I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 868: Be careful to be hollowed out

Once again, I walked into the Pointe Manor and looked at the streamlined villa on the edge of the cliff like a craft. Larry Ellison still had obvious envy and eagerness in his eyes.

Unfortunately, at the beginning, he even wanted to exchange all the properties in Malibu with Eric to exchange the manor, which was rejected by the other party. At this time, Eric’s family was almost ten times his own, and he wanted to get the manor. The odds are infinitely close to zero.

Eric took Larry Ellison and Steve Jobs into the villa hall, noticed Larry Ellison’s expression, and said: “Larry, your property in Malibu seems to be getting more and more More, I am willing to take it all with me?"

Larry Ellison knew that Eric was joking, or nodded without hesitation, and smiled: "Of course, if you want, I can call a lawyer now and let them handle the handover."

"Oh, this guy, you are really not at all polite."

Eric said, with two people coming to the reception area on the side of the glass curtain wall, casually asked Jobs sitting down on the sofa: "Steve, what do you think of this place?"

Steve Jobs swept his eyes and said unceremoniously: "If it were me, I would clean up all the messy furniture on the curtain wall."

The glass curtain wall of the villa is divided into three parts according to the layout of the furniture. The east side is two hanging space chairs, the middle is a row of couches, and the west side is where the Eric three people sit. Meeting area. If the villa is a public place, moving all the furniture away and facing the endless sea level will undoubtedly give people a wider sense of vision, but as a personal residence, it will be empty and deserted.

Jobs would say that it stems from his extreme pursuit of perfectionism. It is said that many of Jobs’s apartments are empty because of the strong picking of furniture choices.

Eric smiled and said: "If we move all the furniture away, we can only sit on the ground and chat now."

Jobs shrugged: "That might be good."

With that said, the footsteps of the cymbals sounded, the twins came over with coffee, one of the three cups of coffee was placed in front of the three, and the other was placed on the middle coffee table with a coffee pot and a sugar shake. After doing this, Natasha next to Eric raised her face and looked at him, whispering, "Master, do you need anything else?"

Eric shook his head and said, "No, you go to work."

All eyes followed the tall figure of the twins until they disappeared. Larry Ellison regained his eyes and praised: "Eric, I envy you now, where did you find them?"

Eric joked: "You are already an old man, so don't play these ideas as well, be careful to be hollowed out."

"Hey, you guy, it’s really rude," Larry Ellison simply returned Eric’s recent sentence.

Joking a few words, Eric turned to Steve Jobs and talked about the business: "So, Steve, have you decided to return to Apple?"

"No," Jobs shook his head and said, "I am still thinking."

Eric took the coffee and was not surprised. He asked, "Would you come over today?"

"It's like this, Eric," Larry Ellison said. "Steve is looking forward to re-referencing Apple, but he also hopes to get some protection."

Eric’s eyes flashed and said: “Larry, I don’t understand.”

This time, Jobs replied voluntarily: "Eric, Apple's PC business is already very dangerous. After you acquired Apple, in order to give the company more buffering opportunities, I hope to obtain the MP3 player patent. Expand Apple's product line."

Eric had already had some hunches in his heart. Hearing Steve Jobs’s confirmation, he shook his head without hesitation: “Sorry, Steve, I can’t promise you.”

Jobs shoved: "If this is the case, I may not return to Apple anymore."

Eric laughed and said, "Steve, this is not my business."

"No, Eric, I can see that you are very interested in Apple, like," Jobston said, continuing: "Like Pixar, otherwise, you will not give Larry. Set such investment conditions."

"Steve, I admit, I am very interested in Apple, and you," Eric said: "However, this is just an interest. If the investment is not achieved, I will not have any losses, even You can also invest that money in a company with a brighter future."

Jobs had some words at the moment, and even glared at Eric with some anger.

Larry Ellison knew the character of his good friend, worried that he would say anything excessive, and quickly said: "Eric, but you should also know that if Firefly Electronics keeps the patent of MP3 player, In the future, a single big one will definitely be subject to federal antitrust investigations. Like Intel, it has licensed its X86 chip architecture to companies such as AMD."

"Firefly electronics is still very small, even if it is an anti-monopoly investigation, it must be a long time later," Eric still smiled and shook his head, took a sip of coffee, and said: "And, Intel's X86 architecture It was originally mandated by IBM to be licensed to other companies, not by itself."

Larry Ellison and Steve Jobs didn't give up so easily, and they wanted to say something. Eric waved his hand and said to Jobs: "Steve, I made such a contribution to Larry. The condition is that I think maybe you can save Apple. So what you need to do is to let the company come back to life after Larry completes the acquisition of Apple, instead of busy looking for other ways now. If you don’t have heavy weight yourself To reinvigorate Apple’s confidence, we must definitely need some protection before we can go back. Then, I will take back the investment commitments of the previous days."

Steve Jobs stared at Eric for a moment and suddenly got up and said, "So, well, I think I should leave."

When this sentence is finished, Jobs walks straight out.

Eric sat on the sofa without moving, smiling and watching Steve Jobs leave.

Larry Ellison reluctantly got up and shouted: "Hey, stop, you guy, why can't you be a little patient?"

Jobs completely ignored Larry Ellison’s words and continued to walk outside the villa.

Looking at Larry Ellison's dilemma, Eric put down his coffee cup and got up and took a picture on Larry Ellison's shoulder. "Okay, Larry, he agreed, so, You still go back and continue to raise funds."

Larry Ellison certainly knows that Jobs is more proud than many people think. After Eric’s words of the radicals, Jobs will certainly not let go of the patent license for MP3 players.

"Steve is more concerned about Apple than anyone else. I already knew that he would go back, just," shaking his head and laughing, Larry Ellison said again: "Eric, Steve is very vengeful. You will definitely not get any good looks from him in the future."

"This, I really don't care. It's hard to get a good face from this guy," Eric shook his head and said, "You, there is a movie premiere tonight, do you want it? Come and join in the fun?"

"Forget it, eat again next time," Larry Ellison shook his head and said, "I am going back to San Francisco with Steve."

Eric nodded, no longer staying, and personally sent Larry Ellison to the manor's parking lot. Jobs had already got into the car and didn't say goodbye, like a child who was angry. Eric didn't mind, sent two people to leave, turned and walked toward the villa, just happened to meet the twins and held a box from the manor door.

Looking at the twins, Eric asked at random: "Do you buy new clothes?"

On the left, Natasha opened the box in her hand and showed it to Eric. "It’s the dress of the owner and the boss at night, and Givenchy has just sent it over."

Eric saw a black suit inside and nodded. "Get in, oh, is Drew awake?"

"I don't know, when we came out to get clothes, the boss was still asleep."

Eric looked at his watch and it was just two o'clock in the afternoon. A few days ago, when Eric attended the Chris wedding in Maryland, Shantou also flew to Europe to deploy the "Casino Royal Casino 007". I only returned to Los Angeles one day earlier than Eric. I am still in the midst of a time lag in these days, and I will sleep for a few hours every day at noon.

I thought this afternoon would be spent on entertaining Larry Ellison and Steve Jobs. I didn't expect Jobs to blink in the blink of an eye.

With the twins walking into the villa, Eric did not bother to disturb the sleep of the girl, but went into the study and read the "Iron Man" script that Marvel had just completed.

So at four o'clock in the afternoon, after getting out of bed, the two men put on their dresses and set off for the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Tonight is the premiere of Firefly's first blockbuster "Air Prison", which will be released at the same time as Paramount's "Lion King 2".

In the air, "Prison Prison" is a story that happened after a veteran who was imprisoned and killed in prison was loaded into a plane full of unscrupulous murderers. However, although the story is ingenious, the core still imitates the tough action movies like "Die Hard."

To be honest, Eric is not too optimistic about the commercial potential of this traditional Hollywood individual heroism film, and since the use of more aesthetic and visual impact of the Oriental action design, "Charlie's Angel" and "Smiths" North American fans are clearly losing interest in this traditional type of action film.

However, as the size of the Firefly Group grows, Eric can no longer have enough energy to intervene in the production of all the films, and it is inevitable that the production rights will be decentralized to the studios. This year's summer file of the Firefly Mobility Studios, "Air Prison", "Underwater Mobilization" and "Taishan Forest", as well as the new line of "Jesus 2" and "Death to 2", strictly speaking, In addition to the initial project review, Eric did not intervene too much in terms of detailed production.

"Air Prison" was produced by Brookeheimer. In recent years, Cage, who is the box office of the box office, is starring. The production cost is well controlled at $75 million. Together with the powerful marketing and distribution offensive of Firefly, the film is in It is not difficult to recover costs and generate profits at the global box office.

Due to the recent fierce battle between "Air Prison" and "Lion King 2", although the two films basically do not have much competition due to the theme, both Firefly and Paramount have made great efforts. Various topics, such as the movie premiere, will naturally not be missed.

In addition to the main creations of "Air Prison", there are also a large number of big-name stars who are close to the Firefly Group tonight, and the red carpet is star-studded. The reason why Eric took Drew to participate in the premiere of "Air Prison" is also for this reason.

Perhaps the cooperation with Michael Bay is very easy. Brookheimer has once again launched a commercial film director, Simon West, as the director of "Air Prison". Of course, there are also Eric's promotion relationship. After all, without Eric's permission, Brookheimer is unlikely to appoint a newcomer to be the director of a large production film with a $75 million budget.

The reason is because Simon Westbourne is the director of the original Air Prison. Eric now has not enough energy to intervene in all the fireflies' films, so creating a 'original team' will undoubtedly become a very secure insurance.

Eric took Drew to the Hollywood Chinese Theater at six o'clock, just past the red carpet, and Jerry Bruckheimer came with Simon West to say hello. In memory, although Simon West is not a high-yielding director, his films such as "Air Prison", "Tomb Raider" and "The Death Squad 2" are very popular commercial films.

Everyone stood at the end of the red carpet and chatted for a while. Eric came to it earlier. It was impossible to stand on the red carpet all the time. He was about to enter the theater together. There was a faint instigation behind him, turning his head and looking at him. The tall figure wearing a red dress is posing POSE on the red carpet.

The girl named Helena Christensen, who is also a member of the Vimy supermodel, plays the role of Cage's wife in this Air Prison.

Under the care of Emily, the operating mechanism of the Vimi Army in recent years has become more and more mature, and the quota of Wei Mi's supermodel is no longer replaced as frequently as in previous life. Moreover, even if ordinary Wei Mi angels can't get the same treatment as the five spokespersons, they can still get much more resources and exposure than other models in the industry. Correspondingly, even if they participate in the Vimy show, the salary is not High, and very few supermodels will voluntarily give up the identity of the angel.

As the members of the Vimi Army are relatively fixed, in addition to the fireflies, and in addition to the annual Vimy show, LTD has begun to further enhance the influence of the Vimi Army.

Frequent appearances in Hollywood film and television dramas in recent years are one of the benefits that Victoria fans can get.

Compared with the fashion circle with a narrow audience, the influence of the film and television circle is much greater. If you can show your face in some big movies, even a very small role will have a much greater influence than landing on some fashion magazine covers. (

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