I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 862: Fast & Furious

Upon hearing this request from Miranda, Eric did not refuse, but asked: "Now, where are you going?"

Miranda said excitedly: "We, um, we can go north along the first road, it is best to drive to San Francisco, I have not been to San Francisco."

"Do you think the car can run on that road? Waiting for us to go to San Francisco, maybe it's midnight," Eric shook his head and smiled.

Miranda’s road is the California Pacific Rim Highway 1, which runs close to the Pacific Ocean and runs through California. The name of this road sounds very loud. It is actually just a double-lane tar, and the road conditions are not so good. Don’t say that the sports car, the ordinary car runs on it and presses the speed, it is impossible to understand what it is. A pleasure of taking a ride.

"That," Miranda thought with a small head, his eyes suddenly lit up, and Eric’s neck tightened. “We’re going to Las Vegas. I’ve heard from my classmates. It takes only three hours to drive from Los Angeles to Las Vegas."

Eric felt that Miranda’s soft body had been posted and he was too lazy to push it away. At this time, Miranda has replaced the tennis suit in the morning, and chose a small t-shirt and short hot pants with a navel, which exudes a youthful and invincible atmosphere.

Feeling the faint scent of the girl's body, Eric also thought about it.

Returning from New York, he worked again and again for most of the month, and then went to Maryland. Although he was attending Chris's wedding, because all the executives in the firefly system would gather together, it would certainly not be easy. . Well, it’s a good choice to relax now. What's more, when driving, the last time in New York refused to drive Cindy's Maserati, Eric realized that he was even out of touch with normal life. In any case, Eric definitely did not want to be a big industry. But he is banned from being a man who can’t move.

Quickly making a decision, Eric reached out and took a picture on Miranda's little buttocks and said, "Well, go to Las Vegas."

"Wow, Eric, I love you," Miranda almost jumped up excitedly, leaning over and leaning on Eric's face.

Eric pushed the excited Nizi away and said, "Okay, let's go down first, I will make a few phone calls."

Since I decided to go to Las Vegas on an ad hoc basis, Eric will fly from there to Maryland tomorrow. This must be communicated with the assistant who is responsible for arranging his trip. In addition, although only for one night, entertainment accommodation even Trivia such as security must also be arranged in advance.

After several consecutive calls, Eric inevitably smiled at himself and got up and said to Miranda and Christina: "Okay, let's go."

Miranda immediately stuck again, holding Eric's arm, and Christina couldn't hide her excitement with Eric.

The three men came to the garage in the end, and Eric’s group of bodyguards were already preparing, and they would drive together.

Miranda scanned the dozens of luxury cars with a small star, then pounced on a pure black Lamborghini ghost, clumsily tried to open the door, but did not succeed, the girl did not hesitate, turned and said: "Eric, this car, are we driving this car?"

Eric shook his head: "This is a two-seat, we can have three people."

Miranda knew that it was impossible to get rid of Christina and look at other cars with disappointment. The spacious underground garage accommodates at least 30 luxury cars, but all the sports cars in the inner row are basically two-seat. Miranda didn't want to take the old-fashioned Bentley Rolls-Royce, and his eyes turned around. The girl tried to point to a few bodyguards and said, "Christina can take their car."

Christina suddenly couldn't bear it anymore. When I was young, I was bullied. I was about to say something. Suddenly I stopped, and my face smiled. I took a card from my small bag and showed it to Miranda. Yang, then looked at Eric, said: "Eric, actually, I have got a driver's license."

Eric smiled and took Christina's driver's license and looked at it. "When did you learn the car?"

"I started learning secretly very early. I didn't take long to get my driver's license after my 16th birthday," Christina said, adding: "Now my mother is very relieved to let me open the Chevrolet at home." ""

"Well," Eric smiled and pointed around, saying: "You can pick one you can drive."

Christina ignored Miranda's depressed expression, and deliberately walked past her, came to a purple Lamborghini, and patted it on the hood. "Eric, can I drive this?" ?"

Eric looked at the purple Lamborghini. After the filming of "The Beauty of the Wind", Lamborghini specially gave it to him, but Eric basically did not touch it again in the past few years, except for routine maintenance. The car rarely even leaves the garage.

In fact, most of the luxury cars in the garage are like this. Shantou has also added some of the latest models in three days. Perhaps the biggest role of these luxury cars is just to fill the garage and make people look pleasing.

Eric also walked over and said: "Lamborghini and Chevrolet are different, or pick other cars."

"I will open it," Christina hesitated, vomiting her tongue and saying, "I, two years ago, Drew let me drive."

Eric was a little speechless, just remembering that before he met himself, Shantou had the glorious deeds of driving away from home when he was twelve years old. It seems that it is not so tuneful.

Eric finally agreed and said, "Okay, but the road is not allowed to open faster than me."

Even so, Eric is still not at ease, Christina is not too long after sixteen years old, and finally Eric let his bodyguard captain Carter Moen sit on the co-pilot of Christina, everyone will start together. A row of seven people, two Lamborghini, two Land Rover Range Rover, after leaving Malibu, took more than an hour to reach the No. 15 highway that leads directly to Las Vegas.

Although it took more time to travel through downtown Los Angeles, after the highway, it was less than four o'clock, and there were only three hundred kilometers left in Las Vegas. The crowd was about seven o'clock. Can reach Las Vegas.

Highway 15 is a very spacious six-lane road with no gullies on either side of the road, but the endless Gobi Desert, so security is very secure. If there are fewer vehicles on the road, it is a paradise for motorists.

Eric gradually recovered his hand when he passed through the city of Los Angeles. After driving into the highway, he began to let go of his hands and feet. In some places with fewer vehicles, he even smashed the speed by 200 kilometers. The excitement of the surge has also made him understand why so many people like to drive.

When Eric was surprised, Christina drove the purple Lamborghini to follow the Eric vehicle at any time, occasionally in parallel, pressing the window and naughtyly sitting on the co-pilot. The face is depressed, Miranda spits a small tongue, obviously, if it is not Eric restrictions, this Nizi speed is definitely more than that. This made Eric realize that the singularity of the gimmick is far beyond his own imagination. The original girl is a good girl.

All the way to the rush, just after six o'clock, the group has already arrived in a small town on the border of Nevada.

Everyone stopped to cheer and made a short break. Eric didn't get off the bus, letting the bodyguards be outside. The Miranda sitting in the co-pilot got off the bus and swayed back. Then he started pulling Eyre. Ke's arm is spoiled: "Eric, not far from Las Vegas, wait for me to open for a while? I will see it."

Eric hangs up a phone call and smiles and shakes his head: "This can't be done, you don't want to think about it."

"But, Christina obviously drove two years ago, and she was as big as me at the time."

"If I knew about it, she would definitely not be it now," Eric shook his head again, smiling and pacing: "Okay, don't make trouble, I just got a call, David Cobofi tonight." Will perform magic at Caesars Palace, the assistant has already booked the box for us."

Miranda hadn’t answered yet. On the window next to Eric, Christina came across her little head and said excitedly: “David Copofield, is that the guy who turned the plane away?”

"Yeah," Eric couldn't help but pinch on Christina's ruddy face because of all the way to the car. "I haven't said anything about you yet. Lamborghini is so slippery. There must have been no traffic violations." rule."

"Oh," Christina's face pressed against Eric's palm and pleaded with a sigh: "That, Eric, you punish me at night."

Eric laughed: "Of course, you can't run without running."

"Hey, you don't exist when I am," Miranda quickly dissatisfied and looked at Christina: "Or I will punish you together at night."

Christina directly chose to ignore Miranda's words. Anyway, the other side is so against her in the morning. Continue to Eric. "Eric, I just suddenly thought again, why don't you make a racing movie, it must be cool. It."

Eric smashed, and the name of a movie almost immediately flashed into his mind, "Speed ​​and Passion", how he forgot this classic series. Before he was born again, the "Speed ​​and Passion" series has already captured the sixth, and there is no stopping. The tenacious vitality also proves that this series can bring enough profits to the film company.

Reaching out to Christina's little face and picking it up, Eric said: "This reminds me, and rewards you at night."

Christina was just saying it casually. I didn't expect Eric's reaction to be so big. However, the result of this unintentional entanglement made the girl very happy. "That, Eric, let me play a role." it is good?"

“Well,” Eric nodded. “When you have the right character, you will definitely try it out. Well, maybe you can also link your character in the Royal Casino with this movie. ""

"Speed ​​and Passion" also involves a lot of special agents. Christina's role in "Royal Casino" is not a front-line angel to perform the task, but it is also easy to link with "Speed ​​and Passion".

Thinking continues to diverge, Eric immediately came up with a lot of ideas to combine Speed ​​and Passion with the Agent Film Universe. Moreover, this car series can also enrich the entertainment elements of the agent movie universe. After all, in the top agents fight At the same time of evil forces, occasionally interspersed with a rapid agitation of adrenaline, it can also greatly alleviate the aesthetic fatigue brought by simple agent movies.

Christina saw Eric fall into thought, and she didn't bother to do it. She just proudly used her eyes to demonstrate to Miranda, who was sitting in the co-pilot. Miranda didn't show her weakness, and the four eyes were relatively small.

Until the bodyguard came over to remind everyone that everything was ready, the line of talents was on the road again.

At about 7:20 in the evening, the sunset just sunk into the horizon, and the four cars finally entered the underground parking lot of the Caesars Palace Hotel in downtown Las Vegas.

Eric had just stopped the car and saw a middle-aged man in his forties who ran over and took the initiative to help him pull the door open.

"Mr. Williams, I am very glad that you can visit the Caesars Palace Hotel. I am the manager here, Rich Black."

Eric reached out and shook hands and smiled. "Hello, Mr. Black."

Ricky Black patiently waited for the other people in the car to come down and saw Miranda and Christina go to Eric next to each other, and the expression did not change, reaching out and smiling: "Please come with me, the room is ready for you."

Eric did not surprise Ricky Black's hospitality. His current status and status are completely worthy of this. Moreover, he is still the first to stay at the Caesars Palace Hotel, and the other party will naturally pay more attention to it. Instead, Miranda, who seemed to be a bit off the hook, held Eric's arm in a restrained manner, with a little bit of restlessness in his eyes, and Christina was very clever to follow Eric.

Since staying in the hotel, the bodyguards naturally do not need to be with them at all times. Richie Black let the following waiters lead several bodyguards to the room, lead Eric and the two girls into the special elevator, press the button This is nothing more than nothing to say: "Mr. Williams, David Copperfield's performance begins at eight o'clock, do you want to eat first?"

"Well," Eric nodded and felt Miranda attached to himself. He smiled and said, "In addition, help them prepare some clothes."

Compared with Eric’s more formal shirts, the two girls are still wearing small t-shirts and denim shorts. Even if they are incongruous with the luxuriously decorated elevators in front of them, it’s no wonder that the two girls will be cautious. stand up.

"Of course, no problem," Ricky Black nodded, only to look at Miranda and Christina a little, and then whispered a few words to the assistants around him. (To be continued.)

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