I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 864: Another butterfly effect

The two talked for a moment, listening to Larry Ellison’s tongue and painting, depicting the bright future after the acquisition of Apple. Eric suddenly thought of another thing, saying: “Larry, there seems to be a very The important question, you want to buy Apple and hand it over to Steve, but does he agree?"

Larry Ellison groaned and wondered: "Steve will certainly agree, why does he disagree?"

Eric shrugged: "As a friend of Steve, you must know his character better than me. I just know what happened to his house in Woodside. I think maybe Steve would like to see it. Apple disappeared like the house."

The story of Steve Jobs’s house in Woodside, San Francisco, was accidentally heard by Eric, and it happened to reflect the paranoia and indifference in Jobs’ character.

After relying on the creation of Apple to become a billionaire, Jobs bought a mansion in Woodside. He was dissatisfied with the style of the villa in the mansion and wanted to take down the reconstruction, but because the building was built at the end of the 19th century. The villa was identified by the city of Woodside as having a high historical value, and Jobs’ application for demolition and reconstruction was not approved. So, Jobs took a very extreme treatment. He opened all the doors and windows of the house and completely let him go through the sun and rain without any maintenance. After a few years, the dilapidated villa was recognized as a long time. In disrepair, Jobs was able to do so.

Larry Ellison obviously knew this, and he immediately shook his head: "Eric, this is totally different. I know Steve. No one cares more about Apple than he does, as long as I buy this company, He will definitely be back."

"Well," Eric said. "If you can get the exact answer from Jobs, maybe I can consider a sum of money."

If Firefly Electronics does not have enough powerful competitors at all, it is almost inevitable to produce slackness. Or, if it is a dog biting a rabbit, Erik will look forward to Jobs in the case of Firefly Electronics. I can continue to toss out something that changes the world.

Although I received Eric's promise, Larry Ellison still couldn't wait to ask, "Eric, how much can you pay?"

The funds of the Firefly Group and the Firefly Investment have actually been planned for use. Eric remembers the $300 million invested in the Southeast Asian foreign exchange market. He said: "There is such a sum of money, I plan to buy a Boeing 777 in the near future. There will be a part left."

Larry Ellison is obviously very familiar with the private jet. He quickly said: "Eric, you seem to have made a mistake. If you place an order now, you only need to pay a deposit. After two or three years. You have to pay the full amount when the plane is delivered, so you should have at least $300 million now, right?"

Eric has forgotten this. Private jets are different from luxury cars and can be picked up at any time. Large Boeing airplanes take several years from order to delivery.

"In this case," Eric clarified these and continued: "Perhaps, there should be 600 million dollars by then."


Larry Ellison sighed and looked at Eric with the gaze of a local tyrant who had not used it for many years.

Although he is worth tens of billions of dollars, in fact, most of his funds that he can control at his disposal are only tens of millions of dollars. Larry Ellison originally thought that this year's "Forbes" rich list was too overrated for Eric's net worth, but at this time, his heart could not help but dispel the original question. Perhaps, in this world, only Eric Williams can easily take out $600 million in cash.

Eric quickly poured a glass of cold water to Larry Ellison and said, "But Larry, I will definitely not invest all of it in Apple."

Larry Ellison nodded immediately. His original thought was just to use Eric's excellent investment vision in the IT field as a gimmick, as long as he could symbolically pull a sum of money from him, playing Eric. It will be much smoother to raise funds from other investment companies. Pulling up to $600 million at a time, Larry Ellison would not expect this good thing at all.

"So, Eric, as long as you are willing to pay $300 million, I promise to get all the money within three months." Larry Ellison had hoped for $50 million, and less, Eric The influence will not be exerted. However, at this time, the amount has naturally increased. The greater the proportion of funds invested by Eric, the higher the possibility that other investment companies will follow up.

Since he decided to participate in this matter, Eric naturally did not want to be an insignificant minority shareholder. Apple's current market capitalization is $2 billion. If a wholly-owned acquisition is initiated, it will definitely pay a certain premium, but $300 million will guarantee that Eric's shareholding ratio is above 10%.

"Well, it’s $300 million," Nodded. Eric added: "And, don't forget the premise I just said. If Jobs doesn't want to return, it's all right."

"Of course," Larry Ellison grinned at Eric and said, "So, let us all go well in advance."

Eric also smiled and touched Larry Ellison to the cup and watched the other person squatting up, just taking a sip.

Putting down the empty cup, Larry Ellison no longer talks about Apple, and instead says: "Eric, would you like to go to the casino to play a few?"

Eric pointed at the two girls in the dance floor and said, "This is all."

Larry Ellison turned to look at the two girls and said: "It doesn't matter, bring them together, I guess no one will keep your world's richest man out of the door."

Noting Eric's gesture, Miranda and Christina thought that Eric was summoning them, and immediately gave up dancing and came over. The female partner of Larry Ellison also appeared next to him.

Eric took Christina's waist and half joked: "Actually, Larry, I am a person who is afraid of losing, so I will try to avoid places like casinos."

"Haha, okay, in this case, I will go play with Anok first," Larry Ellison made another phone call and took the female companion. "What's the matter, call anytime." give me."

The two sides had long been in contact with each other, and Eric smiled and nodded. Watching Larry Ellison leave, Eric took his gaze and saw Miranda sitting on the high stool next to the bar. He skillfully gestured to ask the bartender for a cocktail. The other person just glanced at her and looked away. Eric, didn't say anything, quietly and quickly transferred a glass of wine and sent it over.

Miranda saw Eric staring at himself, picking up the cup and taking a sip, and licking his mouth, then pushed the cup over and said with a smile: "Eric, actually, I am helping you. It’s ok.”

Eric ignored Miranda’s defense, and the whole face of the Nizi was red, obviously not only had a drink. Looking up at the watch, the magic show ended at ten o'clock and talked to Larry Ellison for so long, the time is close to eleven.

"It’s eleven o'clock right away, tired, not going back to rest?"

Cristina doesn't care, Miranda says: "Eric, I want to go to the casino to see it." The girl apparently heard the conversation between Eric and Larry Ellison, adding: "We are just Look, don't gamble, okay?"

Eric shook his head directly and his attitude was firm: "It's not good at all."

Miranda whispered, and soon his eyes lit up, and the thief came over and shook Eric's arm: "Eric, let's go to the late night show. I just heard them talking about it. ”

“What late night show?” Eric asked subconsciously, but quickly understood it and smiled and knocked on Miranda’s head: “Is that what you can see?”

Miranda quickly shook his head: "No, no, I heard them say, it is a stage performance, it seems to be called, called..."

Miranda squinted his head and forgot some words at a time. Christina, on the other side, said: "Helen’s-Face is the story of Helen in the Battle of Troy."

Eric has never heard of such a stage play. I thought it might be exclusive to Caesars Palace. After all, this hotel features ancient Greek and Roman style. Seeing that both girls were curious and looking forward, Eric no longer refused to call a private housekeeper in his suite.

In less than five minutes, the apartment’s personal butler appeared in person, left the party with Eric, and rushed to another small, more luxuriously decorated theater in Caesars Palace.

The show started at eleven o'clock, arranged for the Eric three people, and sent a dim sum, the private butler of about forty years left quietly.

However, Eric just sat down on the sofa in the box, just glanced at the stage of the light and the glass, and suddenly realized that this is obviously a 'like' performance, and that it is definitely more than ordinary undressing. No big clubs.

The lights in the theater quickly fell dark.

After the simple report, the music sounded, and when a team of bright girls with only twilight pants appeared on the stage, Miranda and Christina, who had expected the performance of the 'stage play', were all exclaimed.

Looking at the scenes of the drunken fans on the stage, Eric also suddenly remembered a movie in memory. The Dutch director Paul Van Hoven’s "No Girl" named NC-17 was just that movie. The gorgeous stage performances in the show are obviously not comparable to the extravagant performances of Caesars Palace.

It seems that the original "Timeless Girl" was filmed in 1995, but now it is 1997, Eric has never heard of this film, it seems that it is a side effect of the butterfly effect, But the film that almost directly led to the bankruptcy of the Caroline film, there is really no need to exist.

Laughing and reaching for Miranda's eyes, Eric said: "Okay, is this satisfied?"

The excitement of the two girls may have been only due to the shame of female instinct. After all, if this occasion does not make any reaction, it will certainly not be solemn.

With Eric’s hand open, Miranda looked curiously at the performance on the stage. This is a court scene. The story is indeed based on the story of the Trojan War in Greek mythology, except that the stage is exposed to the show. Obviously, no one can focus on the plot.

After watching it quietly for a while, Miranda finally posted to Eric, and his eyes still looked at the stage, sighing: "Why, how can there be so many girls willing to perform this kind of thing, too, too..."

Too many times, Miranda still did not come up with any suitable adjectives.

Eric pinched on the girl's face and said, "Do you think everyone is like you, is life like a princess?"

"Oh, I am not a princess." Miranda quickly laughed and was tired of Eric. "Eric, can I be your Helen?"

Eric smiled and nodded. "Of course, but Helen is more than one beside me."

"Really, it's too annoying," Miranda pouted again. "You won't be a good girl?"

"I am better at using real action."

"Oh," Miranda dragged his voice and smiled and reached over. He grabbed somewhere in Eric and suddenly laughed again: "Oh, I am sure of one thing now."

Eric dismissed Miranda’s hand and smiled: “No, no.”

"Eric, others can't see us here."

"That is someone else's business, I am not used to this occasion."

"Okay, okay," Miranda groaned on Eric with a kitten, and leaned into his ear to seduce with heat: "I see how long you can hold on."

Eric did see the last hour of the show. In addition to the two restless behemoths around him, he made the impulse to be a beast. From time to time, as a normal male, this very sensory and exciting performance is still very good. Enjoy it.

When I left the theater, the time had passed by the early hours of the morning.

For the night city of Las Vegas, the 12 o'clock in the morning is definitely not the end of the day. However, after all, the afternoon was a four-hour drive, and it was crazy for one night. Eric and the two girls were already very tired. Instead of looking for other entertainment activities, they returned to the suites of the Palace Tower.

The next day is still getting up at eight o'clock. It is not how hard Eric is, but today he is flying to the east coast of Maryland. He has four hours on the plane to make up.

When Miranda and Christina saw Eric waking up, they also braced to get out of bed, but they looked like two lazy and sleepy kittens. After breakfast, the two girls insisted on sending Eric to the airport. .

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