I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 892: Hot girl combination

Princess Diana’s charity reception began at 8 o'clock in the evening. It took an hour to finish the work email in the mailbox. Eric and Christina had something to eat, changed the dress, and took the time to go to the garden five minutes earlier. Kensington Palace on the street.

As night fell, it was the beginning of the Hua Deng. The black car left the garden street and circled a small circle. It only took less than a kilometer to reach the destination.

Girls always inevitably look forward to fairy tales like the prince and princess. Although Christina is precocious, there are no exceptions. Therefore, she is very excited to see Dai Dai himself. For this reason, she also carefully prepared a set of white Chanel dresses.

After getting off the bus, I took Eric's arm and Christina suddenly remembered that she had neglected a very important thing. He whispered, "Eric, what should I call Wang Hao, is it your Highness?"

Diana’s ‘His Royal’ title was deprived when she divorced Prince Charles, and this Niko apparently did not pay attention to this.

Eric sees Christina’s solemn appearance, but she wants to deliberately mislead her. If she thinks that this occasion is not appropriate, she reminds me: “You can call her lady.”

Christina nodded, still saying: "Oh, but I think it is more polite to be His Royal Highness."

Eric smiled and said: "It is rude to say so, maybe it will make her feel offended."

Christina was a little unclear, so she spit up her little tongue and sighed softly.

The two talked, and Diana had already greeted her with another middle-aged man in a light gray suit.

"Good evening, Eric, nice to meet you." As she approached, Diana smiled and reached out to Eric.

Eric shook hands with the other side and nodded slightly. "I am very happy to meet you, madam."

"Diana, call me Diana," Dai said, and looked at Christina again. "Is this?"

Eric briefly introduced: "She is called Christina Aguilera."

"Hello, Tina," Diana greeted Christina before introducing the middle-aged man next to her: "Eric, this is Dodi Fayed."

Eric has just begun to look at the middle-aged people in front of him. At about forty years old, the appearance of Arabs is not obvious, but some typical features between the eyebrows are easy to distinguish, due to the recent media in the UK. They are all passionate about Diana's new love, and Eric also learned some information from the other side in the newspaper. Interestingly, Dodi Fayed’s claim to the profession was actually a filmmaker, and she was also named executive producer in Spielberg’s "Captain of the House" a few years ago.

Listening to Diana, Eric reached out to the other hand and smiled and said hello.

However, I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Eric thinks that Dodi Fayed seems to be alert when he looks at his own eyes, and his attitude is not too hot. After a brief doubt, Eric couldn't help but laugh. It seems that Dodi Fayed sees himself as a billionaire who is close to Diana for some purpose. Moreover, Eric's wealth and power, even if it is the appearance of age, seems to have the advantage that Dodi Fayed can't match, and the other party's sense of crisis is inevitable.

Diana obviously did not feel the hostility of Dodi Fayed to Eric. When the two of them greeted each other, everyone walked into the banquet hall, but led Eric to go directly to a small donation box. Then the blue eyes were staring at him.

Eric smiled and felt that the character's straightforward Wang Hao was a little cute, and didn't mind. He took out a checkbook and signed a $100,000 check into the donation box.

Diana and other Eric put the cheque into the donation box and smiled and said: "Eric, thank you for your generosity. There are too many people in the world who need help."

"It doesn't matter, this is what I should do," Eric nodded, ignoring Dodi Feyd, who had just stared at him to sign the checkbook and then showed his disapproval. The invitation to the reception stipulated that the guest should donate at least 5,000 pounds. Eric did not have the idea of ​​a smile. The understanding of this party, $100,000, is probably the biggest contribution of the party. There are many charitable activities in Western society. Unless there is a special purpose, no rich person will take out more than one million yuan of donations. Although Eric can afford it, he will not go out of the limelight.

"So, please come with me, Eric, I introduce some guests to you, but they are looking forward to seeing you," Diana said, making a gesture of asking, and walking alongside Eric. And paused again: "Speak up, Eric, I am your fan."

Eric remembers that Diana likes pop music very much. It seems that Prince Charles, who is more admired for the upper class entertainment activities, hates it. He smiles and asks, "Which one do you like the most?"

Diana looked over and said with a smile: "Guess what?"

"Well, "ger"?"

Diana shook her head and said, "No, guess again."


"This is also a great song, but it is not," Diana continued to deny, and then chuckled: "Okay, tell you directly, it is "engaged-and-beautiul", I am very I like the gorgeous and disillusioned feeling expressed by this song, which makes people feel sad and intoxicated."

Eric looked at the beautiful woman who was still standing next to him. He squatted and shook his head gently. "No, you shouldn't like this song."

"Ah, why?" Diana was puzzled.

Eric opened his mouth and shook his head. "Nothing."

Diana did not continue to ask, hesitated, said: "Speaking, Eric, this may be a bit abrupt, but wait, can you sing a song for everyone?"

"If it's for you, of course, no problem," Eric said with a compliment nod. If someone asked him to ask for it, then naturally it is cool. But he didn't want to refuse the little request of the woman in front of him. Seeing Diana's face with shyness and joy, Eric said again: "However, I have never received vocal training, but the live performance is very good. Oops, let Chris come, sing your favorite one, um, "Leng ng-and-beautiul."

Diana hadn’t had much expectations when she made the request. It was just that she heard Eric let Christina sing and looked at the girl who took Aike’s arm and looked like a bird, with surprise and doubt in her eyes. Christina's small appearance is hard to believe that she can sing a song full of vicissitudes like "Leng-and-beautiul".

Eric saw Diana's thoughts and explained: "You don't want to smack Chris. She started performing at the age of eight. When she sings, she is definitely 100 times higher than me."

"Oh, that's alright," said Diana, seeing Eric, nodding her head, turning her head to prepare for the followers behind her, and then introducing Eric to some of the important guests at the reception.

The time soon came to eight o'clock in the evening. There were about two hundred guests in the banquet hall. After Diana introduced several guests to Eric, she went to the small stage of the banquet hall and simply published it. The speech, then the reception officially began.

This type of cocktail party will raise money for the guests, in fact, it is to provide guests with a social occasion that can expand their network. Eric is familiar with the guests who come forward and thinks that there will be no gain tonight, but Unexpectedly discovered a goal that made him interested, Simon Fuller, the owner of a music and entertainment company.

In the original time and space, perhaps many people have never heard of the name of Simon Fuller, but almost no one does not know the sizzling babes and the long-lasting American Idol, and both of them are Simon. Fuller built it by hand.

However, after talking to Simon Fuller, Eric recalled the information in his mind and suddenly found one thing, the hot girl combination?

It is now 1997. According to the history of the past, this time is the moment when the babes are flying, but now Eric has not seen any information about the babes. Moreover, it was after the combination with the babes that Simon Fowler had the idea of ​​making a reality TV show in order to replicate this combination mode, and it was out of control, except for the most famous American Idol. "The popular "Popular Idol" draft model created by Simon Fuller has appeared in different versions in more than 70 countries. (To be continued.)

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