I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 859: This is different

The Marvel in the original time and space has been criticized for the actor's pay, mainly because there was a very tricky eo, Isaac Permat, and even the furniture of the Marvel Entertainment Office was once circulated in the industry. It is a joke about second-hand goods.

Before grabbing Marvel from Ron Perelman, Isaac Pearl was also a member of the Marvel Board. The fireflies completely swallowed the Marvel, the original board of directors was naturally disbanded, and Eric did not throw an olive branch to Isaac Permat. As a boss, Eric certainly hopes that senior managers can create as much as possible for the company. More profit, but he also feels that there is no need to be so demanding, it will only be counterproductive.

In contrast to these fine details, Eric is more concerned about the overall cost control of the Marvel film production process, which is the basis for the Marvel movie universe to be stable and sustainable. Therefore, in the two weeks in New York, the discussion of the salary plan of the protagonist of the Marvel movie took up most of the time. The core of the final plan is actually two points: the long-term contract, and the salary and the box office.

In the preliminary plan, the core actors who participated in the Marvel Superhero movie must sign at least six contracts. As long as the box office is good enough, Marvel can guarantee that they will get a star of the a-star, but will never pay a single 50 million. A sky-high price like the dollar.

Chatting with Stewart Longkel about these things, the two will inevitably talk about some of the past events, and they are a bit embarrassed.

The expectation from the surrounding guests has made Stewart realize that Eric is not as leisurely as it is on the surface. He talked for more than ten minutes and said that he would carefully consider whether to participate in the "Spider-Man" thing. Rick said goodbye and waited for the parents and sisters not far away.

Eric still leaned on the railing and gestured at the passing waiter. He just took a glass of champagne from the other tray and a couple walked over.

Among them, the man's hair is gray, wearing a suit, wearing glasses, quite a few professors of the university, but if someone knows that he shot the "Exorcist" who was once called Hollywood's first horror film, certainly not Will produce a similar impression. This man is the Hollywood horror film master William Fredkin, the middle-aged woman holding his arm is naturally his wife, the current Paramount eo Shirley Lansing.

Eric also noticed that Shirley Lansing’s expression was obviously a bit of a sin. Obviously, the purpose of the other party’s appearance at this party tonight is not so simple, and, according to common sense, although this occasion, although it will not refuse, but the fireflies can not take the initiative to the head of their competitors such as Paramount. The person sends an invitation and the other party is obviously unsolicited.

Pretending not to notice the expression of Shirley Lansing, Eric stood up straight and warmly greeted William Fredkin: "Hey, William, good evening."

"Good evening, Eric, this is a moment to celebrate," William Fredkin seems to have not been influenced by his wife's emotions, or did not show up, and also enthusiastically greeted Eric, saying: " It’s a miracle that the global box office is $1.8 billion. However, Eric, I am wondering why you chose this number to hold a celebration party. Isn’t it better to be 2 billion globally?”

Eric casually found an excuse, saying: "Some things have been thought of, and it is not a good thing to always be bound by the inertia of thinking."

William Fred King laughed with a smile.

Shirley Lansing then followed Eric’s words: “But, Eric, don’t you think that the fireflies have done too much on some things?”

William Fredkin did not expect his wife to be so direct, slightly awkward, and helplessly coughed a few times.

From Shirley Lansing's gunpowder-like discourse, Eric has almost determined 100% of the other party's intentions. I want to come. Due to the joint tactics of Firefly and Fox on "Lion King 2", Paramount has been rushed.

Although Lei Shidong once issued a rhetoric in the media, "Lion King 2" will kill "Nemo" and "Ice Age", but from the end of March, the summer film began the final stage of propaganda, "Lion King 2" in the firefly And the media network of News Corp. is almost completely disappeared. The Yahoo! portal and the print media related to Firefly Group and News Corporation also rarely have any news related to "Lion King 2".

Due to factors such as advertising audience, the marketing promotion of animated films is much more dependent on TV commercials than real-life movies. "Lion King 2" not only lost more than half of the TV advertising channel platform in North America, but also was jointly attacked by Firefly and Fox in the advertising of nb and bs two TV networks. Almost all marketing activities in the past month They can only be described as half the effort.

On the contrary, the propaganda of "Nemo" and "Ice Age" is in full swing. Under the strong combination of various marketing methods such as TV, newspapers, internet and traditional posters, the influence of these two animated films is like a virus. Spread rapidly in the public community.

Since I guessed the intention of Shirley Lansing, Eric did not pretend to be stupid, shrugging, saying: "Shirley, I don't think there is anything wrong with fireflies. If I remember correctly, last year. At the end of the year, MTV also rejected the trailer for Titanic."

"It's not the same, Eric," Shirley Lansing argued: "Fireflies are now completely killing, which is not good for both of us. Don't forget, Fireflies still retain the copyright of the surrounding products of "The Lion King" If the "Lion King 2" box office fails, you will not get any benefit."

Eric's spreader: "Shirley, you don't mean anything. Although the Hollywood Seven has never lacked cooperation, and occasionally will work together on some things, but in essence, we are always competitors, since this is the case. We will definitely choose the one that is most beneficial to us."

"But the TV network should belong to the open public service field, Eric, you are even illegal, this is unfair competition."

"You are wrong, Shirley, the four major TV networks, have always been private, ab is mine, o is Murdoch, bs is Larry Tish, nb is GE, I last week I also saw Jack Welch’s speech live on nb. It seems that for an hour, do you think that if nb is not part of General Electric, can Jack Welch get a full hour of personal show time? So, If you are a good-sounding person, you can listen to it. If you take it seriously, it would be too stupid."

Shirley Lansing’s fingers held the glass in her hand, and for a time she didn’t even think of the rebuttal.

Standing on the side, William Fredkin saw that the widowed wife had been dumbfounded by the youth, and took the initiative to fight round: "Eric, Shirley, there is no need to make such a stiff, no, not as good as it is." How about we find a seat and talk slowly? Anything will have a solution."

"William, this is no longer necessary. I am very glad that you can come over tonight and have fun." Eric raised his toast at William Fredkin and turned and left.

If Hollywood can still maintain the stable pattern of the seven coexistences as it was many years ago, Eric will naturally promote the state of mutual survival in competition and cooperation.

But now, with the rise of fireflies, this coexistence has been completely broken. Eric does not feel that there is still a need for reconciliation. After all, reconciliation definitely means compromise. Eric really can't think of fireflies. There is still any reason to compromise.

With the rapid development and growth of fireflies, the film companies and even the media groups that are not fireflies are sure to be strongly impacted and even threatened by survival. At that time, the competition between the parties will even reach the point where you live and die.

In this level of commercial competition, it is very unrealistic to seek reconciliation and even sympathy from the opponent. It is also not wise to take the initiative to give competitors opportunities.

Perhaps the negotiation was fruitless. After the "Titanic" celebration party, the time just entered May, Paramount took the initiative to provoke the topic of "Lion King 2" in the publicity process of the fireflies and Fox joint ban.

Lei Shidong personally landed on nb's morning news talk show, angered the fireworks and Fox as an unfair competition, and even vowed to file a lawsuit with the US Department of Justice.

Perhaps it is felt that a media tearing war is coming, a large number of newspapers in the United States immediately began to follow up, have reported this incident, and look forward to the firefly and Fox's response.

However, no matter how Viacom provokes, how Lei Shidong is thundering, the firefly and Fox executives have not responded to this topic, and there is no ban on "Lion King 2" in the media controlled by the two companies. The topic report, it seems, in the heart of Firefly and Fox, this thing does not exist at all.

In the end, after being stalked by a large number of media reporters for more than a week, Kasenberg finally uttered his voice, but only threw out a sentence: You can't force McDonald's to advertise for KFC.

This sentence is simply too powerful.

Anyone knows that McDonald's and KFC have always been competitors as two world-class fast food chains.

Similarly, the Firefly Group and the Viacom Group are also undisputed competitors.

Isn't it a matter of refusing to advertise for competitors on its own media platform?

Many of the media that had been indignantly trying to get back the 'fairness' for Paramount calmed down because of Kasenberg's words, although some newspapers felt that the Firefly Group was too unremarkable. After all, "The Lion King" was after all It is an animated brand from Firefly's Disney. However, the original hot-selling winds, the heat quickly cooled down when the competitors almost did not take over. Even though Viacom is still very reluctant to ignite everywhere, it is difficult to stir up the media.

Of course, this wind and natural style still makes "Lion King 2" sullenly exposed in front of the public, but as the main audience of "Lion King 2", no one will feel 6 to 12 years old. Children will pay attention to this kind of thing.

As for the youth or adult audience, this summer file they have too many movies to look forward to, Godzilla, Batman and Robin, Royal Casino 007, Scream 2, Jedi "Warrior 2" and so on, even if it is an animated cartoon, even if it does not mention the difference in propaganda, after Pixar's several 3D animations, they are obviously more likely to accept "Nemo" and "Ice Age" instead of traditional 2d hand-drawn animation of "Lion King 2".

After the celebration party, from the 25th week of April 25th to May 15th, "Titanic" has successively harvested a total of 163 million US dollars in the global market.

On May 16, Firefly Group officially announced that the "Titanic" global box office exceeded 2 billion US dollars, the cumulative total box office figures reached 2,015 million US dollars.

This time, the fireflies did not focus on the celebration party. Instead, they held interactive interactions with fans in the major ticket-country countries around the world. Although these activities could no longer stimulate the box office potential of the Titanic, they directly promoted a large number of Sales of products around the Titanic.

Since the release, the Titanic has been on the shelves for the surrounding products, the cumulative sales have also exceeded the staggering figure of 600 million US dollars, and with the gradual shelves of goods in the overseas market, this number will also grow rapidly.

The Firefly Peripheral Products Operations Department expects that it will only be a product of the Titanic movie, which will bring in sales of no less than $1.5 billion for fireflies in the next few years, which is almost the same as the sales of fireflies last year. half. In 1996, the firefly's peripheral products revenue was only $3.3 billion.

This series of huge success numbers further stimulates almost all of Hollywood's film companies to start looking for projects that can rival the Titanic. Even if it was the firefly itself, Eric returned to Los Angeles for several weeks and received four or five 'blockbuster' scripts.

Obviously, the success of "Titanic" has brought an illusion to the whole of Hollywood, and many people think that since the first global box office movie of $2 billion appears, the second and third parts will soon appear. ,even more.

Of course, Eric will not be overwhelmed by this success, but will continue to put most of his energy into the formation of Marvel Film and the preliminary preparations for Spider-Man and Iron Man. (To be continued.)

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