of stimulating the market.

At the same time, Eric also found that due to the different distribution strategies, the recovery cycle of overseas box office is also significantly more concentrated in the case that most overseas markets have been thoroughly stimulated. As the "Titanic" is in full swing, once released, most overseas visitors interested in "Titanic" will choose to go to the cinema for the first time, which is also the miraculous creation of the 14th week "Titanic" The main reason for the overseas box office record of $236 million a week.

Moreover, this factor also makes the Titanic's overseas box office decline significantly larger than North America, the 15th week compared to the higher 25% decline in North America also led to the "Titanic" failed to continue to achieve a one-week 200 million initiative.

However, although the overseas box office of Titanic has fallen to $68 million in the past week, the single-week box office decline in overseas markets has clearly begun to narrow to less than 20%, which means that the film has squeezed out purely in a few weeks. After the 'moisture' of ordinary passers-by viewers affected by the box office awards, overseas is still working harder than the larger group of core fans in North America. It is expected that the Titanic overseas box office will still be able to recharge in the next two months. About $300 million, plus the box office power in North America, means that the Titanic's global box office is likely to hit a high of $2.2 billion.

Recalling that at the end of last year, Eric once hoped that the film would be as good as it could be as long as it was able to recover the cost, due to the media’s massive slogan and the lack of confidence of everyone around it.

Subsequently, the "Titanic" North American box office began to erupt, and Eric laid down the shackles and began to expect the film to reach the box office data of the previous life.

Before and after the Oscars, the film accumulated popularity for several months, began to be released on a large scale, and created a box office miracle of 236 million US dollars a week. Eric couldn’t help thinking that perhaps the movie’s global box office could exceed $2 billion. indefinite.

Now, looking at the ultimate forecast of $2.2 billion made by the Firefly Distribution Department for the final box office of the movie, Eric has no idea in mind.

Perhaps the miracle should be something that breaks the limits of everyone's imagination.

In the mailing page, behind the global box office forecast, it is a detailed analysis of the major overseas ticketing countries by the issuing department.

Eric is not very interested in this information, pull down the page, and intends to quickly browse the rest of the mail. However, when I saw the analysis of the box office in Japan, Eric was suddenly attracted by a number.

30 billion yen.

This is the release department's expectation of the total box office of the Titanic Japan.

Eric noticed this number not just because it was $80 million higher than the box office number in the original time.

Moreover, this figure is almost the same as the "Spirited Away" in the first place in the Japanese film history box office. However, after the exchange rate conversion, the 30 billion yen is equivalent to 280 million dollars, but he just remembers that Historically, the local box office of Spirited Away has a US$250 million.

Where is the other $30 million going?

After scanning the page again, Eric quickly searched for a set of numbers, 107:1, which is the current exchange rate of the yen against the US dollar.

In a flash, Eric understood a lot of things.

In the original time and space, the "Titanic" North America was released at the end of 1997, and the release time of Southeast Asian countries is probably similar.

At the end of 1997, what time is it!

The financial crisis has ravaged the whole of Southeast Asia.

In Eric's memory, the currencies of Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines have almost suffered. Even in Japan, affected by the overall economic situation, the currency depreciation has reached about 20%. It is obviously impossible for these destructively devastated monetary systems to return to normal in the short term.

Then, according to this series of information for conversion, in the history, in 1998, the exchange rate of the yen against the US dollar should be around 133:1, while the "Titanic" Japan equivalent to 200 million US dollars at the box office, according to the current 107: The exchange rate calculation of 1 should be about 250 million US dollars.

The difference of $30 million this time may be due to additional gains due to factors such as changes in the issuance strategy, rather than just an incredible 80 million.

Aware of this, Eric immediately operated the mouse and slid the page onto the detailed overseas ticket box office numbers.

In addition to Japan, Southeast Asia's major South Korean, Hong Kong, Taiwan, New Zealand, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and other countries and regions, the current cumulative box office has reached 120 million US dollars, followed by piecemeal, it is expected to be able to harvest another 30 million US dollars.

In other words, Southeast Asian countries and regions, including Japan, will eventually contribute about $430 million to the global box office of Titanic. According to the 35% overseas share, fireflies will probably receive a revenue of $150 million.

But obviously, this must be the case when the Southeast Asian monetary system remains stable.

According to the progress of most Southeast Asian ticket warehouses, if the fireflies want to get the share according to the normal settlement procedures in the past, at least until September, when the Southeast Asian economic crisis is in full swing, affected by the exchange rate factors, the fireflies made 22 The global box office number of US$100 million will definitely be lowered. If it is not important, the most intuitive result is that Firefly may eventually lose more than US$50 million in revenue due to currency depreciation in Southeast Asia.

Even if the Firefly family is big, Eric can't give up the $50 million.

After sorting out the thoughts, Eric opened the draft box and began to compose an email detailing his series of findings, and hoped that the firefly management team could discuss and come up with the corresponding solution as soon as possible.

On the other side of the living room, the bathroom door opened, and Cindy was only wrapped in a bath towel, swaying with two long legs of white, and the style came out.

Sitting down in the position, Cindy sorted out some wet hair, see Eric's face focused on the keyboard, shaking his calf uneasily, stretching his toes and scratching Eric's legs twice. .

Eric’s action was paused, and he turned his head and looked at the woman. The whiskey that took the hand was finished with the last bit of wine. He shook the cup toward Cindy and handed it over: “Oh, yes.”

The original piece of ice in the glass has melted and only the size of the walnut is left, and the crisp clinking sounds with Eric's shaking.

Cindy took the cup, smiled at the corner of his mouth, but he had a little more water in his eyes, and his expression was resentful: "Come on, this ice cube has been soaked in whiskey, you want to kill me."

"I would like to see how you are being burnt," Eric looked at Cindy's whiskey that hadn't been drunk yet, and said with a smile, he started tapping the keyboard again.

Cindy looked at the ice cubes soaked in the whiskey in her cup, shrank her neck, picked up the Eric cup, poured the ice into her mouth, smashed the scorpion, and her eyes were still squatting. Eric.

Eric ignored the woman's deliberately selling the appearance of the cute, thinking about writing the e-mail, copied to Kasenberg, Frank Wells and other high-level, which closed the computer.

Cindy watched Eric busy, rubbed his eyes, spit out the ice in his mouth, and held it in the palm of his hand. The original corners of the ice seemed to be round and round: "It seems that there is still a big point."

Eric took the woman up and walked to the sofa, laughing: "Don't you always like big?"

"Ah, hey..."

When Eric sent the email, some people in Los Angeles had not yet got off work.

Not long after, the phone call of Kasenberg and others had already been hit.

After spending the weekend in East Hampton, Eric returned to Los Angeles on Monday to attend the first meeting, which was to formally discuss Eric's email.

“According to our preliminary agreement,” in the conference room, Kasenberger talked about the results of the discussion on the weekends. “We can use the hedging method in foreign exchange trading to cash out the benefits of Southeast Asian countries in advance. However, this will definitely cause some loss."

Eric read the documents that Kasenberg had prepared at the weekend and looked up: "Now, our summer files, "The Undersea Story", "Air Prison", "Jesus Warrior 2", and the end of the year. "Jurassic Park 3" and "Rush Hour 2" should have discussed the distribution agreement with Southeast Asian publishers?"

(To be continued.)

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